InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ MArked! ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: InuYasha is owned by Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan Inc. and Viz Media.
Story and all original characters created are owned by me.
By l80hawk
“Kagome, what have you got going on this week?” Sango said as she wiped down the counter getting ready for the happy hour rush.
Sango and Kagome worked at Joe's Stone Crab on Miami Beach. Joe's was `The Place' for hip executives, but still maintained the causal tropical flair of Miami. They were both new when they met about two years ago. Sango was bartending at the tiki bar and Kagome was the waitress of the coveted poolside tables. The hours were long, but the tips were great. If you had to work through college, Joe's was the place to do it.
“Well, I was supposed to meet Kouga for dinner tonight. Speaking of which, I have yet to call him and tell him I'm not going to make it since I picked up Monica's shift.” Kagome said, fixing her midnight hair in a tight pony tale to keep the wind from blowing it in her face.
“You better call him right now Kagome. You know he's going to be pissed, why did you agree to pick up this shift? You've already been here since opening this morning. Wasn't the lunch crowd enough?” Sango laughed. “I hate to tell you this, but it looks like you don't want to go out and figured this was an easy out.”
“Sango, stop, okay? It's not like that. I can use the money, that's all. Let me go call him and get this over with.” Kagome said as she walked into the employee back room picking her cell out of her back pocket.
Walking into a corner of the room, Kagome heaved a sigh. Sango was right. Kouga was going to be pissed about her breaking their date tonight. She preferred to stay at work than spend the evening getting gussied up and going to a fancy restaurant. They had been going out for almost a year and a half. She liked Kouga a lot. He was handsome, successful, intelligent and charming. Someone she should be proud of calling her boyfriend. He'd been after her to move in permanently. Sure she stayed over a lot with him, but still paid Sango for her room in their apartment. She wasn't ready to take the total plunge. `Why not?” her conscious said? He said he loves you, that you're the one he's chosen. Those words probably scared her the most. Because although he loved her and wanted to provide for her, she didn't think she felt the same way. She had tried hard to fall in love, but it just didn't work that way.
“JKM Enterprises, how may I direct your call?” The voice answering her call broke through her thoughts.
“Hi Merle, its Kagome. Is Kouga available by any chance? If he's busy I can leave him a message, no problem. I don't want to bother him.” Kagome let the words tumble out of her mouth in a rush. She knew she didn't want to really make this call but had no other choice. Monica had needed someone to cover for her, since her thesis was due on Friday.
“Kagome, no problem at all. You know Kouga will always take your calls. Let me put you through.” Merle said with a friendly tone.
The music on hold didn't even have a chance to come on before Kouga picked up the line. “How did you know I was thinking about you? How is my little woman? Are you getting ready for dinner or just on your way home?”
Kagome could hear the grin on Kouga's face as he spoke on the phone. She hated making him unhappy, since he was always doing things he thought would make her happy. “Hi Kouga, I hope your day has gone well.” Kagome tried to force a smile to her face as she spoke. “I have some bad news about tonight. I picked Monica's shift, so I can't do dinner. I hope you understand. You know I can use the money with rent and all due next week.” Kagome was bracing herself, although she was not sure why. Kouga would never yell at her or raise his voice.
Kouga took a deep breath to remain calm. He had really been looking forward to seeing Kagome tonight. Having spoken to Kikyo this evening about the festival brought images of the events said to be a part of the annual festival. He was truly hoping his year; his beast would lead him and Kagome to the festival. “Babe, I'm really sorry to hear that. I was so looking forward to seeing you tonight - it always brightens my day, you know that?”
Kagome sighed, “I know babe” she hesitated and Kouga spoke up again.
“Kagome, I understand - you know I do. I know you like to be independent, but I can take care of you. I want to take care of you, you know that. Money isn't it option and I wish you having to earn it didn't take time from us being together. But I will say no more, because I love you babe. Promise me this, make sure Joe gives you Saturday and Sunday off this week. No excuses Kagome. I really want to spend some time with you and it's Easter - hopefully the Easter bunny will bring you something special, ok? Promise me?”
Kagome sighed again, `Something special' she though. `I hope he doesn't propose. I need to stop thinking like this' Kagome thought to herself. `He's a great guy, probably one of the best in Miami and almost definitely the best I can get.' Kagome took a deep voice and tried her best to sound happy and excited. Although deep down she continued to question herself and her feelings. “Kouga thanks for understanding. I will speak to Joe right now and make sure I'm off. No worries. What are we going to be doing this weekend anyways?”
Kouga smiled as he responded, “It's a surprise, one I hope you'll like. Don't worry. Go back to work and call me when you get home so I know you made it alright. Ok? Oh, and don't let any of those drunks touch my little woman. Love ya.”
Kagome smiled, “I'll call you when I get home. Thanks for understanding Kouga; I'll talk to you later. Back to work!” Cheerfully Kagome pressed end, to make sure Kouga wouldn't continue his mushyness.
Kagome sighed; she knew she had to do something. She had let this relationship get out of hand, by dragging on too long, simply because she didn't want to be alone. Shaking her head Kagome walked out of the employee break room to go back to work. She needed to clear her head because Happy Hour at Joe's could get really busy. She could think things over with Sango on the drive home tonight.
Kouga grimaced as he set down the phone; Kagome always seems to keep him at arms length. He had courted her following the standard demon practices. They had been somewhat intimate, not as much as he would have liked; but he hoped Spring Fever would make the difference and bring them together. Emotionally she really kept her distance, but he didn't know why. Sighing deeply Kouga sank back in his chair and hit the buzzer on the intercom. “Merle, could you order me some take out before you leave. I'm going to work late and finish up those files on the TKA merger tonight. Just have them send me the usual, ok?”
“Yes, Mr. Ookami. Is there anything else I can get you before I go?” Merle replied.
“Put on a fresh pot of coffee and I'll get it from there. Thanks Merle, have a nice evening.” Kouga replied. He moved the mouse to start up Internet Explorer once again. He wished he had thought to get Kikyo's number when they had chatted earlier. He enjoyed chatting with her and maybe getting a woman's perspective would help in his relationship with Kagome. He signed back onto Marked! and minimized the window in the background. Maybe Kikyo would be on later tonight.