InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ MArked! ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: InuYasha is owned by Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan Inc. and Viz Media.
Story and all original characters created are owned by me.
By l80hawk
Closing the distance between them InuYasha spoke up again, “This may seem strange or even crazy, but I can think of nothing I want more than to spend the afternoon getting to know you better. Would you mind spending your day with me?”
Kagome flushed. InuYasha stood only inches away from her and the heat radiating off him made her feel feverish. She could feel his breath brush against her face as he spoke and meeting his eyes, she could only nod as words could not seem to form in her mind.
“Good” InuYasha said huskily as he turned on his heel and walked down the hall and opened the second door on the left, hold it open for her. “We can leave when ever you are ready.” InuYasha said as he stood slightly aside and watched Kagome approach.
InuYasha's eyes did not betray his inner turmoil as Kagome walked towards him in the hallway, with her hips swaying slightly. With her onyx hair ruffled from sleep and her cobalt eyes dazed yet sparkling; InuYasha did not think he could remember a more beautiful sight. Watching as she grew closer, InuYasha noticed Kagome holding her lush lower lip in teeth lost in her thoughts and growled under his breath. Although she gave no sign of recognition, Kagome let loose her lip and raised her eyes to meet his. Almost instantly the sweet smell of her jasmine and vanilla scent became heavy; coating his senses as if like a honey. He struggled to contain his inner beast as it instantly reacted to the shift in her thoughts. A shy smile graced her face as brushed past him and entered the bathroom. The contact was almost more than he could bear and upon hearing her gasp as she closed the door.
Closing his eyes to calm his ragged breathing, InuYasha leaned against the wall across from the closed door. Her scent was heavy in the air, permeating through the crack surrounding the door. InuYasha could feel the thundering beat of his heart reverberate in his head and the stiffness of his shaft in his pants. `God, I have to get a grip or I'll take her right now.' He thought to himself; then focused his thoughts on the upcoming meeting with Kikyo. InuYasha sighed in relief as his arousal subsided. Hearing her hand make contact with the door handle, he braced himself.
As the door opened, a wave of Kagome's heavy scent smacked InuYasha in the face and he closed his eyes to control himself. Concentrating on his breathing InuYasha opened his amber eyes slowly to meet Kagome's seductive grin and blush stained cheeks. `Thank God, I'm leaning against the wall else I'd faint at the rate my blood is rushing from head.' He chuckled to himself.
InuYasha's voice sounded husky to his own ears as he spoke, “Ready to go?”
“You bet your sweet ass I am.” Kagome replied cheekily and gave him a wink as she strutted down the hall towards the door.
Groaning softly at the sight of her firm ass cheeks, InuYasha drew a breath before following her back into the living room. Grabbing his keys, cell phone and two bottles of water from the counter he handed one to Kagome as they walked out the door to his car.
As InuYasha started the car and adjusted the controls, he spoke. “Kagome, I'm going to take you to pick up your car at the park. Do you want me to follow you to your place or follow me to the restaurant?” As the words left his mouth InuYasha could have slapped himself. `What the hell am I thinking? I've got to meet Kikyo and I don't think taking Kagome with me is a good idea for any of us.' Whispering a silent prayer he awaited her answer.
“Hmmm…. Well, how about I head home and get cleaned up, then we can meet at Joe's Stone Crab for an early dinner. They have a live band on Fridays or we could go to one of the clubs nearby for some dancing afterwards.” Kagome replied. She was a little surprised that InuYasha was even giving her a choice, but let it slide.
Kagome smiled as she continued, “I have a friend who works there and she'll save us a good table. I'll call her on the way home; maybe I can get a lift with her so we don't have to worry about two cars.”
InuYasha frowned slightly, “I would be more than happy to pick you up Kagome. I just thought you'd like to maintain some privacy until we get to know each other.” He didn't want her assuming he wasn't seriously interested or lacking in manners.
She giggled, “Well, I appreciate that. This will work out perfect. Do you have a piece of paper? I'll give you my number.” She said shyly.
