InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love From the Ashes ❯ Of Time And Honor ( Chapter 11 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: All Inuyasha characters belong not to me, but to Rumiko Takahashi and related companies. No money is being made off of this fic.Yuji is belonging to me.
(A/N): All the good ones . . .
"I see" Miroku steps closer, causing Inuyasha's hand to shift higher "so when?"
Inuyasha's eyes widen before closing, his hand moves up to the man's slender waist "it's . . . not a choice to take lightly"
"I figured that Inuyasha . . .for life, correct?" Miroku's hand balls into the hanyou's fire-rat garbs "I am familiar with some youkai customs"
"Miroku" he looks up at his name, Inuyasha's eyes catching his, searching.
Miroku gasps as Inuyasha takes hold of his hand without any warning leading him into the forest, a ways in he stops, Miroku finding his back pressed against the rough bark of a tree, the hanyou's body pressed against his own.
"Inuyasha . . ." he arches his back slightly pressing forwards, a thrill running through him. Eyes searching once agin Inuyasha seems to stop for a moment before backing away
"I can't let you Miroku . . . not yet" Miroku's confusion and disappointment shows on his features "if . . . If I were to mark you before we . . .before we defeated Naraku" He pauses his hands tucking almost angrily into his sleeves, he glares at the ground as if everything he was feeling was it's fault. Miroku's face goes immediately from confused to concerned
"If I die then" his brow creases deeply "If I die, and we're mated, you would most likey follow after" Inuyasha looks up "you would die as well, yes we would be mated for life but often it goes beyond that!" his hands become untucked as he makes a particularly loud gesture, his arm sweeping out to the side. The hand balls into a fist
"When one of a mated pair dies it effects them several times as much as it would if they weren't mated! Usually the one surviving kills themselves, just so they can join their mate and end the pain!" He turns his eyes away again, preferring to focus on the pain of his claws biting into the skin of his palm.
"Inuyasha, that--" The hanyou stumbles back a few steps in surprise when Miroku embraces him, as best he can with one arm in a sling "that doesn't matter" his grip tightens as Inuyasha gains his footing "anyway . . .you’re the hero right? The good guy? Good guys always win and all that" Inuyasha inhales deeply taking in the other man's comforting scent 'if only that were true all the time, then there'd be no worry' The monk steps back once, looking off into the forest
"besides that" Miroku's arm hangs at his side "even if we weren't mated Inuyasha, after having this time with you now; after experiencing what I'd been craving for so long . . . I don't think I'd want to go on living that lonely life again" This time the human's eyes are searching, hoping for common ground
Inuyasha pulls Miroku into his arms "Miroku . . .I wish I could just--"
"It hurts-- sometimes Inuyasha" he cuts him off, knowing full well what he was going to say, his warded hand balling into a fist at Inuyasha's back "I don't want . . . to have to worry about consequences now, regret, not doing the things I wanted to do when my time comes. I want to be with you completely Inuyasha, I want to be mated to you!"
Inhale, lower stance slowly, exhale, forward slide-- palm strike. Inhale, draw back
"hya!" Block with forearm, above the head. Sango moves gracefully in and out of stances, completing her kata* slowly but surely as she warms up. She adresses her companion
"Kirara, I don't know if we can trust that guy as of yet" Kirara mews in agreement as she watches the Taijiya lazily, they would spar soon, the firecat content with watching for now
"I don't think the others trust him either" she turns swiftly shifting her weight before slowly kicking out in front of her 'knee height, stomach, head . . . higher' Kirara mews again
"he has an air about him . . . I don't like it, he thinks he's better than us"
Pausing somewhere near the middle of 'Inuyasha's Forest' as it was apparently called, Yuji looks around, ears, eyes and nose open. The hanyou wasn't lying when he'd said youkai seemed to know better when it concerned his territory. He could only sense the animals and sprites of the forest, no ill-intented lower youkai hiding about. He frowns, he still did not particularly like the idea of working for a hanyou, even though he'd technically be dealing with a full youkai. The hanyou was the leader of the pack, the one in charge who he reported to. The man-boy's reputation didn't push this feeling away, he was strong, but still a hanyou none the less. His frown deepens, a hanyou born of royal blood, to a family he owed his very life. His sense of honor was, to the luck of the hanyou, much greater than his dislike of the result of a youkai's 'weakness and ignorance'.
Modern Day Tokyo . . .
"Oh Kagome, you should have been there!" The girl was half paying attention as her friends filled her in on the latest at school and elsewhere. They were causing quite the racket at the small restaurant.
