InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Marrying a Hanyou ❯ Gym class ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha, and you don’t have to make me keep saying it….

Marrying a Hanyou
Chapter 8: Gym Class

Kagome was relieved that Inuyasha was finally calm but for some reason he wouldn’t talk to her.
He wouldn’t even look her way. Every time she said something to him, his response was ‘’feh’’. It was starting to really irritate her.
“Hey Miro, what’s up with Inuyasha? He won’t talk to me,” Kagome had asked Miroku who simply shrugged.
“Your guess is as good as mine,” he answered. Kagome sighed.
After the teacher finished his lecture and gave them their assignment, Kagome turned to Inuyasha determined to know what was wrong with him. “Inuyasha, I won’t know what is wrong with you or what to do about it unless you tell me what’s wrong!” she exclaimed.
“Feh,” he answered. Kagome had enough. Grabbing some of the hair that rested on his shoulders, she forced him to look at her. “WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” She all but yelled.
“Higurashi! In the hall!” the teacher yelled. Kagome growled at her fiancé, but did as she was told.
Once she was out in the hall, she was fuming. ‘How dare him…’ she thought.
“So Higurashi got sent in the hall…” Kagome didn’t have to look to know who said that. “Piss off slut,” she retorted.
The smirk that had settled on Kikyo’s face was replaced by an anger look. “Very funny, Higurashi, but I’ll
beat those retorts out of you if you keep trying me,” she snapped.
Kagome laughed.

“Are you crazy or just plain STUPID? The day you beat me will be the day that I actually want you to be my friend, but that’ll never happen, sorry to burst your bubble,” she said. The teacher opened the door before Kikyo could say anything else.
“Higurashi, you can come back in, but no more outbursts,” he said. Kagome smiled politely, “Yes sir,” she said walking back in the class.
Kagome went back to her seat only to see that Sango and Inuyasha had switched seats.
Sango gave her a [I don’t know what’s going on look] Kagome huffed and opened her book.
‘I’m going to find out what’s wrong with him,’ she thought.

