InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Time ❯ Reunion ( Chapter 3 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 3- Reunion
Kagome carefully stepped out from behind Inuyasha and looked at the village where she had spent so many years with all her extended family and smiled. Inuyasha stepped right back into his normal loud-mouthed routine and yelled out, “EVERYBODY!!! KAGOME IS BACK!! GET YOUR BUTTS OUT HERE NOW!!!” And with that people began to peek their heads out of the little huts and start running towards Kagome with smiles and hugs... including her little Shippo! “Kagome!! I’m so glad you came back, I missed you so much and where have you been all this time? Are you staying and will you sleep with me tonight and did you know that Inuyasha lets me stay with him now? And..” Shippo hadn’t stopped until Inuyasha bopped him on the head with a gruff, “Shut-up you baby and give her a minute to answer!”
Kagome picked up little Shippo and gave him a quick hug before trying to answer him, “Shippo-chan I’ve missed you so much! I’ve been on my side of the well for the past 3 years and I wanted to come back but couldn’t. I don’t know how I got back but I did and here I am and I’ll stay as long as I can, okay?”
After several hours of hugs and greetings Kagome finally asked where Sango and Miroku were and could she please see them? Inuyasha told her that they had married and moved back to the old slayer’s village and decided to rebuild it and start their family there; he also told her it was about 4 hours walking distance and they could go there in the morning if she wanted. After agreeing with Inuyasha Kagome decided to take a short walk and clear her head and try to come up with a way to see Sesshomaru again without pissing off Inuyasha. She had hoped that in all this time, especially after fighting together in the final battle, that they would have come to some truce but sadly all Inuyasha would say at the mention of his brother was, “That ass better not come near me unless he wanted my Tetsusaiga stuck somewhere where even demon lord’s wouldn’t enjoy!” Kagome sighed and walked away while Inuyasha and Shippo argued over who should go hunt up dinner and cook it.
It took all of 15 minutes to reach the Goshinbuko tree and Kagome carefully folded her legs under her and sat down beneath its wise and protective limbs. Curling her arms around her knees Kagome silently thought of Sesshomaru and let her tears fall silently down her face. “How could I expect him to want me here? To love me? I’m so dumb... I don’t know why the gods allowed me to come back but Kami I want him to care! Oh please just let him come back so I can at least tell him how I feel and deal with the rejection then and there; let the worry be over with so I can move on.” Kagome’s thoughts seemed to pour out of her in her tears and anyone nearby would have thought her heart was broken forever and her pain was almost tangible. And if there were a certain demon lord nearby that was watching with glowing golden eyes from the tree not far away then maybe he had something to think about.
“Why is the miko crying? Why is there so much pain coming from her... its like waves overflowing from her aura...did her friends not welcome her back? This Sesshomaru feels the need to comfort her and that is unacceptable... what is the matter with me? I hate humans... except for my little charge Rin...and the miko is annoying and her tears are offending my keen sense of smell. I hate salty tears! *sigh* What am I going to do about this new problem?”
“I know what you can do... take her and make her our mate. I will not be ignored forever and I want her which means you have no choice in the matter. I will not have another as my mate and I will kill any you choose... I want the girl Kagome and I am not going to be silenced until it happens!” Sesshomaru huffed and tried to calm his inner beast and calmly told it to wait and see what happens after he approaches the girl... he would see if she hated him on sight or gave off some other emotions. With that thought he left his high perch and moved swiftly towards the little priestess until he was standing right in front of her.
Kagome looked up sharply at the approach of the demonic aura and was surprised when it was the one demon that she had hoped to see again. “Sesshomaru-sama, (she bowed in her sitting position) I didn’t have the chance to thank you earlier for catching me when I came out of the well. Thank you. (Another low bow of her head.) Please sit with me under this tree and talk with me for a moment.” Sesshomaru assessed that the girl honestly just wanted to talk to him with no other motives and took his seat a few feet away from the strange girl. “Why could you not sit closer to the girl... we wish to bathe in her scent.. . it is intoxicating!” Sesshomaru hushed his beast and made it clear that he would not sit any closer to her while his beast was mumbling in his head... and with that the beast quieted and allowed the girl to speak.
