InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Time ❯ Finally! ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 9- Finally!

Sesshomaru landed in the courtyard of his castle and there among the rose bushes and sweet smelling cherry trees, Kagome saw her first glimpse of the Lord of the Western Lands home. She gasped in delight and turned to him saying, “Oh my. Its lovely Sesshomaru! I can’t believe you live here! Wow! Will you show me around... later?” Sesshomaru looked into her eyes and in a low voice in her ear said, “why not now? Or is there something else you wish to see? Or do?” Kagome blushed at the hint the taiyoukai was giving her and decided the days of being a shy schoolgirl were over and now she, as a young woman, wanted to make love with the man she had given her heart to. Looking him in the eyes Kagome responded, “Yes there is something else I want to see... your bedroom and I’ll tell you what I want to do when we get there.” She smiled at the look of surprise on the lord’s face before he swept her up in his arms and rushed into the castle past curious servants who were wondering what their master was up to with the human girl.

Sesshomaru, Lord of the Western Lands, had never hurried anywhere before but the thought of finally being with his chosen mate and completing the process that would make her his forever was simply too much to resist hurrying for. He reached out and slung his chamber door open before growling at the servant, “OUT! Do not disturb me for anything! Understood?!” The chamber maid simply “eeked” and ran out closing the door behind her. Kagome playfully tapped the demon lord and said, “Now was that necessary? You probably scared her to death! She probably thought you were going to claw her face off!” Since the girl was giggling and playing with silver strands dancing around the demon’s face he decided he would let the comment go and instead do alittle playing of his own. Sesshomaru placed her on the bed and neatly sliced the sweater she was wearing right down the middle letting it fall open to reveal her lovely bra-encased breasts. “Beautiful... Kagome I do not know how long this Sesshomaru can wait to taste your loveliness. I need you. I want you now.” He softly growled the last word and began slipping off his outer garments one by one before she reached out to untie his hakamas herself. “Let me help you.” Kagome slipped her torn sweater off and carefully slid his untied pants down while he panted with need. Sesshomaru used one sharp claw to expertly cut the front of her bra in half and she let it slide off without any complaints; Kagome allowed him to look at her nude upper body and decided the look of appreciation on his face was worth any embarrassment she may have felt. She stood up and took off her jeans and underwear before stepping up to the great demon lord and pressing her now completely nude body against his equally naked form. Kagome ran her hands up his chest feeling all the subtle muscles underneath her hands clench in tension and knew that he wouldn’t be able to take much teasing before he would lose control. Sesshomaru stood still and breathed heavily allowing her to learn his form and to trace his muscles because inside his beast was purring in delight and pleasure. After a few minutes of her curiously seeking hands and fingers he decided enough was enough and it was his turn. The exploration of her body was done while they both laid on the extremely large bed in the center of his chambers with the long curtains drawn around the canopy, the silk sheets sliding beneath Kagome’s writhing form.

It didn’t take long for them both to be moaning in need and Sesshomaru decided it was time to warn her of what mating him meant, “Kagome... I want you and I need you but not just tonight...but forever as my mate. You need to understand what that means; as my mate you would live here with me in this castle and be Lady of the Western Lands. You would be free to do what you like, see your friends whenever you wish and they would be welcome here as well. I would hope that you would care for Rin as a daughter like I do and that you would want to have pups with me as well because I need an heir eventually. As my mate you would need to be with me for certain events or meetings and you would bear my mark on your neck as a symbol of our relationship and to be under my protection. When we reach the peak of our mating I will have to bite you on the neck and drink some of your blood then in turn I will allow you to drink some of my own blood. The wound will hurt but will heal quickly... are you sure this is what you want? It will be forever, we will be joined in life spans and in power, you may even take on many of the youkai traits that I possess. Tell me now what you wish and I will accept it.”

Kagome thought about the taiyoukai said and it took her only a minute before answering, “I understand what it means to be your mate and I will accept all that you offer. I want nothing more than to be your Lady, your mate and the mother of your pups one day. I already care for Rin as my own and I am ready for whatever comes next. I have loved you all these years and will love you until the day that I die.” She smiled at Sesshomaru and leaned in to press a passionate kiss on his lips as he understood what she had agreed to before he began kissing her back. They quickly began to climb the peak that would allow them to join as one and it wasn’t long before they both reached the end and exploded in each other’s arms. At that moment Sesshomaru bit down on the artery in her neck and lapped at the blood that flowed freely from the wound while his wrist was brought up to her mouth with a small cut that was bleeding from his claw. They both drank of each other before collapsing against the bed in a sweaty embrace. It was several hours before they awoke and by then the sun had set and the moon shone brightly through the windows next to the bed. Kagome opened her eyes and carefully slid out of the bed to walk to the window grabbing Sesshomaru’s haori and wrapping it around herself as she went. She stood at the balcony looking out over the Western lands knowing that she would now be responsible for caring for them and the people that lived within them, it was a daunting task and yet, one that she was happy to do. All her life Kagome had wanted to feel needed and appreciated and it wasn’t until she had been pulled down the well that fateful day so many years ago that she had known what it was like to be a part of something bigger than herself, to have power and control and be significant. She was happy to be back here in the time she felt she really belonged in, with the man she loved and her only regret was not being able to say goodbye to her mom, her grandfather and Souta. *sighing* “I’m afraid to try the well again because it might not let me back here again, even if it let me through to home in the first place. I could ask Inuyasha if he would try the well for me... or maybe my family would understand that my heart was always here with Sesshomaru and my friends.” Her thoughts ended when she felt a strong pair of arms encircle her waist and a pair of lips found their way to her neck. Sesshomaru held her tightly and sensed her troubled thoughts but knew it was not him but her family in her time that worried her.

He turned her around and kissed her gently before they both turned to look at the moon shining down on them from above, finally being together and where they belonged, in each other’s arms.