InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Time ❯ A Baby and a Baka ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 7- A Baby and a Baka

Inuyasha returned a half hour later with Kaede on his back and the group immediately moved out of the way of the elder miko. “Ah child is it time? Ist thou having pains? I need space for the mother and everyone but Kagome may wait outside. Come we must prepare Sango for a long night and the birth of her baby.” Kaede smiled at them all and shooed them outside while Kagome helped Sango to lie down on the futon mat. “It’ll be okay Sango, I can’t wait to meet your little baby! I’ll be right here the whole time and I’m honored to help you bring your baby into this world.” Kagome smiled at Sango and reassuringly squeezed her hand before helping Kaede get some herbs prepared to help with the pain. Sango mumbled something and held her eyes shut as another labor pain hit her knowing that her child would probably take its sweet time coming out.

The others waited outside for hours and when they finally heard the squeal of little lungs they jumped up and began hugging and laughing in relief. “Well I guess that you are officially a father now Miroku. Its an important job and I hope you do a good job of it. You are like my brother and so this child is a member of my family now too. Congratulations!” Inuyasha was happy for his friend and looked forward to adding more members to his pack, thinking he finally had a family to care about. Kagome pulled the curtain back from the doorway and carried the tiny pink bundle out to her father and placed her carefully into his arms saying, “Here is your daughter Miroku. Sango is fine and is resting now, you can go in when you want to.” Miroku looked stunned and happy as he held his now sleeping daughter in his arms and turned to show her off to the eagerly awaiting Shippo and Inuyasha. “Aww she looks like Sango...hey I guess you’ll have to keep her away from hentai monks like you now! Ha ha ha.” Shippo rolled with laughter at the thought of what Miroku would do to keep his daughter from the likes of men like himself. Inuyasha took that moment to bop Shippo on the head and ask to hold the little girl if it was okay. Miroku, Kagome and Shippo all looked at Inuyasha with surprise that he would want anything to do with a baby let alone hold her but Miroku gingerly placed the now awaking child into his arms. Inuyasha was careful of his claws and looked down at the baby girl with the big blue eyes and dark black hair and smiled, “Hi there. I’m Inuyasha your uncle and I’m going to protect you always. I’m going to teach you how to fight and be strong like your mom and auntie Kagome.” At that moment Kagome realized just how much Inuyasha had matured and had tears in her eyes watching him coddle the new baby.

Deciding to break up the teary moment Inuyasha asked, “So what is this little lady’s name? I think she looks like a ‘Kaneko’ (meaning doubly accomplished child) since she is the child of two strong accomplished parents.” Miroku peeked in at Sango who was awake and listening to the group on the porch and she smiled at him and nodded. Miroku looked at the baby and said, “Yes. This is my daughter Kaneko. Well chosen uncle Inuyasha. Thank you. And thank you Kagome for taking care of Sango for me. I couldn’t live without my one and only love.” At that moment there was a lovely sense of love and family among the group and everyone smiled in harmony knowing that peace had finally reached their lives.
Kagome decided to take a short walk while Kaneko was being fed by her mother with a watchful doting father sitting with them. Inuyasha decided to take Kaede back to her village and Shippo was napping after all the excitement. She walked slowly into the woods outside the village making sure to stay close enough to the outer trees for safety and thought about the night and how long before she would see Sesshomaru. “I wonder if he is at his castle... if he misses me. I can’t believe I was that bold with him... I guess my age is catching up with me finally and all those years of not even having a boy kiss me have made me a little frustrated. I want him so much and yet I know that I also want him to love me. I also want to go home and make sure my family knows where I am and that I’m okay. I’m afraid though that if I go into the well that I might not be able to come back here. Ohhh I don’t know what to do.” With that thought Kagome sat down under a tree and placed her head on her knees and sighed. Tears threatened to well up in her eyes as her heart felt like it was breaking.

In his castle Sesshomaru felt like breaking a wall in frustration and he couldn’t concentrate on anything but the girl Kagome. He and his beast were finally in agreement that they wanted her as their mate but were at odds on how to make that happen. Of course his inner beast wanted to simply abduct her, rut with her and start having little pups everywhere but Sesshomaru knew that it wasn’t going to be that simple getting the girl to agree. He knew that she came from another time and may not be able to stay in this time and that she was attached to her friends here including his annoying hanyou brother and the kitsune. “What should I do? Should I go there and speak with her? Offer to bring her here or just speak to her there where she would be comforted by having her friends nearby. Do I tell her I want her as my mate or will she expect me to speak of love and other human feelings? I don’t know what to do. I just want her and all else comes second.” His beasts answer was so rude it wasn’t worth thinking about.

Kagome stood up and dusted herself off before walking back towards the village and right before she reached the gates she felt a strong demonic aura headed straight for her. She turned and immediately found herself being hauled up against a strong chest and a face buried in her neck. “Wh..what? Sesshomaru? Are you okay? Why are you here?” Kagome pushed back from the great demon lord and looked him in the eyes as he leaned back and smirked at her. “Can this Sesshomaru not just look at you, hold you and inhale your sweet scent? *sigh* Perhaps I missed you little miko. I desperately wish to finish what we started a few days ago.” Sesshomaru watched as Kagome’s face blushed a little and then he tensed as he sensed his brother coming this way. She knew why he tensed up and looked at him saying, “Its okay. He knows and says its alright with him.” This statement shocked Sesshomaru just a bit though he would never admit it even under torture and before he could even contemplate a reaction to that thought his brother dropped in from the trees. “Why hello brother. Got caught with your hand in the cookie jar? Ha ha ha. Kagome I hate to interrupt but Sango would like some help with Kaneko so she can take a nap and apparently we mere males aren’t good enough.” Kagome looked between the two men who had fought with each other every single time she had been with them was surprised at how they behaved.

She needed to go to Sango though so decided to ask, “Sesshomaru would you like to walk back to the village with me? Sango had her baby last night, a little girl, Kaneko and well... you are welcome to come with me and we can... talk.” Kagome looked at Sesshomaru and fidgeted while she waited for his answer and Inuyasha stood their smirking and making loopy eyes at Sesshomaru. The great demon lord of the Western Lords snorted arrogantly and took Kagome’s arm as they began walking towards the village... all the while Inuyasha laughed hysterically and rolled on the ground. “Sesshy whipped by a human girl... Oh the hilarity of it. HA HA HA HA HA!!!! Oh man... I can’t wait to see Fluffy here with his tail between his legs after one good yelling at from Kagome! Oh boy oh boy. Whoa. Ha Ha.” And just as quickly as Sesshomaru stopped and started to turn around Inuyasha jumped up into the trees and took off towards the village with his laughter floating through the trees.

Kagome giggled a little as she looked at the taiyoukai and told him, “Isn’t that what little brothers are for? He is just teasing you and I for one am happy that he wasn’t whipping out his sword and wind scarring you across the forest. He has grown up a lot but its nice to know his sense of humor hasn’t matured much. He he he.” Sesshomaru looked down at the girl that would be his mate and would have smiled had the demon lord made such human-like faces. Together they walked through the village gates and up to the little hut that now held a crying babe and a laughing baka hanyou.