InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ MArked! ❯ Chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: InuYasha is owned by Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan Inc. and Viz Media.
Story and all original characters created are owned by me.
By l80hawk
Lack of oxygen and the accompanying dizziness startled InuYasha to his senses as he broke away from Kagome's lips. InuYasha allowed himself to sink slowly to the floor holding Kagome close and causing her to straddle his lap. InuYasha's nose was buried in her thick ebony hair inhaling her intoxicating vanilla and jasmine scent, thick with arousal. InuYasha struggled to calm himself, his inner beast crying out for release, as he looked upon Kagome's flushed face and cobalt eyes dazed with desire. “Mine.”
As the warm South Florida breeze caressed her face Kikyo gazed out at the Intercoastal gleaming in the moonlight. It was well after midnight and the crowd had thinned considerably since they had arrived. Kouga had gone to get them a couple of soft drinks for the ride home before Sango closed up. He'd already made plans with her to meet up Saturday for at least lunch. Giggling, Kikyo recalled that portion of their conversation earlier.
They were sitting at their table taking a break from dancing when Kouga reached over and took Kikyo's' hand in his own, “I hope you have enjoyed this evening as much as I have. I have every intention of seeing you tomorrow, you know that right?”
Kikyo had to laugh at the intensity of Kouga's gaze, “Well, I suspected but in this day in age a girl is never quite sure until the moment happens.” She quipped playfully.
“So you're telling me you'll come willingly? I don't have to throw you over my shoulder to take you out to lunch?” Kouga chuckled in return. “Seriously Kikyo, the Festival will start tomorrow night at sun down. I told you earlier, if my assumption is right we will be attending - but I really won't know until then. Are you sure this is what you want? I have to be sure; otherwise I should wait till next week to see you again.”
Kikyo released his hand and stood her eyes downcast but catching Kouga's shocked expression. Stepping quickly she settled herself into his lap before he could rise to stop her. Wrapping her arm around his neck and placing a hand lovingly against his cheek, Kikyo stared deeply into his eyes. “If I had a doubt, it is long forgotten. Since we met last night, I feel as if the part of me or my life that was missing has been discovered and at this moment I can think of no other place I want to be than with you. If we are called to the festival, then I will go gladly and willingly.” Kikyo paused as a thrum reverberated through her body, causing her heart to flutter and heat to rush to her core. Smiling softly, she closed the distance between their lips before murmuring, “Do you understand?”
The kiss chaste and loving at first grew heated as Kouga struggled to control with his demonic need to mate with his intended. Kouga twisted Kikyo gently in his lap, allowing her to straddle his legs and press more intimately against him, allowing him to deepen the kiss and the scent of her arousal drift upwards. Their tongues stroked, tasted and caressed each other imitating the actions they both desired but were unable to participate in at the moment.
“I think we're a little old for the `Go getta room!' comment, eh?” Sango laughed as she strolled over to the table. As Kikyo broke contact, surprised and embarrassed by the intrusion, Kouga held her tightly instead of allowing her to pull away. Nuzzling and nipping at the column of her throat, Kouga allowed her scent to fill his senses as air rushed into his lungs and murmured, “I don't want this moment to end.”
Kikyo blushed prettily as she met Sango's smirk, “Yeah…well... I …ummm. Is it closing time already?”
“Sure is love birds, you gonna follow me back to the house?” Sango laughed. “Not all of us were dancing the night away and I'm whooped. Not to mention, we have a lot to discuss. So, ready?”
Removing herself off Kouga's lap, Kikyo smoothed her dress with trembling fingers. Reaching over to grab her purse, she met Sango's smirk with a friendly glare, “Gee Sango, you sound exactly like my mom.”
“Yeah well, somebody's gotta do it.” Sango laughed.
