InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love, Murder, and Betrayal ❯ A not so peaceful reunion. ( Chapter 22 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own so you can't sue!
Love, Murder, and Betrayal
By: Miztikal-Dragon
Chapter Twenty-Two: A not so peaceful reunion.
Rin finally woke up after a few days, at first she didn't know where she was, or why she was in a very large, comfortable, yet elegant canopy bed. The soft feel of the blankets around her made the twenty-six-year-old accountant smile. She could feel somebody get onto the bed with her and it made alarms go off inside her head. Then there was the monotone voice whispering something along the lines of, "go ahead, she's awake." and it was familiar, very familiar.
"Mommy?" A small voice asked at Rin's side, shaking her slightly, "Mommy, are you awake?" then there was a pause, "Mister Sesshomaru are you sure my mommy's awake?"
Rin's eyes flashed open and she was sitting up staring into the gold-ish-blue eyes of her daughter's true form. She gasped in shock as the tears streamed down her face by the gallons. She immediately embraced her daughter in a soul-sucking hug, hoping that everything wasn't just a dream like it had been all those stressed filled, pill induced sleeps.
"Shiori!" She cried, stroking her daughter's long silky silver hair, "My baby are you alright? Did they hurt you? Where are we? Are we dead?"
"I assure you that she's fine," The man's voice repeated calmly, emotionlessly, "My staff nor I did any harm to Shiori. You are currently at my house and trust me when I say this, you’re not dead, but would be if I hadn't found you unconscious on the beach."
Pulling her daughter our of her embrace, Rin glanced around the poorly lit room, her eyes trying to focus, to adjust to the setting. As her vision was finally clear enough to where she could make out some distant objects, her eyes caught a glimpse of long silver hair in the corner. A figure was resting on an arm chair, somewhat glowing amber eyes staring unlinking into her own. She automatically knew who it was and her heart did a flip.
"Sesshomaru?" she asked meekly sitting up completely straight, staring right at his shadowy form, "Is that you?"
He slowly climbed to his feet and came over to the bedside, sitting on the edge, his clawed hand merely inches away from hers. His face seemed emotionless, icy, somewhat sad. Rin's hand had found its way to the Inuyoukai's face, caressing his pale cheek in her palm, his long hair flowing over the sides of his face making him look very mysterious, dangerous, and in her mind the first word popping up was 'sexy'.
"Yes it's me," He said coldly, "Who else would it be?"
"What happened to you?" She asked a little shocked by his tone of voice, "You're so cold, where's my Sesshomaru?"
Sesshomaru pulled away from her touch reluctantly, his eyes flashed angrily, he didn't know the emotions that were running through his mind, it was confusing and he hated being confused; it made him angry, frustrated.
"You happened to me." He said harshly practically spitting it out at her, "You made me weak, made me believe that I loved you. Then you left me! Didn't even say goodbye Just left while I slept! I should have known from the beginning! NO, I've always known that humans were nothing else but worthless and weak beings not deserving to live!"
Angry tears filled her eyes and Rin completely forgetting that her daughter was next to her, whipped her hand back and slapped the unsuspecting Inuyoukai right in the face. Shiori gasped when Sesshomaru's head jerked back and he toppled off the bed. Rin turned to her daughter and her anger momentarily left her as she hugged and kissed her daughter.
"Shiori," Rin whispered softly, "I want you to go outside, leave this room and close the door. I will come find you in a few minutes okay sweetie?"
The small girl nodded and happily jumped off the bed and sped out of the room yelling for Jaken and how she wanted to play tag. Rin smiled for a moment, before a rather angry Inuyoukai got to his feet and brushed himself off. He seemed furious and the human girl remembered why she was mad. Flinging the silk blankets off her body, she slid off the bed, forgetting that she had been immobile for who knows how long and immediately plummeted to the ground.
As if on a quick reflex, Sesshomaru grabbed Rin as she fell and held her tightly against his body, his arms securely wrapped around her tiny frame. He could see her confused face, a blush covering her cheeks as he stared at her. He didn't realize just how beautiful she truly was and how much he had missed the calming warmth of her body when it was against his.
Before either of them knew what was happening, she had gripped his arms gently in her palms, he had pulled her tiny body closer to his and pressed his lips firmly against hers, capturing her into a long forgotten passionate kiss. Sesshomaru could feel the need, the want, and the yearning for more than just a kiss, he could sense it from Rin's arousing scent that she felt the same.
