InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lovers and Friends ❯ close calls ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

People, people please give me a review or two! I need to know what I can do better and what people want to see come of the story. Anyways I got some free time today so I decided to put up another chapter.
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha and company no matter how much I dream!
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Coming from the bathhouse the girls patted to the room quietly, both deep in thought. `That lecher better be in the room or there will be hell to pay!' The anxious look Miroku had on his face before their bath did nothing to soothe Sango's frazzled nerves. Call it women's intuition or whatever you want…..she just knew he was up to no good. With Kagome right behind her she opened the sliding door to their room open, knowing that Miroku would `MIA' she was quite surprised to see him resting against the opposite wall of Inuyasha. He had his staff on the floor beside him and seemed to be meditating.
`Something doesn't feel right.'
“Ladies, did you enjoy you bath? We have been sitting here waiting for your return so that we can start dinner.”
Sending a sharp look to the hanyou to keep his mouth shut the monk got up from his seat and went over to their prepared meal.
Ignoring the half demon he went on to address the girls.
“Shall we begin?” Came the innocent question from the not so innocent monk.
The group ate in silence. Miroku was taking more than his fair share of the food. He seemed to be extra ravenous and no one knew why except for Inuyasha. He had worked up quite the appetite from his little tryst earlier.
“Miroku slow down! Save some food for us. We're hungry too!”
“Why are you so hungry?! You're usually never this greedy. Inuyasha is the pig of the group so whats going on?!” Came the angry retort from the tajiya.
“Why nothing fair Sango! We didn't really have a decent meal for lunch and after our travels today I'm just famished. Please excuse me if I have offended you.”
`Damn that was close. I'm gonna have to be a little more careful around Sango. She is more perceptive than I thought.'
Just then the shoji door opened to let in a glowing Kimi. Bowing at the waist she addressed Miroku solely. Which did not go unnoticed by anyone.
“Houshi-sama I trust your stay so far has been pleasant? Is there anything else that you require of me before I head to bed?”
“Thank you Kimi but there is nothing else we need. The food was delicious and we appreciate all your kindness. Me and my companions will be retiring for the evening so we bid you a goodnight.”
“Goodnight Houshi-sama.” Came the sultry whisper.
Picking up the trays she exited the room.
Not giving anyone time to comment he leaned back against his previous post and bid everyone a goodnight.
Growling under her breath Sango gave him the evil eye.
`What the hell was that all about? Surely I'm not the only one who noticed.'
Sure enough looking to her right she could see the miko eyeing him suspiciously. She wasn't paranoid. Kagome noticed it too.
“Inuyasha did the houshi behave himself while we were gone?”
“How the hell should I know, I'm not the perverts keeper!”
Knowing that that was all the answer they were going to receive the girls readied themselves for bed. Apparently he wasn't in the talking mood so they weren't gonna force him. Whatever Miroku did would be kept secret….for now. Kirara was laying with Sango now and Shippou was snuggling up to Kagome . `Grown ups are so strange.' Deciding to ignore the unusual smell wafting off Miroku he drifted off to sleep.
Breakfast that morning was a quiet affair like it had been in the previous mornings. The group set off in the direction given to them by the Innkeeper. Maybe today would bring some action that the inutachi was sorely missing. Something had to lighten the melancholy mood that had settled on them since the beginning of this journey.
Around midday a village could be seen in the distance.
Inuyasha was up front leading the group with Miroku in the middle, Kirara perched on his shoulder. He couldn't be trusted behind the girls. Sango and Kagome were in back with Shippou cradled in the mikos arms.
Suddenly Inuyasha stopped. Tensed, baring his teeth with one clawed hand on the hilt of his fang he called the attention of the group.
“I smell demon.”
“I sense a jewel shard, coming in fast.” Called Kagome
That got everyone's attention. Readying themselves for battle they waited. Not two minutes later a tiger youkai entered the clearing.
“Ah how lovely. My dinner has decided to stay in one place and not run away. All the more easy for me to consume. Now what should I eat first?! How about I start with a snack?! You girl hand over that fox child. He'll make a good starter!”
“How about you shut your mouth or I'll shut it for you! WIND SCAR!”
The tiger dodged the attack easily. He was faster than they thought.
“You think you can beat me Halfling?! HAH! You can't even catch me.”
“Inuyasha he has a jewel shard in his forhead!”
Aha, so that was why he dodged the wind scar so easy. He had the help of a jewel shard.
`FEH pathetic.'
“ Human BITCH! I'll make sure you never open your mouth again!”
Faster than anyone could believe he was upon the miko. Grabbing her by the throat he raised her in the air and prepared to strike. She couldn't breathe, closing her eyes she waited for the pain but it never came.
“HIRAIKOTSU!” Bellowed in the air and the weapon struck true, knocking the demon off Kagome before he could deliver a blow.
Falling to the ground she gasped for air. Eyes watering Kagome looked on as this time the youkai didn't escape the power of Inuyasha's sword.
When the dust settled all that was in his place was a singular jewel shard.
