InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ MArked! ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: InuYasha is owned by Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan Inc. and Viz Media.
Story and all original characters created are owned by me.
By l80hawk
Kagome almost tripped over her own feet as she ran up the stairs and unlocked the door to her apartment. Dropping her keys on the table and bag onto the floor, she bolted to her room to get into the shower. “Sango! Sango! Where are you?” Kagome yelled as she turned on the shower and began to shrug out of her sweats.
“I'm right here. I was pulling in the curling iron. Its 3 o'clock, kinda taking this down to the wire, aren't you?” Sango said as she leaned in the doorway.
“Oh God, I have so much to tell you, but I have to hurry. Come sit in here while I shower so I can tell you what happened, ok?”
Sango rolled her eyes as she down on Kagome's bed, “Okay, I've already concluded it's a guy and would even go so far as to guess a demon.”
“Inu half demon,” Kagome's voice rang out over the running water.
“Inu, huh? What is with you and the canines?” Sango chuckled. “Well I know you spoke to Kouga, hand your exam and went for a run; want to fill in the blanks?”
Kagome giggled, “Okay, this is the condensed version. I'm meeting InuYasha at Joe's tonight for dinner. I met him at the park; I fainted with the heat and he took me back to his apartment to cool off and relax. Don't make that face Sango, he was a perfect gentleman.”
“What face?” Sango laughed. “It's not like you can see me anyways. Keep talking girl.” Her brow had creased in concern with the onset of Kagome's tale; obviously Kagome knew her too well.
“Well there's really not much to tell. It's not like we had a long drawn out conversation. It's more like a feeling.” Kagome sighed as she shut off the tap. “Sango, do you believe in love at first sight?”
Sango hesitated before she spoke, “Personally no, but that's because I will never be that lucky. However, logically I know that demons do experience an immediate response to their chosen when found that could be defined as that. It's really more of a romantic ideal for humans.”
Kagome emerged from the shower, wrapped in a towel and leaned against the door frame. Thoughtful expressions flashed across her face before being replaced by a bright smile, “Then maybe I'm a demon.”
Giving Kagome a small smile in return, “Are you sure? I mean you broke up with Kouga this morning. This isn't some rebound thing.” At the sight of Kagome's slight frown Sango hurriedly continued, “You know I'm happy for you, maybe even a little jealous; I just don't want you to get hurt.”
Kagome smiled again, “Sango, have you met someone or had an opportunity to do something and felt deep in your soul that if you let that moment pass by because of your own insecurities or fears; that you would regret it for the rest of your life? Carpe deem, right?”
“Yeah, I know, and it's carpe diem.” Sango laughed. Getting up from the bed, she grabbed the dress bag from the door and laid it on the bed. “Hurry up and get dressed and I'll help you do your hair. Can't keep your mystery man waiting.” Reaching the door Sango paused, “Kags, please be careful, this is a crazy time of year for demons; and I told Kikyo the same thing. You, Kikyo and I need to talk through this drama, especially if we're going to be living me. I get off at 1 tonight and I would like you to plan on being here. If this guy is the real deal, he's not going to mind.”
Kagome rolled her eyes at Sango's retreating back and she finished towel drying her hair. `She's right, as always - just like my mom. If only she had a guy of her own…' Kagome sighed as she went to the dresser and picked out a black lace thong to wear under her dress. Walking over to the bed, she removed the dress from the bad and removed the tags. Slipping it over her head, the smooth fabric clung to her flesh like a glove. The dress was tasteful yet seductive, mature but flirty. `Perfect.' Glancing at the clock, Kagome opening the door calling to Sango, “Go ahead and unplug the curling iron, we're not going to have time.” Slipping her feet into her black pumps she grabbed her clutch and dropped her compact, mascara, keys and cell phone into it as she strode down the hallway.
Sango looked at her watch and she waited for Kagome at the door, “Very nice! He's going to be impressed. Its 3:45 now, I better call Joe and let him know I'll be a few minutes late for work. What time are you meeting him?”
Kagome's face froze in horror, “Shit! I was supposed to call when I got home. What if he thinks I stood him up?!?! Sango, hurry up let's go. We can call from the car. I've got to get there as soon as possible.”
