InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Life's Not Just A Party ❯ After ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kaede walked out of the room and up to Sesshomaru. “She should be ok it wasn't too deep just big.”
“What's Inuyasha doing and I hope he wasn't too much of a menace.” Sesshomaru said as he led her down stairs and to the door.
“He's just sitting with Kagome. With the exception of every time Kagome whined and scrunch up her face in pain he was ok.” Kaede said with a shrug. Kaede smiled slightly and said, “I would have preferred to do my job with out him growling at me, but at least he didn't get shot this time, he's the worst patient in the history of patients.”
“I see, well then the chances of me getting him away from her for a moment are like a snowballs chance in hell.” Sesshomaru said with a shrug. “Thank you again for showing up so quickly, and I'll send you your money in a week or so.”
“You're welcome, but you don't really have to, even though you're going to because business is business.” Kaede said as she left.
“Is she going to be ok?” Sango asked as she and Ayame walked up to him.
“She'll be fine.” Sesshomaru said looking down at them. “Don't worry about it, but I suggest you don't bug her or Inuyasha till he comes out. Really I suggest you stay as far as possible from that room.”
“Why?” Ayame questioned her eyebrow raised.
“Because Inuyasha feels responsible so he's going to stay with her till she's at least awake. He'll do anything to make sure she stays safe till that happens, even if it means keeping her friends and his friends away from her.” Sesshomaru said as Miroku and Kouga walked up.
“We learned that the hard way.” Kouga said as she shook his head. “He almost took out my eye with that throwing star.”
“Well then, they learned their lesson, although Kouga should have known not to come within ten feet of that door. By the way I have some where to be, so Miroku when Inuyasha comes out for good and Kagome is at least some what healed have Inuyasha give me a call.” Sesshomaru said before leaving.
“Kagome I'm sorry.” Inuyasha whined into the sleeping girl's neck. “I just wanted to be able to let you go. If you hate me it'll be easier to just convince myself that I don't care about you.” Inuyasha had Kagome in his lap and was rubbing her upper stomach. “I can't keep you here, but I don't want to let you go…” Inuyasha whispered in between the light kisses he was placing on her neck and shoulder.
“Don't have the guts to tell her when she's awake?” Sango asked from in front of door that she just closed.
“Get the hell out.” Inuyasha growled at Sango.
“I'm her friend; I'm not going to let you hurt her.” Sango said as she came closer.
“I'm not hurting her.” Inuyasha said as he glared at her as she moved next to the bed.
“Not physically. She likes you, she wants to trust you.” Sango said ignoring the growls coming from him. “You're going to pretend you don't care, and that's going to hurt her more then a weapon ever could.”
“I'm not someone you can trust, not even my friend's trust me.” Inuyasha said putting Kagome beside him, and stood in front of Sango.
“I'm sure they do.” Sango insisted.
“They don't.” Inuyasha said grabbing Sango's arm so she didn't run away. “In a dire situation, I won't be able to save them. Because odds are I'm just as hurt as them if not more. I'll change…I'll become the danger.” Inuyasha smirked as Sango tried to get away. “I'll become your worst nightmare. A friend that can't recognize their friends.”
“Inuyasha let me go.” Sango pleaded quietly.
Inuyasha let her go and walked over to the door and opening it. “Get out, now.” Sango nodded and left. Inuyasha shut the door resting his head on it.
“Inuyasha, what happens to you?” Kagome asked as she leaned her head on his back, rapping her arms around his waist.
“I lose control.” Inuyasha said not bothering to move, just wanting her to be near him. “I become a monster.”
“You're protecting yourself, that doesn't make you a monster.”
“I've killed members of my gang. I've killed my friends. If that's not a monster I don't know what is.” Inuyasha said shaking his head.
“You can't control it. That's not your fault.” Kagome said as she let him go and moved so she was between him and the door. “A monster does that when he can control it.”
“Kagome I'm sorry.” Inuyasha said as he hugged her.
“Why?” Kagome asked as she hugged him back.
“I'm sorry you got hurt, and I wasn't there to stop it.” Inuyasha said as he held her close to him.
“It's ok, I shouldn't have said that.” Kagome said shaking her head. “I want and need your help.”
“I…” Inuyasha growled in frustration. “I…”
“What?” Kagome quietly prodded.
“Kagome, when I fix this mess and let you go home, I'll tell you why I said what I said.” Inuyasha said letting her go. “You need to lie down.”
Kagome nodded as she followed Inuyasha to the bed and laid down. Inuyasha got in behind her and laid his arm over her stomach gently pulling her closer to him.