InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ March Winds ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"March Winds"

by Hentai Jane


I awoke the next morning, sprawled across my futon with the sound of birds singing and something cuddly warm at my side. My body instinctually curled around this comforting object, drawing it's soothing heat for myself. The alluring scent of sex wrapped around my groggy mind, making a lustful grin curl my lips. But why do I also smell dirt and blood?


Huh? My eyes flew open, startled to see Ayame carefully tucked against my side.

I leaned over her sleeping form, noticing the slight grimace and her hand resting on her lower belly.

The memories of last night came flooding back, hitting my brain like a tidal wave as I settled against the soft furs beneath me.

We mated.

No. I forced her to mate with me.

My eyes grew wide as I hesitantly looked down to were my manhood was, hopefully, attached. 'Whew! Thank Kami and all the ancestors! I still have a dick!'

I regret my actions and how I spoke so disrespectfully to my mate, but I am also very grateful that I am still a complete man with all his vital parts!

Carefully, I slid off the bed and pulled a small blanket over her nude form. It was a good thing that I left a spare outfit in the corner of our room yesterday; walking out butt naked in front of my pack isn't on the top of my to do list.

After making sure Ayame was resting comfortably, I left and went to her old den to look for her clothes. One good thing about my woman is that she is a neat freak. "There's a place for everything and everything in it's place" my mom used to tell me when I had to clean my room.

I took one of her fur wraps and bundled up a change of clothes, along with her bathing supplies and headed to Eito's den. Thankfully Namiyo was kind enough to give me a dish of sweet rice and some milk for our breakfast.

Once inside our den, I sat the food and her supplies down and crept to our sleeping quarters.

She looked so angelic, laying there on the bed I made for us. "Ayame..." I nudged her shoulder, gently waking her.

Her emerald eyes fluttered open, looking unfocused for a second before fixing on me. She pushed away from me, holding the cover close to her bosom as she scooted away.

"Namiyo gave us breakfast and I went to your den to retrieve your supplies ." I weakly said as I handed her the clothing. I didn't know what to say to her, so I stood and walked back to the entrance.

As I sat there on the floor I heard her shifting around and the rustle of clothing. She stepped out the hallway, looking at me suspiciously, "What are you up to Kouga?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, feeling very confused.

"You're acting funny. What's with the sympathetic eyes? You sure as hell didn't seem too nice last night when you chased me through the woods."

"About that, I'm....."

"Save it!" she snapped, "I can see right through your little act Kouga, so don't try to pull any shit with me! From now on, just stay away! Don't talk to me unless it is absolutely necessary, don't interfere in my life and do not touch me in any way unless you want to loose your hands, got it!!??"

"We need to talk Ayame! We are mates and......"

"No! We are mated, but we are not mates!" she picked up her bathing pack and went to the entrance of our home.

"You're my woman, we traded vows, we are mates, no matter how you feel about it. You can't deny our bond!" I called out to her.

"You're wrong." her voice was unnervingly calm, "If we truly were mates, it would mean we loved and respected each other. We are only mated by traditional means, nothing more."

I sat on the cold stone floor watching her leave. Her body was caked in dirt and smears of blood from the countless scratches she received from our run. She tried to hide her pain, but I could tell from the slouch in her shoulders that she was sore from losing her virginity; the virginity I took.

She was right. We were only mated, making her my responsibility, and her bound to me.

"Where are you going to bathe?" I asked her.

She gave an indignant huff and turned to face me. "Why do you want to know?"

"I told you before that I have to know where you are at all times." I could tell her anger was growing, but that was just too bad!

"I'm going to the hot spring in the forest. Is that alright with you all mighty leader?" I didn't like her condescending tone when she said my title.

"Watch your tongue woman! You should show me respect as both your leader and your mate!" I stood up, leaving our uneaten breakfast, and stalked toward her. Ayame was smart enough to back away from me.

My arm caught her tiny waist, holding her tightly to my side. She kicked the heels of her feet against my legs, "Let me go Kouga!" Ayame yelled as I strolled down the mountain path.

"With the grey wolves prowling around, I don't think we should go to the outdoor springs. How about the underground springs Ayame?"

