InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Marketing: Romance ❯ Precious Illusions pt2 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Precious Illusions pt2Disclaimer: Nope not owner of the doggie or his friends TT but I am owner of the energy drink mentioned in chapter one ( nope it doesn’t help).Ok on with it!Last time“Alright ladies we only need one of you so the one that I call out please accompany me” said Kagome with a stern tone. Both girls nodded.“Rin, will you please follow me” Kagome said with a soft tone. “I see you had quite an impression on Mr. Houshi he continued to put you at the top of his list” Kagome smiled as she was lead to her office to discuss the contract.

After they revised the contract, Rin signed it and Kagome welcomed her to the company and briefed her about what was expected of her. “Great now let me show you the surroundings”(Wednesday)“Well, well I see that you did a fine job Ms. Higurashi” said Inuyasha “I belive a celebration is in order how dinner Friday night sound?” “Mr. Meijii isn’t that called ‘sexual harassment’” said Kagome.

Inuyasha looked at her and smirked “who said you and I were going alone?”.

“I really would but, I already have plans besides, isn’t it the weekend your son stays with you? How would he feel if daddy left him for something at work?” Kagome said innocently.

Inuyasha kept quiet ‘damn I knew that would come and bite me in the ass’ he thoughtFlashback“Mr. Meijii you have a call from your wife on line one” said Sango. “Thanks. Yeah whats up?” nuyasha said to his wife.

“Oh nothing hon, I just wanted to tell you that in about 8 months you are going to be a daddy. Bye” said his wife.

“Kikyo wait. What the hell? And how can you throw this on me and not let me respond? How...? I mean When...? I mean...” Inuyasha stammered. “Oh baby don’t worry you’ll be a great daddy. Hey I have to go love you, bye” said Kikyo.
“Bye” was the only thing he managed to say.3 Years later“I’m sorry Inu but, I want a divorce I just cant do this anymore I’ve tried for Shippo’s sake but I have to think of myself” Kikyo said and left.monthsRing!!!! Ring!!!! “Hai moshi, moshi” a male voice answered. Inuyasha I’m calling to see if you are going to pick up your son tonight” Kikyo said.

“Yeah yeah I’ll be there in about an hour” he said dryly.End flashback

“Oh well your loss” Inuyasha said hiding his disappointment.

The rest of the day went uneventful for the exception of Sango’s threats to Miroku if he tried to “copy” anything (Sango’s desk was right by the copy machine and he had groped her several times with the excuse of copies ).(Thursday)“Sango, please contact Ms. Hige and tell her that My Brother wishes to speak to her” Inuyasha said over the intercom. “Hai Meijii-sama” said Sango.

“Must you continue to serve Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru?” questioned Miroku “Why don’t you come with me and be free?” “Idiot” Sango responded. “But my precious...” he was cut off by Inuyasha

“Trying to steal my secretary again are you monk?” “Nope just trying to play ‘white knight on a white horse’” ( sweatdrop) “Yeah whatever” said Inuyasha with an annoyed look.Knock, Knock“Come in.” “Good afternoon Mr. Meijii I was left a message to come by your office” “Yes come in take a seat” he said. “I wanted to meet you.

It’s not every day I hear about a girl who has a shine that can out rank 100 women. I must say that I’m impressed.” he said now turning around to look at the girl. ‘Amazing’ he thought ‘ she is... “perfect” his line of thought was cut off when he realized he had said perfect out loud.

“Is something wrong?” Rin asked with a sweet tone. “No.” was all he managed to say. “Well I have heard many things about my new boss” she said playfully. “Huh? What? Oh well I’m sure there all lies” he was cut off again with a giggle.

“Well I don’t think that a person that has a drive for what he wants and succeeds at his own business is something bad so I really didn’t think it was a lie” she said. ‘Wow she is beautiful her long dark brown hair right above her waist, those chocolate eyes, her warm smile, every thing she is perfect.

Now the real test begins. I refuse to fall for a dimwit so I will observe her.’ An hour easily passed while they were inside he getting to know his employee and the woman behind the every day mask and her well not even she knew what was going on in her head, all she knew was that the man sitting in front of her was the most incredible man she had ever seen.

‘Oh kami- sama his eyes those gorgeous golden orbs that tell such a sad story. I wish I could hear it. Omg I have never seen a man with such a face so calm, so serious, so... there.

Its like nothing ever amazes him, like a calm stream in a hurricane... and his hair so neatly put together I wonder who does his hair? I wonder...’ she thought “Thank you for coming and I hope you can find yourself comfortable here” Sesshoumaru said. “Hai arigato” Rin answered ‘Umn? Would it be that bad if I asked him out? Oh well he is my boss maybe he will take it the wrong way’ she thought. ‘I wonder what if I ask he out. No maybe she will take it the wrong way.

When the project is finished maybe then.’ He thought as she left the room.Well that’s the end of Precious Illusions please read and review. Thanx.

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