A flustered Rin was the first to break their embrace, for she didn't have as much lung capacity as the Inuyoukai in front of her did. She gripped his t-shirt in her hands and laid her head down on his chest, inhaling deeply.
"I've missed you so much," She whispered softly.
The Inuyoukai didn't say anything in reply, he just nodded and hid his face in the crook of Rin's neck, breathing in her scent. In realization, he had missed her himself, Sesshomaru had spent three years looking for just a trace of her, but he found nothing. For the longest time he believed that she was just a figment of his imagination, a desirable dream.
"You shall not leave again." he ordered.
Rin frowned irritably and pulled away from the strong embrace of Sesshomaru. His eyes narrowed at her actions, yet before she could say anything, the Inuyoukai closed the space between them, crushing his lips against hers in a brutalizing, hungry kiss. Rin gasped at his sudden actions and Sesshomaru took advantage of the situation, slipping his tongue into her parted lips, deepening the kiss. A faint growl erupted in his throat as he felt her fighting against him, she would submit to him and nothing would stop him to show her that she was wrong.
Angrily Rin fought her way out of his grasp, she couldn't believe that he was forcing himself on her, and having insulting her indirectly to boot. Glancing quickly at her surroundings, she could tell that this was his bedroom. Finding something glass on his nightstand, Rin dove for it. The Inuyoukai went to grab her, but missed, resulting in being hit by the glass container that he didn't really know why it was currently in his room. It shattered on impact with his head.
He could hear Rin laugh victoriously at hitting him, but Sesshomaru ignored it. For some unforeseen reason, he was quite turned on by the sly smirk on her face. Standing erect, he felt the side of his mouth tighten as he smirked back at her, his eyes narrowing mischievously.
"You really shouldn't have done that Rin my dear," he cooed in a low threatening voice.
"Well its not like you can do--"
Rin was cute off when in the blink of an eye, the "mighty" Inuyoukai was right in front of her. She cursed herself mentally about forgetting his abnormal sped and gasping when his arms pushed her roughly against the wall. Rin had no clue to why he was giving her all these mixed signals, and it really made her frustrated.
"What the fuck's your problem!" Rin growled angrily, "You must have some kind of mental disability! Did you hit your head when you fell off the bed or something? Because you're confusing me!"
"You're my problem.." Sesshomaru said emotionlessly as he stared down at Rin.
He had never thought that he'd see her again, but here she was now, no longer an adolescent teenager of eighteen with the happiest and most bubbly personality. Rin was now about twenty-six and something very serious, she had been broken, they both had if you looked back at everything carefully enough. They were two completely different people then what they had once been.
"What's that supposed to mean!" She hissed trying to push him away.
Sesshomaru was silent for a moment before he sighed heavily and released Rin. He turned away from her, running his claws through his long silver locks and going over to his leather arm chair he sat down rubbing the bridge of his nose, trying to ward off the on coming headache.
"I thought you weren't real," He growled, "The night we spent together was like a dream. I could never believe that I was truly happy. And when I woke up and you were gone, I looked high and low for any trace of you for three years. During the years, I lost all hope of finding you Rin, you became my dream, somewhere during all this, I closed myself off. I was angry, depressed. Everything in one. So I became cold and uncaring, emotionless and I moved up in the business world. I climbed up the ladder and forgot about my past, I forgot about you, about us about love."
She couldn't believe what she was hearing, here he was practically pouring his heart out to her and Rin began to feel guilty for slapping him. It was her fault why he'd become so cold, she had woke up early that morning, afraid of her feelings for him and she ran away. Rin was used to running away from her problems, that's how she met Toru. Grant it, she had never done anything with Toru, but he loved her unconditionally and was there for her during the pregnancy, and now he was at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.
Cautiously walking over to Sesshomaru, Rin pulled the strands of her hair out of her eyes as she climbed onto his lap like a child. Boy did she miss his warmth over the years. Wrapping her arms around his chest, Rin laid her head on his shoulder and sniffled.
"I'm sorry," She whispered hugging him closer as she felt his arms wrap around her waist, "I-I just got so scared Sesshomaru. Please forgive me for running away."
He didn't answer her by talking, because he couldn't trust himself to keep the remaining amount of dignity that he had left. The Inuyoukai wasn't used to being so sensitive and when he poured his heart out to the woman currently on his lap, it left a sour taste in his mouth and his tongue was tingly. How could she affect him so much after all the years they spent apart? Why was it that this human had torn down all his barriers by just looking at him, or by the slightest touch of her hand?
