InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ MArked! ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: InuYasha is owned by Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan Inc. and Viz Media.
Story and all original characters created are owned by me.
By l80hawk
As Kikyo watched Kagome walk out the door she realized her life had only gotten more complicated. Finishing her coffee with a sigh; she knew that until Kouga called, there wasn't much she could to. Getting up from the counter, Kikyo paced around the living room before calling InuYasha's cell phone only to reach his voice mail. Something continued to prevent her from leaving a message for him, like Kouga did to Kagome. It seemed so heartless, but in not doing so only postponed the inevitable.
The silence in the apartment was deafening and Kikyo felt that she could at least go on and shower since she planned on meeting Kouga at 10am. Grabbing her duffle bag from the guest room she slowly started for the bathroom. She reflected on how life can change so dramatically in such a short period of time. She had thought that InuYasha was the love of her life and Kouga nothing more than a confidant. However, one look in Kouga's blue eyes last night and everything she felt she was sure of, about her life, tumbled like a house of cards. They seemed to have locked eyes and her body seemed to have almost hummed in response to his mere presence. Last night, Kouga explained that this only further solidified his belief that she was his chosen. `How could he be so certain? How could he not be troubled with feelings of guilt, remorse or uncertainty? Given the situation any human would be.' Kikyo thought to herself; but as he had pointed out, he wasn't human.
Turning on the tap, Kikyo reflected on her brief meeting with Kagome this morning. She seemed to be a nice, genuine person. Someone, Kikyo felt would be a good friend, if they were able to survive this turmoil. Stepping into the shower, Kikyo sighed again. She resolved to call InuYasha as soon as she got out of the shower. The time had come to lay all her cards on the table; because she felt that although it seemed sudden, after meeting Kouga, love was something worth fighting for.
Kagome paused be for continuing, “Are you sure she's the one?”
“Definitely.” I replied.
“Kouga, I know you'll make her happy. Just as I know, that somewhere my chosen is out there as well. She seems really nice.” Kagome said and I could almost visualize the wistful smile gracing her beautiful face.
“Are you going to be alright?” I replied, concerned. I didn't want to break Kagome's heart or hurt her in any way. For, chosen or not, she would always be special to me.
“Yes, I think I am. Look my class is about to start. Thank you for being honest and forthright - it just shows how good a man you are. I'm going to lay low today. I'll call you in a couple of days, alright?”
My heart constricted in my throat and I could only nod at her compliment to my honor. Clearing my throat, I could only hope my remorse did not reflect in my voice when I spoke “You sure? Kagome, I'm sorry.”
“Yeap. I gotta go. See ya!” Kagome said, as a short click indicated the end of the call.
With the receiver still in my hand, I had to wonder; had I made the right decision? Closing my eyes, I thought of Kikyo's porcelain skin, dark tresses and warm brown eyes smiling back at me and the beast within me purred in delight. Getting up from my chair, I stepped to the window looking over the city bustling in the morning light of day. Decisions were a part of my everyday life, many made without a second thought. However those that impact not only my life but the lives of others weigh the greatest on my mind.
Looking at the clock, I realized I had only a few hours to get some work done before I met Kikyo downtown and with that thought, my beast groaned in delight. `Difficult, but the right decision.' I thought to myself. Opening my laptop, I began to work figuring I would allow Kikyo sometime to wake up before filling her in on my conversation with Kagome.
As Kagome entered her classroom, she was filed with dread. It had been an emotional morning after a long night and while she was prepared for her exam, it was not the mind set one would hope for. Sitting at her desk, Kagome paid little attention to the professor as he droned on about the exam instructions. Her mind drifted back to her conversation with Sango.
“Are you happy?” Sango had asked. Kagome couldn't really remember her exact answer then, but right now the answer was glaring her in the face, `No. I knew I wasn't happy. We had a routine which was moderately comfortable for both of us - as long as we didn't think about it too seriously.' She thought to herself.
At once she realized that Sango had been right; this could be a good thing. Opening the test book which had been handed to her, Kagome tried to clear her mind as she picked up her pencil and filled in the appropriate blanks. `If I can put this out of my mind, I can head to the park for a run and dwell on this as long as I want.' Kagome allowed herself this final thought before focusing in on the questions before her.