Having regained his composure, Kouga finally stood and faced Sango with a serious look on his face. “My intentions are totally honorable, although unforeseeable. Kikyo will be spending time with me tomorrow and if my guess if correct will not be returning to your apartment after that. I trust you will not argue with me woman.” Kouga finished with a snarl.
“Look wolf, I know the deal, so do go all dominate crap on me. If this is what Kikyo wants and you are taking her as a mate, I know she'll be fine and I have no beef. However, if you pull some stupid crap and she remains unmarked on Sunday - I can and will kick you ass, do you understand me man?” Sango never let the smile drop, but her words carried a threat and warning Kouga didn't miss.
“Do you know if you ancestors were demon slayers, Sango? You have got to be the balliest woman I know to face off with a demon.” Kouga laughed.
“Okay you two, break it off.” Kikyo laughed and smiled. “Let's get going. Kouga the sooner we leave the sooner we'll be together tomorrow.”
The showdown over Kouga laughed, “Lead the way, then I'll know where I go to pick you up tomorrow. Kikyo, is noon to early to head out for lunch tomorrow? Dress causal and bring a little overnight bag for brunch on Sunday as well.”
Strolling out to the parking garage, hands entwined Kikyo laughed. “Brunch on Sunday? With whom? Are things always going to be like this, pre-planning days in advance?” she laughed.
“Call it a hunch. Seriously, after this weekend, the only thing I can see in the future is you and me, babe.” Kouga chuckled as he opened the car door for her.
So engrossed in each other, neither noticed another attractive couple walking out the other entrance from the restaurant.
“Hey is that Kikyo and Kouga?” Kagome giggled. “Think they had as good of a time tonight as we did?” She leaned against InuYasha's arm as they walked to the valet to wait for the car, hand in hand, fingers laced.
“Well the Wolf is no where as good looking as me, but Kikyo smells happy.” InuYasha replied as he handed his ticket to the valet. “Kagome.” He began in a serious tone, his amber eyes locked with hers, “Are you sure? There is no turning back tomorrow.”
Smiling softly, Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his lips down to meet with hers and pressed herself against him. As their lips made contact the reaction was instantaneous for Kagome, like a wild fire as blood rushed through her veins and she licked InuYasha's lower lip for entrance. With a growl of approval, InuYasha took control. His tongue stroking hers as his hands caressed her body and brought her pelvis closer to grind against his arousal.
“Ahem.” Coughed the attendant, “Your ride sir.”
“Do you have any doubt that I'm certain.” Kagome whispered huskily to InuYasha gazing into his red rimmed amber eyes. Placing her hand over her heart, “I know it in here.”
Stepping away from Kagome, InuYasha removed the hand from her hand from her breast and kissed in gently. Before escorting her into the car, handing over a generous tip to the valet and never speaking a word. InuYasha settled himself in the car and pulled out of the lot, before speaking in husky tones. “As much as it disturbs me to not take you home, where to?”
Giggling softly, “We need to head east across the causeway dear.” Placing her hand on his thigh, Kagome allowed her thought to roam back to the sequence of tonight's events.
The evening had been emotional, enlightening and utterly amazing. Kagome had had no doubt she was physically attracted to InuYasha, she knew the moment she'd met him. However tonight, as he explained the depth and breath of the emotional ties found in demon mating was stunned, he considered himself hers. It was so hard to believe, yet it explained so many things from her reaction to him to her failed relationship with Kouga. After the initial emotional outburst, InuYasha and Kagome spent the evening in each others embrace. They never moved back to the table, in fact InuYasha had the waiter bring their dinner over to the spot by the window where they sat all night. They talked about their families, lives, loves, goals and dreams. InuYasha was attentive, interesting, intelligent, successful, handsome and wanted only her.
Breaking out of her thoughts, Kagome gave InuYasha directions to the apartment and rubbed his thigh lovingly. “So Mr. Grumpy, what time are you picking me up tomorrow?”
