InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ MArked! ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: InuYasha is owned by Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan Inc. and Viz Media.
Story and all original characters created are owned by me.
By l80hawk
A/N A big thanks to my first (and only) two reviewers, reldysha and unistar. I hope you continue to enjoy the story. Hopefully I can keep the creative juices following to get it done.
As Kikyo placed the phone on the receiver, she couldn't help the tears that welled in her eyes. When she put that microwave dinner in, she had known subconsciously that InuYasha wouldn't be home anytime soon. Over the last 3 weeks or so, he usually got home after she had gone to bed. No matter what she did to try to entice him, InuYasha only seemed to draw further and further away.
Getting up from the couch, she walked back into the den and turned the computer back on. `I know he'd not on. He said he was going out with Kagome tonight. I wish he was, he seems to be the only one I can talk to lately.' Walking into the living area, she turned off the TV and left the hall night lights on - as she waited for the system to crank up. Turning on the stereo to some light jazz, she sat down to surf the Net. `What else do I have to do anyways, sitting here alone?' Subconsciously she logged into Marked! knowing that Kouga wouldn't be online, but hey a girl could think positive, right?
Minimizing the window, she paid no attention to the other users on-line as the second tab opened to Yahoo! and Kikyo drummed her fingers lightly, debated what she was going to search. Typing slowly she entered, “Spring Festival” into the web search. `North Korea, Kurds, etc etc, uck!' she thought. `More than 132 million hits, none of which apply to what I'm looking for..' sighing wistfully the blue flash of the minimized window caught Kikyo's attention. Clicking on the window, an IM window popped up.
**Ookami Prince has sent you a message** So your plans fall through as well?
A relieved smile graced Kikyo's, as she navigated the web site to the member chat rooms.
Marked! Demonic Heritage Website Chat Room
**Passionate Miko has entered the room**
Passionate Miko: Hey, what happened? I thought you guys were going out to dinner?
Ookami Prince: Kagome called and said she had to work. You know the saying, “the best laid plans…”
Passionate Miko: That`s the story of my life.
Ookami Prince: The mutt working late?
Passionate Miko: Yes.
Ookami Prince: I'm glad you're on, I was thinking about what you told me earlier about the mutt's eyes.
Passionate Miko: Do you think it could be something significant?
Ookami Prince: Maybe. Like I said earlier, it's a bit much to try to discuss in chat. We're still on for tomorrow, or do you have to work?
Passionate Miko: <lol> Like I would stand you up? I'm really looking forward to meeting you. How will we know each other?
Ookami Prince: You can call me when you get there?
Passionate Miko: Better yet….brb
Ookami Prince: ok
Kouga wondered what Kikyo was up to, she didn't usually interrupt their conversations. He hoped the mutt didn't walk in and cause her any trouble. Picking up his container of egg foo young, he leaned back in his chair. Kikyo was actually quite enjoyable to talk to, more so than Kagome as of late. However, Kouga pushed that to the back of his mind and shifted to get more comfortable in his chair, keyboard in his lap.
Passionate Miko: Back, are you busy now?
Ookami Prince: No, eating take out here in the office. Really no reason to rush home, why?
The buzzing vibration in Kouga's pocket drew his attention away from the keyboard as he reached into his pocket to grab his cell. Unless it was Kagome, it was late for a business associate to call. Kouga's brow furrowed as he glanced at the unfamiliar number and opened the phone.
“Ookami.” Kouga spoke harshly to the unknown caller.
“Kouga, I … I hope I'm not interrupting. It's Kikyo. I figured it was easier to talk on the phone than continue typing. Am I wrong?” Kikyo's soft voice was hesitant as it came through the speaker.
“Well, this is a pleasant surprise and a most welcome one as well. No, I'm not busy at all. Most certainly not for a lovely lady like you.” Kouga smiled as he spoke into the phone.
Kikyo giggled, “So you're a flirt, hm? You never did answer me, how will we know each other tomorrow?”
Kouga laughed, “I wouldn't call myself a flirt, but a gentleman. I can send you my picture so you'll recognize me. When you get it, send me one of yourself. Simple enough? Give me your email address.”
“How do I know you're not some stalker, hm? Or a predator?” Kikyo spoke sultry into the phone.
“You know I'm a wolf demon. I'm a predator by nature, but you don't have to worry about me stalking you - unless you want to that is.” Kouga chuckled into the phone.
Kouga uploaded a recent picture, taken by some friends after Kikyo recited her email address.
“Okay, it's on its way. I hope it won't change your mind about meeting me tomorrow.” Said Kouga good-naturedly.
