InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ love from a youkai ❯ death in the castle ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey guys I wanted to answer a question before I started. Inu fainted because of the deprivation of power the jewel was giving him. See?

Anyways on with the story.

Chapter 13: death in the castle

Inuyasha was brought to a spare bed room to rest. Kagome watched after him.

Hikaru was going to stay there for a couple of days as well.

"Kagome.." Sesshomaru said opening the door.

"hi." She said to him.

"Can I borrow you for a second, in my study?" he asked.

"Of course."

Kaogme got up and followed him to his office. He shut the door behind her and locked it.

"Whats going on Sesshy?' she asked.

He walked over to her and grabbed her by her sides, lifting her up to sit on his desk.

"I wanted to ask you something." He replied.

"Is the hanyou going to stay with us?"

"Yes he is. Bcuz I got the tainted shard. Everything will be ok. I promises." She said with a smile.

"good." He kissed her neck and started to undo her shirt.

Warning: lemon ahead!!

She trembled beneath his touch. Wanting it. he took one breast in his hand and the other in his mouth, leaving her neck. Kagome bit her bottom lip, pleasure washing over her creamy skin like water.

Sesshomaru took the rest of her out fit off and noticed that her underwear had a string back.

"What's this?" he asked, holding up the garment.

"That's a thong. Ain't it sexy?" kagome teased.

He smiled and took off his clothes wanting her more.

He bent down to kiss her and she could feel his erection between her thighs. Sesshy didn't want to wait any longer. And neither did kagome. He plunged into her warmth, pumping hard and fast. She moaned beneath his kiss and he lifted his head to watch her writhe beneath him.

She was begging for him to go faster and harder, he didn't want to disappoint her so he tapped into his youkai power.

She reached her climax and he released his seed inside of her.

Kagome was panting and covered in sweat. Sesshy was too. He leaned down to kiss her again, and then he helped her dress. Kissing her one last time before he got dressed.

End lemon

They walked out together. Out into the hallway then down the stairs to the kitchen. Inuyasha wasn't down and neither were the kids, so they enjoyed a nice romantic lunch with each other.

The kids had apparently gone to take a nap. Or a least that's what the servant had told them.

By dinner time neither of the kids had come down from their room.

So kagome went to get them.

She entered the room and went to shippo's bed first. He was sleeping. She shook him trying to get him to wake but he wouldn't.

"Shippo wake up." Kagome urged. But he didn't.

"Sesshomaru!" she wanted to know what was the matter with her adopted son. She turned around to see if rin was alright but fell backwards screaming.

"Sesshomaru and hikaru were there now.

"What's the matter kagome?" asked her mate.

Then he saw it. the worst thing he thought would ever happen to his beloved rin had happened.

Tears began to stream down his cheeks as he reached for his tenseiga but realized that Naraku had stolen it.

"No please gods no! don't let it be true."

Kagome was still crying on the floor, kneeling on her knees trying to wake Shippo up.

"Sesshomaru he won't wake up. Please wake up Shippo please wake up. I don't want to lose you too." She sobbed in to the sleeping child's hair.

Hikaru could only stand there and watch as his idol, the tuffest demon he had ever met, stood there and let the tears flow.

Wow that was the hardest thing I ever had to write. I'm going to go cry now.