InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Time ❯ Watery Wishes ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 5- Watery Wishes

Kagome watched in fascination as the great taiyoukai’s eyes bled red and his fangs began to elongate towards his chin and she smiled a devilish smile in return. She wanted his response and after years of waiting she finally wanted to know what it was like to be with a man or in this case a demon lord. *I have always found him sexy and his coldness actually makes me want to make him feel the opposite... hot!* She languidly stretched out and watched as he stepped closer and seemed to be at war with himself with his eyes flashing from amber to red; she decided to help his inner beast convince Sesshomaru that she was a willing participant.

“Sesshomaru? Are you alright? Don’t you want to join me? Or am I just a disgusting human? Not fit for the great Lord of the Western Lands? *snort* I suppose a virgin wouldn’t interest such an experienced demon such as yourself....” *deep sigh* Kagome looked down and tried to hide the little wicked smile on her lips and Sesshomaru moved closer and stopped right above where she was sitting.

Kneeling down beside the woman in the water Sesshomaru growled and tried to voice the words so she would understand, “I cannot control myself and you are causing me pain.” Shit. Sesshomaru didn’t want to tell her that but he could barely restrain his beast from overtaking him and mating with the girl then and there, which would be rough and painful for her. “I will have her NOW! I will not stop until I have her.. Do not restrain me! I am you and we will have satisfaction if you just take her now. I will not hurt her, please, I am in pain like you... I must have her submit to me!” Sesshomaru’s inner beast was never one to beg, like the great lord himself so upon hearing this inside his head he decided to assuage his beast if he gained back some control. “Give me control and I will do as you ask beast.” Almost immediately his eyes turned back to amber orbs with tinges of red on the edges and his fangs recessed to normal while he reached out and grabbed the miko by her arms and hauled her out of the water. Giving no thought to his own clothes Sesshomaru pressed his lip against her and asked entrance into her mouth where their tongues danced in passion. He would have this girl and his beast would be satisfied so he could leave and forget about her.

Kagome couldn’t think with Sesshomaru’s lips on hers and all she wanted to do was rip his clothes off and have his naked body pressed against hers. “Mmmm, too many clothes. Please...Sesshomaru.” She fervently rubbed her hands up his chest until her hands were grasped in his and put down at her sides which caused her to look up at him in confusion. “What is it? Did I do something wrong?”

Sesshomaru reigned back long enough to remove his armor and haori along with his inner shirt and then press her firmly against his bare chest. The touch of her bare breasts on his chest were enough to make his inner beast howl in delight and for him to press her lips against his in a harsh kiss. He ran his long claws through her shining black mass of hair before burying his lips in her neck and breathing in her scent. That sweet vanilla and honey scent was powerful for the great lord and he nearly groaned in pleasure at the pulse point in her neck as he licked it.
Kagome stroked his arms and chest and moaned as his mouth moved lower on her neck to start on her chest. Sesshomaru wanted her to submit and placate his beast; he needed her to be submissive for him to maintain control over his inner beast. Dog demons could be very gently or extremely harsh in their treatment of lovers and Sesshomaru didn’t wish to hurt the girl that his beast had chosen as mate.

“Sesshomaru please I need you. Take me... I am yours. I have wanted you all these years.” Kagome bowed her head in embarrassment as she realized that she had nearly told him she loved him and wasn’t sure if the demon lord would want the love of a human miko. She looked down at her feet as she felt his hand come up under her chin and lift her face and her eyes looked deep into his as he said, “You do not need to beg this Sesshomaru and all your wishes will be granted tonight.” With that statement the taiyoukai hungrily took her mouth with his and growled in delight at the spike in her arousal scent signaling her approval of his aggressive behavior. He quickly laid her down on the soft grass and stroked her body as his mouth devoured her kisses and moans. “Soon... I can almost smell her wetness awaiting me to take her.”

Kagome could hardly believe that he was here with her and that it was his mouth moving in places where no man had ever touched before. She groaned in delight and frustration as she willed him to touch her in the areas that burst into flames with his soft strokes. Kagome untied his hakamas and tried to push them down so that she could feel how much he wanted her but the lord stopped her hands and looked at her. “Wait... you rush towards something that is best taken slowly. I will satisfy you and you will satisfy me but perhaps this is not the proper place.” Sesshomaru would gladly have taken her then and there as his beast demanded but he sniffed the air again and smelled his hanyou brother moving swiftly towards them and he would rather not have witnesses.

“What? Why? Here is fine... I-...” It was then that she sensed Inuyasha coming quickly towards them and realized what he would see when he got there if they didn’t stop. She hadn’t told him yet about her feelings for Sesshomaru and didn’t want him to find out this way so she sat up as and reached for her clothes when Sesshomaru did the same. By the time Inuyasha reached the hot springs they were both dressed and sitting there like nothing ever happened.

Sesshomaru was glad the girl had sensed his brother and agreed, though he didn’t care about the hanyou he knew that this would likely hurt him and in hurting him it would hurt Kagome so he decided to wait. “I will have her and soon, now is not the time... I do not lie and you know this because you are me. When the time is right we will have her and mate her and she will not leave our side again.” His inner beast cooled at the thought that he would have her but was not sated so perhaps a little battle with his brother would help him work off some frustration. *smirk*

Inuyasha broke through the trees into the clearing and found his brother sitting with Kagome by the springs looking seemingly innocent. “Huh? I thought...he isn’t fighting her or killing her? Wait! Why is his scent all over her and hers on him? There is a lingering scent of arousal from both of them and she is blushing. Oh no... that’s why she was making it clear on how we felt the other night... she loves Sesshomaru. Well at least it ain’t that mangy wolf Koga or that human dork Hojo.”
Inuyasha looked a little funny as he was thinking all this out but Kagome and Sesshomaru knew he was working it all out so he decided maybe it was better to find some destruction elsewhere and with a quick look at Kagome he took off on his energy cloud and swept away.

“Well well well... I guess I was wrong in thinking you needed help. I just smelled my good for nothing brother and assumed you were in trouble. Huh. Well I’m going back to that baka Miroku, he can’t fix anything without my help you know.” Inuyasha gave her a goofy grin and took off back towards the village leaving a stunned Kagome thinking, “Now what just happened here? He isn’t even upset. Did he figure it out?”