InuYasha shrugged but remained silent, following the directions to Kagome's apartment. Pulling his BMW to a stop along the curb, and drawing a deep breath he shifted into park. Kagome felt tension grow as the relaxing silence of the car ride faded into a memory and began to get nervous as her self-confidence dwindled. `He's having second thoughts. Oh God, I knew this was too good to be true.' Kagome frowned as the negative thoughts raced through her mind. “Look Inu, I had a great time tonight. I understand if things got a bit out of hand. Give me a call sometime if you'd like to hang out, ok?” Kagome began hurriedly in a feeble attempt to save face in light of the dismissal she thought sure was forthcoming and reached for the door handle on the right.
The click of the door lock was muted to the growl that emanated from the Hanyou beside her. Silver bangs hide his eyes from her shocked gaze, “What are you saying Bitch? That you do not want me? That tonight was all a game to you?” InuYasha snarled as he raised crimson eyes to her face.
“No, that's not it at all.” Kagome whispered lowing her gaze as tears of humiliation welled in her eyes.
Grabbing her roughly by the arm, InuYasha drew her body close to his own and snarled, “Are you mocking me bitch? Do you think I can not smell your anxiety? Did you think you could toy with me because I am a Hanyou? That my feelings could be disregarded like your trash?”
Taking a deep breath, Kagome raised eyes filled with pain and desperation to meet InuYasha's burning crimson stare. Raising a hand to cup his face gently a lone tear fell as she whispered, “You don't want me.”
In that instant crimson faded to burnished gold and InuYasha gathered her in his arms and buried his face in her hair. “Oh Kagome, I am so sorry. The only thing I don't want is to let you out of this car or out of my sight.” Kagome relaxed in his arms and sobbed quietly into his chest with relief.
Pulling back hesitantly, “You were so quiet all the way here and didn't say anything about tomorrow. I thought you had changed your mind; like you realized this was all a big mistake.”
InuYasha brushed the remaining tears away from her face with his thumbs, before cupping her chin to hold it steady as his lips descended to meet hers. Kagome gasped as his warm, full lips made contact, allowing InuYasha to delve into the depths of her mouth, stroking her tongue. Kagome tilted her head slightly to deepen the contact, and raised her hands to run them through InuYasha's hair, pulling him closer and stroking his ear gently.
At her touch, InuYasha felt desire rush through his veins and removed her hand from his ear before he lost control only to place it on his hard erection. Breaking contact with her lips, InuYasha lowered his mouth to her neck. “Do you feel what you do to me? How much I want you?” He murmured as he nipped the column of Kagome's throat.
The pleasure of his tongue was exquisite and Kagome moaned softly allowing her head to loll against her shoulder, increasing InuYasha's access to her silky skin. Growling in approval, InuYasha continued to suck on her pulse point as he ran his hand down her arm to settled on her thigh and allowed his clawed hand to slide the dress upward toward the juncture of her leg.
Lost in a haze of passion and desire, Kagome parted her legs to allow InuYasha access to her heated core as if his touch would sooth the burn that threatened to engulf her. Embolden by his nip of approval and increased suction on her neck she stroked his hard member through his pants, wanting him to share in the pleasure she was feeling. InuYasha's creeping hand reached the barrier of her thong and quickly slit the silky material with his claw to expose her core to his touch.
With the first stroke of his thumb against her clit, Kagome gasped for air and raked her nails against InuYasha's scalp. Never leaving his place allowing the column of her throat, InuYasha allowed a finger to part her lips, feeling her wetness and lost in the heady scent of her arousal. Slipping a finger gently into her warm passage InuYasha groaned as her tight sheath tighten like a glove around his finger. Her wetness allowed his thumb to move smoothly against her clit and Kagome laid back in the bucket seat, breaking his contact with her neck as the pleasure of his touch overwhelmed her.