Several hours later, Kagome exited the building. While her mind was still confused, her heart was surprisingly light. Her test had gone well, considering the drama this morning and the sky was blue. A run sounded like the perfect thing to clear her mind, as she walked out to her car. Navigating out of the lot, Kagome headed towards the bay, out to Crandon Park. The trails there were surrounded by dense tress which would block out the sunlight. After a short time on the highway, Kagome pulled into the lot at the park. It was fairly empty, save a few cars of the diehard runners. Grabbing a band from the gearshift she tied her hair in a tight ponytail to keep it out of her face as she rummaged for a bottle of water. Finding none, Kagome sighed before tightening her laces and locking the car.
Stretching quickly, Kagome started out at a moderate walk and she began to ponder again the events of the morning. Sango had been brutally honest with her, which had hurt at the time, but made a lot of sense now that she'd had time to think about it. `Sango had said that the demon within truly knows its mate when it meets them. The individual you know only makes its best guess. How can instinct override emotion?' Kagome thought to herself as she increased her stride and found a comfortable pace.
Emotions tore through Kagome's mind as she ran through the trees. `I wonder if this is like a demonic version of love at first sight. Mama had said that's what it was like with my Dad,' she thought. `Okay, so this is not so unbelievable. Maybe I was so worried about saying something and hurting Kouga's feelings, that I ignored the fact that his beast knew things weren't right.' Coming to this conclusion, Kagome felt that demonic intervention might have actually done her a favor. `So what about Kikyo?' Kagome thought. `She seems nice enough. Maybe she is just a pawn in this play; at the right place and right time to meet the right person. The opposite of me, but where is my right person?'
Lost in her thoughts, Kagome did not notice the sweat form and fall from her brow, nor hear the sounds of a runner approaching. `Do I ignore her? Do I laugh this off? How do I approach her? Do I act as if nothing ever happened?' As these thoughts flew through her mind, Kagome felt the blood rushing from her face and pound against her temples. Slowing to a stop, she realized that she had been running hard and become quite winded. Leaning over, Kagome placed her hands on her knees in an attempt to calm her breathing. `This has all happened for a reason, I know that. I just have to face Kikyo and talk to her. Somehow I know this is all going to work out.' Kagome thought.
Hearing footsteps Kagome raised her head quickly making herself dizzy. Sinking to the ground she relaxed, resting her body and mind.
“Miss, are you alright?” a rough masculine said; breaking the stillness surrounding them. Birds could be heard twittering in the trees as a swell of ocean breeze causing the leaves in the trees to rustle excitedly in the sweltering heat.
Raising her head slowly, Kagome looked at the stranger and in that moment, that instant everything had become clear. The handsome jogger looked like Adonis. His white hair hanging heavily against his taunt, muscular frame and eyes like burnished gold stared at her on the ground.
Seconds passed as Kagome took in the man's stature and rose unsteadily to her feet as she said, “Ahh... yes. I think the heat just got the best of me.”
Standing a few feet away from the handsome stranger, Kagome began to get light headed; although she tried to portray that she was fine. She could hear a rumbling sound slightly over the wind in the trees and her body trembled and shivered in response. `This feeling, what is it - like this man is calling to me, but he's not speaking? Oh God, am I losing it?' Kagome thought briefly as her body became like jelly and the ground rose up to meet her.
As darkness flooded her vision, Kagome felt strong arms wrap around her frame, silken strands caress her face and crimson eyes that seemed to burn into her minds eye.
`A dream or a vision?' Kagome thought to herself as her mind awakened. Without opening her eyes, she felt the cool breeze of air condition hit her face and a wet towel against her skin. The scent of redwood filled her senses, leaving her feeling comforted and safe. Opening one eye, Kagome took in her surroundings. Cream colored walls surrounded her on three sides, with ceiling to floor windows overlooking the city. The brown leather couch she sat upon felt as smooth as baby's skin under her fingertips.
`Where am I?' Placing her feet on the floor, Kagome looked around the room. Japanese antiques littered the room and a large kantana hung majestically on the wall, gleaming under spotlights. `Um, hello?” Kagome called out softly.
“You're awake.” A husky voice spoke from behind her. “How are you feeling?”
Kagome turned to the voice, nervous of what she might find. Had she been picked up by a rapist? A murderer? Her eyes fell upon the stranger from her vision. “Who are you and where am I?” She asked.
“My name is InuYasha. At the moment, you're in my apartment, since I live close to the park and I thought it best to get you out of the heat. We met accidently at the park when you fainted along the trail.” InuYasha spoke calmly, answering her questions directly. Looking Kagome in the eye InuYasha took a deep breath before continuing, “You don't have to worry; I'm not going to hurt you.”
