InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Livin' it Up:A Summer's Dream ❯ Dont Wanna Stop ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]



"Hey Ruri, how's it going girl?" Josefu smiled as the short girl walked towards him.

"Fine..." she smiled seductively, and slowly ran her tongue over her fangs. She tilted her head to the side, running a claw over his jaw bone.

"Mmmm" he pulled her closer to him closing his eyes and nuzzled his chin in the crook of her neck. Then a faint glow began to pulse while his closed. 'Wha the-'

Josefu slowly opened his eyes to see Ruri smirking up at him. "What's going on?" he asked. She grabbed his hand and started to pull along into an alley. "I have a surprise for you..." she whispered. "Sure, whatever." He said flatly then stopped.

In front of him stood a man less than his height, very skinny, pale, and had long sliver hair. "Who are you?" Josefu snorted and looked at Ruri, who was paying no attention to him at all.

"That doesn't matter, come with me." The guy started to move forward down the alley, which started to look darker, as a hole opened up right at the end.

"Chikusho....well what if I choose not too?" with this he started to back, fear clear as day on his face.((yes interesting how its nighttime yet a daytime look is on his face....okay I'm going to shut up now.))

"You have no choice." Ruri said out of nowhere.

"Babe...what are you talking about?"

"Go with Menomaru, it's all good." She said and fakely smiled.

"No way," and he ran away....right before Menoru grabbed him and threw him in the dark whole at the end of the alley, only faint screams being heard from it.

"Nice work Ruri."

"My pleasure master."


"Nah ne nah ne nah nah!" Kagome laughed at InuYasha for winning a game of tic-tac-toe for the umpteenth time.


"Aww is the little puppy jealousss" she said in a high voice. "Bitch..." he murmured and sank down into his seat.

" bitch, my man bitch!!"

"Since when did you get so freaking cocky?" he asked.

"The only reason is because I'm bored and I want to go to this thing already! I want to have fun!" Kagome started to claw at the window then pushed her nose up against the glass for no apparent reason.

"Calm down Kag, don't make me have to come back there." Sango warned and shook a finger at her from the front seat where Rin was sitting in front of her in that place under the glove-comartment, you know where your feet usually are? "Yeah Yeah" Kagome replied and looked out the window.

((A note that they became really good friends with Kokoro, so they are in her huge old car right now all sitting on peoples laps scrunched together! Good times...))

Really, they were just going to have some fun at a carnival that was held around that ghettoish Asians part of LA After Herione Bob was back to being normal or as normal as he gets he told them about it. So off they went from the hotel back to that part of town and beyond to have some good old fun.


InuYasha sweatdropped looking over the side of the Ferris wheel. 'Shit shit shit!' he clenched the side of the cart they were in sinking down into his seat. eye twitched when he noticed Kagome swinging the thing back and forth.

"KAGOME! Don't DO that!!"

"Aw, is Inu *scared* of heights?!"she grinned evilly and kept rocking it more looking up at the sky innocently. "Someone save me from this insane onna..." he mumbled under his breath.

"Hey I heard that!" she barked back at him and started to poke him as the side picked back up again. "Hey yourself..." he played her game along until the ride stopped and they hopped off.

"Thanks" they said to the big...Asian bicker dude running the ride who just grumbled, and stuffed a doughnut in his mouth.

Kagome and InuYasha just raised their eyebrows and slowly eased away from the Ferris wheel.

Miroku came up from behind them with everyone tailed behind him and yelled "BOO!!!"

Kagome and InuYasha-"AHHHHH!"

"Muwhahahaha..." Miroku laughed and put his right pinkie to the side of his mouth, getting that whole Dr. Evil thing going. "Yeah anyway, what's with all the stuffed animals?" InuYasha nodded towards Sango, Rin and Calie who all were carrying huge stuffed animals.

"OOh we won those for our women.." Miroku answered and went to wrap an arm around Sango, who just rolled her eyes.

Kagome and InuYasha put up three fingers and counted down, ""


Sango hit Miroku over the head with that trusty frying pan of hers. "Man, I've been looking for that.." She though out loud and grinned at Miroku who was started to get a fat bruise on his head.

"Uh-oh.." And then, there they went, around the carnival, Sango doing that old chasing with her trusty sidekick-the frying pan.

"Oh oh oh!! InuYasha I wanna a stuffed animal too!" Kagome jumped up and down and pointed to a booth where you have to knock down the milk bottles.

Except, this was low budget stuff so they didn't have milk bottles, but those hella old coke bottles instead. ((I mean old as in the bottles they had for it in like the 1940s kidna old))

So being a guy he strode over to the booth, thinking he was all that and a pack of potato chips, his friends not far behind ((except for Miroku and Sango))

"Hey kid, I'll have to three balls please" InuYasha said to the skinny girl in baggy clothes and braces and handed her two dollars.((balls...I have a naughty mind...))

