InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Livin' it Up:A Summer's Dream ❯ Send in the Clown:Part 2 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Okay sorry that the last chapter was eh...hecka freaking boring! Lol so ehh yeah read it and review it dang it! No reviews means no next chapter capieesh?! *doesnt own InuYasha* I feel so unwanted @_@

Send in the Clowns:part 2


They walked into the hotel arm in arm and looked around. Kagome gasped and InuYasha smiled down at her. 'This..looks just like my dream...very weird...' she looked around to see the same disco ball at the ceiling and tables all throughout the room. "Hey! Kagome! InuYasha" they looked over to see Sango and Miroku sitting at a table and they began to walk over. "Hey Inu, honey" they both turned around to see Kikyo with Hojo. "gr. go away you slut" InuYasha sneered at her. "Oh so cold hearted, but I see you have a nice little preppy dog with you, she suits she perfectly" she and Hojo snickered together.

" Well, I see you have a wimpy bastard for yourself/" Kagome said and smiled fakely. Kikyo rolled her eyes and walked away "Come on Hojo!" he shrugged and looked at Kagome and she growled at him and off he went.

"That was interesting...who was that guy?" he looked at her "An old bastard of a boyfriend...and who was that girl?" she turned and looked at him slowly walking over to the table. "Oh she was an old whore of a girlfriend."..."Oh." ((Slow walking people weird))
"Hey what took you guys so long?" Miroku asked and looked Kagome up to down and kinda drooled. Sango glared at him and punched him in the back.

"Owww! what was that for?"

"It was for being born" she grinned. Miroku went over and pulled out a seat for Kagome

"Allow me" he smiled innocently. "Heh" she looked at him and sat down as he glided a hand over her butt "Baka!!" she yelled and kicked him in the shin and he fell over in pain.
They laughed and eventually Miroku got up and sat down in a chair a little knot forming on his head. Then Bowling for Soup's 'Girl all the bad guys want' came on. ((Japanese version no duh)) "Ooo I like this song come and dance with me!" Kagome pulled InuYasha and dragged him onto the dance floor. He blushed and set his arms on her and began to dance. She blushed a deep red and looked up at him dancing a little closer to him.

"Hey loverboy!" some guy yelled and walked towards them.
"Hi Koga" he glanced over at him.
"Hey, why are you with this little preppy kid wesaw earlier?" he looked at Kagome and raised an eyebrow.

"Hey she's not a prep all right? Leave it alone." He hugged Kagome protectively. 'What the fuck am I doing hugging her right now?! Stop you gaki!' he backed up from Kagome a little.
"Oh so you like her now? What's wrong with you? Why would you like her? She's kinda ugly looking too ya know." He laughed dancing with his date that was laughing right along with him.

"Hey! Watch it she's not ugly."
"Why are you protecting her?! She's a nothing." Koga shook his head.

" I got a question for you, do you really want to be cool the rest of this year or do you want to be around people like her?" he nodded towards Kagome. InuYasha just stood there motionless. 'Why isn't he saying anything?' she frowned and looked at him 'I knew it..I knew he didn't like me' Koga smirked and danced off leaving them behind. "I should have known..."Kagome mumbled under her breath. "Heh" she slapped him and ran out of the room.

"Kagome!!!" he yelled after to her. 'I'm an idoit' he thought 'Yes you are.' 'Shut up' he hit his head adn walked sadly off the dance floor. "Hey where did Kagome go? What happened?" Sango looked at him seeing the hurt look in his eyes. "I was an idiot...I should have been more concerned and then she ran away..." he shook his head and sat down a red hand print forming on his face. "Argh, you're not a people person are you?" she laughed "Give her a little time then go out and talk to her." he nodded "Okay.."


'I must be the stupidest girl in the world right about now thinking that a guy like I really wanted. would ever really want me. Someone who is known as a preppy girl when I'm just as tough as everyone else..' She sat down in the hotel's parking lot, hot tears running down her face. '
'He didn't even really try to prove that bastard wrong!'' she yelled out loud and balled up her fists and looked down sadly.

"Yes, it is a shame now isn't it?" a dark voice came from behind her.
"Whoever you are please just leave me alone," she sobbed

"Oh and why would I do that?" he grabbed her and pulled her up.
"Let go of me!" she cried struggling to get away form him and glanced up at him.

"InuYasha?" she squinted in the dark.
"No, I'm Sessho-maru, his brother." he smirked and picked her up.
"You're not so lucky to be here right now." he chuckled.

"Why?! Put me DOWN NOW!!!" she screamed. He put her down and pinned her against a car pushing his body fiercely against hers and whispered in her ear

"Because I am feeling a bit restless tonight," he laughed and cupped her breast in one hand.
"LET ME GO"she struggled to get away, but it was no use he was too strong.

"Please let me go." She cried. "No, I want to play a little first." He looked into her eyes and kissed her hungrily thrusting his tongue around her throat and then she bit his tongue. "Ow! You bitch!" he glared at her. She screamed so loud you could hear from like ten miles away. "You'll pay for that" he slapped her and opened up the car door and pushed her in.


InuYasha twitched. "Did you hear that?" he looked at Miroku.

"Hear what?" he looked over at him with bloodshot eyes then fell off his chair. InuYasha blinked 'looks like someone spiked the punch. He turned towards the exit as he heard a scream coming from the parking lot. 'Kagome!' he thought and jumped out of his chair and ran towards the door.

*~My Note~*

HAHAHAA!! Now there is something interesting for you guys! I may be able to write another chapter before I go to bed who knows depends on if I feel like it or if I get enough reviews. Mwuhahahaha REVIEW!!!! No review no chapter. That is all i gotta say and thank you for those who have reviewed my story and made comments you are very much appreciated!