InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Marrying a Hanyou ❯ A new home ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Yay! Another update!

Marrying a hanyou
Chapter 9: A new home

Inuyasha and Kagome fainted. Inuyasha’s father, InuTaisho, quickly ran over to the two to make sure they were ok.

“You think that was too big a surprise?” he asked Ariko (Kagome’s mom). She fanned Kagome.
“Yeah, I didn’t expect them to faint,” she said.

Inutaisho took out a silver whistle and blew in it. Ariko looked confused.

“What was that supposed to do it was silent,” she said. All of a sudden Inuyasha shot up and barked like a dog. Inutaisho couldn’t help but to laugh. When realization dawned on Inuyasha, he blushed.

“What the hell was that for dad?!” he demanded. Kagome stirred and opened her eyes.

“Mom?” she asked before sitting up. Ariko smiled at her daughter. “You ok, sweetie?” she asked.

Kagome nodded. “I had the strangest dream….you and Mr. Taisho bought Inuyasha and I a house,” she said.

“That was no dream Kagome,” Inuyasha said grimly. Kagome looked around, then at her mother. “YOU BOUGHT US A HOUSE?!” she demanded.

Ariko smiled. “We think you two are old enough to have your own place and since you two are to be married, it’s only appropriate,” she said.

‘I’M NOT EVEN 18 YET MOM!!!” Kagome exclaimed. Inuyasha winced beside her.

Kagome noticed and rubbed his ears. “Sorry Inu,” she apologized. Ariko looked at her watch.

“We’ll go look at it since we have time,” InuTaisho nodded in agreement. Inuyasha and Kagome looked at each other and sighed.

“Ok,” Inuyasha answered. Inutaisho smiled. “Then let’s go,” he said.

~at the house~

Inuyasha and Kagome followed Ariko and Inutaisho to a beautiful condo located in front of short hills that overlooked a huge lake. “Wow,” they said at the same time. They parked and got out. “It’s beautiful isn’t it?” Ariko asked excitedly.

Kagome said nothing as she continued to gawk at the house. First they toured the backyard which was complete with a full basketball court, a 10 ft deep swimming pool, a spa, and a love-swing that rested on the hill overlooking the lake.
“It’s….” Kagome was at a loss for words. Inutaisho smirked, then continued to the inside of the condo. The inside was decorated in cream, black and gold. Right when you walked through the front door, there was a small hallway that donned a wardrobe hook to put your jackets on, and small area to take your shoes off.

The hallway led to the sitting room that had a small couch and a couple of recliners. It had tons of pictures of both Inuyasha and Kagome.

The sitting room led to the dining room and kitchen. The kitchen was very neat, it had white marble counters and glass cupboards. The microwave was built into the wall and they had a refrigerator that served ice and water. A counter separated the kitchen and dining room, and it had a couple of stools sitting in front of it making it look like a small bar.

The dining room had a long table that sat up to 10 people, and the table cloth was a beautiful cream color. The plates were black and gold and the silverware all lay neatly beside each plate. Glasses also rested in the table.

Kagome was near fainting again. (AN: We all know how much Kagome faints). They then walked back into the sitting room and Inutaisho stopped at a door.

“Is that it?” Inuyasha asked bored. Inutaisho only smirked again. “We saved the best for last,” he said before opening the door.

The living room was huge, was decorated in the same cream, black and gold as the rest of the house. A enormous chandelier rested above the room. There were stairs that you had to go down before getting to the room.

A pretty black and gold sectional sofa wrapped around a small circular dip in the floor that had black and gold pillows and bean bags in there. The carpet was cream.

A big black Plasma screen TV complete with a full entertainment system and home theater set rested against the wall.

The entertainment system had a VCR, DVD player, and every movie and games imaginable. They also had a PS2, XBOX, PS3, XBOX 360 and a Nintendo Wii there.

A small office was set up against the back wall, with a desk, computer, laptop, and every thing else that would be in an office there.

Glass doors led outside. And stairs led to the rooms.

“You guys got all this ready in a week?” Inuyasha said in awe. Ariko nodded proudly. “You two will move in this weekend,”

Kagome felt dizzy. ‘Everything is happening so fast, first I get engaged, then I’m moving into a condo….’ she thought.

“You ok, Kagome?” Inuyasha asked in concern. She nodded. “Yeah, just surprised,” she said.

“Now you two, with such a big house comes a lot of responsibility,” Ariko started. Kagome sighed.

“I know mom, no wild parties, don’t be junky….” Ariko laughed. “No dear, I was saying that expecting lots of grandchildren,” she said.

Kagome and Inuyasha’s eyes widened and they turned beat red. “MOM!!!!” Kagome shrieked.

Inutaisho couldn’t help but to laugh.

“We should get going,” he said after the laughter died down. Ariko nodded.

