InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Time ❯ A Visit with Friends ( Chapter 10 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 10- A Visit with Friends
It was a full two weeks before Kagome was comfortable in the castle and the way she was treated as Lady of the Western Lands. There were some that she knew were not happy Sesshomaru had chosen a human mate but they were smart enough to keep it to themselves or risk their position and health. There were others though that were pleased that their lord had finally found someone worthy of his love and his title and though she was human they knew that Kagome was the Shikon no Tama Miko and had defeated Naraku. One of the lower level youkais, a monkey youkai named Natsumi (meaning ‘summer beauty’) came in saying, “My Lady, Sesshomaru-sama wishes you to join him for breakfast on the balcony outside the library when you are ready. He also asked if you would wear this present he chose for you.” Natsumi opened the box she held in her arms and took out a lovely blue-green kimono with a large white dog demon embroidered on the back and sakuras on the bell-shaped sleeves. There was a matching pair of hakamas for underneath and a white obi to tie it with; lastly Natsumi brought out a pair of white slippers with blue-green paw prints embroidered on the tops. “Oh they are lovely!” Kagome clapped her hands in pleasure and shrugged out of her robe in order to put the gorgeous new garments on. “I wonder what the special occasion is! These are fit for royalty!” After that statement Natsumi gave her an odd look and said, “Lady Kagome you are royalty, you are Lady of the Western Lands now and as such you are deemed royalty within the demon world.” Natsumi finished her statement and began to help Kagome into her clothes before bowing out of the room and disappearing down the hallway to the kitchen.
Kagome nervously fidgeted with her obi as she walked out onto the balcony to meet her lord and mate, Sesshomaru. “Ohayo gozaimasu Sesshomaru-sama.” Kagome bowed slightly before him before he bowed in return and pulled out a chair for her to sit down in. “Kagome, how are you this morning? Do the clothes fit well? Do you like them?” Sesshomaru knew she liked the clothes but was nervous at wearing such finery that she was not accustomed to. “Hai, I think they are beautiful. May I ask you if I am supposed to wear such nice clothes everyday?” Sesshomaru graced her with one of his famous smirks before answering, “Not everyday no but today is a special occasion as we are expecting guests.” He waited for her to look up and flinch at the prospect of already having to meet the other lords and ladies that Sesshomaru had to deal with before he laughed softly and told her, “No it will not be any lords and ladies coming today so don’t go off in an uproar about it. I have invited Inuyasha and the other members of your extended family to the castle for a visit. Your friends from the slayer village will be arriving after lunch today and will be staying for several days to see you and see how you are. Is that acceptable?” Sesshomaru was not expecting the girl to jump up out of her chair and sit in his lap hugging the life out of him and thanking him with kisses planted all over his lordly face; but he wasn’t complaining. He was not the kind of demon to pass up passionate kisses and gratitude from his mate though he wouldn’t readily admit it to anyone else.
Kagome was so excited about seeing her friends that she even had Rin laughing at her antics, “Lady Kagome you are acting like Rin when Rin finds pretty flowers for Lord Sesshomaru!” Rin was giggling and covering her mouth with her hands as Jaken scowled at the ridiculous pair of human females. He hobbled away with his staff of two heads mumbling, “uh. I hate humans. Why Sesshomaru finds the need to have both of those good for nothing females lazing around the castle is oblivious to me! AAAHHHH!!!” At that last statement Jaken found his gracious lord’s foot kicking him across the garden with a short harsh, “Jaken! This Sesshomaru will not tell you again about insulting my mate and my daughter. They are here, they are staying and you will cease your idiotic complaining if you value your life!” Sesshomaru valiantly tried to hide the slight smile that briefly graced his face while turning to face his mate and child, however, he was not successful fast enough as both Kagome and Rin were laughing out loud at his reaction and Jaken’s current predicament of being stuck in a rose bush... headfirst.