Lifting her chin gently with his clawed fingers, he looked into Rin's deep blue eyes carefully. They were brimming with unshed tears, and yet sparkling with uncertainty and hope. Rin's long hair clung to the sides of her face, illuminating her pale skin.
"You will never leave me again," Sesshomaru said leaving no room for arguments with the stern tone in his voice.
"But S--"
She didn't get a chance to finish when Sesshomaru silenced her with a tender and agonizingly slow kiss. Whatever thoughts that she had harbored in argument were thrown out the window as his soft skin caressed the side of her cheek. His touch was hypnotizing and it clouded her once rational thinking. She needed more than just a chaste kiss. Parting her lips, she allowed entrance to his now eager tongue as it slid across her mouth.
She moaned into his mouth, wrapping her arms around his neck as the Inuyoukai's tongue massaged her own, while exploring the long forgotten crevices of her mouth. Soon enough she found herself straddling his lap and his arms were tightly around her waist, pressing her body roughly against his. Sesshomaru growled as Rin began to nibble playfully on his bottom lip before tracing chaste kisses on his jaw line and down his neck.
"You shouldn't start something that you won't be able to finish any time soon." He whispered huskily into her ear.
"What do you mean?" She asked curiously, her heat beat thundering in her chest.
His arousal could be plainly felt through the flimsy pants that he wore along with her own panties. Rin didn't want to stop there, and there was a pretty big amount of evidence pressing up against her womanhood that led her believe he too wanted to continue. Rocking slightly against him, Rin giggle as she listened to Sesshomaru's strained moan as his claws pushed her hips down tighter against his.
"Rin!" He growled in a warning tone.
Growling in her own frustration, Rin continued rocking her hips against his as she grabbed his hair and crushed her lips onto his.
"You'll give it!" She hissed breathing heavily, "or I'll take it! You can't start something and not finish it Sesshomaru! It's been too long and I've been patiently waiting!"
Suddenly standing up, Sesshomaru went over to the bed and tossed Rin roughly onto it before he joined her and leaned over her surprised form, kissing her neck with needy, open mouthed kisses as his legs straddled her waist. The robe that she was wearing had easily come undone and her breasts were exposed to the Inuyoukai hovering above her, hard with anticipation.
Gazing down at her, Sesshomaru couldn't help but let a smirk purse his lips, Rin lay breathless underneath him and they hadn't even gotten passed foreplay, but yet he could plainly smell her arousal as well as feel his own waiting to be released. Running one of his clawed fingers through her long silky hair, Sesshomaru leaned down and tenderly kissed her as his other hand traced the curves of her body. She shivered at his touch as she slipped out of the robe and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling his body against her pert breasts.
Parting from her lips, he began to trace open mouthed kisses down her neck, Rin moaned as Sesshomaru flicked his tongue out over her now hardened nipple. As his hot tongue swirled, she arched her back, pushing her chest roughly to the Inuyoukai's face as he latched his mouth onto one of her breasts. One of his hands kneading the other; pushing her back onto the feather top mattress of the canopy bed.
She moaned erotically as he switched to her other breast, dishing out more of the pleasurable torture to her willing body. Bringing his mouth back up to hers, he dove into her parted mouth, fighting for dominance as Rin's shaking yet eager hands undid Sesshomaru's button up white collared shirt, quickly and roughly tearing it from his body causing him to chuckle.
A smirk on her lips, Rin let her hands roam his chiseled abs, his muscles would twitch as her hand ran over them and before he could stop her, she gripped his nipples and pulled them. Sesshomaru growled causing the woman underneath him to giggle and he couldn't help but smile as he gazed into her glassy and dazed blue eyes before he kissed her passionately.
Suddenly the bedroom door swung open and a seven-year-old girl came bursting in laughing like there was no tomorrow followed closely by a very energetic teenaged girl named Kagome.
"Get back here girlie!" Kagome called out just as she dove at the little girl who moved easily causing Kagome to hit the floor with a thud.
Groaning, she climbed to her feet and her eyes went straight to the bed where two people were currently staring, well Sesshomaru glared while the woman blushed covering her chest from view. Gasping, Kagome grabbed Shiori and raced out of the room.
