InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Time ❯ Explanations and Delays ( Chapter 6 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 6- Explanations and Delays
Kagome looked at Inuyasha’s back as it disappeared back towards the village and thought about what had just happened. “Did I just proposition Sesshomaru? Did he want to have his wicked way with me in the middle of the woods? Did I enjoy it... did he? Does Inuyasha know what me and Sesshy were doing and does he care? AAHHHH! Why does everything have to be so complicated?!” With that tirade in her head over Kagome was glowing pink and had sparks coming out her fingertips before she picked up her bathing things and walked slowly towards the village.
Inuyasha knew the moment Kagome came back to the village and disappeared into the hut with Sango because he smelled her confusion and irritation. He grinned to himself wondering how she was going to try to explain the situation to him... he should probably giver her a break and tell her it was okay with him because he wanted her to be happy. Inuyasha knew he loved Kagome as his sister and best friend and if his super annoying brother made her happy then that was it and he would make do. “Nah I think I may let her squirm a bit before I let her off the hook... after all isn’t that what friends are for?! He he he.”
Sesshomaru meanwhile had flown back to his castle and immediately kicked a little green toad across the courtyard before storming off to his personal bath and soaking his frustrated ass for a while. Jaken wondered he did to warrant that kind of reaction and went back to watching the annoying little human Rin. “Why do I get stuck dealing with the little brat?! I hate humans.” He grumbled the entire walk back to the gardens where the little girl was making more of the flower necklaces she liked.
Kagome waited until after everyone had eaten dinner before she asked Inuyasha to take a walk with her. She fidgeted with her hands and clothes until Inuyasha finally felt sorry for her and decided to give her a break, “Kagome its okay you know... the thing with my brother. I could smell it all over the both of you and if he makes you happy then that is all that matters to me.” He smiled at her and all Kagome could do was give him a hug and let a few tears slip out of her happy eyes. Kagome couldn’t believe he said it was okay and only wanted to have him be as happy as she was. She looked up into his eyes and saw his goofy grin and said, “Oh Inuyasha I have missed you so much and thank you for understanding. I felt so bad thinking I might have hurt you by falling in love with Sesshomaru but-...” Inuyasha pulled back and looked right at her getting very serious for a moment, “Wait... you love him? Whoa. I just thought you had the hots for each other. Hmmm...I can’t believe it... you really will get to be my sister!” They both laughed at that comment and Kagome giggled, “Oh Inuyasha you really are silly sometimes! Glad to see some things haven’t changed!” After that they both walked back to the hut where the others had already settled down for bed and they all slept peacefully until the next morning.
The next morning started with moans about how early people got up in this time and why it should be illegal to make people get up with the sun. Everyone laughed and decided to let Kagome have a few more minutes of uninterrupted sleep while they got started with breakfast. Eventually the smell of food brought Kagome out of her slumber and she stumbled into the other room where everyone looked at her indulgently and told her to sit down and eat. “So Kagome what are we going to do today...huh huh huh? Can we go play? Since it’s the weekend I don’t have to go to my kitsune training class and we can do FUN stuff! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!” Shippo sounded so desperate to play that Kagome couldn’t find it in her heart to turn him down. “Of course Shippo, why don’t we go to the meadow by the well and play hide and go seek? Would that be fun enough for now? We can play until lunch time and then I’ll come back and help Sango get some more stuff ready for the coming baby!” Shippo threw himself at Kagome and nearly knocked her backwards as he squealed in delight, “yay yay yay I love you Kagome!” After cleaning up the breakfast dishes the two set off for the meadow and began several hours of play that wore Kagome out more than playing with her brother Souta ever did. She trudged back to the hut with Shippo cuddled in her arms nearly passed out from all his playing. Inuyasha looked up at them from where he and Miroku were attempting to build a cradle for the new baby, “Hey there Kagome. I guess you guys had fun considering the poor kit is passed out cold. You didn’t kill him did you?” Inuyasha laughed at the pair and turned back to the cradle he was carving, not really expecting an answer from her. Kagome just smiled and shook her head before carrying the little kit inside and laying him down on the small futon. “What a day it was... I wonder if Sesshomaru will come back to see me? I miss him and I’d like the chance to finish what we started.” Kagome smiled slyly and leaned back against the wall as she thought about all the things she would like to do to the dashing demon lord not knowing that across the woods in his castle the same demon lord was trying to limit his fantasies about a certain miko. Both however would have to wait a bit before finding out just how much the other cared and what future awaited the two destined lovers because an anxious little girl was ready to make her appearance in the world. Kagome jumped up when she heard Sango scream, “AAHH! The baby is coming! Miroku! Kagome! Inuyasha! EEKK! OOOWWW!” Everyone ran to the hut where Kagome was holding onto Sango and looking for help in how to deal with this new situation. “I’ve never delivered a baby! Somebody get Kaede or someone! Help!” Kagome had one side of Sango while Miroku held onto the other and they looked helplessly at each other as Sango groaned and squeezed their hands until no blood was left in them. Inuyasha shot off in the direction of Kaede’s village shouting, “Hold on Sango! I’m going to get Kaede right now! Don’t have the baby without me! Okay?!” Everyone looked at him as he vanished in the woods and looked at each with wide eyes and groans... it may be a long night after all.