She giggled and handed him the balls and stepped out the way. "Okay, watch a master" InuYasha picked up a ball and threw it. He missed. He picked up another ball and threw it. He hit a stray cat about twenty yards to the right of the stack of bottles.

A few children that passed by started to laugh at him, even the girl running the booth. "Yea you're a REAL master InuYasha" Herione Bob said twitching his ass off. Calie just slapped him upside the head and made him drink some vodka. 'much b-better' he thought grinning

"Feh" was all he could say as he kept on using up his money, buying more balls to get his Kagome a nice, fluffy black dog.

After twenty minutes the only one left there was Kagome, the other left, not wanting to die of laughter.

"Okay InuYasha! It's okay you don't have to get me a dog! I know that you love me." She reached up and kissed his cheek.

He looked down sadly at her said. "Okay.." with that he just threw his last ball at the target without looking and walked away. "HEY! Mister! You knocked down the bottles come back to get your prize!" the girl called.

He spun around and saw the bottles scattered on the ground, so he just stood there in shock gaping...

"Yay! InuYasha ya did it!" Kagome hugged him and wen to choose a dog and then came back over to him and they began walking in search of their friends.

"Hey, Kag,'s one of the pretty boys!" InuYasha called out mimicking voice of all these girls crowded around this guy. Who looked like he was a wannabe M.V.B.P ((Most-Valued-Ballin'-Player, or pimp if you will))

The cheap, chicken head ladies around him backed up and looked InuYasha from up to down, like they were digusted with him.

Out came the long silver haired guy, skinny which you couldn't really tell because of what he was wearing, just some street clothes basically, baggy, but with one of those black, old fashion guys hats, that like the pimps would wear that had a feather attached to the back.

"And who the hell would you be freak?!" the guy spat out at InuYasha.

"Don't call me a freak you wannabe!!"

have a name freak, and it's Menomaru"


"Yeah I know that's all you gotta say you wimp!" by that time Menomaru started to walk up slowly to InuYasha just asking for a fight.


"Oh Yeah? You wanna take this outside then?!!!!" Menomaru closed the distance in between them giving InuYasha one of those good old death glares.

"We ARE outside chicken shit" InuYasha just smirked and pushed the guy back out of his way, since Menomaru was after all shorter than InuYasha.

"Hey!!! You guys! Calm you asses down!" Herione Bob and hell everyone came outta nowhere to step between the fight just waiting to happen. "Yeah Inu, babe, let's go..." Kagome wrapped an arm around InuYasha and they all started to walk off.

' this is what I have to work with? Keh, what a joke.' Menomaru thought and turned his attention back to all his girls around him.

"Hey let's go on those bumper cars over there!" Sango said all enthusicatically and went frolicking to the bumper cars.

"I'm gonna get you boy!!" Rin growled at Sesshou-maru with one of those evil guy voices, which sounded really weird to be coming out of a small 16 year olds' mouth.

"Gods no..." he shook his head sinking down into his seat.

"Ready..set...GO!" the person running the ride said though a..erm the things that make your voice sound louder...not a microphone but the other thing! Oh hell you know what I'm talking about.

"DIE!" Kagome rammed into InuYasha's car. "Hey watch it!" he started to sweat trying to get out of the way of little miss road rage. "I;m gonna get you Inu Yasha!!" she taunted and rammed into his car again as they went around the circle of cars.

Herione Bob was driving around the place like he was a freaking mad man hitting anyone in his way. The little old ladies, the kids, the loner boys that had no life, and so on and so forth.

Sango and Miroku were giggling like maniacs bumping each other every once in a while.

Sesshou-maru and Rin...well let's just say Rin was kicking Sesshou-maru ass! But really he was just letting her win...waiting for the right moment..too....


Sesshou-maru jumped out of his car and into Rin's and pulled her close to him. Out of nowhere they start making out, right in the tiny bumper car, getting disgusted with what they saw. Tongues, noises, all that good stuff.

"Don't look Shinobi!" A mother cried and covered her son's eyes.

"Aww dude that's just plain wrong!" came form one of the teenage boys with no life to speak of.

The ride stopped and everyone hopped out of their cars and quickly made their way to the exit, some just trying to get away and others heading to a restroom to barf from the site they just saw.

The group walked up them still kissing making little animal noises. They all gagged. Sango walked up to Sesshou-maru and tapped his shoulder, but he didn't budge.


couple grumbled and got up from bumper car. Rin's hair was all screwed and her clothes were messy. Sesshou-maru just looked the same except for the fact he had red lipstick smeared all over his pale cheeks. Hell it did him some good.

They headed over to an instant-ramen stand to get what else other than RAMEN!

"MMM...soo good...haven't had this in so long! Too many American foods getting in the way" he mumbled through a mouth full of ramen.