"What a moment killer," Rin laughed as she slipped out of Sesshomaru's grasp and walked to the bathroom.
Love, Murder, and Betrayal
By: Miztikal-Dragon
Chapter Twenty-Two: A not so peaceful reunion.
Rin finally woke up after a few days, at first she didn't know where she was, or why she was in a very large, comfortable, yet elegant canopy bed. The soft feel of the blankets around her made the twenty-six-year-old accountant smile. She could feel somebody get onto the bed with her and it made alarms go off inside her head. Then there was the monotone voice whispering something along the lines of, "go ahead, she's awake." and it was familiar, very familiar.
"Mommy?" A small voice asked at Rin's side, shaking her slightly, "Mommy, are you awake?" then there was a pause, "Mister Sesshomaru are you sure my mommy's awake?"
Rin's eyes flashed open and she was sitting up staring into the gold-ish-blue eyes of her daughter's true form. She gasped in shock as the tears streamed down her face by the gallons. She immediately embraced her daughter in a soul-sucking hug, hoping that everything wasn't just a dream like it had been all those stressed filled, pill induced sleeps.
"Shiori!" She cried, stroking her daughter's long silky silver hair, "My baby are you alright? Did they hurt you? Where are we? Are we dead?"
"I assure you that she's fine," The man's voice repeated calmly, emotionlessly, "My staff nor I did any harm to Shiori. You are currently at my house and trust me when I say this, you’re not dead, but would be if I hadn't found you unconscious on the beach."
Pulling her daughter our of her embrace, Rin glanced around the poorly lit room, her eyes trying to focus, to adjust to the setting. As her vision was finally clear enough to where she could make out some distant objects, her eyes caught a glimpse of long silver hair in the corner. A figure was resting on an arm chair, somewhat glowing amber eyes staring unlinking into her own. She automatically knew who it was and her heart did a flip.
"Sesshomaru?" she asked meekly sitting up completely straight, staring right at his shadowy form, "Is that you?"
He slowly climbed to his feet and came over to the bedside, sitting on the edge, his clawed hand merely inches away from hers. His face seemed emotionless, icy, somewhat sad. Rin's hand had found its way to the Inuyoukai's face, caressing his pale cheek in her palm, his long hair flowing over the sides of his face making him look very mysterious, dangerous, and in her mind the first word popping up was 'sexy'.
"Yes it's me," He said coldly, "Who else would it be?"
"What happened to you?" She asked a little shocked by his tone of voice, "You're so cold, where's my Sesshomaru?"
Sesshomaru pulled away from her touch reluctantly, his eyes flashed angrily, he didn't know the emotions that were running through his mind, it was confusing and he hated being confused; it made him angry, frustrated.
"You happened to me." He said harshly practically spitting it out at her, "You made me weak, made me believe that I loved you. Then you left me! Didn't even say goodbye Just left while I slept! I should have known from the beginning! NO, I've always known that humans were nothing else but worthless and weak beings not deserving to live!"
Angry tears filled her eyes and Rin completely forgetting that her daughter was next to her, whipped her hand back and slapped the unsuspecting Inuyoukai right in the face. Shiori gasped when Sesshomaru's head jerked back and he toppled off the bed. Rin turned to her daughter and her anger momentarily left her as she hugged and kissed her daughter.
"Shiori," Rin whispered softly, "I want you to go outside, leave this room and close the door. I will come find you in a few minutes okay sweetie?"
The small girl nodded and happily jumped off the bed and sped out of the room yelling for Jaken and how she wanted to play tag. Rin smiled for a moment, before a rather angry Inuyoukai got to his feet and brushed himself off. He seemed furious and the human girl remembered why she was mad. Flinging the silk blankets off her body, she slid off the bed, forgetting that she had been immobile for who knows how long and immediately plummeted to the ground.
As if on a quick reflex, Sesshomaru grabbed Rin as she fell and held her tightly against his body, his arms securely wrapped around her tiny frame. He could see her confused face, a blush covering her cheeks as he stared at her. He didn't realize just how beautiful she truly was and how much he had missed the calming warmth of her body when it was against his.
Before either of them knew what was happening, she had gripped his arms gently in her palms, he had pulled her tiny body closer to his and pressed his lips firmly against hers, capturing her into a long forgotten passionate kiss. Sesshomaru could feel the need, the want, and the yearning for more than just a kiss, he could sense it from Rin's arousing scent that she felt the same.
