InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Life's Not Just A Party ❯ Sleeping Arrangements ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Inuyasha looked down at the girl in his arms she was sleeping and it was well past twelve at night. He had called Miroku a while ago saying they would stay the night here and then leave in the morning as soon as they woke up. If her dream would have been true they just escaped fate, he just let it be, she felt better obviously seeing as she was deeply sleeping in his arms. They had been watching a scary movie and he offered to comfort her she fell asleep while they watched a cartoon afterwards.
“Inuyasha?” Kagome yawned as she woke up looking around but not moving from her comfortable spot.
“Yeah Kagome?” Inuyasha answered as he looked down at her from the T.V. screen.
“What time is it?” Kagome asked as she reluctantly sat up and stretched.
“It's around one in the morning.” Inuyasha said looking at her as he turned off the T.V.
“Oh, I guess we aren't going back tonight, huh?” Kagome asked as Inuyasha stood up and started for the stairs.
“Right, we're leaving in the morning.” Inuyasha yawned.
“Where do you think you're going may I ask?” Kagome asked following after him.
“To your room, I would like to sleep in a bed.” Inuyasha flashed her a smirk from over his shoulder.
“No way, you can sleep in the guest room.” Kagome whined as he laid down on her bed.
“No your bed is better.” Inuyasha said as he got under the covers and hugged her pillow his eyes were shining with playfulness Kagome could tell even in the dark.
“How do you know?” Kagome whined at him from the side of her bed, trying to take the covers off of him.
“Because you would be in the guest room if it was better.” Inuyasha chuckled as he let go of the covers, but he didn't move.
“What brought this on?” Kagome asked putting her hands on her hips after throwing the covers back at him.
“Nothing just thought I'd sleep in the good bed.” Inuyasha said as he moved under the covers so she couldn't see any of him.
Kagome moved so she was kneeling on the edge of the bed beside the lump that was Inuyasha. “Please Inuyasha I'm tired I want some sleep.”
Inuyasha poked his head out and smirked saying, “You have been sleeping.”
“But Inuyasha I'm still tired.” Kagome whined as she poked his back as he pulled his head back under.
“Please…” Kagome whined as she moved to the headboard and leaned down.
Inuyasha moved the covers off his head and looked at her his smirk bigger then before, and said, “You could always sleep in here with me.”
“No Inuyasha go.” Kagome said her eyes wide as she sat up on her knees.
Before Kagome could react she had somehow ended up below Inuyasha who was now straddling her waist. “To bad.”
“Get off!” Kagome said as she tried to get away.
“Nope.” Inuyasha said as he leaned so their lips were almost touching. “Also I need to tell you something I got cut off when that cop came to the door.” Inuyasha's gaze kept going from her lips to her eyes, and Kagome's gaze was at his lips, her heart had also sped up. This wasn't exactly how he thought he was going to scold her but hey whatever worked. “When I tell you to do something you do it. It's mostly for your safety, or just for the simple fact that you should or I want you to do something. You don't question me and that's how it is. Until we make sure you guys are safe, I'll be treating you like part of the gang which means I'm the boss, and you listen to me.”
Kagome was glaring at him and no longer cared that he was that close as she yelled at him, “I don't have to listen to anything you say!”
Inuyasha smirked and nipped her bottom lip, “Yes you do, so get over it baby.”
“Don't call me that.” Kagome hissed at him.
“I certainly don't have to listen to you babe.” Inuyasha smirked as he moved off her and to the side.
Kagome kind of growled and went to get away only for Inuyasha to pull her back to him. When Kagome went to turn around to look at him and yell at him (more importantly) he growled at her and told her to stay still. “Jerk.”
“Sing me a new song baby I've already heard this one.” Inuyasha playfully whispered in her ear.
“Let me go!” Kagome yelled as she tried to get away.
“Be quiet.” Inuyasha growled in her ear making her shiver.
Kagome turned around asked, “Inuyasha why did you and your friends decide that you would help us?”
This girl had some mood swings, or she realized she wasn't going anywhere. “Because none of this is your fault, you guys were just out parting and we kind of ruined your lives.”
Kagome nodded before saying, “So I guess I don't get to go anywhere.”
“You guess right.” Inuyasha said before he moved so she was closer to the wall. Inuyasha was still holding her close to her head now tucked under his chin.
“This counts as what you get from me.” Kagome said in a matter-o-fact way.
“Does not.” Inuyasha mumbled into her hair.
“I could start yelling and make your night a living hell.” Kagome said evilly.
“You could, but as soon as I fall asleep I can sleep threw a bomb so you're out of luck. You still owe me for letting you in my car.” Inuyasha mumbled.
“You dislike you.” Kagome yawned.
“As long as you don't hate me.” Inuyasha chuckled.