Not even bothering to grab the shard Inuyasha rushed over to Kagome's side to check for injuries. When he found none he breathed easier.
“Kagome are you alright?”
“Yes, I'm fine. My throats alittle sore though.” She croaked.
`He didn't even stop to pick up the jewel shard before coming over to see if I was ok. Maybe he cares more than he lets on. NO! I will not get my hopes up. I made a decision and I'm sticking to it. No sense in getting my heart broken into even smaller pieces.'
He helped her to her feet. Dusting herself off she went over to pick up the jewel shard and placed it inside the bottle around her neck with the rest.
`Damn that was close…. A little too close for my peace of mind.'
The thought of Kagome getting hurt didn't sit well with him. It brought on feeling he had no way of comprehending. Guilt sure he understood. He was her protector. He was to keep her safe and if he failed than of course he would feel guilty. But to feel this constant ache in his heart , the tearing of his insides, just the thought of something happening to her, it made him wonder. `Do I really care that much?'
Of course he did. Everyone knew of his feelings except himself and the miko in question. He more than cared. He just hasn't realized it himself yet.
“I suppose that was the demon terrorizing the village. We should let the villagers know. And maybe take a break and plan our next move.”
With and affirmative from the rest of the group the monk lead the way to the village.
Entering the edge of the village they could tell that the demon had paid many visits to them. Huts looked like they were torn through and there were many freshly covered graves. The people were all around walking in a daze. As soon as they were spotted the villagers picked up pitch forks and anything they could get their hands on and went on the offensive.
“Why do you come to our village? BEGONE! We have nothing to offer or steal. Can't you see we've been ravaged enough?” Came the angry retort from one of the many villagers surrounding them.
“People please calm yourselves we mean you no harm. Me and my friends here have rid you of the youkai that has been plaguing your village and only come to bring you the news and possibly get a moments rest before we continue on our journey.”
“You bring youkai with you! How can we trust you?”
Mumbling something under his breath that the kamis would be ashamed of Miroku went on to reassure the angry mob.
“I assure you we are of no threat. We travel around the countryside collecting jewels of the shikon no tama and helping villages along the way.”
That seemed to calm the mob down. One by one the villagers lowered their weapons. They had heard of such an odd group of travelers. Made up off a monk, two demons, a half demon, a tajiya and a strangely dressed miko. Yep no question about it, it was the group. One glance and you could tell. If they dispatched the demon that had been preying upon them then they owned them their sincerest apologies. What appeared to be the head of the village stepped up.
“Houshi-sama we are truly sorry and you have our thanks for exterminating that demon. He has killed several of us in the past weeks. We were only wary of you because of the trouble we've been having lately.”
“Its fine I assure you. We understand your initial hostility. I myself would have been wary of strangers also if I had been through the same ordeal. If it is not too much trouble might you direct us to a place we can rest our heads.”
“No trouble at all. We don't have much but you are welcome to what we have. Come, there is an empty hut you may use.”
The inutachi followed the headsman to the hut. Upon arrival he stated that they come to him if they were in need of anything during their stay and then he took his leave. Each of them were hungry so they went ahead and had lunch.
After the collection of shard that they were in search of everyone spirits were much higher. The trek here wasn't for nothing. Talk started to circulate on their next move. Finally it was decided that first thing in the morning they head back out to Kaede's. Having collected a shard the humans of the group felt that they deserved a break and Kagome `coerced' Inuyasha into agreeing.
`Once we get to the village me and Inuyasha really need to have a talk. I have to get him to see that I need some time to myself. I need to concentrate on myself and my future. HAH! Easier said than done. He's gonna blow a gasket.'
Approaching the mountains Kagura couldn't get over the stench of wolf that was threatening to overwhelm her and make her fall off her feather.
`This must be it. Hopefully Kouga doesn't come right out and attack me. Not that I blame him if he did. I did kill quite a few of his tribe.'
Going lower to the ground she could see a whirlwind headed her way fast. `Good that's him. Time to get this over with.'
About twenty feet away the whirlwind died revealing a beyond angry Kouga. Actually angry would have been an understatement. He was furious.
`This bitch has the gall to show her face around here after she murdered my brothers?! It's about time I take my revenge.'
“Hey bitch! Thanks for saving me the trouble of hunting you down. Why don't you tell me where Naraku is and then I'll end your pathetic existence.”
“Dream on. As if someone of your meager caliber could destroy me!”
“Less taking more fighting. Bring it on wind bitch!”
“As fun as that sounds I've come for a different purpose. Naraku has a proposition for you. Follow me to his castle. Come alone and bring your shards.”
“Ha like I would follow you into a trap. What makes Naraku think I want anything he has to offer. All I want is him dead.” Spat Kouga.
“Suit yourself but he did mention something along the lines of Inuyasha's miko .”
That got Kouga's attention. `What the hell has this to do with Kagome? Muttface better had not gotten her kidnapped.'
“Follow if you wish.” And follow he did. If Kagome was in trouble he had no choice.