A flustered Rin was the first to break their embrace, for she didn't have as much lung capacity as the Inuyoukai in front of her did. She gripped his t-shirt in her hands and laid her head down on his chest, inhaling deeply.
"I've missed you so much," She whispered softly.
The Inuyoukai didn't say anything in reply, he just nodded and hid his face in the crook of Rin's neck, breathing in her scent. In realization, he had missed her himself, Sesshomaru had spent three years looking for just a trace of her, but he found nothing. For the longest time he believed that she was just a figment of his imagination, a desirable dream.
"You shall not leave again." he ordered.
Rin frowned irritably and pulled away from the strong embrace of Sesshomaru. His eyes narrowed at her actions, yet before she could say anything, the Inuyoukai closed the space between them, crushing his lips against hers in a brutalizing, hungry kiss. Rin gasped at his sudden actions and Sesshomaru took advantage of the situation, slipping his tongue into her parted lips, deepening the kiss. A faint growl erupted in his throat as he felt her fighting against him, she would submit to him and nothing would stop him to show her that she was wrong.
Angrily Rin fought her way out of his grasp, she couldn't believe that he was forcing himself on her, and having insulting her indirectly to boot. Glancing quickly at her surroundings, she could tell that this was his bedroom. Finding something glass on his nightstand, Rin dove for it. The Inuyoukai went to grab her, but missed, resulting in being hit by the glass container that he didn't really know why it was currently in his room. It shattered on impact with his head.
He could hear Rin laugh victoriously at hitting him, but Sesshomaru ignored it. For some unforeseen reason, he was quite turned on by the sly smirk on her face. Standing erect, he felt the side of his mouth tighten as he smirked back at her, his eyes narrowing mischievously.
"You really shouldn't have done that Rin my dear," he cooed in a low threatening voice.
"Well its not like you can do--"
Rin was cute off when in the blink of an eye, the "mighty" Inuyoukai was right in front of her. She cursed herself mentally about forgetting his abnormal sped and gasping when his arms pushed her roughly against the wall. Rin had no clue to why he was giving her all these mixed signals, and it really made her frustrated.
"What the fuck's your problem!" Rin growled angrily, "You must have some kind of mental disability! Did you hit your head when you fell off the bed or something? Because you're confusing me!"
"You're my problem.." Sesshomaru said emotionlessly as he stared down at Rin.
He had never thought that he'd see her again, but here she was now, no longer an adolescent teenager of eighteen with the happiest and most bubbly personality. Rin was now about twenty-six and something very serious, she had been broken, they both had if you looked back at everything carefully enough. They were two completely different people then what they had once been.
"What's that supposed to mean!" She hissed trying to push him away.
Sesshomaru was silent for a moment before he sighed heavily and released Rin. He turned away from her, running his claws through his long silver locks and going over to his leather arm chair he sat down rubbing the bridge of his nose, trying to ward off the on coming headache.
"I thought you weren't real," He growled, "The night we spent together was like a dream. I could never believe that I was truly happy. And when I woke up and you were gone, I looked high and low for any trace of you for three years. During the years, I lost all hope of finding you Rin, you became my dream, somewhere during all this, I closed myself off. I was angry, depressed. Everything in one. So I became cold and uncaring, emotionless and I moved up in the business world. I climbed up the ladder and forgot about my past, I forgot about you, about us about love."
She couldn't believe what she was hearing, here he was practically pouring his heart out to her and Rin began to feel guilty for slapping him. It was her fault why he'd become so cold, she had woke up early that morning, afraid of her feelings for him and she ran away. Rin was used to running away from her problems, that's how she met Toru. Grant it, she had never done anything with Toru, but he loved her unconditionally and was there for her during the pregnancy, and now he was at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.
Cautiously walking over to Sesshomaru, Rin pulled the strands of her hair out of her eyes as she climbed onto his lap like a child. Boy did she miss his warmth over the years. Wrapping her arms around his chest, Rin laid her head on his shoulder and sniffled.
"I'm sorry," She whispered hugging him closer as she felt his arms wrap around her waist, "I-I just got so scared Sesshomaru. Please forgive me for running away."
He didn't answer her by talking, because he couldn't trust himself to keep the remaining amount of dignity that he had left. The Inuyoukai wasn't used to being so sensitive and when he poured his heart out to the woman currently on his lap, it left a sour taste in his mouth and his tongue was tingly. How could she affect him so much after all the years they spent apart? Why was it that this human had torn down all his barriers by just looking at him, or by the slightest touch of her hand?