InuYasha handed his cell phone to her to enter the number as he pulled onto the avenue towards the park. The ride to the park was over almost before it began and InuYasha was sorry he lived in one of the condo's so close to the Bay. Pulling into the lot, he parked next to her car and walked around to open her door. Offering his hand to help her out of the low sports car he retained her hand in his grasp. “What time?” he asked, almost speechless from the light contact.
“What time is it now?” Kagome asked with a giggle. InuYasha was holding her hand like her first boyfriend, but the look in his eyes foretold of things not meant to be discussed by anyone other than adults.
“Almost 2pm.”
“Would 4 be alright?” She asked.
“Keh. Will you call me when you arrive home, so I know you made it alright?” InuYasha said. `God that sounded dumb. What the hell is wrong with me? I'm so excited I swear I could almost cum in my pants every time she smiles at me. She'd going to think I'm a dork.' InuYasha thought groaning to himself.
Smiling softy Kagome squeezed his hand before releasing from his grip and unlocked the car. “Yes I'll call. So, I'll see you at Joe's.” hesitating briefly Kagome rose on her tiptoes and pressed a chaste kiss to InuYasha's cheek. “Don't keep me waiting.” She whispered and in a got in her car, started the engine and put it in gear.
InuYasha waved to Kagome as she exited the parking lot. Leaning back against the car, he placed a clawed hand against the cheek where her lips had pressed. `Don't keep me waiting? Shit, I've been waiting for her my entire life.' InuYasha thought to himself as he got in the car to head over to Starbucks.
Sango dropped her keys on the hall table as she entered the apartment. “Kagome? Kikyo, anyone home?” She called out. She had gotten Kagome's message when she got out of class about 30 minutes prior, but it had been left more than 2 hours ago and she had still not heard from Kikyo. Growing concerned, Sango grabbed a Pepsi from the refrigerator and sat at the dinette to call and check on her friends.
Sango frowned as Kikyo's cell phone went immediate to voice mail. “Kikyo” she began, “I have no idea what you're doing with the wolf, nor do I care. I work from 4 to 12 tonight at Joe's and I expect you here when I get here. This is not negotiable; the three of us need to talk, ok? When you get this text me back and let me know you're alright.”
Ending the call, Sango dialed Kagome and three rings later she heard the recorded message. “Kags, where are you? Please call …
<beep beep> The phone notified her of Kagome's incoming call.
“Hey Kags, I was just trying …” Sango said relieved to know Kagome was alright.
“Sango, are you at home? I have so much to tell you. I'm on my way home and I need to ride with you to Joe's tonight, so don't leave without me. I also need to borrow that little black dress of yours; the one with the embroidery in the back. I'll explain everything when I get there, be there in 10.” Kagome rambled before ending the conversation with a click of her phone.
`Well, hello to you to.' Sango grumbled and she got up and walked into her bedroom to get out the dress and take a quick shower before work. `Something is up for Kagome to be in such a fit, not to mention the fact she wants to borrow “that” dress.' Sango smiled at the thought and remembered the day she and Kagome were at the mall and they met “that” dress. Reaching into the closet she removed the Fredericks of Hollywood bag and removed the polyester/spandex dress, with the tags still hanging on the side. At the time, they had said it was the perfect dress to tame any beast; but to date neither had had the nerve to wear it. `I really thought I would be first.' Sango sighed but smiled for her friend's good fortune, since dress definitely meant a guy was involved. `Hey at least I can live vicariously through my friends. I wonder what Kagome's mystery man is like.'
Hanging the dress on Kagome's door Sango headed to her room to shower and get ready. She had the feeling that the whirlwind known as Kagome would probably need help getting ready and while she was happy to help, she didn't need to be late for work in the process.