~After the period was over~
Next everybody (Miroku, Sango, Inuyasha, Kagome, Sesshomaru and Rin) had gym. Kagome put her books up and got her gym clothes. She met Sango and Rin in the locker room.
“You guys, Inuyasha won’t even talk to me!” she confided. “He is acting weird. He’s awfully quiet,” Sango stated.
They didn’t know Raena was behind them eavesdropping in the whole conversation.
‘Good, maybe now Inuyasha will talk to me,’ she thought rushing to put on her clothes. Kagome sighed.
‘Inuyasha….what did I do?’ she thought.
Outside Inuyasha stood with Miroku and Sesshomaru saying nothing. “Inuyasha, man, what’s wrong with you?” Miroku inquired.
Inuyasha pouted. ‘’Feh,’’ he snapped. :: “If you lay one finger on Hojou, I’ll never forgive you!”:: Kagome’s angry words still repeated in his head.
‘I can’t believe she defended that fag!!!!!’ he thought angrily. “Quit sulking Inuyasha, you look even more pathetic than usual,” Sesshomaru said calmly.
Inuyasha snapped his head in Sesshomaru’s direction. “WHAT DO YOU KNOW SESSHOMARU?! NOTHING, SO SHUT IT!!!” Inuyasha yelled. Sesshomaru merely glared at his brother darkly before punching him, sending Inuyasha flying to the ground.
Miroku shook his head. “I envy the love between you two,” he said. “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!’’ Inuyasha yelled. “Pathetic half breed,” Sesshomaru scoffed.
“Inuyasha are you ok?!” Raena appeared out of nowhere and helped him up. She then linked their arms together. Inuyasha looked at her like she was out of her mind. “What the-“
Miroku shook his head again. ‘If Kagome sees this she’ll…’
A gasp cut his thoughts off. Kagome walked out of the locker room with Sango and Rin to see Raena hanging all over her fiancé.
Inuyasha felt Kagome’s heated gaze on him and almost felt guilty. Almost. Besides, what was he doing wrong?
“You know what, I don’t have time for this,” Kagome stated before stomping off. Sango took one last look at Inuyasha before following her best friend.
Rin stormed over to him and snapped, “What in the hell is wrong with you?! Just because you’re mad at Kagome for God knows what, that doesn’t mean you can pick up Raena! You’re pathetic,” she said that in a very Sesshomaru-like manner, and it didn’t escape her notice.
Miroku chuckled. “You hang around Sesshomaru entirely too much,’’ he commented. Rin blushed a bit. Raena was still latched onto Inuyasha and he shook her off.
“You act like I told her to hang on me!” he protested. “It didn’t look like you had a problem with it!” she shouted.
“Whatever,” Inuyasha spat before he walked off. “Inuyasha, where are you going?!” Raena asked.
“Away from you,” he tossed over his shoulder. “You know Rin, Raena latched onto Inuyasha after helping him up, and he was about to shake her off until you guys came. Maybe you should be mad at Raena,” he said.
Rin looked up in thought, then looked at Raena. Out of nowhere Rin punched Raena.
“That’s for messing with my best friend’s boyfriend you slut!” she said before turning to follow Sesshomaru who was leaving. Miroku started laughing.
Raena snarled and lunged at Rin.
~With Kagome and Sango~
“How could he, I mean I know he’s mad, but that doesn’t give him a reason to hang all over Raena!” Kagome fumed.
Sango listened as Kagome ranted. “You’re right Kagome, but did you ever stop to think that Raena may have been the one hugging on Inuyasha? She does come onto the most attractive boys in school,” she stated.
“Yeah, but that doesn’t explain the silent treatment,” Kagome turned and looked at Sango.
“I think I know why he’s mad. Hojou walked up like Inuyasha wasn’t even there and even after finding about the two of you, he still tried to go out with you. And you defended him. No offense, but if I were Inuyasha I’d be mad at you too,” Sango explained.
Kagome looked down at the ground in guilt. “What was I supposed to do, let Inuyasha kill Hojou?” she asked.
Sango shook her head. “No, but do you remember what you said to him?”
Kagome thought back. :: “If you lay one finger on Hojou, I’ll never forgive you!”::
Kagome then felt ten times worse. “What have I done?” she whispered. Inuyasha then came from around the corner.
Kagome looked at him with tears in her eyes and turned away from him in guilt. He sighed.
“You don’t have to say anything Inuyasha,” she said quietly. Inuyasha walked up to her.
“Just so you know, Raena was only helping me up after my stupid brother punched me,” he said.
“Maybe you deserved it,” Sango muttered. Inuyasha glared at her, “The ears, remember I can hear what you say,” he growled.
“Yeah…I think I better go,” Sango said walking off. Inuyasha turned back to Kagome. He could smell the salt of her tears.
“Aww, Kagome, don’t cry,” he said. “I’m sorry,” she choked out as she turned to face him.
The tears escaped. “I shouldn’t have defended Hojou like that but I didn’t want you to get in trouble Inuyasha,” she said.
He hugged her. “It’s ok, stop crying,” he told her. Kagome hugged him back.
They stayed like that for a couple of minutes before pulling away. Kagome stared into his eyes.
Inuyasha bent down and kissed her slowly and tenderly.
-At the blacktop-
“Fight! Fight!” Raena had snarled and lunged at Rin after getting punched. Rin was caught off guard but she managed to dodge the charge and grabbed Raene’s light brown hair and swung her around.
“Somebody get Rin off her!!” someone yelled as Rin beat Raena down. Sesshomaru made his way through the crowd and lifted Rin off Raena. Rin struggled to get out of his grasp as he pulled her away from the crowd.
“Let me go! I’ll kill her!” Rin screamed. Sesshomaru resisted the urge to smirk. “Rin,” he started but noticed Rin was running back over to Raena.
Raena was up and ready for Rin. “Yea, come on bitch!” she panted. Rin walked up to her but paused saying, “THIS WILL BE THE LAST TIME YOU EVER PUT YOUR HANDS ON THIS RIN!!!!”
Then she power-punched Raena. Raena fell to the ground with a loud thud, knocked out.
Sesshomaru rushed through the crowd and in a flash disappeared with Rin. Sango had finally made it through the crowd only to see her friend gone.
“Rin!! Rin!!!!” she called. “Sesshomaru has her,” Miroku said. Sango sighed in relief and followed Miroku to the track, and the two began to walk.
“Wow, I never seen Rin so mad!” she exclaimed. He laughed. “Yeah, you should have seen when she first hit Raena. Sango?” he asked carefully.
