InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ MArked! ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: InuYasha is owned by Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan Inc. and Viz Media.
Story and all original characters created are owned by me.
By l80hawk
Kagome was lost in amber pools of lust. She'd heard his words, but was unable to fully comprehend their magnitude as she stared into his eyes. Struggling to shake the fog from her mind she pulled from his embrace. “Spring festival? Mate? What? She whispered, “I don't understand what you're talking about.”
InuYasha growled as she stepped away from his embrace. “Did that wolf never tell you anything?”
`Wolf!?' Kagome gasped, “How do you know Kouga?”
InuYasha growled low before gesturing for Kagome to sit down as he walked over to the bar. “Maybe you should have that drink, darling. We've got a lot to talk about and frankly, we're not leaving until you understand everything.” Pouring wine in Kagome's glass, InuYasha poured himself a drink before walking over to sit across from Kagome.
Kagome could only nod dumbly as she thought to herself. `What the hell is he talking about? Mating? Spring festival? How the hell does he know Kouga?' “Do you like calamari? I was thinking we could order some appetizers since we're going to be here for awhile.” Kagome smirked.
“That's fine with me.” InuYasha replied and took a sip of his drink as he waited for Kagome to finish placing their order before he continued. “Kagome, do you know anything about demon mating?”
Placing the receiver down Kagome squared her shoulders as she faced InuYasha, “First of all, how do you know Kouga?”
“Does it matter?” InuYasha replied.
“It depends. If you're some guy he trying to set me up with, yes. Our relationship wasn't all that, but I'll be damned if I'm going to let him attempt to control one more thing in my life.” Kagome's flashed in annoyance as she spoke.
“You seem like a smart woman. I would think you know better than to make an assumption or even summation such as that.” InuYasha replied quietly.
Kagome flushed at InuYasha's reprimand, “Well… I'm not making an assumption. It just appeared way too convenient that I meet the perfect guy immediately after Kouga and I broke up. Look, I just got rid of the guy; I needed to know you aren't a set up to keep me in check, okay?” Kagome finished softly.
`She thinks I'm the perfect guy?' InuYasha smirked and nodded. “I know of Kouga through business, but we are not acquainted. I did however meet him this afternoon; his chosen in my ex-girlfriend Kikyo. Now, what do you know about demon mating?”
Kagome paled at the mention of Kikyo and took a breath to calm herself before responding. “Well, nothing really. I mean, Kouga did try to explain it too me, but I never paid attention. It's not because I wasn't interested in understanding, but because it alluded to making out relationship more permanent and that I wasn't interested in.”
“Are you interested in hearing what I have to say?” InuYasha smirked.
“I'm certainly not going to ignore you, but this seems like a serious conversation for two people who've only just met, don't you think?”
“It is a serious conversation, and the length of time we've known each other only further compounds the necessity of this conversation. Did you know that when a demon meets their chosen, they are instinctively drawn by the need to consummate the relationship? We're not only talking about having sex; but solidifying the bond between the two individuals.” InuYasha paused as a knock on the door signaled the delivery of the appetizers.
Kagome was totally lost in thought as InuYasha rose from his seat to answer the door. `This is crazy. In twenty four hours I go from a obsessive boyfriend to no boyfriend to a gorgeous guy talking about bonding? I know nothing about Kikyo, but she seems to have a lot of influence on what's happening in my life.' Feeling a hand at her elbow, Kagome gasped at the contact but allowed InuYasha to lead her to the table as if in a trance.
InuYasha looked concerned at Kagome's confused expression. “Are you finding this a tough concept to wrap your mind around, hmm? Eat something and relax, let me think if there is a better way to put things.”
InuYasha sighed heavily as he watched Kagome as she quietly served her plate and began to nibble on the appetizers. She never once looked up and seemed utterly captivated in her own thoughts. The silence in the room was palpable, overbearing the lively music trying to radiate from the outdoor pavilion. Kagome's scent was heavy with confusion and anxiety and her awkward disposition was trying the last threat of InuYasha's patience. Rising suddenly from his seat, InuYasha strode to the bay front window and gazed out at the sun setting over the Intercoastal.
“Do you believe in fate? Or in destiny?” InuYasha's hushed tone broke the silence, “Have you ever felt a connection with someone that defies explanation? Or allowed your heart to overrule logic, because of a `gut feeling'?” Pausing slightly, InuYasha turned to face Kagome as he continued. “For a demon, scent is more valuable than sight; think of it as a window to your soul. It is not biased by preconceived notions nor does it hide the truth. I knew the moment I caught your scent in the park that you were my chosen. I have searched you for without knowing your face - because only your soul calls to mine.”
Kagome looked up in surprise. InuYasha was resting comfortably against the glass, but his eyes did not reflect the confidence in his voice. His golden eyes held both the fear of rejection and hope of understanding. Kagome felt her entire body reverberate in response to his gaze and felt as if she was drowning in a warm embrace, although InuYasha stood several feet away.
Rising from her chair, she approached InuYasha cautiously; never breaking eye contact until she stood within mere inches from him. Raising her hand imploringly to his face, “While this is totally illogical, my heart feels as if it would break if I were to walk away from you. Will you always be true? Will you learn who I am, treat me as an equal and love me till the day that I die?” Kagome whispered and lowered her head before InuYasha stopped the motion with his hand cupping her chin.
Moving her hand from his face to his heart InuYasha forced Kagome to maintain eye contact before he spoke. “My heart will only beat for you and I will love you with every fiber of my being and more than life itself.” Pulling Kagome into his embrace InuYasha wrapped his arms around her, his lips closing the distance to hers.
In that moment, Kagome felt as if time stood still. She saw flash backs of her life infiltrated by visions of what she imagined was life with InuYasha. Then all thoughts stopped as she parted her lips granting access to InuYasha's searching tongue. InuYasha's inaudible growl of approval caused liquid heat to rush through her veins and pool in between her thighs. As Kagome reached up to caress the small triangle on top of his head; InuYasha leaned in deepening the kiss as if to suck the oxygen of her body.
Lack of oxygen and the accompanying dizziness startled InuYasha to his senses as he broke away from Kagome's lips. InuYasha allowed himself to sink slowly to the floor holding Kagome close and causing her to straddle his lap. InuYasha's nose was buried in her thick ebony hair inhaling her intoxicating vanilla and jasmine scent, thick with arousal. InuYasha struggled to calm himself, his inner beast crying out for release, as he looked upon Kagome's flushed face and cobalt eyes dazed with desire. “Mine.”