InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Marketing: Romance ❯ Lights, camera, ah hell ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I really dont want to admit it. The only thing that pushed me was the fact that if I didnt I could be sued (and I dont need that right now). So. Leave me the fuck alone! I dont own the dog or his friends but I must admit his older brother and I had fun last night (in a non-owning-going-out kind of way) ^_^

Lights, camera, ah hell

It was a very cold morning on Friday, all the 'selected' models were up and almost ready at 5:15am, some having a fruit salad for breakfast some throwing it up(A/N: hey its my fic so whatever) and the rest, putting on their bathing suits and make up.

Rin quietly waited for the hair stylist to motion her to the styling chair, which he did, right after the director "kindly enough" took his cell phone and sent it swimming, but, not before stepping on it.

The "hair and make-up guru" just mumbbled something along the lines of 'you suck' and cursed about ass hole directors with cut scenes stuck up their asses, then he smiled gently at Rin motioning her to sit. "You are number 5 right?" he asked Rin, who just nodded. "Ok now lets get started". After an hour in there Rin finally came out she was gorgeous.

Her hair was tied up in a high ponytail and her bangs neatly drapped over her face. Her make up was simple and her swim suit was a red Bikini Bella Brazil halter top and hot pants, short just like Miroku wanted but comftarble for her to run and play volleyball with it on (comfort was Kagome's request).

After her session inside the "Magic Trailor" (A/N: thats the place where the clothes make-up and hair where done) Rin went outside to get some fresh air and was greeted by the sight of another human being, she took a look at him and noticed his phisique 'oh wow his cute' was all that went through her brain.

"Good morning" he said

'Oh... no! Hell no, please no he is so hot. Damn it! why me?! why him?! why gay?!' I swear all this ran through her head in seconds.
"Oh hello and a very good morning to you too" was Rin's answer.

"Wow you're a cheery one. My name is Koga, what's yours?" he smiled(not only that but his smile was the type that would wet any womans pants)

"Um... Im Rin nice to meet you. So what position are you in?” she just couldnt get over the shock

“Well Im supposed to be number 5’s escort through the commercial, but, I dont know her.” ‘sigh’ “I just hope she isnt dense or concieded” he said

“Well Im no. 5 you tell me” she laughed “Oh shit! Im sorry, Um I guess Ill have fun escorting you” Koga said which caused the both of them to burst out laughing.

“I dont think it funny Koga" said a young man that look in his early 20's

'damn he's hot too... oh hell no is it...' Rin's thoughts were intrerrupted when the young man started talking.

"Damn it Koga did you start flirting with women again?" he asked very pissed off

"Hojo!" Koga called closing the distance between then and taking his chin in his hand. Koga softly pulled Hojo to him and gently placed a kiss in lips. Hojo leaned in the kiss and sighed. Koga backed off the kiss but still did not let go of Hojo.

"Let me say this once and for all: You are the only one for me. I love you and thats why we had our comitment ceremony. I dont ever want to hear you doubt our love, you of all people know that I wouldnt change our relationship for any other man much less a woman" Koga said this with his most loving voice and he felt Hojo melt. Knowing that he had made his point he directed his veiw at Rin who was blushing furiously.

"Sorry about that is just that my partner is a little insecure" Koga laughed

"thats ok, I, myself wish someone would reasure me like that" rin sighed


Ring Ring

"Hello" a man's voice answered

"Very well then I will meet you at the designated place at 7:30pm" said the man.

"Oh and dont be late, not even fashionably. Have I made my self clear?" he asked. "Yes" was the answered he heard, all of the sudden he hung up.


A couple of more hours passed before all the models were ready to shoot. It was about 8:22am and Miroku had the girls form a group around him as he gave instructions to what he wanted "Ok Numbers 1through 4 on this side and 5, 6, 7 with their partners; 8 through 14 on the other side.

I want to see a real competition, you are playing agains each other. I want to see you throw your selves on the sand trying to hit the ball, I want to see pushing and most of all I want to see sweat, the others I want you in your respective positions. I want to know that you are working hard and earning what you are given, Is that clear? Oh and if you can look pretty and sexy in the process much better"

"Houshi! Please! stop harrasing the models" Kagome shouted "Okay ladies listen up. Some of you, your objective is to play volleyball, sweat, jump and fall on the ground trying to hit the ball understood; the rest are around the players cheering, talking, etc" The models all looked at her and nodded in understanding.

