InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Life's Not Just A Party ❯ Some Dancing ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Kagome you said you would go to bed.” Inuyasha said looking at her sitting on his bed.
“I don't have to do anything you say, and I don't need to be babied.” Kagome said crossing her arms as she yawned.
Inuyasha sighed and said, “Apparently you do need to be babied otherwise you would be sleeping now.”
“I do not.” Kagome said looking to the side.
“You're so tired you're going to fall asleep sitting up.” Inuyasha said shaking his head, “but you know what fine, I'll be down stairs you can't go anywhere till you sleep.”
“Jerk.” Kagome said as he walked out the door.
“Yeah tell me something I don't know.” Inuyasha said as he walked down the hallway.
“Inuyasha is she ok?” Sango asked walking up to him.
“Yeah she's fine, just stubborn beyond reasoning.” Inuyasha said down at Sango.
“Yeah I know.” Sango said following him. “She's been that way for a while, she just never gives up, even if she knows she'll loose in the end it's not likely she'll be awake to know she lost.”
“Do you know why?” Inuyasha asked out of curiosity.
“Yeah I do but I don't think she knows she told me.” Sango said looking at the ground, “Ayame doesn't know though, and I don't think Kagome even wants me knowing.”
“What do you mean she doesn't know she told you?” Inuyasha asked stopping.
“She met me shortly after her brother was killed I think, and we got mugged by the guy who shot Souta.” Sango said walking into the room Miroku had showed her, and said he was hers. “I got knocked out and I guess Kagome fought hard because when I came to Kagome was leaning up against the wall her shirt had what appeared to be claw marks in her shirt, and the guy was no where to be seen.”
Inuyasha was standing next to the now closed door and Sango was sitting on her bed. “And she told you sometime during all this?”
“She told me thinking I was still knocked out, while she was waiting for the police.” Sango said with a sigh. “We met Ayame the next week at school.”
“Well that's the second most unnerving story I've heard today.” Inuyasha said turning towards the door. “I'm going out if anyone asks; in fact go tell Miroku and Kouga in about a half an hour.”
“Ok Inuyasha.” Sango said as he walked out the door.
In the last hour or so he had learned more about one girl then he had about his two best friends in a year. Getting to know her like that wasn't the plan, getting her and her friend's out of danger was, after which they were to return home. Inuyasha was now driving down a better part of town towards Sesshomaru his half brother. Sesshomaru was currently helping him and his gang out of the trouble he was in. Not to mention, he never had any problems with beating the life out of him when he was on over load. Inuyasha walked in the skyscraper after parking his car and headed up to Sesshomaru's level ignoring any strange glances he got from people.
“Brother, what the hell is going on? My employees, who I can see are right, said you look like you're ready to kill something, it's not a great sight to some of the humans to see a mad, growling half demon, so do me a favor and explain yourself.” Sesshomaru said standing in front of Inuyasha.
“I've had a really bad morning, was hoping you were in the mood for some sparing.” Inuyasha said looking around his brother's office it was a perfect example of how different they were.
“Why your new girlfriend wake up on the wrong side of the bed?” Sesshomaru asked taking a seat behind his desk.
“I don't have a girlfriend, but the girl you smell is the reason my morning has been hectic.” Inuyasha said sitting down in front of his brother's desk.
“You normally don't have any problems getting rid of someone you don't like.” Sesshomaru said, thinking he'd take some time and make his brother tell him everything without asking directly.
“I'm trying to save her and her friends not kill her, apparently almost everyone before me has tried.” Inuyasha said standing up. “If you aren't going to spar I'm out of here.”
“I have work to do other wise I would have no problem with kicking your ass.” Sesshomaru said standing up.
“Talk to you tomorrow, unless we get attacked in which case I'll call you sooner.” Inuyasha said following him out the door and heading out the other direction.
“Hey Inuyasha don't fall for the girl if you plan on letting her go home after this.” Sesshomaru said as he left.
“So much for blowing off steam…” Inuyasha said as he got back in his car and headed to Sesshomaru's club.
~Back at the mansion~
Kagome woke up and looked around half expecting to see a smirking Inuyasha saying something along the lines of, See I told you, you needed sleep, but he didn't pop up nor was he in the room.
“Oh Kagome you're awake that's good to know.” Kouga said walking in and over to where she was sitting. “Your friends would like to know if you're awake enough to go to a club.”
