InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Life's Not Just A Party ❯ Home ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome dropped onto her bed. She had just finished putting away her stuff, and answering some questions her neighbors had for her. It had been a long day. Kagome rolled on to her other side looking out the window with a sigh. The phone rang and Kagome reached under the bed for it and turned it on.
“Kagome speaking.” Kagome said as she flopped on to her back.
“Hey Kagome, it me Sango.”
“Hey, what's up?”
“Nothing hoping you wanted to do something.”
“Nah I think I'm going to just stay in tonight, why?” Kagome said as she opened her window and looked out.
 “Well, me and Ayame were going to go shopping…”
“Nah thanks have fun though.”
“You miss him, huh?”
Kagome got off her bed and looked around, “Kinda…”
“Which is code for; I wish I was with him right now, and sharing another hot kiss.”
“Sango shut it before I throw this phone out my window.”
“Sorry, but it's true…Ah Kags got to go, Ayame's getting impatient. Bye.”
“Bye…” Kagome said before turning off the phone and setting it on the receiver to charge.
“I should have gone with them, if only for kicks…” Kagome said as she headed down stairs. “Can't even go to work, I got fired for not calling in sick…” Kagome mumbled as she sat at the bottom of the stairs. “I could call Hojo, he's sickeningly nice, but he never turns down a date.” Kagome stood up, before sitting back down. “I rather play in traffic.”
Kagome stood up and walked back upstairs preparing for a nap. It was only twelve in the afternoon, so it was to early for her to go to bed for the night, and defiantly to early to go to a club, and have a decent time trying to forget the only one she really wanted to dance with. Kagome laid on her bed after shutting the window.
Inuyasha looked at the now sleeping girl from the tree next to her window. This was just down right sad. She didn't go with her friends only to take a nap, and she missed him, but that was nice to hear. Inuyasha walked on a sturdy branch over to the window pushing it open, and slipping in. “This is truly sad Kagome…” Inuyasha sighed as he jumped over the bed and silently landed on the floor next to the bed.
Hmm…Inuyasha thought to himself as he looked down at her. I could talk to her one last time, then keep my promise and not let her see me… Inuyasha bent over to tap Kagome on the shoulder, only for the phone to ring. Inuyasha then jumped out the window, to the tree, then up to the roof.
Kagome looked around groggily, before getting up and grabbing the phone answering it. “Kagome here.”
“Hi Kagome” Came the all too happy voice of Hojo.
“Hey Hojo, what's up?” Kagome said shutting the window then hitting her head on it.
“Nothing much, you?”
“Well if you don't have anything to do tonight, would you come with me to a club?”
“Sure, I'd love to.” Kagome said putting on her best act in a long time. What happened to playing in traffic?
“Great, I'll come get you at nine.”
“Sounds good.” Kagome said adding a nod even though he couldn't see her.
“Talk to you then.”
“Ok bye.”
With that Kagome turned off the phone. “Why does playing in traffic sound so good at the moment?” Kagome mumbled to herself. Kagome laughed and said what she really wanted to say to Hojo, “Oh Hojo I'm sorry but I have so much to do today. I have to find every funny way to make fun of your name, which could take a good four hours, then I have to run around the pool with a butcher knife pointed at my heart, then I have to make fun of some scary biker guys mom, then on the off chance that I live through the last one I have to tie a noose around my neck and jump.”
Kagome laughed imitating a five year old, “But Kagome, you'll get hurt.”
Kagome abruptly stopped laughing and said, “If only.”
Inuyasha could tell Kagome didn't want to talk to the guy when she said hi, but the show she just put on took the cake. Inuyasha didn't know what to do, save Kagome and call her asking to go out for the night before…put convincing lie here, or just go and kill the guy for her.
He's going to be near MY Kagome, when I can't! Inuyasha let out a low growl as he dropped to the ground and headed of his car down the street. I'll just have to hold my tongue and follow them, but first I'm getting something to eat…and plot the best way to disposed of my brothers' body, and anything that Hojo guy puts on my Kagome, or anything he dreams of putting on her. Inuyasha growled at the last part as he drove down the street.
Kagome looked at herself in the mirror and shrugged. She was in some baggie jeans the hung loosely on her hips, and a tube top. It was nothing special in her books; she left her hair down not really into styling her hair. Either way Hojo was too nice to ever tell her that he didn't like it when she wore baggie clothing.