She stopped her movements long enough to turn her face up to mine and give me a cold stare. "I am not going there, and especially not with you!"

I kissed the tip of her nose, earning a surprised 'eep' from the woman in my arms.

"Why not? Doesn't most of the tribe bathe in those springs?" I questioned.

"Exactly! I don't want them seeing you carrying me in there! They might actually think I like your or something!"

"You don't like me Ayame?" I teased, "Not even a little bit?" I nuzzled my cheek against the back of her head as she struggled to get out of my vice like grip.

"Hell no! You're the most irritating male I've ever met!"

I laughed at my griping mate. For all of her complaining, not once did I smell any fear or true animosity on her. Ayame cares for me, I'm sure of it. I smirked as we entered the underground caves, knowing that soon, she really would hate me!

I put Ayame on her on two feet, keeping a firm grip on her arm as we walked deeper into the caves. The winding hallways each lead to a hot spring. Distant laughter and low voices echoed through the corridors as unseen ookami had their morning bath. The humid air helped relaxed my tense muscles some but a hot bath with my mate will be even better.

In the farthest cavern was a medium sized spring. It was waist deep and a simple cloth covered the entrance, giving us plenty of privacy. I pushed Ayame farther into the room and stood in front of the doorway, blocking her only path of escape.

I took off my armor, fur shoulder pads and leggings, tossing them aside as Ayame watched.

The stunned expression on her pretty, dirt smudged face was priceless. Her piercing green eyes traced the muscles of chest, taking in its fine contours from all my years of hard work and hunting. I stood still, letting her take in the sight if my unclad chest until her eyes suddenly lifted, meeting mine in a heated staring match.

I could smell her arousal tinged with a hint of dread as I approached her. She stepped back, her foot grazing the edge of the pool. I watched as she glanced over her shoulder, noticing her closeness to the water and then back to me. Ayame cleared her throat and clinched her tiny fists at her sides, "There's another hot spring in a cave to the right of this one. I'm sure you'll find it adequate."

"Why would I want to leave Ayame? I'm enjoying your company far too much." I smirked.

My ears took in her increasingly rapid breaths as I slipped my thumbs under the band of my fur wrap. I edged it down, slowly over the muscular ridges of my hips, allowing the piece of clothing to drop to the stone floor. Her eyes widened at the sight of my semi erect length making it twitch with need under her inspection. No matter how she tried to resist, I could smell her arousal growing with each breath.

She gasped, wanting to run from me, but she had no place to go. My black unbound hair hung down my back, littered with specks of dried dirt. I raised one arm, my hand carelessly scratching at my scalp as my blue eyes observed her nervous stance. I purposely flexed the muscles in my arm, showing her the natural strength my body contained.

"We are not bathing together Kouga!"

I sauntered over to my mate, blocking her attempts to dart around me and escape my reach. She was backed into a corner and within my grasp. Before she had time to try any of those self defense techniques elder taught her, I grabbed my mate and dropped her into the steaming water, fully dressed.

Ayame yelped and did her best to scramble out of the water. When will she learn that she can't escape me? I easily caught her and pulled her thrashing body against mine.

"Why do you fight me so much Ayame? I'm not going to hurt you." I nestled her soft form against me, sniffing at her neck and shoulders, "I can smell it ya know." I whispered, staring into her lovely eyes.

"Smell what?" she hesitantly asked.

"Your arousal mate." my seductive whisper caused a shiver to pass through her rigid body.

"I don't want you Kouga; I don't want this to happen again." her fearful voice pleaded.

I tilted her chin up, forcing her to look at me, "Believe me when I say that I didn't plan on this, especially so soon. Our bathing together was an innocent idea on my part. But I can't help being aroused by you. You are beautiful Ayame."

She gasped at my confession, standing rigid in my arms as my fingers pulled at the ties of her armor and drenched skirt. Once undressed, I let her furs sink to te bottom of the spring as my hands reached for the crudely shaped block of white soap. It had little smell, which was fine with me. I wanted nothing to block the heavenly scent of my woman.

With the slippery bar between my hands, I worked up a rich lather and placed the soap on the edge of the spring. Ayame tensed when my hands slid over her shoulders, kneading the muscles and tracing a soapy path down her toned arms.

