InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ MArked! ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: InuYasha is owned by Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan Inc. and Viz Media.
Story and all original characters created are owned by me. Oh, and the lyrics included in this chapter are the sole property of Jimmy Buffet.
By l80hawk
Kikyo had selected a table off from the bar out on the terrace at Joe's Stone Crab and settled down to wait for Kouga to return with their drinks. In spring the weather in South Florida is warm and breezy; the sky a brilliant cornflower blue with clouds that littered the sky. The terrace outside of Joe's was well known by locals for its casual atmosphere, excellent seafood and Caribbean flair. One was able to enjoy the peaceful sounds of the ocean with friends in the afternoon and still be minutes away from a number of local clubs that heated up when the sun went down.
Kikyo reflected on the last 24 hours, her life has changed dramatically. While she hadn't discussed it directly with InuYasha, she knew she would be moving in with Sango and her roommate. Looking over at Kouga as he stood by the bar, Kikyo's eyes wandered unobserved. His long legs encased on straight leg black jeans which defined the firm curve of his ass; his broad shoulders encased in a light blue dress shirt that accentuated his tampered waist and sparkling blue eyes; his long hair held back in a high pony tail, unruly in the spring ocean breeze. Kikyo knew she was staring, but she couldn't help herself as a warm flush spread over her features.
“Thinking of me?” Kouga smiled as he returned, hanging his jacket on the back of the chair. “Your drink m'lady.” He said as he placed a glass of white wine in front of her. Sitting across the table from Kikyo, Kouga took a sip of his beer then reached across the table and clasped her hands within his own. “Babe, do you remember us talking about spring fever?” Kouga asked.
“Well, it's like an annual mating ritual, right? You didn't really go into a lot of detail; in fact, I think you called this the “readers digest version”.” Kikyo replied with a smile.
“Spring fever is simply a term for the hereditary need to mate which runs from the vernal equinox to the summer solstice. The demonic mating ritual has evolved over time and demons do not have the desire to mate until such time as their true chosen has been found. Am I making sense?”
“Kind of. What do you mean, “not have the desire to mate”? What exactly is mating? I mean, I thought it sounded obvious, but now I'm not exactly sure.” Kikyo replied, somewhat confused.
“Did you ever have sex with InuYasha, or was it solely extended foreplay? Did you ever wonder why he did not initiate mating with you?” Kouga asked.
Realization dawned across Kikyo's features as she blushed. “That does explain some things. Go ahead.”
“Going to plead the 5th, hmm?” Kouga smirked. “Alright, I'll let that one go. So, once a demon finds their chosen the level of desire increases. It moves from wanting to hold; to caress, and to smell; to being more intimate like wanting to lick, to caress, to taste, and ultimately protect.” With these words Kouga's eyes flashed crimson as he brought her hands to his lips and placed light a kiss on each. Staring into her eyes, he loosened his grip and ran his tongue along each finger, paying close attention to each digit.
Kikyo gasped as molten heat pooled between her legs as Kouga's warm tongue caressed her fingers. She pressed her thighs together to stem her desire and squirmed in her chair.
Taking note of Kikyo's dilated eyes and thickening scent Kouga growled and withdrew his tongue and placed her hands, still held in his, back onto the table. Kouga took a depth breath before continuing huskily, “Your reaction also heightens my desire.” but I digress.” Leaning back in his chair, Kouga allowed the breeze to brush Kikyo's musky once more past his face. Taking a swing of his beer, he began, “Mating is the process by which a demon marks their mate.”
“Kind of like the human tradition of a wedding ring, right? It symbolizes or marks an individual as being tied to another.” Kikyo smiled, as visions of a beach side wedding flicked in her mind.
“Conceptually that is the right idea, but a ring can be removed and we both know that divorce is a concept freely used by the human population. Marking a mate is a more intimate way tying of individuals together, but we don't exactly use a physical object to mark our mate.” Kouga spoke slowly and deliberately, watching Kikyo's face and scent to gauge her reaction.
“Somehow I think your holding something back on this explanation.” Kikyo laughed. “But let me see if I understand. Mating is similar to sex and it's a ritual done in the spring during which a demon marks their mate. Marking is a symbol demons give to their mate at the culmination of the mating ritual, right?” Kouga nodded and Kikyo continued to speak, “You've yet to tell me what the mark looks like or how it's done.”
“Kikyo, I know you've done a lot of research about demonology, we've talked about it a lot online; what do you think the marking is?” Kouga spoke mysteriously.
“Why are you being like this? Just tell me, I don't want to have to guess.” Kikyo laughed nervously.
“I can't exactly tell you, because I don't know. Each demon's mark is individual and instinctive based on the will of their mate. I can only tell you it is not painful and some blood is exchanged - the rest is up to you. Now tell me, what do you think the marking is?” Kouga leaned back in his chair and waited for Kikyo to speak.
