InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ MArked! ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: InuYasha is owned by Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan Inc. and Viz Media.
Story and all original characters created are owned by me.
By l80hawk
Kikyo had just finished brushing her hair when she heard her phone vibrate in the kitchen.
“How is my woman doing this morning?” Kouga chuckled into the phone.
“Better since you called, but I still haven't spoken with InuYasha yet.” Kikyo sighed. “Kouga, everything has happened so quickly. Are you sure… that it's me?” she whispered.
“I have never been more sure of anything in my entire life. Just thinking about you makes me want to shout out to the world that you are mine and mine only. Don't ever question that, Kikyo.” Kouga said. “I spoke with Kagome this morning.”
“Oh god, what happened? What did she say? Does she hate me?” Kikyo said nervously.
“Actually, it... it actually went well. I think maybe we both realized that while we like and respect each other - it wasn't meant to be.” Kouga sighed, “She said you seemed very nice. I think your friend Sango might have clued her in ahead of time.”
“Damn Sango, she told Kagome but not me. What do you think is going to happen?”
Taking a deep breath, “Kikyo, relax. You know as well as I do, that there is nothing we can't handle together, right? So, when are you going to meet me at Starbucks? I cleared my day so I could spend it with you and cancelling is not an option.” Kouga chuckled.
Laughing Kikyo jingled her keys, “Hear that? It's your destiny and I will be there in 15. You better not keep me waiting.”
“Hell couldn't keep me away; I'll see you in a few.” Kouga replied before ending the call. `Kagome was right, it is better this way.' He thought as he loosened his tie and headed for the door.
“Merle, I'll be out the rest of the day. You can get me on the phone if you need me. Have a great weekend and wish me luck - I'm going to meet my destiny.” Kouga laughed to his secretary as he entered the elevator.
***************************************************************** *******
InuYasha carefully opened the door to his apartment, holding the unconscious raven woman close to his body. Her scent filled his senses and his blood boiled with longing. Laying her gently on his leather couch, he stepped back to admire the woman before him. He knew from their contact that her legs were muscular, although her sweats obscured them from view. Her breasts were full and firm and as they pressed against his chest; his own hardened in response to the contact with her body. Her raven tresses held captive in the elastic band - fell like black water against the brown leather. Her light tan skin shone with faint traces of her lingering sweat; as her check rested against the cushions; baring the sweeping column of her neck to his roving eyes. `I wonder if she tastes as good as I imagine' InuYasha thought to himself.
Shaking his head to remove the crimson fog from his mind, InuYasha walked to the kitchen to fix some ice tea for when she awoke. Leaving it in the refrigerator InuYasha walked through the living room to his room, glancing at the woman resting peacefully on the couch. Grabbing the forgotten cell phone from the night stand, the reality of the day set in. InuYasha saw more than 20 missed calls and immediately called his office to assess the current situation. Hanging up quickly after speaking to his secretary; InuYasha scrolled through the phone's memory to see who else had called. `Kikyo' InuYasha whispered her name with reverence under his breath. `How will I explain? What will I tell her?'
Crossing the room, he glanced into the living room at the resting woman, before closing the door. InuYasha sighed and sat down on the bed as he dialed Kikyo's number. Kikyo's soft voice began to speak after the second ring, advising him to leave his message at the sound of the tone. Taking a deep breath, InuYasha hesitated before he spoke…
<beep beep> The call waiting indicator notified him of Kikyo's incoming call.
“Hey” InuYasha spoke solemnly into the receiver upon connecting the call.
“I've been trying to reach you. Hold on, let me walk outside a moment.” Kikyo responded nonplussed to his greeting.
InuYasha could hear the clank of silverware and voices in the background as he waited for Kikyo's acknowledgement. `Where is she?' InuYasha thought to himself. Upon hearing the rush of wind in the background and Kikyo's breath approached the phone, InuYasha realized she was prepared to continue.
“InuYasha, I've been trying to reach you; is everything alright? You weren't in the office.” Kikyo nervously began.
“Kikyo, we need to talk and what I have to say, should be said in person; not over the phone. I've realized there have been some…” InuYasha pause. How could he say he'd met someone else, wanted her moved out, but was innocent of cheating without being utterly hypocritical? Speaking carefully InuYasha continued, “Some unexpected developments as of late which will affect our relationship. I don't want to go into detail, but for some reason, I believe you feel it as well, am I right?”