“Lord Sesshomaru how have you been these past few years? And how are Rin and Jaken?”
Kagome was so nervous that it took all her strength to keep her thoughts straight and her eyes downcast in case she got so excited that she forgot her place and kissed the great lord! That thought made the little miko blush and Sesshomaru wondered what it was that could make that stain appear on her cheeks, “What makes you blush so miko? What are you embarrassed by? And do not lie to me or I will kill you swiftly!” His inner beast whispered in his head, “good going Fluffy just scare her to death and we won’t have to worry about having a mate EVER!”
“Rin and the little toad Jaken are well, they are at my castle presently, if you wish to see them then I may bring them to the village in a few days time.” Now what prompted that statement or offer was something the great demon lord would rather not have thought about and it seemed his inner beast was persuading his thinking more than he thought. *grunt*
Kagome seemed pleased with his answer and sat quietly for a few minutes before realizing that Inuyasha and Kaede would wonder where she went for so long if she didn’t return soon. Looking away from Sesshomaru so he didn’t see the longing in her eyes she whispered just so he could hear, “I missed you. Always you. I’m glad you are okay and I’d like to see you again soon. Please.” After sliding a sly look towards the lord she saw him looking at her with a mixture of desire and curiosity on his face which made her feel a little better about the whole weird situation. Then the demon lord tensed and rose up looking down at the girl, he offered his hand to help her up and softly said, “the hanyou comes and I must go.. I will see you again soon, Kagome.”
And shocked was the exact way that Inuyasha found her just moments later, “HEY!! (waving his clawed hand in front of her eyes) What’s the matter with you? And WHY do I smell that rotten no good brother of mine all over you!?” Kagome ignored him and smiled thinking, “he called me by my name! Not miko, priestess, girl or wench but Kagome!! *deep sigh* It’s a start I guess... soon, very soon I’ll see him again and tell him how I feel. *smiling*
Kagome just took Inuyasha’s hand and they began to walk back towards the village unknowing that the very same demon lord was watching eerily from the treetops thinking, “she will be mine... no half-breed idiot like him will have what is mine.”
Kagome carefully stepped out from behind Inuyasha and looked at the village where she had spent so many years with all her extended family and smiled. Inuyasha stepped right back into his normal loud-mouthed routine and yelled out, “EVERYBODY!!! KAGOME IS BACK!! GET YOUR BUTTS OUT HERE NOW!!!” And with that people began to peek their heads out of the little huts and start running towards Kagome with smiles and hugs... including her little Shippo! “Kagome!! I’m so glad you came back, I missed you so much and where have you been all this time? Are you staying and will you sleep with me tonight and did you know that Inuyasha lets me stay with him now? And..” Shippo hadn’t stopped until Inuyasha bopped him on the head with a gruff, “Shut-up you baby and give her a minute to answer!”
Kagome picked up little Shippo and gave him a quick hug before trying to answer him, “Shippo-chan I’ve missed you so much! I’ve been on my side of the well for the past 3 years and I wanted to come back but couldn’t. I don’t know how I got back but I did and here I am and I’ll stay as long as I can, okay?”
After several hours of hugs and greetings Kagome finally asked where Sango and Miroku were and could she please see them? Inuyasha told her that they had married and moved back to the old slayer’s village and decided to rebuild it and start their family there; he also told her it was about 4 hours walking distance and they could go there in the morning if she wanted. After agreeing with Inuyasha Kagome decided to take a short walk and clear her head and try to come up with a way to see Sesshomaru again without pissing off Inuyasha. She had hoped that in all this time, especially after fighting together in the final battle, that they would have come to some truce but sadly all Inuyasha would say at the mention of his brother was, “That ass better not come near me unless he wanted my Tetsusaiga stuck somewhere where even demon lord’s wouldn’t enjoy!” Kagome sighed and walked away while Inuyasha and Shippo argued over who should go hunt up dinner and cook it.