“Well, I... ummm…ok. “Kagome stuttered.
“Your scent betrays you. I know your nervous ant still a bit confused. Please sit down. Would you like something to drink?” InuYasha said as a grin formed on his face.
“That would actually be nice, thank you. I'm sorry to have been so much trouble.” Kagome smiled shyly; for whatever reason her nervousness seemed to melt away with each passing moment.
Getting up from his seat in the corner of the room InuYasha went to the kitchen and returned with a glass of iced tea. Sitting it on the coffee table in front of Kagome he gestured for her to sit back down as he took a seat across from her.
“Is there anyone you need to call, to let them know you're alright?” InuYasha inquired innocently. He hoped her reply would enlighten him to her martial status, or God willing, lack thereof.
Taking a sip of the refreshing liquid, Kagome spoke. “No, my roommate is not expecting to hear from me till later. She had exams till later in the day.”
InuYasha nodded, silently pleased with her answer. “It's not really wise to run in this heat without water, you know.”
“I know. This was kind of an impromptu thing. Can I use your restroom? I'd like to freshen up a bit. Then, if it's not too much to ask; could you take me back to the park to pick up my car? I have clearly interrupted your day.” Kagome stood and smiled shyly at InuYasha as she spoke.
Remaining seated, InuYasha spoke. “On one condition.”
“I'm sorry?” Kagome gasped.
“You may use my restroom; of course it's the second door on the left. And it is no trouble to take you back to the park to pick up your car. However, I have one condition. Have lunch with me.” InuYasha stated as he stood to direct her down the hall.
“InuYasha, you've been very kind but I really don't want to trouble you further.” Kagome blushed. While she attempted to decline his offer, she was both surprised and flattered at his invitation.
Growling softly, InuYasha persisted, “It would trouble me more, if you insist on declining Kagome.” Kagome shivered slightly and hesitated.
Closing the distance between them InuYasha spoke up again, “This may seem strange or even crazy, but I can think of nothing I want more than to spend the afternoon getting to know you better. Would you mind spending your day with me?”
Kagome flushed. InuYasha stood only inches away from her and the heat radiating off him made her feel feverish. She could feel his breath brush against her face as he spoke and meeting his eyes, she could only nod as words could not seem to form in her mind.
“Good” InuYasha said huskily as he turned on his heel and walked down the hall and opened the second door on the left, hold it open for her. “We can leave when ever you are ready.” InuYasha said as he stood slightly aside and watched Kagome approach.
Walking towards InuYasha, Kagome had a sense of déjà vu; like she was experiencing a moment out of a dream or memory. As she entered the bathroom, her arm brushed lightly against InuYasha chest; causing her skin to tingle, her breath to catch and nipples bud in response to the contact.
Unable to speak, she closed the door behind her; catching a glimpse of InuYasha's crimson rimmed golden orbs. `What is wrong with me?' She asked herself, leaning her back against the door with a gasp. `I've never felt this way around someone before. It feels like something between going on my first date and reading Playgirl.'
Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Kagome splashed her face in the basin, allowing the water to cool her skin and her nerves. Drying off with a nearby towel, Kagome stood and glanced at her reflection in the mirror. `What would a man like him see in me?' She thought as she smoothing out her clothes, took a deep breath and set her shoulders to reach for the door.
A sly grin formed on Kagome's face as she opened the door and gave InuYasha a bright smile. `I don't know, but I'm going to give him all the time he wants to look.'
First, I apologize for not updating last night. A business meeting kept me too late and I couldn't get to a good stopping point. I know I like quick updates, so I will continue to do my best to accommodate.
Secondly, I am truly honored by all the reviews. Twenty one so far, of which I am, absolutely flattered. My thanks go out to: inuy21, Sovereignty, coyoki, and Cianna27889, unistar, reldysha, moussajinx, Inu Hanyou Nikkie, fudge, youkaineko, inubaka27, animeangel47, Ichigohime, iluvGeeWay4lif, inuy21, and bk. I read each one of your reviews and wish I had a reply button to respond directly to your comments.
At this point our couples have met and hopefully you can see that attraction is obvious. This fic is mature for a reason, since I am an avid hentai reader (Shame on me.) so we're going to need to pick up the pace a little. Your suggestions are always welcomed and encouraged. Comments and suggestions, you can email me at