Kikyo's face paled and she sat back in her chair, allowing the voice of Jimmy Buffet to fill her mind.
`It's these changes in latitudes changes in attitudes nothing remains quite the same. With all of our running and all of our cunning; If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane.'
She replayed Kouga's words in her mind, `No Jimmy, nothing does remain the same.' She thought to herself and laughed softly. She cleared her throat before speaking, “Well, that's a bit surprising. I'll have to give it some thought. Do I… have to tell you? You know about the mark?” Kikyo finished hesitantly.
Kouga sighed and smiled, relief rushing through his veins; “No babe, when the time is right - I'll know.” Rising from his chair, Kouga extended his hand, “Now how about a dance?”
Kikyo smiled and accepting Kouga's hand allowed him to guide her to the dance floor. Feeling his strong arms wrap around her body and draw her close, Kikyo's hesitancy faded as her body molded against his. `This feels so right, I guess he's right. When the time comes, we'll both know.” Kikyo thought as she closed her eyes and focused on the man who held her heart in his hands.
Kagome looked at her watch; it was almost 4:30 and InuYasha had yet to arrive. In her nervousness, she had polished off almost two full glasses of wine waiting for him to arrive. Negative thoughts filled her mind as she looked out at the sunset. `Is he having second thoughts? Was I too forward? Is this some type of joke? Maybe he was too good to be true.' Heaving a great sigh Kagome figured a good buzz would lessen the feeling of rejection and turned to refill her glass one more time.
“Waiting for me?” InuYasha said quietly as he watched Kagome turn from the window. “Did you think I wasn't coming?” InuYasha took in her graceful form, encased in black showing every curve of her body. He'd been standing in the room watching her for some time now. When he'd arrived Kagome's beauty took his breath away. The sight of her bare back and firm ass had brought his demon to the surface so quickly; he'd had to lean up against to wall in an attempt to keep it under control. As the minutes ticked by, he could feel the loneliness and distress radiating off her and silently berated himself for being silent so long.
Approaching her with a predatory gleam in his eye, InuYasha repeated his inquiry in a husky voice. “Well, did you think I wasn't coming; that I would refuse myself the opportunity to be near you? To touch you? To smell your sweet scent?”
Kagome was caught totally unaware when she'd first heard his voice and stared at InuYasha as he crossed the room to where she was standing. Dressed all in black, his clothes did nothing to hide the ripple of muscle that flexed which each step he took. His silver hair hung loosely around his shoulders and those deep amber eyes held her breathless as she watched him approach. Her throat felt parched; her lips dry as she ran her tongue along her lower lip to add moisture so they would move when she caught her breath. Every fiber of her being seemed to pulsate in awareness of his presence, how could he have entered the room without her knowing? “I… I… how long have you been standing there?” Kagome stammered as oxygen finally seemed to seep into her lungs.
“Long enough to know you don't need another glass of wine, but first things first.” InuYasha grasped her chin in his hand, his thumb tracing the path along her lower lip her tongue had taken almost moments before. Kagome's breath hitched, her heart hammered in her chest and her eyes fluttered closed as she watched InuYasha's face closed the gap between them. Their lips touched, the contact sending bolts of electricity racing through her veins. InuYasha slid his hand the cup the base of her head, as his arm wrapped around her waist pulling her flush against his body. Running his tongue along her lower lip, Kagome relaxed to allow him to penetrate her mouth. Tilting his head for better access, InuYasha brushed her teeth and stroked her tongue as if he was trying to suck her essence into his body.
Feeling Kagome's need for air outweigh his own desire, InuYasha reluctantly broke contact with her lips and leaned his forehead against her own. His crimson eyes stared deeply into her own as he spoke huskily, “I want you to remember tonight; because tomorrow I believe, I most fervently hope that we will be called to the spring festival and formally begin out life together. Do you know what that means? What it entails? Will you become my mate should destiny allow us this opportunity?”
Kagome was lost in amber pools of lust. She'd heard his words, but was unable to fully comprehend their magnitude as she stared into his eyes. Struggling to shake the fog from her mind she pulled from his embrace. “Spring festival? Mate? What? She whispered, “I don't understand what you're talking about.”
InuYasha growled as she stepped away from his embrace. “Did that wolf never tell you anything?”
`Wolf!?' Kagome gasped, “How do you know Kouga?”
A/N Sorry about not updating sooner. I've been doing a lot of thinking about how I visualize this story progressing. Not to mention the fact that I like to have some time to do my fair share of reading.
Thanks again to my reviewers for your support. I'm glad you've been enjoying this fic thus far. I'm always interested in your point of view.