InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Life's Not Just A Party ❯ You're Going Home ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The next day Inuyasha was watching Kagome and Ayame play DDR, so far Kagome was winning, but Ayame wasn't too far behind. It was about the most dangerous thing he would let Kagome do at the moment. Kagome was wearing a baggie top and some short shorts, which just about disappeared under the top.
“I win!” Kagome cheered as she jumped around.
“I give up, I'm tired.” Ayame said as she walked over and dropped on the couch in-between Inuyasha and Kouga.
“Aw come on I need something to do.” Kagome said as she looked at the three on the couch. “Until tomorrow when Inuyasha is convinced that I'm perfectly fine, and lets me down in the club.”
“Inuyasha you do something about this.” Ayame whined at him.
Inuyasha shook his head and stood up grabbing Kagome's hand. She needed to stop playing that game in those shorts anyway. She shouldn't be aloud to wear those. “Is there anything you want to do that doesn't require movement?”
“Inuyasha I've slept way too much, I need to do something.” Kagome said as she looked at him with a smile.
“You just want to drive me insane until you can go outside again.” Inuyasha said as he sat on the couch in the living room and bought Kagome down into his lap.
“I just have too much pent up energy.” Kagome said as she leaned back.
“That and you want to show off those shorts.” Inuyasha said with a smirk.
“Not true, I did when I first got them; I got a lot of compliments.” Kagome said giggling when Inuyasha growled. “I'm kidding, Sango and Ayame made me wear them after they bought them to go swimming in, I thought I would die from embarrassment.”
“I don't know why, you have great legs.” Inuyasha said as he smiled into her shoulder.
“So you say.” Kagome said standing up and walking into the kitchen with Inuyasha behind her.
“You doubt my word?” Inuyasha growled playfully.
“No.” Kagome said with a smile. “Let's swim!” Kagome said when she caught a glimpse of Sango in the pool and Miroku getting a tan.
“Did you bring a bathing suit?” Inuyasha asked his eyebrow raised.
“No, but I can wear what I got on. Come on Inuyasha please, swimming isn't dangerous.” Kagome pleaded with him.
“Ok I'll be right back.” Inuyasha said as he left.
Kagome smiled and ran outside looking at the pool. It was huge, and there was a small water fall at the far end.
“So Inuyasha's going to let you swim.” Miroku said as he looked up at her.
“Yup, not that I would have let him stop me, I love to swim.” Kagome said as Sango came back up.
“So someone's going to swim with me?!” Sango cheered.
Kagome nodded, but stopped when she noticed Sango move over against the wall. Kagome looked back and realized Inuyasha was behind her, smirking. “Yeah?”
“You said you wanted to swim.” Inuyasha said with a grin before, picking her up and jumping in the pool.
“Not cool!” Kagome whined after they came up.
“You wanted to swim so I helped you in the pool.” Inuyasha laughed.
Inuyasha and Kagome dragged their feet into the house, and over to the couch falling on it.
“You have a lot of stamina…” Inuyasha said as he leaned on the armrest.
“Never again…” Kagome said as she leaned over on the other.
“Well that's what we get for tricking that crazy security guard.” Inuyasha said with a slight shrug.
“What did you two do?” Ayame asked as she walked into the kitchen.
“Had some fun that didn't require a bed.” Kagome laughed.
“That's not funny!” Ayame whined.
“I'm sorry but the last time I said I had some fun with a guy and came in out of breath you wouldn't stop laughing, I kicked you out of my house for two days.” Kagome said with shrug.
“What did you guys do in your spare time?” Inuyasha asked as he looked at Kagome suspiciously.
“Went to clubs, parties, slept, ate, among other things.” Kagome said glaring at him.
“See you later.” Ayame said as she ran up stairs.
“What were the other things?” Inuyasha asked with a smirk.
“You're more immature then she is.” Kagome said blushing as she caught his meaning.
“No I'm just curious.” Inuyasha said as he sat back.
“Went out with guys, not the guys I dated ever got far.” Kagome said as she stretched.
“How far did they get?”
“A small kiss.”
“How small, like this?” Inuyasha asked before lightly kissing her cheek. “Or,” Then he lightly kissed her lips, “Then there's always.” Inuyasha then turned Kagome so she was leaning against the armrest.
“Inuyasha..?” Kagome asked as he stalked up her body.
“Quiet…” Inuyasha whispered into her neck. “Just sit back.” He finished before he ran open mouth kisses over her shoulder as he moved the shoulder of the sleeve over.
“But Inuyasha…” Kagome started but stopped when he leaned up and looked into her eyes then pushed his lips to hers in a dominating kiss.
“Inuyasha you'll never be able to let her go if you get in her pants.” Sesshomaru said deciding to stop them before they did something they shouldn't.
Inuyasha pulled back and growled up at Sesshomaru before kissing Kagome, and getting off her. “What do you want?”
“To talk to you.” Sesshomaru said as Kagome quietly excused herself and walked upstairs.
“And what paint our claws, get on with it.” Inuyasha said sounding very annoyed.
“Miroku called and said that Kagome was better, then I believe a girl named Sango got on and yelled at me to do something about you.” Sesshomaru said as he sat down on the couch.
“I see.” Inuyasha said taking a seat next to him.
“So what needs to be done?”
“I don't know.” Inuyasha said shaking his head. “I'd say take her somewhere safe or send her home and have someone watch her, but…I don't know.”
“I think that's what we'll do.” Sesshomaru said standing up.
“But who's going to watch them?”
“You, Miroku, and Kouga.”
“When should they go…”
“Tomorrow, and don't tell them someone is watching them. Just say I paid of Naraku.” Sesshomaru said before he headed for the door.
Inuyasha's hand shot out and shut the door before Sesshomaru walked out, “But that's torture…I can't just watch her, I got to talk to her, and be near her.”
Sesshomaru looked at his brother sympathetically before saying, “I can't tell you what decisions to make, but you have to let her go.”
Inuyasha tensed but dropped his arm and let Sesshomaru leaved. I have to let her go…he's right, I can't just keep her here, it wouldn't be fair. Inuyasha walked up stairs and into his room to find Kagome sitting on his bed. She looked up and smiled at him before dropping the smile once she saw his frown.
“What's wrong?” Kagome asked as he sat next to her.
Inuyasha shook his head giving her a slight smile, “You can go home with your friends tomorrow.”
Kagome smiled and hugged him. “Thank you.” She whispered.
Inuyasha hugged her back. It has to be done…