It took all of 15 minutes to reach the Goshinbuko tree and Kagome carefully folded her legs under her and sat down beneath its wise and protective limbs. Curling her arms around her knees Kagome silently thought of Sesshomaru and let her tears fall silently down her face. “How could I expect him to want me here? To love me? I’m so dumb... I don’t know why the gods allowed me to come back but Kami I want him to care! Oh please just let him come back so I can at least tell him how I feel and deal with the rejection then and there; let the worry be over with so I can move on.” Kagome’s thoughts seemed to pour out of her in her tears and anyone nearby would have thought her heart was broken forever and her pain was almost tangible. And if there were a certain demon lord nearby that was watching with glowing golden eyes from the tree not far away then maybe he had something to think about.
“Why is the miko crying? Why is there so much pain coming from her... its like waves overflowing from her aura...did her friends not welcome her back? This Sesshomaru feels the need to comfort her and that is unacceptable... what is the matter with me? I hate humans... except for my little charge Rin...and the miko is annoying and her tears are offending my keen sense of smell. I hate salty tears! *sigh* What am I going to do about this new problem?”
“I know what you can do... take her and make her our mate. I will not be ignored forever and I want her which means you have no choice in the matter. I will not have another as my mate and I will kill any you choose... I want the girl Kagome and I am not going to be silenced until it happens!” Sesshomaru huffed and tried to calm his inner beast and calmly told it to wait and see what happens after he approaches the girl... he would see if she hated him on sight or gave off some other emotions. With that thought he left his high perch and moved swiftly towards the little priestess until he was standing right in front of her.
Kagome looked up sharply at the approach of the demonic aura and was surprised when it was the one demon that she had hoped to see again. “Sesshomaru-sama, (she bowed in her sitting position) I didn’t have the chance to thank you earlier for catching me when I came out of the well. Thank you. (Another low bow of her head.) Please sit with me under this tree and talk with me for a moment.” Sesshomaru assessed that the girl honestly just wanted to talk to him with no other motives and took his seat a few feet away from the strange girl. “Why could you not sit closer to the girl... we wish to bathe in her scent.. . it is intoxicating!” Sesshomaru hushed his beast and made it clear that he would not sit any closer to her while his beast was mumbling in his head... and with that the beast quieted and allowed the girl to speak.
“Lord Sesshomaru how have you been these past few years? And how are Rin and Jaken?”
Kagome was so nervous that it took all her strength to keep her thoughts straight and her eyes downcast in case she got so excited that she forgot her place and kissed the great lord! That thought made the little miko blush and Sesshomaru wondered what it was that could make that stain appear on her cheeks, “What makes you blush so miko? What are you embarrassed by? And do not lie to me or I will kill you swiftly!” His inner beast whispered in his head, “good going Fluffy just scare her to death and we won’t have to worry about having a mate EVER!”
“Rin and the little toad Jaken are well, they are at my castle presently, if you wish to see them then I may bring them to the village in a few days time.” Now what prompted that statement or offer was something the great demon lord would rather not have thought about and it seemed his inner beast was persuading his thinking more than he thought. *grunt*
Kagome seemed pleased with his answer and sat quietly for a few minutes before realizing that Inuyasha and Kaede would wonder where she went for so long if she didn’t return soon. Looking away from Sesshomaru so he didn’t see the longing in her eyes she whispered just so he could hear, “I missed you. Always you. I’m glad you are okay and I’d like to see you again soon. Please.” After sliding a sly look towards the lord she saw him looking at her with a mixture of desire and curiosity on his face which made her feel a little better about the whole weird situation. Then the demon lord tensed and rose up looking down at the girl, he offered his hand to help her up and softly said, “the hanyou comes and I must go.. I will see you again soon, Kagome.”
And shocked was the exact way that Inuyasha found her just moments later, “HEY!! (waving his clawed hand in front of her eyes) What’s the matter with you? And WHY do I smell that rotten no good brother of mine all over you!?” Kagome ignored him and smiled thinking, “he called me by my name! Not miko, priestess, girl or wench but Kagome!! *deep sigh* It’s a start I guess... soon, very soon I’ll see him again and tell him how I feel. *smiling*
Kagome just took Inuyasha’s hand and they began to walk back towards the village unknowing that the very same demon lord was watching eerily from the treetops thinking, “she will be mine... no half-breed idiot like him will have what is mine.”