Right before lunch was getting ready to be served to the trio outside there was a bit of commotion at the front gates with a loud voice calling out, “Hey Kagome!!! Get your mate to call off the guards and let us in! Stupid bakas! Don’t make me windscar your asses!” At that Sesshomaru disappeared down the hall on his way to the gate and a few minutes later a loud mouthed baka rushed in and swooped Kagome up in a hug before putting her down and saying, “I missed you Kagome. How are you? This brother of mine treating you right? Cause if not you know I’ll kick his ass for you.” Inuyasha smiled at her before looking up at his older brother and earning a look of respect from the demon lord. Kagome was not the only one to catch the look of understanding that passed between the brothers and was happy that it looked like things were on the right path for the pack to be together again. Kagome smiled at Inuyasha and answered him, “I’m great but I missed you, all of you, and am so happy you are here! We were about to have lunch so please join us! Thank you for coming and let me see that baby!”
Kagome spent the entire lunch oohing and aahing over Kaneko and how much she had already grown in the few weeks that she had been away. Everyone talked and ate and Shippo played with Rin out in the garden while Sesshomaru asked to speak to Inuyasha in his study. Kagome looked nervously at the brothers before Sesshomaru gave her a nod to let her know that peace would remain in the house and he had no ill intention towards his younger brother. The servants, Kiku and Fuji came and cleared the lunch table and asked if there was anything the group needed before disappearing into the hall leading to the kitchen. Kagome took Sango and Miroku into the gardens and they lounged in the grass next to the koi pond talking and catching up while Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were about to have the first serious talk since they were children.
Sesshomaru closed the door to his study and wondered how he could mend the ills of the past concerning his brother and to explain that only through his relationship with Kagome has he been able to understand what his younger brother had suffered through his life. Inuyasha sensed the change in his older brother and knew that he had Kagome to thank again because she, with her generous heart and loving personality, had changed his whole life and obviously his brother’s as well. Inuyasha decided to help his brother out and started the conversation, “Well I see Kagome is fitting in just like she should, huh? She looks really happy... I’m glad. She is my best friend and I love her as my sister... and well, I couldn’t have chosen a better mate for her if I had done it myself.” He looked up and saw his brother with a soft look on his face and suddenly Sesshomaru strode forward and took his little brother in a fierce hug before stepping back and saying, “Thank you... brother. You are welcome here anytime, it is your home as well as mine. Kagome is a fine woman and she is lucky to have had such a fine friend and protector these many years. I trust you with her life and safety as I trust myself. Now... lets rejoin your fellow travelers.” Sesshomaru felt as though his father was there with them and perhaps, proud of him for the first time in his life and it was all thanks to Kagome, his mate. Inuyasha was also thinking his father would have been happy to have the brothers together and at peace with one another and would have gotten a laugh at the fact that it was Sesshomaru’s human mate that had finally gotten the InuTaisho’s sons together. He laughed out loud before getting a curious look from Sesshomaru as they reached Kagome and the others playing in the garden and a very peaceful Kaneko sleeping in Kagome’s arms.
Inuyasha said, “I see you and Kaneko are a happy little pair. She is a good baby, huh? Watch out though, she has a hair pulling fascination.” Sango and Miroku laughed and the former monk said, “No she has a silver hair pulling fascination.” He laughed as Inuyasha rolled his eyes and Kagome said, “oh. Does this mean Inuyasha has been holding the baby?” Sango looked at Kaneko and then Inuyasha and said, “yes, since you left Inuyasha has been a great help and we decided to wait and ask him when we were all together...but.. Inuyasha would you like to be Kaneko’s godfather?” She smiled as the hanyou looked surprised and a little emotional for a moment before answering softly, “yes Sango, I would love to be her godfather. And think when Sesshomaru and Kagome have pups I’ll be an uncle too!” He was excited like a kid and went to play with Rin and Shippo for a while claiming the adults were too quiet right now, though everyone knew it was because he was moved by the request and needed some time to control his emotions again. Everyone decided it was time to go in a short while later to rest before dinner and to put Kaneko down for her nap.
