InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ MArked! ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: InuYasha is owned by Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan Inc. and Viz Media.
Story and all original characters created are owned by me.
By l80hawk
Kikyo rushed home, it was a Friday night and she new knew Inuyasha would be working late as he did every Friday. Opening the door to the apartment they shared over the past year, she dropped her keys on the side table. Kicking the door closed with her foot and headed into the den, where the computer was. Pressing the power button, she hurried into her room to change clothes while the system booted up.
Taking off her business attire, she changed into a pair of comfortable red sweats and white t-shirt. She pulled on a paid on socks and padded back into the den; stopping in the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and some chips. She hoped he was on. He'd been so helpful explaining things about demon mating rituals. He was intelligent and friendly, and if she was honest very charming. She drew out a sigh as she sat down in the leather chair and logged on. She wished that Inuyasha would communicate with her like he did. She knew she loved Inuyasha…. well, at least liked him enough to make a commitment. Love would come in time, she knew it would.
They had been in a relationship for almost two years. During the first year, she was living with some friends. He was always such a gentleman. They went places and spent time together. One their first anniversary he asked her to move in. He was so romantic. She sighed remembering that evening. They had gone out and had dinner by candlelight, watching the boats pass on the Intercostal. She was so sure, when she had said yes; he would have taken her home and ravished her. However, all he did was ask her to let him know when she wanted to move in and he would make the necessary arrangements. She was a little put off, but after discussing it with friends; she realized she was lucky. Maybe he wanted to save intimacy for marriage.
However, things didn't really change that much when she moved in. After about two months she got up the never to discuss it with him. He told her, he did find her attractive, but wanted to wait until she was ready. Well, SHE WAS! Inuyasha was built like a God; tanned skin with muscles that went on forever, amazingly so since he never worked out. He kept his hair long and it shown like spun silk in the moonlight; his eyes were amber, well maybe a pale gold.
Hmmm, know that she thought about it they were darker when they first met, than they are now. `I have to remember to ask him about that.' Taking a sip of her water, she logged on the chat room she found about a month ago. Oh thank god for the Internet. You could find out almost anything. Anyways, after their discussion, the intimacy level rose in their relationship and she couldn't have been happier. He touched her in a way which made her feel like she could touch the stars…. at least initially. Sexually, he was a patient and considerate lover. So much so, that he had yet to have taken her virginity through intercourse. Kikyo was getting impatient and concerned. Hence, why she started looking on the Internet. She believed this had to do something with his demon heritage, but had no idea what.
“Thank God he's on!” Using her screen name Passionate Miko, she logged onto Marked!, the site where she had created her account and thus met him.
Marked! Demonic Heritage Website Chat Room
**Passionate Miko has entered the room**
Ookami Prince: Hey there!
Passionate Miko: Oh, I am so glad you're back. How was your trip? Japan wasn't it?
Ookami Prince: Yep. I got back 2 days ago. Am back to work and spending time with my girl. How r things with your mutt?
Passionate Miko: Things are okay, but lately he seems kind of distant.
Ookami Prince: Not surprising. Spring season begins on Easter Sunday. So the fever should be hitting him soon.
Passionate Miko: Fever? What fever? I hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary.
Ookami Price: It's really too complicated to explain in chat, but here's the reader's digest version. Demons mate once a year, since it is a lifelong commitment nature saw fit to instill in us the need to mate in Spring. You know you've heard of `Spring Fever', right?
Passionate Miko: Of course.
Ookami Prince: In the feudal era, males fought for the right to mate a female. However, as times changed and demons began mating with humans; we evolved into an annual marking ceremony. Every year on Easter Sunday, demons throughout the continent meet with their chosen partner. Since the fever begins at sunrise, the ceremony or party really begins the night before. Our demonic blood will rise to the surface to claim our partner as our mate. Or in some cases, run off the individual with us if the beast within us does not accept them. There have been some messy incidents, so I've heard.
Passionate Miko: You've heard? Have you ever been to the annual festival?
Ookami Prince: No demon attends until they feel fairly certain that their “chosen” is their true mate. Then we're instinctively drawn to the event.
Passionate Miko: Hmmm, so maybe he's been waiting for the festival?
