InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kyoudai no Meiyo (The Honor of Brothers) ❯ Dissemination ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"Kyoudai no Meiyo"
By: Lucifer_Spades
Chapter 5-"Dissemination"
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Kagome reflexively reached for the jewel.

Rin reached for the man at her feet. Falling to her knees, she hesitated, only a moment, dread making her tremble slightly. She shook off the human emotion, her lord would never condone such a weakness.

Gently she traced the markings of his race across to the edges of the wound that cleaved his aristocratic features. He took a shallow breath. She turned, her lips moved.

“Help me, Please!”

The figures around her snapped into motion. A set of rough, clawed hands reached him first lifting the limp figure carefully, almost tenderly. Small white fingers gripped the woman-child’s arm to help her rise from the earth. Something touched her cheek, she raised a hand to flick away the annoyance, it came away damp. Her vision blurred. Fighting the tears she forced herself up, to move to her lord’s side, to serve him as she could.

“Rin! Rin! My lord what has happened. Rin!”

Jaken’s tears flowed freely as he threw himself to the ground, blubbering incoherently.

She barely noticed the spectacle, she watched as her lord was placed gently near the fire on a sleeping mat, she didn’t know whose. She moved quickly to his side.

This blood…this blood shouldn’t be here.

She tore franticly at the hem of her kimono for a strip of cloth, she began swiping ineffectually with the fragile silk at the thick rivulets that seeped from his torn flesh. A moistened cloth was placed gently in her hands, she glanced up gratefully at the woman who had given it to her, and began carefully wiping away the offending streaks and smears. Methodically she worked, oblivious to the people looking on. A gentle hand took her trembling one, she looked up at the kind woman.

“Will you allow me to help?”

Kagome’s soft expression questioned her. The girl nodded numbly and moved slightly away. Kagome brought out her first-aid kit, she carefully began removing the tattered remains of the demon lord’s kimono. A pot of hot water appeared at her side. Carefully the miko began cleansing the dirt and grit from the multitude of wounds. Working her way down his torso removing shreds of stained silk as she went. She removed his sleeves and got her first glimpse of the stump given to him by his brother so long ago. She traveled down to deal with a particularly nasty gash that traversed the left side of his rib cage. As she approached his lower regions, the girl beside her gasped softly and turned away.

Lord Sesshomaru will be angry. But, the miko will help him. Won’t she?

She glanced worriedly back at the woman who was kneeling beside the being who had been the center of her life for as long as she could remember. Noting the intense concentration on Kagome’s face she felt a small twist of relief, she was worried but didn’t look panicked.

A good sign, right? He will be ok. Won’t he?

The thoughts stayed buried as she watched the miko at her work. She was very gentle as she cleaned the wounds, one might never have known that the dai youkai and the miko were on less then friendly terms with one another.

It’s just her way, she is kind to those in need.

The girl thought back to the first time she met Kagome.

Kohaku had attacked me, under the order of Naraku, I was knocked unconscious, and I awoke being held by a woman with the most compassionate eyes I had ever seen, I didn’t know who she was then but I knew I was safe with her.

She looked again at the good-hearted woman that tended her guardian .

She still has the same compassion, that focused need to help those in pain.

She tilted her head, and remembered meeting her Lord.

He was hurt, not like today, with torn flesh and broken bone. He had taken the full brunt of Inuyasha’s powerful sword. He could barely move enough to snarl at me, and snarl he did, child though I was. I knew very little, but I knew what it was like to hurt, to have no power to stop the pain, I wanted to help him. Unknowing of what he was then, I offered him what little food I could acquire. He tried to tell me that he didn’t need my help, and I knew deep in my heart that he truly didn’t. When he showed me concern, asked me who had, given me the wounds I carried. I knew at that moment that I wanted to be with him, I wanted to leave the life I led, living on the outskirts of the village, taking what scraps and blows were thrown my way. I needed him. When the wolves came I ran, I tried to run to him, but my blundering, child feet caught a raised root.

She paled slightly from the remembered fear, still strong after all this time.

The next thing I saw was, my Lord Sesshomaru I looked into his eyes and knew I would never have to leave him again.

Her eyes stung again as she came back to herself.

I will do what ever it takes, to help my lord, this time.

“What can I do?”

Kagome’s focused gaze never left her charge.

“Bring me clean, hot water. And in the left side pocket of my bag, there are some large bandages, Bring them to me.”

Her words were clipped, but not sharp. She spared a sympathetic glance for the distraught young woman.

Rin moved quickly to do as she was bid. She reached the battered pack that held, the miko’s treasures. Clumsily she pulled open the flap that hid the bandages, seeing only some odd paper packets that held something cloth like, she snatched them assuming they were the bandages that would help stem the loss of blood. She tucked the hasty bundle beneath her obi, and slid smoothly over to the fire. Their was still a fair amount of water in the pot from their forgotten supper.

It will do.