Kagome took the opportunity to retire to her chambers with Sesshomaru and ask him what the two brothers had talked about in the study. “So no fighting? No yelling, screaming, hair pulling, sword stealing antics, huh? What did you guys talk about?” Kagome was looking nervous and anxious all at the same time and so Sesshomaru answered, “Don’t worry my mate, all is well and the sons of Inu Taisho have reconciled their prejudices from the past for good. No more fighting, no more yelling and no more attempted sword stealing. Inuyasha is now welcome in our home and will be your protector if I am unable to be. He will be able to come and go as he pleases, he will be able to see you and you him whenever you like and he was correct in saying that he will be uncle to our future pups.”
Kagome launched herself at the great lord for the second time that day and he asked, “I take it this makes you happy?” She laughed and cried at the same time and said, “oh yes! I’m so happy! Thank you. I’m so glad that you and Inuyasha have made peace, siblings should always be friends.” After that last statement though Kagome sat down with a sad look on her face as she thought of Souta, her little brother and how she missed him and her mother and grandfather. Kagome wondered if there was a way to go home and see them, tell them all that had happened and tell them goodbye. “I wish I could see them all once more, get some of my favorite things from home, tell them all that I love them and goodbye. That maybe I’ll live long enough to see them again. I wish they could see the children I’ll have...*sigh*.”
Sesshomaru saw her retreat into her own thoughts and knew it was her family in the future that she was thinking about. “She cannot leave us! I will not allow it! What if she couldn’t return? Or we could not go with her? NO!” His inner beast was most adamant about not letting Kagome leave so it would be difficult to find a solution to this dilemma and maintain his control. He wanted his mate to be happy and if seeing her family and saying goodbye to them would allow her to stay with him and be happy then that is what he wanted to see happen. He needed to speak to Inuyasha and the elder miko to see what they would be able to do to make his mate happy and at peace with her decision to be with him in the past.
It was a full two weeks before Kagome was comfortable in the castle and the way she was treated as Lady of the Western Lands. There were some that she knew were not happy Sesshomaru had chosen a human mate but they were smart enough to keep it to themselves or risk their position and health. There were others though that were pleased that their lord had finally found someone worthy of his love and his title and though she was human they knew that Kagome was the Shikon no Tama Miko and had defeated Naraku. One of the lower level youkais, a monkey youkai named Natsumi (meaning ‘summer beauty’) came in saying, “My Lady, Sesshomaru-sama wishes you to join him for breakfast on the balcony outside the library when you are ready. He also asked if you would wear this present he chose for you.” Natsumi opened the box she held in her arms and took out a lovely blue-green kimono with a large white dog demon embroidered on the back and sakuras on the bell-shaped sleeves. There was a matching pair of hakamas for underneath and a white obi to tie it with; lastly Natsumi brought out a pair of white slippers with blue-green paw prints embroidered on the tops. “Oh they are lovely!” Kagome clapped her hands in pleasure and shrugged out of her robe in order to put the gorgeous new garments on. “I wonder what the special occasion is! These are fit for royalty!” After that statement Natsumi gave her an odd look and said, “Lady Kagome you are royalty, you are Lady of the Western Lands now and as such you are deemed royalty within the demon world.” Natsumi finished her statement and began to help Kagome into her clothes before bowing out of the room and disappearing down the hallway to the kitchen.