“Yeah I'm up and ready to go.” Kagome said getting up and walking over to the door grabbing her shoes and putting them on. “What club, and also when do me and my friends get to go home and get some new clothes?”
“Tonight, after we go to the club.” Kouga said leading Kagome downstairs to where her friends were.
Sango and Ayame looked at their friend with big grins, and Miroku was looking at them like they were going insane
“Save it for Inuyasha.” Kagome said grabbing Sango's brush and running it threw her hair. “I'm sure he'll have a big I told you so, ready for me when he hears about it.”
“You know I think I will leave it for Inuyasha to say.” Sango said leading a giggling Ayame out the door after Miroku.
“Well that was the oddest conversation I have ever had the pleasure of hearing.” Kouga said walking out with Kagome behind him. “How could you tell they weren't laughing about your hair or something?”
“Because, we would have ambushed her, and fixed it for her.” Ayame said as Kouga got in beside her, Kagome on the other side, with Sango up front, with Miroku driving.
After a few about fifteen minutes of driving they showed up at the club that Sesshomaru owned to let off some steam from the days events.
Miroku dragged Sango off into the crowd, while Ayame and Kouga disappeared in the opposite direction. Kagome looked around and then walked threw the crowd swinging her hips slightly with arms in the air, so she could get by the people, her destination being the bar on the other side of the room. When Kagome reached about the middle of the room someone grabbed her around the waist; whispering in her ear, "Hi there baby, care to dance?"
Kagome turned around putting her arms around the guys head looking into his gold eyes and said, “Sure thing.”
“The girls said you fell asleep.” Inuyasha said with a smirk. “And I thought you said you weren't tired.”
“Shut it and dance mutt.” Kagome said with a smirk of her own.
“Watch it, this mutt bites.” Inuyasha growled in her ear.
“I'm sure.” Kagome smirked as she turned around and started to walk towards the bar.
Inuyasha pulled Kagome's back to his chest grinding his hips into her. “You can count on it bitch.”
Kagome sighed, but decided to try and beat him at his own game. Kagome swayed her hips just a little bit away from him. Inuyasha wasn't going to have any of that, and pulled her back into him with his hand on her stomach, so she was grinding against him.
After a few songs Kagome started moving faster against him, as he did the same to her. Kagome put her hands over his on her stomach. Kagome laughed to her self and said so he could her over the music, “I can't believe I let you get away with calling me a bitch.”
Inuyasha lowered his head so his mouth was next to her ear and said, “Get over it.”
“Jerk.” Kagome said turning around. “Where are those friends of ours?”
“They're probably around here somewhere, let's go check the parking lot and make sure they didn't leave.” Inuyasha said leading Kagome to the door.
“Did they know you were here?” Kagome asked as they walked out side.
“No I didn't tell anyone…” Inuyasha said as Kagome scanned the parking lot.
“They left me here, with you.” Kagome said as Inuyasha walked towards his car.
“Well at least they left a note.” Inuyasha said picking up the piece of paper and unfolding it. “Looks like they all had something to say…”
“Let me see.” Kagome said grabbing the note and reading it out loud. “From Sango, Nice dancing Kagome, you sure aren't tired now!
Ayame, Nice moves Inuyasha, that's the first time I've seen Kags dance like that.
Miroku, ditto from what the girls said, remember to take Kagome home to get clothes, P.S. Kagome don't let his head get to big.
Kouga, Where'd you learn to dance like that Kagome? Inuyasha you got some girl there!”
“They need to cut short their notes.” Inuyasha said looking it over, “The only useful information is what Miroku said, and even that isn't useful.”
“I'm not his.” Kagome said to her self as she ran her hand threw her hair.
“Let's get you clothes.” Inuyasha said smirking as he got in the car.
Kagome walked over to the passenger side door and tried to open it but it was locked, “Inuyasha open the damn door its cold out here.”
“What's in it for me?” Inuyasha asked stretching looking at her broadly.
“Nothing just let me in!” Kagome yelled at him.
“Come on Kagome, it's not that hard, just tell me something that I could get out of it.” Inuyasha said with a smirk.
“Anything just let me in.” Kagome growled glaring at him.
Inuyasha unlocked the door and Kagome got in hitting her self on the head realizing what she just said. “Well Kagome I guess I'll have to come up with something that I want from you.”
“You evil mutt.” Kagome muttered.
“Ain't I though, bitch.” Inuyasha smirked as her headed for her house.
“Don't call me that.” Kagome growled hitting him over the head.