InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Time ❯ Reunion pt. 2 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 4- Reunion part 2

Kagome and Inuyasha gathered up Shippo and had breakfast that morning before heading out towards the slayer’s village that Sango and Miroku had begun rebuilding. Kagome rode on Inuyasha’s back with Shippo in between them snuggled up tightly against her chest; it was very much like it used to be and she was happy once again. After a few hours they reached the slayer’s village and Kagome nervously walked through the large gates to see her best friend and sister in heart sweeping the porch of her little house in an obviously pregnant state. Without a second thought Kagome ran to her screaming, “Sango!!! Oh how I’ve missed you!” *tears flowed between the two friends as they hugged each other* “Kagome I didn’t know you were back! How? I’ve missed you so much! Miroku and I got married and he finally has me bearing his children! Ha ha ha!” The two friends sat down on the porch and began catching up until Miroku walked up about an hour later and quickly gave hugs to both his wife and Kagome. “Well Kagome its nice to see you back here. Sango was depressed about not having her best friend here during her pregnancy and wanted nothing more than to have you with us again. Thanks to Buddha for all his gifts!” Miroku’s speech was nice but Sango quickly shooed him away so they could finish their girl talk and he could keep Inuyasha and Shippo busy. So with that nice shove Miroku disappeared around the corner with his friends and Kagome and Sango spent the next few hours talking about what she had missed and the baby’s upcoming arrival.

A little later the girls finished preparing dinner for the growing pack and Kagome took a moment to get Inuyasha alone. “Can I talk to you about something Inuyasha?” Kagome was nervous about approaching him with the topic on her mind and heart but felt she couldn’t stay any longer without telling him how she felt about Sesshomaru. *fidgeting and sighing* Inuyasha looked at Kagome strangely and said, “Sure how ‘bout we go outside for a few minutes and give the lovey-dovey couple a minute alone. What’s on your mind?” Kagome sat down and looked away for a moment before turning and looking Inuyasha straight in the eye, “Inuyasha I know I’ve been gone for a while and you know I’ve missed you and everyone else more than anything, right?” Inuyasha nodded still unsure of where she was going with this conversation. “I... you know I care about you right? That you are my best friend and I... I love you like my brother...that you mean a lot to me but only in a platonic way.” Kagome bit her lip and teared up thinking she may have hurt his feelings as Inuyasha looked off into the sunset and shifted his position to look at her. Sighing Inuyasha answered her, “Yeah Kagome I know you care and I... I love you like my sister... I know that it was never going to be more than that. Its just been too hard with Kikyo’s death and reincarnation and then coming back and then dying again. Crazy, you know? I will always care about you and be your friend and protect you with my life, okay?” With those words and the simple touch of his arm around her shoulders Kagome felt as though a huge weight had been lifted off her and she was finally free to pursue what she wanted most... Sesshomaru.

Awkward conversation over the two rejoined the others and ate a nice quiet dinner before retiring to the other room to sleep for the night. The night air was cool and sweet as Fall was just around the corner but those went unnoticed by the demon hiding in the trees just outside the slayer’s village. “So she has admitted to caring for the hanyou but as a friend only... not as a mate. And from her blush at discussing such feelings she is obviously still pure...but not for long.” Sesshomaru’s inner beast purred in response to the thought of claiming the virgin miko as their mate and Sesshomaru himself had a hard time controlling his urge to take her then and there. “I will have her as mine and you must speak to her soon, ascertain her feelings for us and woo her before I lose patience!”

Across the spaces separating them Kagome smiled in her sleep at the dream she was having about a girl and a demon lord and them living happily ever after with lots of little hanyou pups running around. Sesshomaru slid closer to the sleeping miko knowing that he couldn’t get too close because his idiot brother might sense him or the girl might wake and see him there. He listened to her soft breathing and began to dream of his own delights that could be had with the little miko until his inner beast began to grumble and his eyes began to bleed red on the edges. With a soft growl Sesshomaru leapt out of the village and formed an energy cloud beneath his feet to transport him back to the castle of the Western Lands. Frustrated might be the best word to describe the Lord’s disposition when he arrived home and ordered no one to disturb him for the remainder of the night.

Kagome awoke the next morning to a slight breeze and the sounds of birds chirping outside the little hut; she quietly got up and stepped outside with one of Sango’s borrowed kimono’s and hurried to the hot springs nearby. Upon reaching the hot springs Kagome slipped into the water and relaxed to think about how to get a particular demon lord to fall madly in love with her and make her his mate. Hmmm how to get him to see me as more than the little miko that has traveled with his half-brother?

As if by magic Sesshomaru felt the need to return to the village and speak with the miko the next morning and followed her scent to the nearby hot springs where she appeared to be alone... for the moment. *sly grin* Sesshomaru allowed his aura to flare in the direction of the miko who immediately tensed up and stood in the water, allowing the lord to see her full attributes!

Kagome had no weapons with her and had not told anyone where she was going so they wouldn’t know to come looking for her. She tried to use her own aura to seek out the youkai and sense out who it was when she stopped short and widened her eyes in shock. Sesshomaru? Oh no! He can’t see me like this! Wait.. Maybe he should see me like this... open his eyes a little bit to how I’ve grown up! *sly grin*

Sesshomaru’s eyes widened when he realized that not only did Kagome realize it was him but made no show of covering herself up! Instead as he stepped into the clearing surrounding the hot springs she stood proudly in the water that only barely reached her belly button grinning at him with a smirk and a wink. “See anything you like Sesshy? Care to join me? Its nice and hot in here though I’ll bet you could make it even hotter.”

Kagome slowly lowered herself back into the water and settled on a large rock under the water, all the while looking at Sesshomaru as his eyes began to bleed red on the sides and a small growl escaped his lips.