InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Marrying a Hanyou ❯ Secret Admirers ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Marrying a Hanyou

Chapter 4: Secret Admirers

(That Friday)

"Hey! Kagome!"

Kagome stopped walking down the hall and allowed Shippo to catch up with her.

"Hey Shippo, what's crackin' ?" she asked. Shippo sighed. "Well this hottie named Eri was flirting with me in History today. But the bad thing is that I think Kirara is mad at me." he said. Kagome looked worried.

"Why?" she asked concerned. "Dunno. When Eri asked to sit with me at lunch and I said yes, she got up and sat by another guy. Then when the bell rang she left without a word."

'She likes you, you idiot' Kagome's mind screamed. "You should talk to her. Maybe she's worried Eri might come between your friendship?" Kagome said instead.

Shippo smiled. "You're probably right." he said happily. "Thanks," he finished walking away waving.

Kagome went over to her locker and opened it when something fell out. 'A note?' she thought picking it up.

It read:

Meet me at the back of the school when school ends. I will be waiting.


your secret admirer

Kagome stood there in blank shock.

"Who's that from?" a voice startled her. She turned around to see Inuyasha looking smug and amused at the same time. He looked cute in his baggy blue jeans, red, white, and blue Rocawear shirt and white Jordans.

"'s nothing." she got out. 'Great going Kagome! Last thing you need is Inuyasha entering the picture! And with him acting all protective and possessive lately this note won't make anything better.' she thought frantically.

He raised a brow. "You're a horrible liar wench. Spill." he growled.

"It's none of your business Inuyasha!" Kagome exclaimed.

Inuyasha got as close to her face as he could and gritted his teeth. "It's my business, all right," he growled out.

Flustered, Kagome whispered," How?"

"It's my business because you are my fiancé and it's my business because you belong to me!" he snarled. Kagome looked at him like he was out of his mind.

"Oh now I'm your 'fiancé'," (here she does air quotations)" but when were going to the mall you didn't even want to give me a ride in your car, you are so unpredictable." she said looking him in the eyes.

Inuyasha turned and spat, "Feh. I don't have to explain anything to you." crossing his arms.

Kagome merely made a face and continued to get her books for class. She closed her locker and spun the lock to make sure it landed on zero. She walked in front of Inuyasha only to be greeted with his pouty face.

"What the hell are you staring at wench?" he snapped. "Oh, lighten up, Inuyasha, it's only a letter," she said walking inside the class. "Whatever," he said following her.

"Alright class," the teacher called for attention after the late bell rang. "Now that we have a new student there will be a new seating chart." she said. The class groaned.

"Ok, Kouga and Sesshomaru, left front. Behind them, Ayame and Rin. Raena and Yami, third table left. Kikyo and Naraku last table left. Kagome and Sango, first middle, Inuyasha and Miroku behind them. Yusuke and Megumi third table middle, Koharu and Joey to the back. Kenshin and Kaoru right front, Hakkaku and Kei behind them. Musou and Manten third table right, Mai and Ginta to the back." Mrs. Sakura started.

She then turned to the tables on the side of the room.

"Hiten and Yura first side table, Sanosuke and Botan second table, Bankotsu and Mayuki third side table." Everyone took their new seats.

"Hey Sango, I'm glad I'm sitting next to you." Kagome said happily. Sango smiled at her best friend. "Me too." she said. Then turned around to see who was sitting behind her and almost choked.

"Oh my goodness he's sitting right behind me!" Sango whispered furiously. Kagome turned to see who she was talking about.

Her laughter started off soft but it got louder. Sango blushed deeply.

"Hey wench, what the hell is so damn funny?" Inuyasha demanded. "Your face!" Kagome retorted while still laughing. He growled. All of a sudden they heard a loud BOOM!

They turned to see what happened and saw Sango on the floor with Miroku kneeling beside her looking concerned.

"What happened?" Inuyasha asked. "Well I was whispering something in her ear and when she saw it was me she fell out of her chair." Miroku said checking to see if a flushing Sango was ok.

Inuyasha and Kagome looked at each other and burst out laughing. "I wonder why!" Kagome said between laughter. Sango shot Kagome a death glare.

"You better shut it Kagome." she growled. Kagome stopped laughing and said, "Or what?"

