InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Life's Not Just A Party ❯ Some Night ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome rolled her eyes and flipped him off.


"Let's get going my motorcycle's around the corner." Inuyasha said smirking at her, as he started walking away.


Kagome fallowed him and when they got to where he parked his bike she looked at him then the seat, and then back at him.


"Come on your friends are worried about you." Inuyasha said looking at her then in front of him while revving up his bike.


Kagome go on and put her arms around his stomach.




When they got there and went to where Kagome's friends were.


"Kagome you idiot!" Sango said hugging her with Ayame.


"It's nice yo see you too, but…I can't breathe." Kagome said the last part trying to get away.


They let go and Ayame said, "You're a moron! How could you leave us alone after that? When the guys showed up and we didn't know where you were Inuyasha growled at us saying we were dumb for letting you go anywhere."


"I thought he was going to tare my head off when I told him." Sango said with a glare at him, and then leaned in and whispered, "I think he likes you."


"I just didn't want to find out I had wasted my time to save you guys and find out that I couldn't help one of you." Inuyasha said from behind Kagome.


"Ok then." Kagome said looking back at him then looking around the room not really paying attention to the conversation going on around her.


"Let's show the girls to her room, Kagome's spacing on us." Inuyasha said the last part in Kagome's ear.


Kagome snapped out of her trance and glared at him.


"Ok." Miroku and Kouga said looking at the girls.


"Why are they so happy?" Sango asked looking at the look in Miroku's eyes.


"We don't want to take the chance of one of the gang going into one of your guy's room because they're drunk or just want to know why some one is in a room that's vacant." Kouga said with a wave of a hand like it was nothing.


"So you're staying with us, just in case." Miroku and grabbing Sango's hand gently.


"I think I'll take my chances." Kagome and Sango said at the same time.


"No you won't." Inuyasha said smirking at Kagome.


"Yes I will." Kagome said noticing Ayame and Kouga going out the door.


"No you won't." Inuyasha growled as Sango and Miroku walked out the door, Sango giving in.


Kagome glared at him shaking her head.


Inuyasha grabbed her hand and lead her out the door and down the hall.


"I'm not going with you." Kagome said trying to get her hand back.


"Too late." Inuyasha said opening a door and then turning back around grabbing her around the waist and pulling her against him. "You're already here."


"So I'm leaving I'll take my chances in another room." Kagome said trying to get away.


Inuyasha leaned down to her eye level, "You're not even tired."


Kagome shook her head saying, "No I'm not."


Inuyasha smirked, "Ok then lets party." Inuyasha said leading her back out of his room, closing the door behind him.


"Where are we going?" Kagome asked walking beside him.


"Down stairs to the club." Inuyasha said looking at her. "I hope you can handle it."


"I can handle anything." Kagome said smiling.


"Good because this club doesn't stop at night especially when we have to lay low." Inuyasha said as they walked down a flight of stair.


"So I take it your gang like's to party." Kagome said as they stood in front of the door.


"Like there's no tomorrow." Inuyasha said as he opened the door and lead her inside. "So would you like a drink first or do you want to dance?"


"Let's dance." Kagome said leading him out to the dance floor.


Inuyasha watched her as they danced she didn't seem to notice anyone but him, and that was very ok with him. He put his hands on her hips and pulled her closer grabbing her attention she opened her eyes and smiled at him. "Having fun?" Inuyasha asked over the music.


"Yeah." Kagome said looking up at him.


"Good." Inuyasha said smirking as she put her hands around his neck.


Kagome couldn't help it, but she seemed to get lost in his eyes.


Inuyasha noticed and took advantage of it and leaned down and kissed her, he didn't know why, but he did.


Kagome seemed to jump back to reality and pulled back blushing.


Inuyasha smirked and lead her off the dance floor and out of the club back upstairs to where he first brought her. "Wan'na sit down?" Inuyasha asked the suddenly quiet Kagome motioning to the couch in front of the T.V.


"Yeah, sure, ok." Kagome said walking over and sitting down.


"How about we watch a movie?" Inuyasha asked walking over to the case of DVD's.


"What do you have?" Kagome asked looking around.


"How about X-MEN?"


"Yeah ok." Kagome said as Inuyasha put in the movie.


Inuyasha sat beside her, as she leaned back stretching. About half way through the movie she fell asleep leaning on him. Inuyasha picked her up and turned everything off, and walked to his room.


"Don't go." Kagome whimpered in her sleep.


Inuyasha looked down at her as he laid her down on the bed. He thought as he laid down next to her, "Wonder what she's dreaming."


Kagome started to twist and turn whimpering something he couldn't understand. To stop her from moving around he pulled her to him so she was facing him, and when he did that she grabbed on to his shirt. She stopped moving but that didn't help the fact that she was whimpering, so he licked her neck hoping to calm her down.


"Kagome calm down." Inuyasha whispered not really expecting to much, but she did seem to calm down a little. He would have to ask her about her dream in the morning.