InuYasha pulled his BMW into the last available curb spot about two doors down from Starbucks and put the car in park. He was nervous as to how this meeting would take place. He had no desire to hurt Kikyo, she was a wonderful individual; smart, intelligent, beautiful, loyal and loving. She was a supportive girlfriend and had done everything possible to make him happy. This wasn't her fault. Nature had just decided they were not meant to be. InuYasha frowned as he visualized tears well in her eyes. Looking at the cell phone in his hand, he began to dial her number - then hesitated. Sighing heavily he closed the phone, `I just need to face her like a man.' He thought.
Getting out of the car, InuYasha put money in the meter and walked down the sidewalk towards the café entrance. About 10 feet from the door, a glimpse of red caught his eye in the café's store front window. Absolute rage filled his mind, as he saw Kikyo, dressed in a red tie-front tunic and black spandex pants sit smiling at the wolf demon across from her. A quickly as it flared, his temper neutralized although his claws still pressed into the palms of his clenched fists. Had she cheated? Had he driven her away? Allowing his eyes to close, InuYasha breathed deeply attempting the bio-feedback mediation exercises Miroku had shown him. He needed to think logically and causing a scene in a public place would do nothing for the respectable and responsible persona he had struggled for centuries to maintain.
Making his feet move forward one at a time, InuYasha passed the entrance of the café to the covered seating area on the side and took the table furthest from the entrance. Collecting his thoughts he picked up his cell and dialed Kikyo's number and waited for her to answer.
After the first ring she answered, “Hello?”
“Kikyo, if your friend would excuse you, I'm sitting at a table outside the café. Could you come and join me? Go ahead and bring your drink, but let your friend know we won't be too long.” InuYasha replied and ended the call to wait for her arrival.
“Kouga, he's here. I think he might have seen us and he sounded funny.” Kikyo said to Kouga as she closed her phone and closed her eyes leaning her head on his shoulder. “God, this is not the way I wanted him to find out.” She whispered.
“Babe, he's a half demon, right? Would you mind if I went out and spoke with him first? I have to admit I'm asking out of courtesy, but if you decline I will have to insist. I have to make sure that he is not a threat. You know I would protect you with my life.” Kouga said as he placed a kiss on the crown of her head.
“I… I don't know. I don't know how he'll respond. I need to do this myself.” Kikyo began.
“You will, because you are a sincere and wonderful person. However, we are demons and those ignorant of the customs and heritage could take offense to the situation even though it is out of their hands. Let me go speak to him and then I'll come in and get you.” Kouga said gently but firmly as he rose from his seat. “I have a feeling it's going to be alright, so don't worry.” Kouga reaffirmed with a smile and giving her a wink exited the café.
Kouga immediate caught InuYasha's aura and canine scent, although with another familiar scent. Without a word he walked over to the table and sat down, immediately baring his fangs as his eyes flashed in dominance. “Mutt.” Kouga snarled.
Bracing himself InuYasha snarled and spoke, “What the fuck do you want? I saw you inside with her - there is nothing you can say to change what I am here to tell her.” InuYasha struggled with his composure as he spoke and his various emotions flashed in his eyes.
“You will not hurt her. She is my chosen, mine to protect. Tell me why dog shit, that I Kouga Ookami, not take you out back and slit your throat for not treating her with the honor and respect that she deserves?” Kouga growled under his breath so not to frighten the human patrons around them.
“If she is your chosen, then you know why.” InuYasha said. “I am not here to hurt her, but give her the release she desires, that I desire.” With these words spoken, both InuYasha and Kouga sat back in their chairs and the snarling subsided.
“Let me get a drink and we'll continue. Want anything?” With Kouga's negative response InuYasha stood and got an espresso from the serving window and returned to his seat.
InuYasha took a sip from his drink and spoke, “Ookami, huh? With JKM Enterprises? Your stock has been performing well this quarter.” Although Kouga had tried to established dominance upon arrival, InuYasha was not intimidate and felt meeting as equals was the best way to ensure their youkai not clash in this public establishment.