"I agree...but dude your a pig!" Kagome scooted away from InuYasha who was on his fourth cup of ramen.

"You know it little I'll be right back" he kissed her cheek and went to get something to drink. He walked up to the stand bobbing his head to a little tune from V6 going on in his head.

He was about to ask his order right when a woman stepped in front of him with a little below shoulder length hair that was so black it was almost blue. Hell it was blue. She was somewhat pale and way too short to be messing around with InuYasha.

"My name's Hari, what's yours sexy?" she said seductively. She stepped up to him and tilted her head to the side flirtatiously.

He rolled his eyes annoyed. How many times was he going to have to deal with women like this for as long as he was staying in California? Many times that's the answer!

"Erm....look I'm taken so I would appreciate it if you'd back up. And I think you really should before my girlfriend sees, she'll kick your ass." InuYasha stated and turned and quickly got a drink and then turned back around but the girl was still there. Why can't they ever take a hint?

"I don't give up that easy InuYasha. Menomaru wants you, your going to fight him and you will loose right along with everything you love" Hari had pulled him down...way down to her level to whispered forcefully into his ear.


She looked at him and just grinned and grabbed the back of his head and kissed him fiercely, sticking her tongue into his mouth while he stood there, in shock. This crazy insane girl just came up to him and told him all this gibberish I mean hell I'd be in shock too!

Little did they know....his friends were a short distance away watching the last bit of it because they wondered why he was taking so long.

'Kagome' the thought suddenly sprung into his mind and he opened his eyes wide in shock. He pushed the girl away and stood up and looked at his friends, just not knowing what to say, his brain was currently out of order.

The guys shook their heads, all except for Miroku who looked like he was thinking, the girls turned away from him in shame and Kagome she stood there staring at him gaping trying to find the words. She couldn't. Tears swelled up in her eyes and she turned to her heal and walked away.

Hell, the girls glared at InuYasha and turned to their heels and ran after their friend, ready to comfort her.

"Kagome! Please!" came form his mouth. Whew reality started to sink into his cute little mind! He started to go after her and then Miroku put up a hand to stop him.

"No InuYasha."

"B-but Miroku! I swear it wasn't my fault! The girl she was mumbling stuff about that guy wanting to fight me and screw things up then she kissed me it was like I was in a trace you have to believe me!" by then he grabbed his friends shirt collar and pulled him closer to get the point that IT WASN'T ALL HIM!

The others eventually turned around and thought, well InuYasha wouldn't be so stupid to be making a fool of himself pleading right then and there so they took the chance on believing him.

"Well, what exactly do you have in mind brother?" you know who asked ((Sesshie for all you dumb butts!))

InuYasha scratched his head and looked at his brother like he was completely clueless. "Heh"

"God you're a dumb ass! You think she'll take you back after that with one of your goofy grins?! You've got another thing coming man..." he shook his head smirking as InuYasha growled.

InuYasha sighed and looked around thinking what to do when he turned to the stand where there was a DJ spinning records and such.

"I...have got a plan"


"Aww common Kag, it'll be okay!" Sango patted her friends' back and gave her another hug, only to be pushed away.

"No! It won't! I can't believe he'd do that!" and her tears started back up again. "Grr! I know what I'll do! I'll kick his ass that's what I'll do!" and that anger from the night when Calie had tried to steal InuYasha away from her came. 'Oh yes' she thought. 'That'll be my revenge, see the side of me you've forgotten InuYasha.' ((note:Okay for the people who ya know reviewed this chapter when I had the authors note up, I suggest please go back to ch.16 and review for this chapter! Also, tell em what you guys think I shoudl do as a big conflict thing in the next chapter. The one with the best idea gets to read my fic before it gets on! So put your emails in the reviews ppl!))

Calie, Rin, and Sango all sweatdropped. "No!! Kagome don't your being irrational!"

Kagome snorted and looked back at Calie, who had just spoken to her. "BEING FUCKING IRRATIONAL?!!! HAH!" she barked out at them and flipped them off and started to walk away, but Sango grabbed her arm.

Sango was about to start up and say her wise words when she heard a dog whimpering at her feet. She looked down and sure enough she saw the white terrier, on a skateboard, in sunglasses and a Hawaiian T-shirt.

"Hmm...that dog looks strangely familiar...' she rubbed her chin looking at the dog.

"Aw...Sesshie puppy!" Rin sqeuld and picked the dog up. They all just looked at her confused. "This is Sesshou-maru you idiots!" she laughed, but then stopped when he jumped out of her arms and onto his skateboard.

"Sesshie puppy! Come back!!!" Rin cried out after him. The girls just giggled at this new nickname and ran after their friend who was running after the run away dog on the skateboard AKA Sesshou-maru!

They stopped and their jaws dropped when they saw InuYasha on a stage with a mic in front of him.