“Yes?” she asked. She was really enjoying this time with Miroku.
“Um…do you…uh…want to go on a real date this weekend, you know the one we’re going on this weekend is because of Koharu and all….” he started.
Sango looked at him surprised. “I mean if you don’t I’ll completely….” “I’d love to,” Sango cut him off.
Miroku smiled. ’He has such a sexy smile!’ Sango thought. Miroku took her hand then and walked a little faster.
-Later at lunch-
Shippo was on his way to lunch. He had stopped by his locker and noticed Kirara at hers. ’Here’s my chance,’ he thought.
Closing his locker, he walked over to her. She ignored him.
“Look Kirara, you can’t stay mad forever,” he said. She turned to glare at him. “I’ll sure as hell try,” she retorted and was about to walk away when he grabbed her arm gently.
“Kirara, I know why you’re mad and I’m sorry!” he exclaimed. “Too late, let go!” she demanded.
“Not until you listen,” he said. “I told you our friendship is over! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!” she snatched her arm away and stomped off.
Shippo sighed and turned to walk to the cafeteria only to come face to face with Manten.
“You better leave my girl alone,” he growled. Even though Manten stood taller than Shippo, Shippo wasn’t scared in the least it, or intimidated.
He looked up at Manten. “And if I don’t?” he challenged. “You’ll be sorry,” Manten was getting mad.
“We’ll see,” Shippo said walking away. Manten glared after him. Shippo enter the cafeteria and immediately spotted Inuyasha and the others.
He sat down still aggravated about Manten and depressed about Kirara.
Kagome gave him a concerned look. “what’s wrong Shippo?” “Kirara is dating Manten,” he said angrily.
“WHAT?!!” Kagome, Sango, Rin exclaimed. Shippo nodded. “I tried talking to her, but she’s still mad at me,”
“I heard she had a fight with Eri,” Miroku stated. Shippo looked at him. “Yeah, and that’s when I figured out why she’s mad at me,” “Why?” Inuyasha asked.
“Because she likes me….” Shippo said looking down in shame. “ABOUT TIME!” Kagome said loudly, startling everyone. “She liked you for years but you never noticed,” she explained.
“Well it’s too late now,” Shippo said. “It’s never too late, Shippo and we’re behind one-hundred per-”
“Hey Shippo,” Eri cut Kagome off and sat next to he boyfriend. Kagome closed he mouth.
Rin and Sesshomaru then came to the table and sat down. Rin raised her eyebrows and her nostrils expanded. She didn’t like when people messed with her friends and she knew about Kirara and Eri’s fight.
She plastered on a fake smile. “Hi Eri!” she exclaimed. Eri smiled. “Hi,”
“I heard you got in a fight with Kirara,” she said. “Yeah, I did,” Eri said. The fool. Shippo couldn’t even look her in the eye. “Shippo what’s wrong, you look sad,” Eri said looking at him. Shippo gave her a look of pity, you could see the scratches and bruises on her face. “Nothing’s wrong Eri,” he said hugging her.
“Anyways, what did you say to get whooped?” Sango asked. Shippo sent her a look saying [stop now].
Eri looked down. “She called me a slut and I-”. She was cut off by Kagome. “And you said something stupid to get yourself beat up,” she said glaring at Eri.
Eri sat there trying to figure out something to say. “What exactly did you say?” Rin asked. “That’s enough, Rin,” Shippo said.
“No Shippo, let her tell us what she said,” Kagome said. “Eri, you don’t have to answer them,” Shippo felt sorry for his girlfriend.
“I said that she shouldn’t get mad because Shippo doesn’t want her,” Sango got mad.
“You said that?!” “That deserves an ass whooping,” Rin stated. Kagome walked over to Eri.
“You said that and what, you thought you wouldn’t get your ass tore up?” she demanded.
“She shouldn’t have called me a slut, and she should acknowledge that Shippo’s mine,” Eri stood her ground.
“Listen you tramp don’t you talk about my friend like that again or you’ll have a fist in your face!” she said angrily.
“Stop! How would you feel if you were in her shoes?!” Shippo got angry. “It’s her fault for saying that when she had no business saying it.” Inuyasha came to Kagome’s defense.
Kagome shut up and sat down. Shippo stood up. “Let’s go Eri,” he said as she got up to follow him.
“There goes another one,” Miroku muttered. “What do you mean?” Sango asked. Miroku pointed towards Kirara who was sitting with Manten and his friends. “Is she wearing ALL black?!” Rin asked in disbelief.
“Well, it’s Shippo’s fault,” Kagome huffed. Miroku sighed. “Kagome, did you ever stop to realize that maybe if he had have known about Kirara liking him, he probably would have realized his feelings sooner?” he asked.
Kagome closed her mouth. “He’s going through some tough times, what losing his best friend to a jerk and you guys aren’t making it better, you making it worse,” Miroku stated softly. Rin, Sango, and Kagome looked down in shame.
“So says Miroku who gets off flirting with girls he can’t have,” Inuyasha muttered. Miroku heard.
“Who needs them, I have Sango,” he said putting his arm around her shoulder. Sango blushed.
The bell rang. “We should apologize to Shippo,” Rin said standing up. Kagome and Sango nodded in agreement.
Kagome then turned to Inuyasha. “See you after class ok?” He smirked. “Ok,” he said.
They kissed and went their separate ways.

“What if we get caught?” “We won’t, shut up!” Manten whispered fiercely. Kirara sighed.
How she let Manten talk her into skipping class she’ll never know. She was a straight A student for Christ’s sake!!
“Manten, I don’t want to do this, I’m going to class,” Kirara got up from their hiding spot on the side of the school and was about to walk back into the building when Manten grabbed the back of her neck roughly.
“You’ll stay right here and don’t mutter a word or you’ll be sorry, got that?!” he snarled. Kirara whimpered as she held back tears.
When did Manten get so violent? Whatever the reason, she didn’t like it.
~After school~
Kagome and Inuyasha got to his house to a big surprise. There stood Kagome’s mom and Inuyasha’s dad looking quite pleased with themselves.
Simultaneously, the two got out his Ferrari saying, “What’re you two so happy about?”
“W finally found a place for you two. Pack your things, you’re moving!” Kagome’s mom said. Kagome and Inuyasha looked at each other and both fainted.

No flames Plz!!! Stay tuned for the next chapter, Plz R and R!
Next: A new home