Kouga was surprised at InuYasha response and outward appearance. The clash of their auras had initially left him winded and now the half demon sat in front of him calm, cool and collected. From the initial contact he felt the half demon would be a worthy opponent and saw no reason to antagonize him further. “Yes, we've made sure to keep our debt ratio well below 1 and with the way the economy is changing out stock holders have been happy to re-invest in a company that has the assets to continue growth.” He said proudly. “However mutt, I am not here to talk about Kikyo not work. I think you have some things to explain as well, but we'll save that for later.”
InuYasha nodded. “As I drove here I wondered how to tell Kikyo she was not my chosen, I think I've know subconsciously for some time. This isn't her fault. She is a wonderful individual; smart, intelligent, beautiful, loyal and loving - everything a man or demon could want. My fear is that she would be hurt, but that did not appear to be the case based on what I saw. She has never given me any indication that she would stray, so this is somewhat surprising.”
Kouga growled at the stab against Kikyo's honor. “She has only been faithful, when I met her last night I knew instantly she was my woman. She had done nothing to change your opinion of her.”
“I see. Are you certain?” InuYasha replied.
“Certain of what? That she is my chosen? Without a doubt! I would protect her with my life and plan on spending the rest of my life with her, although she doesn't know it yet. Last night I immediately contacted the girl who I had been seeing and ended our relationship; I encouraged her to do the same, but she felt it would be too hurtful.” Kouga said sincerely.
“She deserves that and more. You are very lucky; she will be a wonderful mother for your pups as well.” InuYasha said, pleased with Kouga's response.
Even with their enhanced senses, neither demon had noticed Kikyo emerge from the café; she had received a call from Sango and come outside because of poor reception and now stood off to the side listening to their conversation. Her heart soared as she heard Kouga's defense of her honor and statement of love and InuYasha's feelings. A bright smile graced her face as she stepped forward and quietly spoke “I see that things are going better than expected.”
InuYasha and Kouga stood in welcome and offered Kikyo a seat to join in the conversation. She sat close to Kouga and laid her hand on InuYasha's. “The past two years have been good to both of us personally and professionally; you know I have no regrets, right InuYasha?”
Kouga growled low at the contact between the mutt and his woman, but made no comment. InuYasha feeling the vibration squeezed Kikyo's hand in response before withdrawing his own. “Kikyo, are you sure this wolf is what will make you happy? I am sorry that nature did not intend for us to be together as you are a wonderful person.”
Kikyo blushed in response to the compliment and leaned against Kouga's chest. “You are too InuYasha. Now we just need to find you your chosen - we all have one out there.” Kikyo smiled as she looked up into Kouga's face.
“Babe, did you need to speak to InuYasha privately?” Kouga asked. He saw that the mutt respected his claim and would not interfere and did not feel that Kikyo would be in any risk in his presence. He did however want to ask the mutt about Kagome's scent, which he had detected earlier; but not in front of Kikyo.
“No, I think we have a very good understanding. InuYasha would you like to join us for a late lunch?” Kikyo offered, smiling at both men.
Kouga growled inaudibly and InuYasha chuckled. “Kikyo, I'll take a rain check on the invitation. For demons it is not wise to associate with a claimed, but unmarked woman. I do need to get going as I have another meeting and need to get ready.”
InuYasha stood to leave and nodded politely to Kikyo.
Kouga and Kikyo stood as well. “Babe, why don't you get our stuff, I'd like to speak with the mutt for a moment. I'll be right there and we can head out for lunch, ok?”
Kikyo nodded and with a quick wave to InuYasha returned to the café.
Kouga looked back at InuYasha, “What have you done to Kagome?”
At the sound of her name InuYasha's aura flared and crimson bleed into the amber of his eyes. “What?” he snarled at the wolf. “Mine.”
Chuckling Kouga spoke, “Calm down mutt. Spring fever seems to have caught us both. I caught her scent on you. She is a good woman, take care of her. Maybe I'll see you at the festival after all.” With those parting words Kouga walked back into the café to his woman.