Kagome looked at Inuyasha’s back as it disappeared back towards the village and thought about what had just happened. “Did I just proposition Sesshomaru? Did he want to have his wicked way with me in the middle of the woods? Did I enjoy it... did he? Does Inuyasha know what me and Sesshy were doing and does he care? AAHHHH! Why does everything have to be so complicated?!” With that tirade in her head over Kagome was glowing pink and had sparks coming out her fingertips before she picked up her bathing things and walked slowly towards the village.
Inuyasha knew the moment Kagome came back to the village and disappeared into the hut with Sango because he smelled her confusion and irritation. He grinned to himself wondering how she was going to try to explain the situation to him... he should probably giver her a break and tell her it was okay with him because he wanted her to be happy. Inuyasha knew he loved Kagome as his sister and best friend and if his super annoying brother made her happy then that was it and he would make do. “Nah I think I may let her squirm a bit before I let her off the hook... after all isn’t that what friends are for?! He he he.”
Sesshomaru meanwhile had flown back to his castle and immediately kicked a little green toad across the courtyard before storming off to his personal bath and soaking his frustrated ass for a while. Jaken wondered he did to warrant that kind of reaction and went back to watching the annoying little human Rin. “Why do I get stuck dealing with the little brat?! I hate humans.” He grumbled the entire walk back to the gardens where the little girl was making more of the flower necklaces she liked.
Kagome waited until after everyone had eaten dinner before she asked Inuyasha to take a walk with her. She fidgeted with her hands and clothes until Inuyasha finally felt sorry for her and decided to give her a break, “Kagome its okay you know... the thing with my brother. I could smell it all over the both of you and if he makes you happy then that is all that matters to me.” He smiled at her and all Kagome could do was give him a hug and let a few tears slip out of her happy eyes. Kagome couldn’t believe he said it was okay and only wanted to have him be as happy as she was. She looked up into his eyes and saw his goofy grin and said, “Oh Inuyasha I have missed you so much and thank you for understanding. I felt so bad thinking I might have hurt you by falling in love with Sesshomaru but-...” Inuyasha pulled back and looked right at her getting very serious for a moment, “Wait... you love him? Whoa. I just thought you had the hots for each other. Hmmm...I can’t believe it... you really will get to be my sister!” They both laughed at that comment and Kagome giggled, “Oh Inuyasha you really are silly sometimes! Glad to see some things haven’t changed!” After that they both walked back to the hut where the others had already settled down for bed and they all slept peacefully until the next morning.
The next morning started with moans about how early people got up in this time and why it should be illegal to make people get up with the sun. Everyone laughed and decided to let Kagome have a few more minutes of uninterrupted sleep while they got started with breakfast. Eventually the smell of food brought Kagome out of her slumber and she stumbled into the other room where everyone looked at her indulgently and told her to sit down and eat. “So Kagome what are we going to do today...huh huh huh? Can we go play? Since it’s the weekend I don’t have to go to my kitsune training class and we can do FUN stuff! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!” Shippo sounded so desperate to play that Kagome couldn’t find it in her heart to turn him down. “Of course Shippo, why don’t we go to the meadow by the well and play hide and go seek? Would that be fun enough for now? We can play until lunch time and then I’ll come back and help Sango get some more stuff ready for the coming baby!” Shippo threw himself at Kagome and nearly knocked her backwards as he squealed in delight, “yay yay yay I love you Kagome!” After cleaning up the breakfast dishes the two set off for the meadow and began several hours of play that wore Kagome out more than playing with her brother Souta ever did. She trudged back to the hut with Shippo cuddled in her arms nearly passed out from all his playing. Inuyasha looked up at them from where he and Miroku were attempting to build a cradle for the new baby, “Hey there Kagome. I guess you guys had fun considering the poor kit is passed out cold. You didn’t kill him did you?” Inuyasha laughed at the pair and turned back to the cradle he was carving, not really expecting an answer from her. Kagome just smiled and shook her head before carrying the little kit inside and laying him down on the small futon. “What a day it was... I wonder if Sesshomaru will come back to see me? I miss him and I’d like the chance to finish what we started.” Kagome smiled slyly and leaned back against the wall as she thought about all the things she would like to do to the dashing demon lord not knowing that across the woods in his castle the same demon lord was trying to limit his fantasies about a certain miko. Both however would have to wait a bit before finding out just how much the other cared and what future awaited the two destined lovers because an anxious little girl was ready to make her appearance in the world. Kagome jumped up when she heard Sango scream, “AAHH! The baby is coming! Miroku! Kagome! Inuyasha! EEKK! OOOWWW!” Everyone ran to the hut where Kagome was holding onto Sango and looking for help in how to deal with this new situation. “I’ve never delivered a baby! Somebody get Kaede or someone! Help!” Kagome had one side of Sango while Miroku held onto the other and they looked helplessly at each other as Sango groaned and squeezed their hands until no blood was left in them. Inuyasha shot off in the direction of Kaede’s village shouting, “Hold on Sango! I’m going to get Kaede right now! Don’t have the baby without me! Okay?!” Everyone looked at him as he vanished in the woods and looked at each with wide eyes and groans... it may be a long night after all.