InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Life's Not Just A Party ❯ Sparring ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


They all went into the game room and met the people who were in there and settled on doing different things. Ayame and Kouga were playing videogames, Sango and Miroku were playing pool and Inuyasha had taken Kagome and went next door to the training room.


"Well you didn't seem too thrilled to play those types of games, let's play my type of game." Inuyasha smirked as Kagome looked around at the room. "Do you know how to fight at all?" Inuyasha asked as he walked past other mats and people and stood on the one in the middle.


Kagome followed him looking at the other people. "Yeah I do. I took classes when I was younger by the request of my family" Kagome said standing in front of Inuyasha still looking around. "In any case I know kickboxing, how to use a bow and arrow, a sword, and a few different martial arts." Kagome looked back at him and in a sly tone said, "Not to mention a few different ways to fight dirty, but that's just between me and you."


"That's the best new' I've heard all day." Inuyasha smirked looking her in the eye. "So what shall we fight with?"


"It's an unfair fight no matter how you turn it so we'll just fight with our body." Kagome said jumping back.


"I won't lie it is an unfair fight, but I won't hold back, it's against who I am." Inuyasha said taking her lead and jumping back a few steps.


"I wouldn't want you to hold back." Kagome said, and with a bow of her head they ran at each other. Kagome went to punch him in the stomach when he jumped in the air over her head. Kagome turned and ducked just in time to miss a punch to the back. Kagome swung her foot around and just missed him by a centimeter.


After about thirty minutes Inuyasha started up a conversation "You're rather good at this. I would have put more then two half descent blows on you." Inuyasha said as he grabbed her foot and pulled her closer, only to have her push off his chest into a back flip. "Not to mention, we have an audience." He backed up either blocking her blows or dodging them, as she ran at him.


"You're not…so bad yourself." Kagome panted jumping back as he threw a punch. He grazed her arm it stung, but didn't bother her with the current adrenalin rush. "They haven't seen people…go at it like this in a while have…they?" Kagome said taking deep breaths. She managed to punch him in the upper shoulder, before moving back as he started throwing a series of punches.


"No it's not that, they haven't seen someone last this long in a fight with me in a while." Inuyasha said as Kagome ducked and managed to knock his feet out from under him, but he did a back flip landing on his feet. "It's a shock to me too I mean you've put a few good blows to me." Inuyasha said as he ran and instead of punching at her like she anticipated he jumped at the last minute landing behind her. Before she could turn around he pulled her back into his chest whispering in her ear, so only she could hear, "But now playtime is over. You're so tired you're going to faint, I can sense it."


He was right, she was going all out, and was taking its toll on her, the adrenalin was wearing off. "I'm not going to faint." Kagome managed to pant out.


"Kagome let him take you upstairs." Sango said urgently walking past everyone with Ayame behind her. "How could you not call it quits before you ran out of energy?"


"Kagome you could have gotten hurt." Ayame said shaking her head at her friend.


"No I'm perfectly fine." Kagome said pushing away from Inuyasha and standing on her own.


"Kagome let me take you back upstairs before you faint and hurt yourself." Inuyasha said calmly looking at the girl who was very close to falling over.


"I'm fine, but I do think I will lie down." Kagome said turning to Inuyasha. "Seeing as I don't have a room yet can I use yours?"


"Yeah you can." Inuyasha said with a slight smile. "Are you sure you can get up the stairs though?"


Kagome nodded firmly and started walking as best she could, everyone moving out of her way. When she walked out of the training room and around the corner she fell to her knees.


"You're not ok as you say." Inuyasha said leaning against the wall looking down at the girl. "You should have stopped we could have picked up again some other time."


"I don't back down." Kagome panted shaking her head.


Inuyasha walked up behind her, and leaned down and pulled her back to her feet and back against him. He leaned against the wall her resting against him saying, "So tell me is it because you like the rush, or you've had it bad; back before you met your friends."


Kagome sighed looking to the side down the hall and said, "I had it bad. My dad died when I was young, right after my mom had my little bro. My mom just couldn't take it, she snapped under the pressure. She loved Souta like the world would stop spinning if anything happened to him. I on the other hand seemed to be the reason she wanted nothing more then to stop living. She didn't like the fact that I lived and my father didn't. She would have gratefully have found out that day that I had died and my father lived. She did a lot to me, did more then hurt me physically." Kagome sighed again Inuyasha had been just sitting there, and did nothing but growl now and again. "I couldn't take it so I ran…the cops got me a few days later, and tried giving me back to my mom, but when I showed up on the doorstep with the cops, she told them she didn't want me. In fact she told it more to me then to them. Souta was crying saying he wanted me to come home, and that mommy would be nice to me, because he'd stop talking to her if she didn't. I started to cry at that, I couldn't take it when Souta said that. He ran out and gave me a hug and told the cops that mommy had hit me, and he didn't want to stay with her anymore." Kagome closed her eyes taking deep breaths trying not to cry, she was doing ok at the tears still were shining brightly in her eyes. "So they took us to a foster home…Souta was happy enough and so was I. One day when I was picking up Souta there was a bunch of cops outside his school. Turns out someone was holding up the school and they shot Souta…"


Inuyasha started nuzzling her shoulder holding her to him. She was still tired, and now on top of that she was upset. "Let's go you still need to rest, you're still tired."


Kagome stood up straight still a little off balance. "Ok."


Inuyasha walked over to her and picked her up bridal style and walked her up to his room.