"Alright everybody places" shouted the director as he turned to look at three of the models who had cans of the 'energy drink' in hand making their way to the 'game' "ok, we will start with you three making sure to bring some "Missing Link" to the other girls. Then you will join the game and we will take it from there".


Behind all the comotion and cameras, Miroku and Kagome sat supervising that every thing was going according to plan (actually it was Kagome making sure Miroku didn't take advantage of any of the models).

"I should be making a call to Mr. Inuyasha Meijii to keep him up to date with everything you know how he can be" Kagome said as she took out her cell from her pocket "can I count on you not to sneak off and try to grope the models while im on the phone?". "Sure just make sure to tell him to rememind his brother that he has to be here for the final approval before editing" Miroku answered and was about to say something else but lost all line of thought when one of the models winked at him and bend over giving him a better view while she made a serve.


It was near three now and was going great, they were half way done. "Cut!" shouted the director "that was great ok ladies and gentelmen thats a wrap for today see all of you tomorrow at 8:00am ok?" all of the models nodded and left the set.

'Oh kami im so tired and still one more days of this... oh well at least the money is good' Rin thought as she walked over to the buffet tables.

Rin now sat down with a plate full of food she was about to dig in when a voice spoke from behind her

"Hey "cherry" can me and my love join you?"

"Oh Koga, yeah sure come sit. You want me to bring you something to eat?" she asked politely

"Na dont worry we'll get to that later" he said

"Cherry?!" Rin asked

"Yeah you were so red from the sun today that I couldn't resist" Koga said with a giggle "Do you mind?"

"No its actually nice"

"So" Hojo started "how was your day?"

"I was interesting, I actually..." her words were interrupted when she saw him. He looked so hot with his black armani suit with the soft vanilla shirt.

"Jesus! How can God make him so perfect" Just then Rin turned around to look in amazment at both Koga and Hojo who were both mouth hugely open, in trance with the creature known to them as their boss.

"Rin honey, close your mouth! youre drooling" Hojo scowled.

"Oh my god Im sorry is just that he is... amazing. 'sigh' "oh who am I kidding I could never get a guy like him, look at me"

"Im looking at you and what I see is a beautiful girl with talent, grace, and one hell of a personality. Really, what makes you think he is unobtainable." Koga said

"Does this mean what I think it does?" Hojo asked inocently. "Yep. We're on a mission, (A/N: to try and take over the world (kidding)) we are going to get you and that handsome piece of manflesh together" Koga, determined as he was and also good natured, had no idea that the object of their whispering (and Rin's drooling) was already interested in her. All that was needed now was that situation where they can actually talk and get together.


"Mr. Meijii great, now we can continue with the selection of shot for editing" The director sat down with Sesshomaru, and as irritated as Sess was the thought of seeing Rin made it all worth it. As they picked out the different shots for the day Sesshomaru noticed Rin's slender form making her way to a car. A surge of anger pulsed through him as he saw a male form getting in the drivers seat. But inmediately he realized what was happening and decided to hold his emotions in check. 'Tomorrow' was his thought.


It was 6:55pm and a car parked at the entrance of the very elegant Ritz Carlton Hotel. The door was opened and a woman dressed in a long, satin, halter red dress with a slit coming from the bottom to her mid thigh. Her ebony hair was made up in a lose bun and her make up was perfectly flawless to match her crimson eyes, dark hair and pale skin. She was led to the restaurant inside the hotel.

"Good evening sir you have a reservation?" the man in the black suit at the restaurant asked

"Yes and I believe someone is waiting for me" the man answered

"Name please"


"Very well madam please follow me" the man led him through the second floor of the restaurant to a secluded room.

"You are expected sir, anything you would like to drink?"

"Vodka straight"

"Very well"

He opened the door and was greeted by two scowling eyes. "You're late!" he knew her eyes screamed bloody murder but still, what cat can resist playing with its pray.

"Or early depending on how you view it" he smiled

"Fuck you you said..." she was interrupted

"Now now Kag you know a lady holds no such words in her vocabulary"


"So, tell me Kag why did you drag me here?" he asked annoyed

"Oh babe, dont tell me you stopped liking our little business propositions?" you gotta love fake innosence "and I just found you a new plaything, oh well, I guess Ill go"


sit down, do you want something to drink?"

"Good boy, I knew you'd see it my way"

Storm_Rider- thank you
sessie_luver666- thanks for your review and the pairings are Sess/Rin Koga/Hojo Inu/Kag Mir/San. dont know if I should ad Kikyo to the mix or leave it at that but I do know this: its mostly Sess/Rin and Koga/Hojo are mentioned more than once.

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