“Yes” breathed Kikyo into the phone.
“You have often asked questions about my demonic heritage which I have been hesitant to explain, as instinct is difficult to understand and explain. Where are you?” InuYasha asked.
“I'm downtown having coffee.” Kikyo held her breath, heart pounding in her chest and tears welled in her eyes. “I don't think now is the time…” she began speaking shakily. Then gasped as strong arms wrapped around her waist and a low thrum began to reverberate through her body.
“Kikyo, are you alone?” InuYasha responded, concerned to her sudden change in tone.
With his nose nuzzled into the crook of her neck, Kouga growled softly and whispered, “Do not postpone the inevitable; it will not make it any easier.” Parting the hair that hung against her neck, Kouga laved the exposed column of her neck with his tongue.
Sinking into the warm embrace, Kikyo knees felt weak under Kouga's ministrations; yet found the strength and courage to continue. “InuYasha, I said I was with a friend; but you're right, we need to talk. I have felt a disturbance unlike any I have ever experienced and I know it will affect us both directly. Can you come meet me at Starbucks? Maybe it would be best. The café is large enough for us to speak privately.”
Nodding at her cryptic response, InuYasha agreed. “I'll be there soon, please wait there for me.”
Turning into Kouga's embrace Kikyo spoke into the phone, “We'll see you soon.” and closed end phone to end the call. Wetting her dry lips Kikyo raised her arms placing them behind Kouga's shoulders and closed the distance between their lips.
The thrumming stopped and Kouga groaned as Kikyo's soft, full lips met his. Hesitant and shy at first, the heat radiating off her body caused Kouga's demon to growl as its desire rose steeply. Catching her lower lip with his fang, Kouga requested access and tilting her head slightly Kikyo complied. Tilting his head to deepen the contact, Kouga raised a hand, running it through her dark hair to support her head. His tongue delved into her mouth, running lightly along her gums before stroking her tongue intimately.
Shifting slightly, Kikyo pressed closer to Kouga; widening her stance so her moist heat ground into his thigh and the stiffness of desire against her belly. Her tongue stretched to meet with his, but was unable to stoke its full demonic length. The moisture between her thighs continued to grow as she drew back her tongue and sucked greedily on his as her attempted to recover.
Feeling her heart race, Kouga slowly broke contact staring down into Kikyo's face; her lips still parted and her breath shallow. Grinding against her he growled, “Do you feel what you do to me? That was only a demonstration of what I want to do to you with my tongue.” Snarling he nipped her neck softly.
Trying to draw oxygen into her lungs Kikyo heard his husky words and pressed harder against him. Electric shocks radiated through her body when she felt his fangs touch her skin. Opening her eyes and she saw Kouga's eyes rimmed in crimson, as he struggled to control his desire. “I should go freshen up, he'll be arriving soon.” She whispered leaning her head against his chest.
“He'll know as soon as he smells my scent on you, but I wouldn't have it any other way.” Kouga growled. Seeing the hesitation in her eyes, he continued “Don't worry, it is his loss and I will be right here with you.”
Taking her hands in his, Kouga pressed a chaste kiss against her forehead, “So how about a caramel frappacino with extra whipped cream while we wait?” Smiling, he laid his arm around her should and guided her back into the café.
Returning to the living room, InuYasha sat in the recliner behind the couch to watch the woman resting there and ponder on his upcoming meeting with Kikyo. `Did she say “We”?' he thought to himself with a groan. `God, this is going to be a long afternoon.'
A/N Howdy folks! 32 reviews for 8 chapters over 5 days. Thanks to my most recent reviewers, FayeMegan, youkaineko, Sovereignty, inubaka27, Ichigohime, iluvGeeWay4lif, animeangel47, and ehu. Also a major THANK YOU to fiercesnake01 for the nod on InuYasha Fancfiction Guild; I was like WHOA! =)
Many of you have commented, about the more mature characteristics of the characters. Some may feel we're a little OOC, but as I write, I have to be able to relate to these characters. Anyways, our couples are moments from meeting each other and the Spring Festival begins in about 24 hours. Do you think I should usher Sango and Miroku back in here? Their roles are really more supportive than anything.
Again, thanks again to everyone for your reviews and comments. All ideas, thoughts and suggestions are appreciated and serve as excellent creative fuel.