"hnm, what? I'm sorry Yuka"
"Kagome you're totally out of it" Ayumi gives her friend a worried look
"I'm fine, just tired" The girls nod in understanding
"so anyway" Yuka continues "Hojo starts to walk away from us--asking for you of couse Kagome, this American guy comes up to him!"
"he was really attractive! Red hair, eyes like emeralds!" Eri comments
"He starts hitting on poor Hojo! He looked so uncomfortable, he said something in English and Hojo blushed! He looked so flustered, shaking his head so quickly"
"maybe the guiy invited him to a love hotel!" Ayumi gushes, the others giggling
"I wonder what he said? Think Hojo would tell us?" Eri gazes upward, they all laugh.
the laughing dies down as Kagome's laughing turns into sobs.
"Oh Kagome!"
"are you alright!?"
"what is it!?"
Kagome wipes furiously at her face finally giving up and pressing the heels of her hands against her eyelids. She shakes her head
'oh Inuyasha! Inuyasha! I can't pretend I didn't love you! I can't though--I can't anymore! I love Miroku too, and Sango and Shippo and Keade!' she wraps hands around her shoulders rocking slowly as the emotions she's pent up in the Feudal Era were let loose. Her friends hands pat and rub at her back and hair, though it seemed fruitless. 'Inuyasha . . . I want to just stay here and forget you. I want to just drop my responsibilities and sleep the rest of my life away. I want to forget the jewel and Naraku, everything!'
"He's gone!" she finally chokes out
"the two-timer!" they all gasp thinking the same thing 'he left her for the other girl!'
"he's gone and I--" She shakes her head again "I can't even compete!" 'Because I'm a woman!'
"your better than her Kagome!"
"yes, so much!"
"and he's and idiot!"
"I still love him!" the fact in actual word sends an involuntary shudder down her spine, the girls gasp as well
"I still love him and he loves Miroku!" 'He said it himself! Even if it wasn't those exact words, his voice! I could hear it!'
"Miroku!?" a couple passing by frowns and mutters about rude youngsters
"a man" she covers her face "a man . . . over me" The girls do their best to hug their frend, offering any and all the comfort they could.
Kata - A system of basic body positioning and movement exercises, as in karate or judo.
tbc . . .
IreviewLOVEreviewYOUreview ALL!
Reviewers are loved and get cookies! *cough*Hirumakage*cough*
(A/N): All the good ones . . .
"I see" Miroku steps closer, causing Inuyasha's hand to shift higher "so when?"
Inuyasha's eyes widen before closing, his hand moves up to the man's slender waist "it's . . . not a choice to take lightly"
"I figured that Inuyasha . . .for life, correct?" Miroku's hand balls into the hanyou's fire-rat garbs "I am familiar with some youkai customs"
"Miroku" he looks up at his name, Inuyasha's eyes catching his, searching.
Miroku gasps as Inuyasha takes hold of his hand without any warning leading him into the forest, a ways in he stops, Miroku finding his back pressed against the rough bark of a tree, the hanyou's body pressed against his own.
"Inuyasha . . ." he arches his back slightly pressing forwards, a thrill running through him. Eyes searching once agin Inuyasha seems to stop for a moment before backing away
"I can't let you Miroku . . . not yet" Miroku's confusion and disappointment shows on his features "if . . . If I were to mark you before we . . .before we defeated Naraku" He pauses his hands tucking almost angrily into his sleeves, he glares at the ground as if everything he was feeling was it's fault. Miroku's face goes immediately from confused to concerned
"If I die then" his brow creases deeply "If I die, and we're mated, you would most likey follow after" Inuyasha looks up "you would die as well, yes we would be mated for life but often it goes beyond that!" his hands become untucked as he makes a particularly loud gesture, his arm sweeping out to the side. The hand balls into a fist
"When one of a mated pair dies it effects them several times as much as it would if they weren't mated! Usually the one surviving kills themselves, just so they can join their mate and end the pain!" He turns his eyes away again, preferring to focus on the pain of his claws biting into the skin of his palm.