She cautiously moved the vessel of water to the healer’s side. Watching as, the woman dipped a fresh cloth into it, throwing the dirty, bloodied one to the side onto a pile of rags that had once been a beautiful white kimono.

“The bandages?”

Rin remembered them now and removed the from where she had stashed the strange parcels. Handing them to Kagome, she hoped her apprehensive look was, just from the strain of concentration. The miko began efficiently wrapping the dai youki’s wounds, layering most of his body in white gauzy material.

“The bleeding has stopped but he’s lost a lot, and a good deal of the damage appears to be deep burns likely from Naraku's youki. I think he will heal. I know that he can handle more than a human, and likely even a hanyou, but I just don’t know how much blood loss a full demon can take. I‘ve done all I can for him.”

Kagome placed a hand on Rin’s shoulder.

“You should get some sleep, I don’t think he will wake up tonight.”

Rin stubbornly shook her head.

“I will stay with Lord Sesshomaru, he may have need of me.”

The girl kneeled on the ground near her lord’s head, reaching to flick away a stray pale lock from his brow. Kagome left her to her insomnolence, moving to the fire she washed the dried blood from her hands. She looked around for Inuyasha. She spied him in a tree, staring at the form of his fallen sibling, a forlorn cast to the usually heated gaze that was directed at the dai youkai.

For Inuyasha to see him like this, helpless, it must be strange. Usually if he is seeing him this closely it's as Sesshomaru is trying to kill him.

The thought saddened her.

Inuyasha seemed to sense he was being observed and fixed his regard on her.

He almost looks lost, like when he comes back from talking to Kikyo.

Kagome wondered what the beautiful hanyou was thinking. Said creature returned his gaze to the wounded demon to whom he was genetically linked. A pained expression crossed his face, fleetingly. He turned to study the luminous crescent of the moon.

Kagome slipped into her bedroll. Turning she groaned softly as something dug in to her hip. She reached to the hidden pocket, and removed the pearlescent orb that was the Shikon no tama. She had forgotten it.

Rolling it in her fingers, she pondered the sphere that held so much hope, and so much pain. She reached the fissure that starkly cried out it's imperfection.

Only three shards left for it to be completed. Will Kouga allow us to have his two? and what about Kohaku, what can we do about him?

Banishing the thoughts for the moment she slid the jewel back into the pocket, adjusted her position , and slipped into a fitful sleep.

Inuyasha waited till her even breathing signaled her slumber. Then quietly abandoned his post. Striding unhurriedly to the injured dai youkai's side.

He had watched as Kagome had tended his brother's wounds. Nearly growled, when she had had to undress him, caught himself, then bounded up into the tree to finish observing her task.

I should just kill the fucking bastard now, cut off his breath while he sleeps.

But eying the silent form that slept upright, watching over the prone demon, he knew he couldn't hurt the girl like that, it was plain the female worshipped the bastard.

I'd be cowardly anyway. I f I have to kill him it'll be in a fair fight.

He let his gaze fall again on his brother's wounded body, the bandages glaring white even against the dai youkai's pale flesh. The dressing on the side of the face drew his eye.

He won't be quite as pretty anymore. Serves the fucker right, I told him Naraku was MY prey.

A breeze passed, and a slight shiver disturbed the unconscious demon. Unthinking the hanyou removed the scarlet fire-rat hitatare from around his own shoulders and spread it over the thin blanket that covered his brother. Disturbed at the action, he furrowed his brows.

I guess it'd be a pain in my ass to explain how the dumb ass, died because he caught the sniffles while was recovering after he was hurt while interfering in MY hunt.

He snorted and slunk back to his tree. Adjusting himself on the branch, he thought of his mother, of the time he saw her cry.

She was crying for me, because she knew what it would be like for me, how I would be hated and hunted, even by my own brother.

He gazed again at the red covered, pale figure, inspecting the sapphire arc that marked his forehead, trailing to the magenta stripes slashed across his cheekbones.

I used to think I wanted those too, the markings of a full fledged demon. How stupid was that? To think it was my attempt at achieving it that got Kikyo killed. If I hadn't been after the jewel, Kikyo could have continued protecting it, could have continued living. That wild thief, Onigumo might never have become Naraku. Kikyo might never have brought the jewel into the open, allowing her to be attacked. If it weren't for my wish to become like Sesshomaru, Kikyo could still be alive, maybe she could have eventually purified the jewel and she would have had a normal life. Instead of dying and being brought back to live in the half life she did now. It's all my fault too. I swore I'd protect her, I failed. I swore I'd avenge her, I failed at that too. What use am I, what good is a worthless hanyou, that can‘t keep his promises, even to those he loves?

A soft moaning below him drew his attention, Kagome was tossing erratically in her sleep. He dismounted his branch, and slid to the distressed miko’s side. He watched her a moment, her delicate features twisted in a grimace, lips drawn to a thin line. Something was certainly displeasing her in the dream world. He reached a taloned fingertip to brush away a fine dusky lock that had found it’s way to her cheek. He started slightly as she leaned into his palm. She breathed deeply and quieted. His scent reaching her, calming her.

