InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Marrying a Hanyou ❯ Sango's crush ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yay! An update! I really want to thank all of the wonderful reviewers.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters except for some; you'll be able to tell
Marrying a Hanyou
Chapter 2: Sango's Crush
Kagome stirred and found herself in her bed. `What happened?' she got up and slowly went downstairs to hear voices.
“I think she was just shocked, being engaged and all,” she heard her mother say. “This union is necessary, to tie the Higurashi Shrine company and the Takahashi business.” She heard a deep voice say.
Kagome moved closer to hear the conversation. “Fine then, it's set, my daughter is engaged to your son.” Her mom said.
Kagome heard a deep voice, but not as deep as the first say, “I don't see why I have to marry Kagome of all girls.” It was Inuyasha. At this point Kagome wanted to rip his head off.
“And what's wrong with marrying me?” she said storming into the room. Everyone looked startled. “Kagome you're awake!” her mom said shocked.
Kagome fixed her glare on Inuyasha who glared right back. “Alrighty, from this day forward Kagome, you will be Ms. Takahashi to be.” Inuyasha's father said. “Shake hands with Inuyasha,” Kagome's mom said.
“Hmph.” Kagome said looking the other way. “Feh,” was Inuyasha's response. “SHAKE HANDS!” both Inuyasha's father and Kagome's mother said at the same time. Inuyasha and Kagome reluctantly shook hands. Kagome noticed Inuyasha looking at his hand as if to say `ugh'
“What's your problem?” Kagome asked. Inuyasha looked at her then his hand and made a disgusted face. Kagome rolled her eyes and was about to go to her room when she was stopped by her mother. “And where do you think you're going?”
Kagome turned and gave her mom her most innocent smile. “Well I'm going to the mall to meet Sango .” Mr. Takahashi smiled at Kagome brightly. “Well Inuyasha is going to the mall also so he can give you a ride.”
`Pigs will fly before I get in a car with that jerk' she thought. “Kagome dear, did you hear what Mr. Takahashi said?” Kagome smiled and said, “Oh really, that's ok I can walk I do it all the time.”
Mr. Takashi started to frown “No I insist we can't have my future daughter-in-law walking alone in the dark, can we Inuyasha?” When Inuyasha didn't answer, his father nudged him in the side.
“Oh yes Father, I'll give her a ride.” He said gritting hid teeth. `I don't want to give that wench a ride in my new BMW; she might get crust in it or something.' He thought. Kagome's mom and Inuyasha's dad smiled as Kagome went upstairs and changed.
She put her hair in a low ponytail with two strands hanging down. She then put some lip-gloss on her lips and grabbed her purse and ran down the stairs.
“Ready.” She said. She noticed no one there but her and Inuyasha. “Finally, I thought I'd die from old age!” Inuyasha shouted. Kagome glared. “Oh shut up,” she said as she walked past him. “You wench!” he called after her.
(Later at the mall)
Inuyasha reluctantly followed Kagome and Sango. Soon they came by TEEN FLAVA. “How about we go in there?” Sango asked with a slight blush on her face.
Kagome and Inuyasha raised a brow but followed Sango. The store was playing the song
“Lean wit it, rock wit it” (Dem Franchise Boyz) and everyone seemed happy. Kagome then noticed Miroku at the cashier.
“Miroku, hi!” Miroku's eyes lit up when he saw them. “Hey Kagome, hey Sango, hey Inuyasha.” He said. Sango blushed even more. `He actually remembered my name!' she thought. She let out a cough.
Everyone turned and looked at her. `What's her problem?' they thought. Kagome took Sango's hand and said, “Oh, um, Miroku you see my friend here needs some clothes and she really doesn't know what she wants SO since you work here, can you help her?”
Sango's eyes grew wide with shock. Sango then turned to a grinning Kagome and said under her breath, “Kagome, what are you doing?” Kagome ignored Sango's question and pushed her towards Miroku.
Inuyasha stood there in complete confusion. `What the heck is going on?” he thought. Miroku took Sango's hand in his and said, “I would be happy to help a beautiful young lady like you.”
Sango pulled her hand away with a slight blush on her cheeks. Kagome smiled and winked at Sango.
Miroku started pulling Sango toward the clothes racks. Kagome watched as Sango mouthed (I'm going to kill you).
Kagome then turned to see a very angry hanyou. “What the fuck is going on?” he yelled. She frowned. “Such anger.” She said as she walked towards the accessories. Inuyasha growled.
“Kagome!” someone called. Kagome looked to see a tall boy with short red hair and beautiful green eyes. He was walking with a short girl with sandy hair and auburn eyes.
“Shippo! Kirara! What are you two doing here?” she asked. “Who wouldn't be here?” Shippo said. Kirara looked around in awe. “Wow, this place is so cool!” she shrieked as she hugged Shippo.
`They look so cute together' she thought. Shippo looked at Inuyasha.
“Hey, Inuyasha, why are you here with Kagome, aren't you two enemies?” Shippo asked. “Keep your mouth closed if you know what's good for you fox.” Inuyasha growled
“Whoa, Down boy.” Kagome said. “Don't talk to me as if I were a dog, wench.” Inuyasha snapped.
“You are.” Shippo pointed out. Inuyasha growled, silencing Shippo. “Looks like Inuyasha needs a muzzle.” Kagome said. He glared at her. “C'mon Inu, let's look for some.” She said pulling him towards the accessories.
With Miroku and Sango
“Sorry but I'm not so good in finding clothes for girls like those gay guys ya know?” Miroku said. “Um…..that's ok…….” she stammered. `Boy am I going to kill Kagome when I a hold of her!' Sango thought.
Miroku smiled. `She is so fine!' he thought. “Um, maybe we could go look for some posters... I need some more for my room.” Sango said.
`Ok, get a grip Taijiya! So what if you're standing next to the finest guy on the face of the Earth, he's just a guy!' she thought. Her thoughts were interrupted by another female voice.
“Hi! Can you help me find the plushie section?” a girl with black hair in a ponytail and brown eyes. She was wearing a short blue skirt and a tight see through white shirt. `Koharu' Sango thought.
Miroku looked like he could care less. “Down the isle to the right.” He said.
“Thank you” she said with a wink as she flipped her hair and walked away. When she was out of ear shot Sango muttered, “Slut”
Miroku looked at her. “You don't like her?” “No, she's always bragging on how she looks and she likes to put people down. She hangs out with Kikyo and is a total slut!” Sango exclaimed.
Miroku looked surprised. “Oh.” was all he said.
That's the end of this chappie! I know it was crappy but please review! Next Chapter: A week at Inuyasha's
Oh yeah, I feel that I need to stress that these chapters will get longer, trust me. Shoot, one chapter was like 21 pages long, front and back, so don't worry about the length of these chapter. Also, I will like to give a special thanks to all the reviewers, you guys are the best!