Lifting her chin gently with his clawed fingers, he looked into Rin's deep blue eyes carefully. They were brimming with unshed tears, and yet sparkling with uncertainty and hope. Rin's long hair clung to the sides of her face, illuminating her pale skin.
"You will never leave me again," Sesshomaru said leaving no room for arguments with the stern tone in his voice.
"But S--"
She didn't get a chance to finish when Sesshomaru silenced her with a tender and agonizingly slow kiss. Whatever thoughts that she had harbored in argument were thrown out the window as his soft skin caressed the side of her cheek. His touch was hypnotizing and it clouded her once rational thinking. She needed more than just a chaste kiss. Parting her lips, she allowed entrance to his now eager tongue as it slid across her mouth.
She moaned into his mouth, wrapping her arms around his neck as the Inuyoukai's tongue massaged her own, while exploring the long forgotten crevices of her mouth. Soon enough she found herself straddling his lap and his arms were tightly around her waist, pressing her body roughly against his. Sesshomaru growled as Rin began to nibble playfully on his bottom lip before tracing chaste kisses on his jaw line and down his neck.
"You shouldn't start something that you won't be able to finish any time soon." He whispered huskily into her ear.
"What do you mean?" She asked curiously, her heat beat thundering in her chest.
His arousal could be plainly felt through the flimsy pants that he wore along with her own panties. Rin didn't want to stop there, and there was a pretty big amount of evidence pressing up against her womanhood that led her believe he too wanted to continue. Rocking slightly against him, Rin giggle as she listened to Sesshomaru's strained moan as his claws pushed her hips down tighter against his.
"Rin!" He growled in a warning tone.
Growling in her own frustration, Rin continued rocking her hips against his as she grabbed his hair and crushed her lips onto his.
"You'll give it!" She hissed breathing heavily, "or I'll take it! You can't start something and not finish it Sesshomaru! It's been too long and I've been patiently waiting!"
Suddenly standing up, Sesshomaru went over to the bed and tossed Rin roughly onto it before he joined her and leaned over her surprised form, kissing her neck with needy, open mouthed kisses as his legs straddled her waist. The robe that she was wearing had easily come undone and her breasts were exposed to the Inuyoukai hovering above her, hard with anticipation.
Gazing down at her, Sesshomaru couldn't help but let a smirk purse his lips, Rin lay breathless underneath him and they hadn't even gotten passed foreplay, but yet he could plainly smell her arousal as well as feel his own waiting to be released. Running one of his clawed fingers through her long silky hair, Sesshomaru leaned down and tenderly kissed her as his other hand traced the curves of her body. She shivered at his touch as she slipped out of the robe and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling his body against her pert breasts.
Parting from her lips, he began to trace open mouthed kisses down her neck, Rin moaned as Sesshomaru flicked his tongue out over her now hardened nipple. As his hot tongue swirled, she arched her back, pushing her chest roughly to the Inuyoukai's face as he latched his mouth onto one of her breasts. One of his hands kneading the other; pushing her back onto the feather top mattress of the canopy bed.
She moaned erotically as he switched to her other breast, dishing out more of the pleasurable torture to her willing body. Bringing his mouth back up to hers, he dove into her parted mouth, fighting for dominance as Rin's shaking yet eager hands undid Sesshomaru's button up white collared shirt, quickly and roughly tearing it from his body causing him to chuckle.
A smirk on her lips, Rin let her hands roam his chiseled abs, his muscles would twitch as her hand ran over them and before he could stop her, she gripped his nipples and pulled them. Sesshomaru growled causing the woman underneath him to giggle and he couldn't help but smile as he gazed into her glassy and dazed blue eyes before he kissed her passionately.
Suddenly the bedroom door swung open and a seven-year-old girl came bursting in laughing like there was no tomorrow followed closely by a very energetic teenaged girl named Kagome.
"Get back here girlie!" Kagome called out just as she dove at the little girl who moved easily causing Kagome to hit the floor with a thud.
Groaning, she climbed to her feet and her eyes went straight to the bed where two people were currently staring, well Sesshomaru glared while the woman blushed covering her chest from view. Gasping, Kagome grabbed Shiori and raced out of the room.
"What a moment killer," Rin laughed as she slipped out of Sesshomaru's grasp and walked to the bathroom.