Kagome nervously fidgeted with her obi as she walked out onto the balcony to meet her lord and mate, Sesshomaru. “Ohayo gozaimasu Sesshomaru-sama.” Kagome bowed slightly before him before he bowed in return and pulled out a chair for her to sit down in. “Kagome, how are you this morning? Do the clothes fit well? Do you like them?” Sesshomaru knew she liked the clothes but was nervous at wearing such finery that she was not accustomed to. “Hai, I think they are beautiful. May I ask you if I am supposed to wear such nice clothes everyday?” Sesshomaru graced her with one of his famous smirks before answering, “Not everyday no but today is a special occasion as we are expecting guests.” He waited for her to look up and flinch at the prospect of already having to meet the other lords and ladies that Sesshomaru had to deal with before he laughed softly and told her, “No it will not be any lords and ladies coming today so don’t go off in an uproar about it. I have invited Inuyasha and the other members of your extended family to the castle for a visit. Your friends from the slayer village will be arriving after lunch today and will be staying for several days to see you and see how you are. Is that acceptable?” Sesshomaru was not expecting the girl to jump up out of her chair and sit in his lap hugging the life out of him and thanking him with kisses planted all over his lordly face; but he wasn’t complaining. He was not the kind of demon to pass up passionate kisses and gratitude from his mate though he wouldn’t readily admit it to anyone else.
Kagome was so excited about seeing her friends that she even had Rin laughing at her antics, “Lady Kagome you are acting like Rin when Rin finds pretty flowers for Lord Sesshomaru!” Rin was giggling and covering her mouth with her hands as Jaken scowled at the ridiculous pair of human females. He hobbled away with his staff of two heads mumbling, “uh. I hate humans. Why Sesshomaru finds the need to have both of those good for nothing females lazing around the castle is oblivious to me! AAAHHHH!!!” At that last statement Jaken found his gracious lord’s foot kicking him across the garden with a short harsh, “Jaken! This Sesshomaru will not tell you again about insulting my mate and my daughter. They are here, they are staying and you will cease your idiotic complaining if you value your life!” Sesshomaru valiantly tried to hide the slight smile that briefly graced his face while turning to face his mate and child, however, he was not successful fast enough as both Kagome and Rin were laughing out loud at his reaction and Jaken’s current predicament of being stuck in a rose bush... headfirst.
Right before lunch was getting ready to be served to the trio outside there was a bit of commotion at the front gates with a loud voice calling out, “Hey Kagome!!! Get your mate to call off the guards and let us in! Stupid bakas! Don’t make me windscar your asses!” At that Sesshomaru disappeared down the hall on his way to the gate and a few minutes later a loud mouthed baka rushed in and swooped Kagome up in a hug before putting her down and saying, “I missed you Kagome. How are you? This brother of mine treating you right? Cause if not you know I’ll kick his ass for you.” Inuyasha smiled at her before looking up at his older brother and earning a look of respect from the demon lord. Kagome was not the only one to catch the look of understanding that passed between the brothers and was happy that it looked like things were on the right path for the pack to be together again. Kagome smiled at Inuyasha and answered him, “I’m great but I missed you, all of you, and am so happy you are here! We were about to have lunch so please join us! Thank you for coming and let me see that baby!”
Kagome spent the entire lunch oohing and aahing over Kaneko and how much she had already grown in the few weeks that she had been away. Everyone talked and ate and Shippo played with Rin out in the garden while Sesshomaru asked to speak to Inuyasha in his study. Kagome looked nervously at the brothers before Sesshomaru gave her a nod to let her know that peace would remain in the house and he had no ill intention towards his younger brother. The servants, Kiku and Fuji came and cleared the lunch table and asked if there was anything the group needed before disappearing into the hall leading to the kitchen. Kagome took Sango and Miroku into the gardens and they lounged in the grass next to the koi pond talking and catching up while Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were about to have the first serious talk since they were children.