" names' InuYasha and this..goes out to my girlfriend Kagome, who well...means a lot to me...and I don't want to loose her, over something that I wasn't expecting." He looked down sadly as the music began to start up.

"I'm so cool, too bad I'm a loser

I'm so smart, too bad I can't get anything figured out

I'm so brave, too bad I'm a baby

I'm so fly, that's probably why it

Feels just like I'm falling for the first time

I'm so green, it's really amazing

I'm so clean, too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me.

I'm so sane, it's driving me crazy

It's so strange, I can't believe it

Feels just like I'm falling for the first time" he sung into the mic, the music getting louder as the chorus neared.

Anyone perfect must be lying, anything easy has its cost

Anyone plain can be lovely, anyone loved can be lost

What if I lost my direction? What if I lost sense of time?

What if I nursed this infection? Maybe the worst is behind

It feels just like I'm falling for the first time"

"It feels just like I'm falling for the first time!" he sung loudly into the mic and looked up at Kagome who smiled goofily as she started to laugh.

"I'm so chill, no wonder it's freezing

I'm so still, I just can't keep my fingers out of anything

I'm so thrilled to finally be failing

I'm so done, turn me over cause it

Feels just like I'm falling for the first time!!" he smiled at Kagome who had a few tears running down his girl's cheek. How he longed to wipe them away.

As the bridge in the song came, he yelled out to her "I'm sorry Kagome!! It wasn't me!!!" she nodded in return and came running on stage and hugged him. An "Awwe"was heard from the crowd. They both blushed bright red and jumped off stage.

He half smiled and pulled her into a big hug and whispered I love you in her ear. He gently kissed her lips and ran a hand through her hair. "Let's go" he held her hand and started to push through the crowd. When Josefu stepped in front of him.

"What do you want?" InuYasha glared the guy, but then they noticed something different. He had huge black circles around his eyes and a distant look in his eyes. He might as well have been dead.

"Menomaru has business with you...hanyou." he said but then leaned in to whisper the last bit into his ear. His eyes bulged at what he heard. How did he know? And what was with this Menomaru guy trying to take him down?

As if reading his thoughts, he said in a mechlanchy tone, "He told me. And you have something he wants, I suggest that you come with me, and bring Sango, Miroku, and Herione Bob with you."

InuYasha frowned and looked beside him at the worried look on Kagome's face. When he looked back up to ask the consequences Josefu had disappeared.

"Common" he didn't wait for an answer, but just ran to Sango, Miroku and Heroine Bob to tell them what had happened. When he was done they were in their own little world of shock.

"Well,...what are we gonna do then?" Miroku asked as they walked to a grassy area and sat down to watch some fireworks before they had to go.

"I guess we have to wait for Josefu to show up and tell us where to go and well...go." Kagome replied simply and stared up in awe at the fireworks.

They all nodded agreeing and stared up at the fireworks one last time and went to the car to begin the long ride home.

***Kagome's Dream***

She danced with InuYasha. They were at their prom, holding each other in the others arms. She whispered in his ear that she'd be back and she slowly headed outside.

The further she walked the closer she came to an ocean. She sighed and sat down noticing that she no longer wore her prom dress, but long bell-sleeved shirt and a long black skirt that went to ankles covered in buckles and chains.

She blinked thinking about how weird this was. 'Interesting' she thought, but as she thought it, the thoug whispered through the wind.

"Hello there child..." an old women's voice came form behind her.

"Wha..?" Kagome turned around and came face to face with Keade. She backed up a little the memory of that time she had been in bed with InuYasha and Keade tried to kill her came back. She blushed when she thought of InuYasha with his boxers...and...yeah....

Keade smiled, knowing that the girl was thinking and spoke again. "Don't worry I'm not mad at you, but simply coming to warn you..." Keade said soothingly and sat in the sand and motioned Kagome to take a seat also.

"Warn me about what?"

"About that guy Josefu and Menomaru you have been having trouble with of course, there will be some difficulty, but never doubt your bond with your friends and especially InuYasha."

"Wait...who do you know about them?" she asked

"I just do, now leave it alone and let me finish!" Keade snapped back at Kagome who just sat still and listened.

"Now..." Keade breathed and dug around in her pocket and puled out a necklace. "Take this, and put it on InuYasha, if he gets out of hand which I know he has already, just say physical command, and it should take care of things." Keade laughed and shook her head only imagining what things would be done with the necklace.

Kagome took the necklace and stared at it, and then looked up to find that Keade was gone.


Kagome suddenly woke up as they pulled into the hotel. She yawned and frowned remembering the dream. 'Heh.' She thought right before feeling the beads in her hands.


Okay! Yes, I know this chapter was long and sorry but hell whatever and I am so sorry this took forever! And thanks again for all the reviews! I appreciated it! review this chapter! Please?! *begs*