She closed her eyes, averting her face from me as I drew her closer. Her slender back stiffened as I worked my way down to the dimples above her buttocks. My hands worked the white lather not a heavy froth as I rubbed her skin.

Something soft yet hard in texture stroked against my chest from time to time. Apparently, my movements, made my body brush against her hardening buds. I looked down between our bodies, enjoying the close proximity we shared. Ayame's nipples had become little pink pebbles as I washed her back.

A small groan escaped her throat as I hugged her close, encircling the small female in my embrace. I could feel my need rising, longing to feel her tight inner walls again, but this time I wanted to take things slow.

I pressed a light kiss to her cheek, waiting for some type of response. Ayame looked up at me, confusion evident in her puzzled expression. From the heat and steam of the hot spring, her skin had a lovely pink hue making her lips appear very plump, almost inviting.

Unknowingly, I lowered my lips to hers, giving her the most tender kiss imaginable. I took my time, slowly caressing her delicate pink lips with my own before gently nibbling the tender flesh. My tongue swiped across her swollen lips, pleading with them to allow me entry.

As I ravished her mouth with countless kisses, I groaned at the sweet flavor she possessed. My woman had such a unique, tantalizing flavor. My knees felt weak as my hands tangled in her long shock of red hair. Our mouths were locked in a heated battle that only lovers could share. Ayame was no longer afraid, instead I could clearly smell her growing arousal as her nails dug into my back.

My arousal was comfortably pressed against her abdomen, throbbing with need. I hugged her closer, our wet skin sealing together as I kissed and suckled the velvety skin on her elegant neck.

Her nails followed the solid lines of muscles on my back, making me shiver from her delicate touch.

With building lust, I pressed my shaft against her smooth belly, ready to take her any minute. "Ayame..." I managed to say in between kisses, " you want this?"

Ayame tilted her head back, her eyes glazed over with lust. I cradled her rosy cheeks between my palms as her mind seemed to search for an answer to my heat filled question.

Realization hit her hard as she glanced down, seeing my hard cock straining against her. She looked at me, stunned and a little confused. "Do you want me, Ayame?" I asked her again.

She shook her head, "I.... what happened...... we ...." Ayame crossed her arms over her exposed breasts, hiding them from my view. Her words were muffled as she turned away, covering her face with her hands. All I could make out was 'no' and 'shouldn't have happened'.

Never before have I experienced such a deep level of guilt and self loathing.

What the hell was I thinking? After what happened last night, I can't believe I actually thought she would want me sexually. I'm such a fool. I never should've made her come bathe with me. Even though Ayame was no longer a virgin, she was still innocent when it came to arts of seduction. That's why she didn't stop me sooner; she didn't understand lust and passion, only fear and necessity.

I dropped my head in shame, knowing that her distressed state was caused by me, and me alone.

She stayed on the other side of the pool, huddled against the polished stone rim, facing away from me.

I started to reach for her, wanting to apologize for my wanton actions, but I stopped, knowing that no matter what i said, it wouldn't change our situation. Time was the only remedy for these wounds.

Actually, time and some much needed personal space.

That's what I'll do then. I need to back off and just give Ayame her space and a chance to adjust to all of this.

Her shoulders trembled as the salty smell of her tears drifted to my sensitive nose. I had to force myself to back away, to not comfort her like I wanted to. Instead, I dipped under the water long enough to rinse my hair and the remaining soap from my skin.

"Ayame..." she tilted her head enough for me to know she was listening, "..I'm going back to our den. Take your time bathing, but please don't go into the woods, alright?"

I picked up my clothes and left, knowing she probably wouldn't listen to what I said. The natural moisture in the air didn't help my skin dry, so I slipped my clothes on and stepped out into the sunlight and gusty winds.

My people greeted me, all looking healthy and happy. That's one thing I managed to get right. The move here was difficult but worthwhile.

I trudged up the mountainside to our den; our empty, dreary looking home.

I walked inside, looking around for a moment, as a wonderful idea came to me. This idea would bring us closer, make us spend time together in a meaningful, non-threatening way. We can share ideas, giving us each a chance to learn more about the other and start a true mate bond of friendship, mutual respect and, eventually, love.

Oh yeah, I rubbed my hands's time to decorate!