Sesshomaru closed the door to his study and wondered how he could mend the ills of the past concerning his brother and to explain that only through his relationship with Kagome has he been able to understand what his younger brother had suffered through his life. Inuyasha sensed the change in his older brother and knew that he had Kagome to thank again because she, with her generous heart and loving personality, had changed his whole life and obviously his brother’s as well. Inuyasha decided to help his brother out and started the conversation, “Well I see Kagome is fitting in just like she should, huh? She looks really happy... I’m glad. She is my best friend and I love her as my sister... and well, I couldn’t have chosen a better mate for her if I had done it myself.” He looked up and saw his brother with a soft look on his face and suddenly Sesshomaru strode forward and took his little brother in a fierce hug before stepping back and saying, “Thank you... brother. You are welcome here anytime, it is your home as well as mine. Kagome is a fine woman and she is lucky to have had such a fine friend and protector these many years. I trust you with her life and safety as I trust myself. Now... lets rejoin your fellow travelers.” Sesshomaru felt as though his father was there with them and perhaps, proud of him for the first time in his life and it was all thanks to Kagome, his mate. Inuyasha was also thinking his father would have been happy to have the brothers together and at peace with one another and would have gotten a laugh at the fact that it was Sesshomaru’s human mate that had finally gotten the InuTaisho’s sons together. He laughed out loud before getting a curious look from Sesshomaru as they reached Kagome and the others playing in the garden and a very peaceful Kaneko sleeping in Kagome’s arms.
Inuyasha said, “I see you and Kaneko are a happy little pair. She is a good baby, huh? Watch out though, she has a hair pulling fascination.” Sango and Miroku laughed and the former monk said, “No she has a silver hair pulling fascination.” He laughed as Inuyasha rolled his eyes and Kagome said, “oh. Does this mean Inuyasha has been holding the baby?” Sango looked at Kaneko and then Inuyasha and said, “yes, since you left Inuyasha has been a great help and we decided to wait and ask him when we were all together...but.. Inuyasha would you like to be Kaneko’s godfather?” She smiled as the hanyou looked surprised and a little emotional for a moment before answering softly, “yes Sango, I would love to be her godfather. And think when Sesshomaru and Kagome have pups I’ll be an uncle too!” He was excited like a kid and went to play with Rin and Shippo for a while claiming the adults were too quiet right now, though everyone knew it was because he was moved by the request and needed some time to control his emotions again. Everyone decided it was time to go in a short while later to rest before dinner and to put Kaneko down for her nap.
Kagome took the opportunity to retire to her chambers with Sesshomaru and ask him what the two brothers had talked about in the study. “So no fighting? No yelling, screaming, hair pulling, sword stealing antics, huh? What did you guys talk about?” Kagome was looking nervous and anxious all at the same time and so Sesshomaru answered, “Don’t worry my mate, all is well and the sons of Inu Taisho have reconciled their prejudices from the past for good. No more fighting, no more yelling and no more attempted sword stealing. Inuyasha is now welcome in our home and will be your protector if I am unable to be. He will be able to come and go as he pleases, he will be able to see you and you him whenever you like and he was correct in saying that he will be uncle to our future pups.”
Kagome launched herself at the great lord for the second time that day and he asked, “I take it this makes you happy?” She laughed and cried at the same time and said, “oh yes! I’m so happy! Thank you. I’m so glad that you and Inuyasha have made peace, siblings should always be friends.” After that last statement though Kagome sat down with a sad look on her face as she thought of Souta, her little brother and how she missed him and her mother and grandfather. Kagome wondered if there was a way to go home and see them, tell them all that had happened and tell them goodbye. “I wish I could see them all once more, get some of my favorite things from home, tell them all that I love them and goodbye. That maybe I’ll live long enough to see them again. I wish they could see the children I’ll have...*sigh*.”
Sesshomaru saw her retreat into her own thoughts and knew it was her family in the future that she was thinking about. “She cannot leave us! I will not allow it! What if she couldn’t return? Or we could not go with her? NO!” His inner beast was most adamant about not letting Kagome leave so it would be difficult to find a solution to this dilemma and maintain his control. He wanted his mate to be happy and if seeing her family and saying goodbye to them would allow her to stay with him and be happy then that is what he wanted to see happen. He needed to speak to Inuyasha and the elder miko to see what they would be able to do to make his mate happy and at peace with her decision to be with him in the past.