The doorbell rang and Kagome got the door putting on a smile. “Hey Hojo.”
“Hey Kagome.” He said smiling as he took in what she was wearing. “You look, nice.”
“What is it a fancy club I can go change for you.” Kagome said looking down at what she was wearing.
“No, no, it's great. It's just you know…” Hojo trailed off.
Wow he's growing a backbone. “If it really bothers you I could go change…” Kagome said looking up at him slightly disappointed.
“No that's fine, you look beautiful in anything.” Hojo said with a smile.
“Thank you.” Kagome said putting on a bright smile.
Inuyasha growled from the shadows as they walked away. How could that guy be so blind, as to not see that she's forcing herself to be happy?!
Inuyasha got in his car after they were clear, and followed them from about five cars back so he didn't appear to be following them.
Once they got to the club they walked in and Hojo led them to the bar and sat down ordering them water.
Kagome looked at the water set in front of her and noticed the smell of liquor. Hojo was getting bold; he was spiking her drink, or drugging it. In either case Kagome reached out for it and “accidentally” spilt it. “Oh my I'm so sorry.” Kagome said with fake surprise though Hojo didn't notice. Kagome got up and walked down to the end where the bar tender was. “Can I have a rag?” Kagome said as she looked to the side.
“Sure thing Sweetheart.” He said tossing it to her. “Care for another drink?”
Kagome's eyes shined dangerously as she said, “Tell me bud, what did you put in it that's worth asking if I want more? When some one spills a water, you give them another, and although the idiot I'm here with doesn't realize this, water's free, and if it's not it sure as hell doesn't cost twenty bucks.”
“You used to be a bartender?” The guy asked simply, knowing he had been caught.
“Yeah, and if I felt like it I could get you fired, and I could replace you seeing I'm currently out of work.” Kagome said before walking away to wipe up the mess she made.
The dumbass tried to drug her! I should tare his throat out! Inuyasha thought as he leaned against the wall of the club in the shadows where no one would notice him. If he tries one more thing, I'm getting Kagome. Sesshomaru can go to hell.
“Oh Kagome don't worry about it, I clean it up.” Hojo said as he took the rag and started wiping up the mess.
“Ok Hojo.” Kagome said looking to the side.
“Would you like a drink?” Hojo asked as he started to fish in his pocket for money after he finished.
“No I don't want anything.” Kagome said bluntly, not even trying anymore.
“What's wrong?” Hojo asked as he looked at her with a hint of a glare knowing he had been caught.
“You.” Kagome growled. “You know what, come near me again and I'll shove a shot glass down your throat.”
“But I'm your ride home.” Hojo said with a smile.
Kagome glared at him for a moment trying to figure out what to do. She didn't have money for a cab, hell she didn't have money.
“I'll be taking Kagome home.” A voice said from behind her.
Kagome's face lit up as she turned to see Inuyasha. “Inuyasha!” Kagome said hugging him.
“Kagome, who is this guy?” Hojo asked glaring at the older guy.
“You deaf, she just said my name.” Inuyasha said with a smirk as he put his arm around Kagome's waist. “Other then that, it's none of your concern.”
“We're on a date though; it's only polite to see it to the end.” Hojo said with a smile.
“Not when the girl gets mad enough to threaten you with a shot glass.” Inuyasha said with a slight laugh.
“Fine.” Hojo said walking by, but he grabbed Kagome's arm and said, “You'll be sorry when he leaves you here.”
Inuyasha had Hojo a foot off the ground by his collar as he growled, “I'd never leave Kagome alone, and I swear you come near her again and I'll personally shoot your sorry hind, then throw it in the closest body of water tied to a block of cement.”
“Inuyasha put him down…” Kagome said as she stood in front of him and hugged him.
Inuyasha put him down with a growl before hugging Kagome back. Hojo ran off like the hounds of hell were on his tail. “I'll take you home…” Inuyasha said once they stepped away from each other.
“Ok…” Kagome said as he led her out of the club. Once they got in the car and Inuyasha started driving Kagome just kind of sat back and enjoyed his presence. After a while Kagome noticed something, they weren't going in the right direction. “Inuyasha this is the wrong way…”
“To your house yes, but your home is with me.” Inuyasha said with out even a glace at her.
Kagome looked at him for a second before shrugging and sitting back saying, “You're right.” Kagome smiled when she felt Inuyasha reach over and hold her hand giving it a gentle squeeze before putting his hand back on the steering wheel.