A deep flush graced the cheeks of the beautiful woman presenting herself to him and InuYasha growled as the confines of the expensive sports car inhibited his ability to taste her properly. Allowing his finger to slide inside her passage in an achingly slow pace, InuYasha knew the goddess before him was close to her pinnacle. Leaning further across the seat, he allowed his tongue to glide across her collar bone before catching her pert nipple through the cloth of her dress. The moist heat of his mouth against her breast, and the flicker of his thumb against her clit caused Kagome to gasp with pleasure as white lights danced behind her eyes and her climax rippled in waves coating his hand and time seemed to stand still.
Opening glazed blue eyes; Kagome's blush deepened as she watched InuYasha withdraw his hand from her core and brought them to his lips, licking the remnants of her essence from his fingertips. Kagome groaned as his tongue hungrily sucked each digit coated with the cream of her pleasure. Panting softly, “Oh my God, I've never…” Kagome began softly, as she realized her hand still stroking InuYasha's length absent mindedly.
“I didn't think there was something more erotic than your scent, but I was mistaken. The taste of your pleasure is like a gift from the Gods.” InuYasha stated solemnly as he stared into Kagome's eyes.
Kagome was now blushing so deeply, she thought she would faint from the rush of blood to her head. “Inu..” she began softly, unsure of what to say and desperate not to burst the bubble of pleasure that surrounded her.
“Mate.” InuYasha sighed as he pressed his lips gently, chastely to hers. Removing her hand from his lap, he took a deep breath in a weak attempt to stay in control of the demon that wanted to speed away with the intoxicating vixen beside him. “Let me walk you to the door, before I reach a point where I can not leave.” InuYasha murmured as he turned off the engine and got out of the car.
Kagome took the moment to straighten her clothes before exiting the car when InuYasha opened her door. Taking her hand in his, he raised it to his lips and stared deep into her eyes before turning to escort her to her door. Walking in silence, the trip to her apartment didn't take long enough in Kagome's opinion as she stopped in front of the door. Turning to face InuYasha, she raised her eyes to met InuYasha's as she drew breath to speak.
Place a finger against her lips, InuYasha stopped her before she began. “I want to be here when you wake, but I realize that is unreasonable as the women inside are anxiously awaiting your arrival and you need time to rest before tomorrow.” InuYasha said chuckling. “Can I pick you up at noon tomorrow? I have no doubt we will be called to the festival tomorrow night, but I can not imagine not spending more time away from you than necessary.”
With a giggle Kagome smiled and nodded her ascent as a pretty blush flushed her cheeks in excitement.
“Don't bother bringing anything with you, since we can do some shopping during the day; but let your friend know not to worry since you will not be home tomorrow night. We will be joining my brother and his new mate on Sunday for brunch at Monty's, ok?”
Kagome's lip trembled as tears of happiness sprang to her eyes, “You know, I'll be counting the moments till I see you again.” Kagome said with a shy smile as she reached for the door. Placing a quick kiss on his lips, Kagome slipped into the apartment with a whisper, “Goodnight, InuYasha.”
Kagome heard InuYasha reply, “Goodnight, mate.” As she leaned against the closed door, a demure smile gracing her lips.
“You're late.” Kagome's eyes snapped open when she heard Sango's reproach and glanced over to the kitchen where her friend and Kikyo sat with coffee mugs in their hands.
“Well mother hen, do you want me to beg for forgiveness?” Kagome retorted as she strolled into the kitchen and took a seat at the bar. “So where's the coffee?” She pouted, glancing at the steaming mugs the girls had in their hands.
“Being that chocolate makes everything go down a little smoother, we figured coco would be appropriate for tonight. I'll fix you a cup.” Kikyo laughed as she rose from her seat to prepare another mug.
Returning to the table with mug and marshmallows in hand Kikyo placed them in front of Kagome and returned to her seat, “Didn't know what you liked.”
“One look at her neck should tell you what she really likes.” Sango snicker and Kagome flushed with embarrassment.