She’s always trusted in me, counted on me, right from the very begging. What if I fail her too?

He withdrew his hand, she whined softly in her slumber and rooted for his touch. He relented and returned his hand to her, dainty fingers reached up to clasp his, tucking both sets under her cheek in an unconscious gesture as if to bind him in place. He sat down cross legged, careful not to move his arm enough to wake her, and settled in for the night.

It’s not like it’s the first time.

Across the clearing Jaken, having settled down at some point during the preceding, was observing his master from a short distance counting his breaths. He had no idea what to do to be of service, and service was all he knew anymore. Once, a long time ago he had been a leader, he’d had legions of impish demons under his order. That changed the day he met his lord.

We were being decimated by that oni and her army, I was almost a meal for her. Then my lord stepped in, he inadvertently saved my life that day. He was so beautiful and powerful, I couldn’t help but follow him.

The little toad’s eyes watered up with the remembered emotion.

And when he finally accepted me as his servant, it was the happiest moment of my life. To be allowed to serve one such as he, there is no greater honor I could achieve. It was well worth it to leave my people behind.

He raised his arm to swipe roughly at his dampened face.

It must have been a formidable battle for my lord to have been injured so grievously. The miko says he should live, but I can’t help but worry. What would I do with out him? I couldn’t return to my people, they would never take me back. I would have no where to go, I would have to follow my lord even into death.

The devoted servant rolled himself in a ball, eyes fastened on his master’s awesome physique.

Yes, I would follow him to the underworld if it came to that.

A shuffling sound caught his attention, he glanced in the direction of the sound, The monk and the demon slayer were returning from the forest, they had slipped off while the miko was working oh his lord. He heard the murmur of low voices but couldn’t make out what they were saying.

“Sango-chan, we will find a way to save your brother.”

“I know shuudou shi , I just can’t help it, I’m afraid of what will happen now. If Naraku...”

“I know, I know, we will find out what’s going on soon. You need some sleep, this night has been filled with exciting and distressful news for all of us.”

“Thank you Miroku, for following me, I needed it.”

“I could have done nothing less.”

Sango watched as the monk lay down on his sleeping mat., his robes serving as an effective blanket. She smiled reflectively, a she situated herself on her own mat pulling her blankets around her shoulders as if to shield herself form the nights happenings. She had run away into the forest when the wonderful, horrible news of Naraku’s apparent demise had reached her ears, Miroku had followed as he always did when she needed to get away from the rest of the group for awhile. They had been lost in conversation for the last couple of hours, her fretting for her brother, him wondering why, if Naraku was dead, the wind tunnel in his hand was not gone. She wondered at that as well.

If Naraku is truly gone, and the curse was given by Naraku, why is it not gone? My shuudou shi , what will happen to him if the curse can never be lifted? Pervert he may be, I love him and wish to see him free.

Her heart lurched in her chest.

Kohaku...I will see you free of that bastard’s curse on our family as well, he brought about the death of our entire clan, all the demon slayers, save us two. As if that was not enough he took you away from me as well, he tied your life to that jewel shard. To complete the Shikon no Tama we must have that shard, without it you can’t survive.

She felt the heaviness settle behind her breast, she clutched her blankets tighter.

With out you I don’t know if I can survive.

The tormented woman shuffled her position again.

But what worth are two human’s lives, against the fate of the whole land. Am I selfish to want my brother to live, even if it means there will never be peace. What kind of a person am I, that I would think I have the right to make a decision like that?

Breathing deeply to calm herself, she decided to wait, nothing had to be decided yet. With that small comfort she was able to sleep.

Miroku listened to her shallow, broken, breathing, and willed himself not to reach for her. If he did, he would take her, there was no doubt in his mind of that. He knew she would have let him too, if only to drive away the pain and anguish for a few moments.

I could never do that to Sango. When we make love for the first time, it will be out of love and with gladness in our hearts. I don’t want that moment soiled with Naraku’s taint.

He groaned slightly.

Damn Naraku, because of him I can’t even allow myself to have the woman I want now that I have found her. Typical Miroku, here I am thinking about carnal desires, when we don't even know if Naraku is dead. Wouldn't the kazanna be gone? The curse on my family lifted.

He sighed quietly.

And what are we going to do about Kohaku? Kagome has almost the whole jewel, but it must be completed. I have to find a way to help him. I’ll talk to Sango about it in the morning.

He began to drift off, but was startled awake again when he heard rustling. Sitting up, he spied a tuft of red fur poking out of Kagome’s pack.

“Shippo! Go to bed!”

A pair of emerald eyes peeked out from behind the pack. A sheepish grin was plastered on the kitsune’s face, his lips twisted around a sucker stick. He shrugged and scampered back to where he had been sleeping with Kirara and Ah-Un.