Kikyo laughed, “Kouga you have been a good friend over the past month; nothing would make me miss our meeting.” At that moment, Outlook notified Kikyo of the new message and attachment. “Hang a second, this mouse isn't working and I can't use the touchpad and talk on the phone. I'm not multi-talented like you.” Kikyo giggled and set down the phone. Honestly, she didn't know what to expect and didn't want to hurt Kouga's feelings - so she figured keeping the phone away might be the best idea.
As Kikyo opened Outlook and double clicked on the attachment, a pair of brilliant blue eyes smiled back at her. `Oh my God, he's gorgeous!' Kikyo thought to her self. Maximizing the photo viewer, Kouga was on a boat, maybe fishing or a vacation. His naked torso was bronze and chiseled as it shone with perspiration in the photo. Those devastating blue eyes were filled with mirth and long dark hair hung damply past his shoulders.
Kikyo picked up the phone and ran her tongue across her suddenly dry lips. “Nice picture”, she said nonchalantly. “While I send you my picture, tell me. Were you on vacation in this photo? You look… very.. relaxed.” Kikyo spoke coyly and typed silently attaching her photo in reply.
“About a month ago some college buddies and I went down to the Key's to go deep sea fishing. It was a really good time. Too bad Kagome couldn't go. She doesn't like boats. Hey, hurry up over there. Your awfully quiet over there and making me a tad self-conscious.” Kouga said laughing.
“I'm sending it now. First let me say, you have no reason to be self-conscious. Secondly -and please don't take this the wrong way but if I were Kagome with a great guy like you; I wouldn't have passed up some fun in the sun for anything. I love the water and even if I didn't - a little Dramamine would have kept things under control.” Kikyo spoke carefully, not wanting Kouga to take her remarks as an insult against to Kagome.
Kouga's sighed. “Thanks Kikyo, I appreciate that. I've tried to get Kagome to go away on a little vacation many times, but she's always too busy with school or work. Almost like… ah, whatever.”
“Almost like what Kouga? I hope you know you can talk to me.” Kikyo said gently.
“Ah, here's your email. I can tell without looking you are a beautiful woman just from speaking with you.” Kouga grinned into the phone.
“Can you `blush'?” giggled Kikyo. “You're so sweet. Seriously though, go back to what you were saying.”
A brief silence ensued after Kikyo's remarks and nervously she continued speaking. Hearing the light tapping on the keyboard, followed by a gasp and a growl?
Closing her eyes Kikyo continued rambling, “I've tried to suggest to InuYasha that we should go on vacation, but he's always working. In fact, I have two weeks coming up and nothing planned but repainting the bathroom. Certainly not the vacation a relatively successful individual hopes for.” Kikyo said. “Hey now. You know women's egos are fragile, I'm not that bad.” Kikyo tried to sound playfully reprimanding.
“Bad? Kikyo, I'm speechless. Words can't truly give your beauty justice.” Kouga spoke huskily over the phone. It was true. Kikyo's russet eyes shone darkly against her porcelain skin in the evening gown she wore in the picture. She looked a lot like Kagome, but more mature.
Kouga was hesitant to speak, afraid his voice would betray his demonic blood - which was boiling just looking at the Goddess' picture before him. “Kikyo,” he began. Kouga paused; the blood was rushing to his loins. `Have I been wrong about Kagome being my chosen?' he thought to himself. Gathering his thoughts, Kouga began again. “Kikyo, I have something that I want to say, but I don't want to scare or offend you. I frankly don't know how you'll take this. I have always been honest with you, you know that.”
Kikyo was apprehensive now. Afraid Kouga thought poorly of her. `Why should I care what he thinks?' she protested in her mind. “Yes,” she replied.
“I've told you before that demons tend to know their mate at first site. Right?” Kouga began the timber of his voice raspy over the line.
“Yes, you have.” Kikyo sighed again. She didn't know why, but tears began to pool again in her eyes.
“Please hear me out. I have to say that I don't think you are the mutt faces chosen.”
Kikyo gasped and her chest constricted, “Kouga, how could you say something so hurtful. You don't know InuYasha and you don't know me. Right now I am sorry I even made this call. What made me think you were…” Kikyo's voice was rising in anger. How could Kouga be so insulting? She thought he was her friend; his comment was so unexpected.
“Kikyo, I asked if you would hear me out. Will you? I have never steered you wrong have I? Or given you any reason to doubt me, as I have openly and honestly explained demon mating to you, right? ” Kouga spoke again, calmly into the phone. “This may not be as bad as you may think - at least I hope so.”
Sniffling into the phone, Kikyo took a deep breath to calm herself before replying. “No Kouga you haven't. That's why this is so surprising. How do you know after seeing my picture that I'm not InuYasha's chosen?”
“Because your mine,” Kouga responded simply.