Then they heard a female voice go, "Inuyasha, hi!" They all turned to see Raena with a huge smile on her face. A petite girl of 17, with short sandy hair and blue eyes, she caught the eye of a lot of boys. But not Inuyasha. If you ask me, she creeped him out.

"Inuyasha sweetie, how's about we go to Teen Sensations together?" she asked innocently.

"WHAT! Go somewhere with you! The day that happens is the day I see Sesshomaru get dirty, besides, the Grand Opening for Teen Sensations isn't for a month!" he exclaimed. Kagome let out a low growl, going unnoticed by everyone except Inuyasha.

'Oh God and now Kagome is jealous. What...Kagome's jealous! Am I paranoid or something?' Inuyasha thought to his self. He was snapped out of his thoughts by Sesshomaru kicking him out of his chair.

"I heard what you said you pathetic halfbreed." he spat coldly. "Well, it's true," Inuyasha muttered. Sesshomaru kicked Inuyasha and walked back to his seat.

Raena bent down and said, "Are you ok, Inuyasha?"

Inuyasha snorted and said nothing. Kagome had enough of Raena. "Hands off sister, he's mine." she growled. Inuyasha, Raena, Miroku, and Sango looked surprised.

Raena's eyes went from surprise to anger. "Yeah right, bitch." she snapped. Kagome narrowed her eyes at Raena. "Oh, I can be a bitch, so don't push it slut. And Inuyasha is my boyfriend. Tell her Inuyasha." Kagome said glaring at Inuyasha. Raena looked at him as well.

Inuyasha began to sweat. "" he was saved by the bell, where he grabbed his things and rushed out of class. Raena glared at Kagome. "Inuyasha is mine. Stay away from him or you'll be sorry." she growled. Kagome laughed.

"I'll tell you what I won't be sorry for: beating the shit out of you." she retorted. Raena snorted, grabbed her things and left.

"Slutty ass bitch. I hate her almost as much as I hate Kikyo." Kagome said to Sango who smiled and gathered her stuff. They left class.

(at the end of the day)

Kagome went to the back of the school to meet her secret admirer and to also lay down the facts. 'Hmm...maybe I shouldn't have come.' she thought.

-with Inuyasha-

Sango got in her car as Miroku got in his. "Hey Inuyasha, where's Kagome?" Sango asked him cranking her car up.

Inuyasha stood by his Jaguar and shrugged. "Then go find her! There's no wonder what could happen to her you idiot!" Sango said driving off. Inuyasha growled. 'Stupid wench'.

-with Kagome-

Kagome was about to leave when she heard a voice.

"So, you made it huh?" Kagome turned and looked around. No one. Confused, she turned again to leave but bumped into someone. "Kagome, you've made my day." the boy said. Kagome looked up...Kouga!

"You're the secret admirer!" she shrieked. "Not so loud!" Kouga said smiling.


Inuyasha was busy trying to pick up Kagome's scent. 'My dad is going to kill me if Kagome's missing! Damn that wench!' he thought. He suddenly picked up what smelled like green apples and 5 seconds later he heard someone say, "You're the secret admirer!" 'Kagome' he raced towards the voices.

-Kouga and Kagome-

'Why am I so uncomfortable with this guy' she thought. " Kouga, you know that I'm with Inuyasha..." she said.

Kouga smiled nonetheless. "So? It's not like you like him or anything." he said. Kouga hugged her to him. Kagome turned red from embarrasment and anger. Before she could push him away or say anything she heard a familiar voice, "Kouga, you piece of shit, let go of Kagome!"

Kouga smirked at Inuyasha who just walked up. His arms fell from Kagome's back to her waist. "Make me." Kagome tried to get free but Kouga's grip was tight.

"This gives me the perfect reason to kick your ass!" Inuyasha said. Kouga snorted. Inuyasha was about to charge when they heard Sesshomaru's voice go, "As much as this Sesshomaru would love to see the outcome of this fight, I must remind you that we have to be home in case father calls Inuyasha."

Kouga let go of Kagome who ran to Inuyasha. "You're lucky, mutt." Kouga said leaving. Inuyasha growled.

"C'mon Kagome." he said coldly. Kagome hesitantly followed.

Alright, that's it. Plz R&R!

Next: Friday Night