"Inuyasha, that--" The hanyou stumbles back a few steps in surprise when Miroku embraces him, as best he can with one arm in a sling "that doesn't matter" his grip tightens as Inuyasha gains his footing "anyway . . .you’re the hero right? The good guy? Good guys always win and all that" Inuyasha inhales deeply taking in the other man's comforting scent 'if only that were true all the time, then there'd be no worry' The monk steps back once, looking off into the forest
"besides that" Miroku's arm hangs at his side "even if we weren't mated Inuyasha, after having this time with you now; after experiencing what I'd been craving for so long . . . I don't think I'd want to go on living that lonely life again" This time the human's eyes are searching, hoping for common ground
Inuyasha pulls Miroku into his arms "Miroku . . .I wish I could just--"
"It hurts-- sometimes Inuyasha" he cuts him off, knowing full well what he was going to say, his warded hand balling into a fist at Inuyasha's back "I don't want . . . to have to worry about consequences now, regret, not doing the things I wanted to do when my time comes. I want to be with you completely Inuyasha, I want to be mated to you!"
Inhale, lower stance slowly, exhale, forward slide-- palm strike. Inhale, draw back
"hya!" Block with forearm, above the head. Sango moves gracefully in and out of stances, completing her kata* slowly but surely as she warms up. She adresses her companion
"Kirara, I don't know if we can trust that guy as of yet" Kirara mews in agreement as she watches the Taijiya lazily, they would spar soon, the firecat content with watching for now
"I don't think the others trust him either" she turns swiftly shifting her weight before slowly kicking out in front of her 'knee height, stomach, head . . . higher' Kirara mews again
"he has an air about him . . . I don't like it, he thinks he's better than us"
Pausing somewhere near the middle of 'Inuyasha's Forest' as it was apparently called, Yuji looks around, ears, eyes and nose open. The hanyou wasn't lying when he'd said youkai seemed to know better when it concerned his territory. He could only sense the animals and sprites of the forest, no ill-intented lower youkai hiding about. He frowns, he still did not particularly like the idea of working for a hanyou, even though he'd technically be dealing with a full youkai. The hanyou was the leader of the pack, the one in charge who he reported to. The man-boy's reputation didn't push this feeling away, he was strong, but still a hanyou none the less. His frown deepens, a hanyou born of royal blood, to a family he owed his very life. His sense of honor was, to the luck of the hanyou, much greater than his dislike of the result of a youkai's 'weakness and ignorance'.
Modern Day Tokyo . . .
"Oh Kagome, you should have been there!" The girl was half paying attention as her friends filled her in on the latest at school and elsewhere. They were causing quite the racket at the small restaurant.
"hnm, what? I'm sorry Yuka"
"Kagome you're totally out of it" Ayumi gives her friend a worried look
"I'm fine, just tired" The girls nod in understanding
"so anyway" Yuka continues "Hojo starts to walk away from us--asking for you of couse Kagome, this American guy comes up to him!"
"he was really attractive! Red hair, eyes like emeralds!" Eri comments
"He starts hitting on poor Hojo! He looked so uncomfortable, he said something in English and Hojo blushed! He looked so flustered, shaking his head so quickly"
"maybe the guiy invited him to a love hotel!" Ayumi gushes, the others giggling
"I wonder what he said? Think Hojo would tell us?" Eri gazes upward, they all laugh.
the laughing dies down as Kagome's laughing turns into sobs.
"Oh Kagome!"
"are you alright!?"
"what is it!?"
Kagome wipes furiously at her face finally giving up and pressing the heels of her hands against her eyelids. She shakes her head
'oh Inuyasha! Inuyasha! I can't pretend I didn't love you! I can't though--I can't anymore! I love Miroku too, and Sango and Shippo and Keade!' she wraps hands around her shoulders rocking slowly as the emotions she's pent up in the Feudal Era were let loose. Her friends hands pat and rub at her back and hair, though it seemed fruitless. 'Inuyasha . . . I want to just stay here and forget you. I want to just drop my responsibilities and sleep the rest of my life away. I want to forget the jewel and Naraku, everything!'
"He's gone!" she finally chokes out
"the two-timer!" they all gasp thinking the same thing 'he left her for the other girl!'
"he's gone and I--" She shakes her head again "I can't even compete!" 'Because I'm a woman!'
"your better than her Kagome!"
"yes, so much!"
"and he's and idiot!"
"I still love him!" the fact in actual word sends an involuntary shudder down her spine, the girls gasp as well
"I still love him and he loves Miroku!" 'He said it himself! Even if it wasn't those exact words, his voice! I could hear it!'
"Miroku!?" a couple passing by frowns and mutters about rude youngsters
"a man" she covers her face "a man . . . over me" The girls do their best to hug their frend, offering any and all the comfort they could.
Kata - A system of basic body positioning and movement exercises, as in karate or judo.
tbc . . .
IreviewLOVEreviewYOUreview ALL!
Reviewers are loved and get cookies! *cough*Hirumakage*cough*