Locking the door behind them, Sango and Kagome jumped into the car and headed across the causeway, both intently speaking on their cell.
Kouga walked back into the café to find Kikyo gathering her belongings. Walking up behind her, he wrapped his arms around her waist and drew him against his chest. “Ready, love?” he whispered as he nuzzled the hair at her neck and took a deep breath of her calming scent. “We still have much to discuss.”
Kikyo smiled and turned in his arms. “Like?” she asked playfully.
“Us.” Kouga replied. Kissing her gently on the forehead, he took her hand and headed for his car.
As Kikyo approached the expensive foreign vehicle, she broke from her daze. “Kouga, where exactly are we going?” From the moment she'd met Kouga, she had followed without question wherever he led. The reality of the situation suddenly sunk into her head. `I'm leaving here with a virtual stranger, am I nuts? What about my car? How do I get home? What is this is all an act? He seems sincere, but how can I be sure? I want to go, but should I?' Kikyo thought nervously and took a step back from the car.
Kouga could smell the nervous spike in Kikyo's scent and turned to look into her eyes. “Are you having second thoughts about lunch?” Kouga paused, his eyes filled with concern, “or about us?”
“I… I don't know.” Kikyo stammered. “This is all happening so fast. I want to go with you, I do. It's like something I'm compelled to do, but…” Kikyo looked down at their clasped hands before continuing, “I'm scared. We hardly know anything about each other.”
Kouga smiled and lifted Kikyo's chin gently to look into her eyes. “There are things in life that are difficult to explain. Whether you believe or not, this is not one of them. I can tell you that I know, with every fiber of my being, that we are meant to be together. There is nothing for you to be frightened of because I will protect you with my life.”
Upon hearing his words Kikyo looked up into Kouga's dark violet eyes and saw truth and another emotion that took her breath away with its intensity.
“There is much for you to learn about me; about us.” Kouga continued. “From the time you left last night, my internal best howled in anguish till I saw you again. However, I will give you the space you need - no matter how much it hurts me to do so.” Kouga released her hands and took a step back, drawing a deep breath to inhale her scent as if committing it to his memory.
Kikyo was stunned at the emptiness that filled her heart, her very soul when Kouga released her hands. Staring into his eyes she closed the distance he had created and wrapped her arms around his waist, tucking her head under his chin. “This feels so right, I don't want to let go yet.” She whispered.
“Then don't.” Kouga murmured holding her body close to this. “Let's have lunch, I know you're hungry and we can talk more. You'll remember I told you this was a very significant time of year for demons.” Leaving his arm around his frame Kouga opened the door for Kikyo. “Do you like seafood?”
Kikyo grinned, “Sure do. How about we head over to Joe's? We can sit inside and talk during lunch, then have cocktails and dance outside. We can make plans for tomorrow, since I'm going to need to make this an early night.” She said as she sat down in the car.
Closing Kikyo's door, Kouga walked around to the driver's side, sat down and started the vehicle. Kikyo didn't miss the crimson flash in Kouga's eyes as she spoke. “What?” she asked as the car hummed to life. Kouga didn't speak immediately, focused on the traffic on the boulevard as they headed down to South Beach.
Kouga glanced over briefly at the lovely woman in the passenger seat as a smile spread on his face. “Well, a couple of things. The thought of leaving me, while I know it's inevitable - at least for tonight” a sly smirk caused his dimples to deepen. “Was like a slap to my beast - especially as it is so looking forward to holding you later when we dance.” Kouga said, shooting Kikyo a wink.
“Flirt!” Kikyo gasped out with a laugh and settled in a comfortable silence as the brilliant blue ocean passed them by in the window.
InuYasha had arrived at his apartment in a kind of stupor. The meeting with Kikyo had gone surprising well. He was happy that she had met someone, although his human ego was slightly hurt at how quickly she was over him. As he opened the door, Kagome's scent which still lingered in the apartment, brought him to his senses. It was just after 3pm and looking at his cell, he saw no missed calls. `Did she change her mind?' InuYasha questioned himself as he walked into the bedroom, stripping off his clothes.