Ookami Prince: Maybe, but since Easter is this Sunday; I guess you'll find out Saturday night.
Passionate Miko: Saturday?
Ookami Price: Are you paying attention? LOL Our demon blood will call us there before the Sunday pinnacle.
Passionate Miko: Where is the festival? What happens there? Are you going this year? <sigh> I still have so many questions.
Ookami Prince: LOL. I have one answer for all of your questions, I don't know.
Passionate Miko: Huh? I thought you and… ummm..
Ookami Prince: Kagome.
Passionate Miko: Yes, Kagome. I thought you guys were getting very serious. She seems very nice from what you've told me.
Ookami Prince: The best. But like I said this is instinctive, not something the conscious mind can plan or prepare for.
Passionate Miko: Okay. What about those incidents you mentioned, where someone chased off someone else?
Ookami Prince: Again this is hearsay, because I have never been. But their have been times when a demon has a chosen which is not their true mate, although they thought it was. Their internal demon will want to correct their `poor judgment'.
Passionate Miko: Do people get hurt? I don't know about all this. I still have so many questions. But let's talk about something else. You said we would meet for coffee when you got back. I owe you that much. It's my treat. Remember? You have been a true confidant the last month. And when Inuyasha and I get married….
Ookami Prince: Mated
Passionate Miko: Well I thought the mated would be private and the married would be public.
Ookami Prince: Depends on the species.
Passionate Miko: Whatever, anyways how can I invite you and Kagome if we've never met? I mean I feel like we have a connection, we're friends remember?
Ookami Prince: Friends? Me with a human?
Passionate Miko: wait a sec there! Kagome is a human what the hell are you getting at?
Ookami Prince: LOL! Calm down, I'm just kidding. Sure let's due coffee one day this week. You're office is downtown, right?
Passionate Miko: Yes. There is a Starbucks on Biscayne, near the Omni.
Ookami Prince: How about tomorrow, about 1pm? I have a meeting in the Wachovia building downtown and should be done about noon.
Passionate Miko: Perfect, I'm looking forward to finally meeting you.
Ookami Prince: Me to. It's been a breath of fresh air to speak with someone, especially a human who is interested in understanding demonic heritage and culture. I wish Kagome was a forthcoming as you.
Passionate Miko: Well, I'm sure she wants to understand; just like I do. I believe that I have a responsibility for making a relationship work.
Ookami Prince: That is admirable. Well, I have to go back to work if I want to get out of here on time to meet my woman for dinner tonight.
Passionate Miko: Goodness, your still at work? I'm sorry I didn't mean to take so much of your time.
Ookami Prince: I figured you might me on and wanted to check up on you - so I logged in from work.
Passionate Miko: You're so sweet. I hope Kagome appreciates you as much as I do.
Ookami Prince: Me too
Passionate Miko: Well let me let you go. I should start dinner; Inuyasha will hopefully be home soon. I'm looking for meeting you on tomorrow. Remind me to ask you about his eyes.
Ookami Prince: His eyes?
Passionate Miko: No biggie, we can talk
Ookami Prince: Sorry about interrupting, but what about his eyes?
Passionate Miko: Well, I was thinking they seem paler then normal.
Ookami Prince: Paler?
Passionate Miko: Don't worry about it; we can talk about it tomorrow. I don't want to hold you up. You need to get out on time for dinner, remember?
Ookami Prince: You're right, of course. I'll look forward to meeting you on tomorrow, have a nice evening.
Passionate Miko: You too. I hope everything goes well in your meeting. See you Friday at 1pm.
Ookami Prince: Starbucks on Biscayne got it. Should anything come up, my cell is 305-229-9999, okay?
Passionate Miko: Got it! Have a good one.
Ookami Prince: Great, you too.
**Ookami Prince has signed off**
**Passionate Miko has signed off**
Kikyo heaved a big sigh. Why was she kidding herself, Inuyasha wasn't coming home soon. He never did on Fridays. She walked back into the kitchen and grabbed a frozen dinner to stick in the microwave and turned on the TV in the living room. While she waited for dinner, she thought about what Kouga had said and smiled as she thought about meeting him on Friday - what a super nice guy.