“Sango stop, you're just jealous and you know it.” Kikyo replied with a smirk then sighed. Squaring her shoulders she shifted her gaze to Kagome, who had yet to raise her eyes from her mug as her marshmallows melted in the warm coco. “Let's be serious for a minute.” Reaching across the table to touch Kagome's hand, Kikyo took a deep breath. “Kagome, I want you to know that I never meant to get in between you and Kouga. We met on-line a couple of months ago and things were totally platonic. It was a chat room about demon customs, traditions and mating. I was looking for answers about my relationship with InuYasha and Kouga was honest and informative. He took the time to explain things to me that InuYasha never did. I truly believed I would be with Yash the rest of my life, but if I am brutally honest - there were things that… well things just weren't right, for lack of better word. I didn't even meet Kouga till last night, I'm sorry. I never…”
“Please, don't apologize.” Kagome had sat in silent awe as Kikyo literally spilled her guts; she had been dreading this possible confrontation since the afternoon. Although it was admittedly in the back of her mind during the time she spent with InuYasha. Enclosing Kikyo's hand in hers, she gave it a reassuring squeeze; realizing that the both shared the title of `the ex' but without the animosity normally surrounding such a title.
Taking a deep breath she smiled at Kikyo as she began her side of the story. “I thought I was surprised and hurt when Kouga broke up with me; but after the initial shock I only felt relieved. I think I had been distancing myself from Kouga emotionally for some time and not through any fault of his. He kept trying to get closer and it made me want to push him further away. Could it have been divine intervention? This morning I would have said no, but now I'm not so sure. Kouga is a great man and will make you a wonderful make. He is perfect husband material, but just not for me. I know you guys will be very happy.” Kagome paused to collect her thoughts and shoot another dazzling smile at Kikyo as her thoughts fell upon InuYasha.
“You know, I didn't meet InuYasha until this morning. I went for a run today over at Crandon Park after classes. I just needed some alone time to clear my head and the heat must have gotten to me and I fainted. He found me and took care of me. It's like I've found the other half of my soul. I…” Kagome stammered, not finding the right words to express how InuYasha affected her.
“I know. Everything is crystal clear now. Although a few hours ago, I wasn't sure.” Kikyo grinned as she spoke. “Did Yash tell you he met with Kouga and I this afternoon?” Kikyo asked as Kagome's eyes widened in surprise. “I knew Kouga had spoken with you and while it didn't hit me at the time, InuYasha felt it imperative to speak to me prior to pursuing you further. He is an honorable man, and while we had difficulty communicating and being close; I don't think that will be the case for you. He is a great guy and I know you will be very happy together.”
Kagome smiled, “I hope so too. The last 16 hours feels like I have entered into an alternate dimension; too bizarre to even be true. But I can't ignore the fact that it feels right, like destiny or something.” Releasing Kikyo's hand Kagome took a sip of coco and allowed warm of the smooth rich chocolate to relax her anxiety.
Reaching across the table, Sango caught Kagome and Kikyo's hands in hers and smiled at her friends. “Demons are possessive individuals and it is important to have friends to help you maintain you individuality. This is an unusual situation and it's proceeding so quickly because of the Spring Festival. I insisted on you guys talking things out because I did not want to see two of my best friends not have the opportunity to get to know each other for the wonderful people they are.” Sango smiled at the watery eyes of her two closet friends. “No matter how insanely jealous I am; I am so very happy for both of you. Now enough of this fluffy female bonding the hormones are making me nauseous. You guys have a very important day ahead of you and you both need the rest.” Standing up from her chair, Sango removed the half empty mugs from the table and turned off the kitchen light, leaving the girls in the dark.
“Off to bed kiddies.” She laughed. “Those big bad demons are going to make you mates tomorrow, I suggest you take advantage of the rest and make sure you limber up in the morning too.” Sango called out as she headed to bed.
Blushing profusely, Kagome and Kikyo exchanged a nervous glance as they rose from their seats and headed to their respective rooms.