Getting into the shower, InuYasha pondered Kagome's lack of contact. `Was she scared? Did she find him repulsive? Had he been too forward?' Sighing heavily, InuYasha finished his shower, dried off and walked nude into his room. Sitting on the bed, he sighed, not knowing how to proceed. Picking up his cell, he found her name in his contacts and hesitated. He would not be able to handle rejection well, not at this time of year and certainly not in public; he had to know if she would show.
Pressing send he waited with baited breath, `Would she answer his call? Maybe she would just ignore him' Depression and anger was sinking into is heart when Kagome's bubbly voice picked up after the second.
“Oh God, thank God you called. I didn't get you number before I left - even though I said I would call you. I'm on my way there now. I…”
InuYasha chuckled as he interrupted, relief flooded his mind, “I thought maybe you had second thoughts.” He said huskily.
Kagome's breath hitched as she heard InuYasha's deep voice over the line. Excitement, nervousness and something akin to desire rushed from her head to her core. “Absolutely not.” She replied breathlessly.
InuYasha groaned as Kagome's voice caused his shaft to pulse with need. “I wanted to let you know I've been slightly delayed. Is 4:15 too late?” He struggled to keep his voice calm and steady.
“That's actually perfect. I have pulled a few strings and guaranteed us a table with a fabulous view. Just give the host your name when you arrive. I'll be there waiting.” Kagome replied, as she ended the call.
Closing the phone InuYasha allowed his eyes to close and his body to fall back on the bed. Behind his eyes he could imagine Kagome's face, head thrown back in ecstasy, neck bared. He reached down to grasp his erect shaft; pumping forcefully as the pornographic vision filled his mind. He could taste her sweat, feel her hot juices coat his shaft and thighs as she rode him unmercifully - taking her pleasure and giving him heaven in return. Using his over head, InuYasha cupped his balls, pulling them from puckering against his body as his orgasm thundered in the distance. Seeing her breasts bounce in his hazy red mind he could imagine her grinding against his groin. InuYasha pumped forcefully twice more before white strands of cum shot from the head landing on his thigh and belly. InuYasha milked the tip of his hot length, allowing more cum to run down his hand before it dropped to the side.
Desire spent, InuYasha felt calm, relieved and sated - at least for the time being. He didn't want Kagome to think he was an animal without control. His release allowed him to reduce the tension which had been building since she first lay in his arms. Opening one eye, InuYasha checked the clock. Lucky he had to time for another shower, before getting dressed and heading to the restaurant.
Kagome and Sango separated as arrived at Joe's promptly at 4pm. Sango had to set up outside at the tiki bar and Kagome set off to find Joe in his office to confirm her favor. Heading up the stairs to the offices, Kagome stopped at the door to her boss' office. Joe was a cleverly disguised crab demon, well liked by the local community and respected business owner. Kagome had always thought it odd that Joe made his living selling humans cooked dishes of his own species. He in turn would chuckle and tell her that after his long life they owed it to him. Kagome knocked lightly and the door opened almost immediately.
“Kagome, you are a lovely site for these old eyes.” Joe greeted her with a smile.
Kagome giggled, “Well thank you kind sir. I wanted to check on the table I requested. Joe I hope you know I really appreciate this.”
“I am happy to help. I have the private dining loft all set up. Who is the lucky fellow; since it's obviously not Kouga” Joe replied.
Embarrassed Kagome looked down, “What do you mean?”
“Kagome, I may not have the most advanced sense in the demon world, but even I smell the Inu scent on your person. Not to mention, I saw Kouga walk in with a lovely lady about a half hour ago. I believe they're sitting out on the deck.” Joe said with a smile.
“Well, umm…I…see…funny, eh?” Kagome stuttered mortified her boss was even this aware of her personal life.
“Not to worry dear, it's just that time of year. You are a special young woman and have a good head on your shoulders - things will all work out. Why don't you go on over to the loft? I have a bottle of wine sitting on ice with your name on it. Sam will make sure your guest knows where to go.” Joe smiled and ushered her out the door with a smile.
Dumbfounded Kagome could only nod as a blush stained her cheeks. Entering the private dinning area she poured a glass of wine to calm her nerves and sat down on the couch to wait for her guest.