“Kagome, you’re welcome to either stay at Inuyasha’s or stay home,” she told her daughter. Kagome sighed. “I’ll stay at Inuyasha’s, I’m not quite ready to come back home away from the comfortable kin sized bed, spa inside my room, and all the junk food I can eat,” Kagome closed her eyes dreamily.

“Oh jeez,” Inuyasha muttered. Ariko smiled lovingly. “Ok, sweetheart. I’ll be leaving in two days ok?”

Kagome nodded. “Ok mom,” she said. She then followed Inuyasha to his car and they left. The ride was silent and uncomfortable. Kagome sighed.

“What do you think of our parents getting us our own place to stay Inuyasha?” she asked Inuyasha to break the silence. Inuyasha remained silent.

‘Wow, I’m glad they got a house, now I can be with Kagome when I want….this means more making out…Hehe’ he thought as he smiled stupidly.

Kagome looked at her fiancé plaster a silly grin on his face. “Inuyasha, did u hear what I said?” she asked. Inuyasha snapped out of his thoughts.

“Feh, I heard you, I don’t care whether or not we have our own place. As long as I have a place to eat, sleep, watch TV, and wash then I’m happy.”

Kagome rolled her eyes and looked out the window. “That’s not what I meant,” she muttered. “I mean, don’t you feel like we’re too young to live on our own?” Kagome asked.

Inuyasha snorted as he made a left turn. “We’re 18-” “!7,” Kagome corrected him.

“Whatever. We’re old enough and with the money we’ll inherit there’s nothing to worry about. All we have to do is sit back, take over the family business, and make babies,” he stated.

Kagome gasped, then slapped his arm. “You pervert!” she exclaimed. Inuyasha laughed.

“That would be Miroku,” he shot back. Kagome shook her head. “Miroku’s not a perv,” she stated.

“You haven’t been around him long enough. You’ll see,” Inuyasha chuckled as they pulled up to the mansion.

Inuyasha parked his car in his garage and the two made their way to his room. Kagome sat down on his bed and Inuyasha his head on her lap and grabbed the remote.

“Yeah? What’s up?” Kagome stayed silent for a moment. Inuyasha looked up at her.

“Kagome?” “Let’s throw a party after we move in!” she exclaimed. Inuyasha looked surprised then he smiled. “Now there’s an idea,” he smirked.

“And we can invite all our friends. We’ll invite Shippo and Kirara so we can get them to make up!” Kagome said happily.

Inuyasha brought his head up and kissed Kagome’s lips. “You’re something else, Kagome,” he whispered.

Shivers went down her spine. ‘I LOVE it when he does that!’ she thought.

“Inuyasha I just wanted to tell you I-” Inutaisho busted in the room to see the two teens staring into each other’s eyes.

He cleared his throat when the two looked at him confused. “I’ve been called to a meeting so I’m leaving tonight ok?” he told them.

Inuyasha nodded. “Have a safe trip Mr. Taisho,” Kagome offered him a warm smile. Inutaisho smiled back. He nodded and left.

Kagome and Inuyasha watched TV in silence for about an hour, most of that time being spent arguing over what to watch.

“Kagome! Phone!” a call from Sesshomaru cut the last argument short. Kagome growled at Inuyasha and left his room to receive her phone call.

“Hello?” she answered. “Hello? K-Kagome?” a voice stuttered. A female voice.

“Who is this?” Kagome asked confused. The voice sounded so familiar…..

“It’s me, Manaru,” Kagome went from confused to angry. “You…what do you want?” she demanded.

Manaru had been a good friend of Kagome, Sango, Rin and Ayame until she sold them out to hang with Raena and the popular crowd.

“Kagome…I know you’re mad at me, we haven’t spoken in the last two years,” Manaru started. Kagome let out a mocking chuckled.

“Yeah I know. You sold me and my friends out to popularity. Now what do I owe the pleasure of getting a phone call from you and how did you know I was over Inuyasha’s?” she growled.

“That isn’t important….I’m calling about Raena,” Manaru sounded desperate. “What about her,” Kagome asked coldly.

“She’s been scheming to get Inuyasha from you, she wants to break you guys up. The whole school knows you two are an item and she’s pissed. She gave me specific orders to make your life a living hell, but I can’t do it. I still care about you Kagome, even though I did choose popularity over you. I couldn’t go through with it. She told me that if I didn’t, she’d make MY life a hell,” Kagome could hear Manaru cry and knew it wasn’t a joke.

“Ok. Thanks for the heads up Manny. I guess you’re not a complete bitch,” Manaru laughed and sniffled.

“Stay home tomorrow, I’ll handle this,” Kagome said.

“Ok, thanks again Kagome,” Manaru said then hung up. Kagome sighed. “What’s wrong wench?”

Kagome was startled to see Inuyasha standing against the wall with is arms crossed. “It’s nothing,” she said.

“I could smell your anger and I could hear you, so there’s no need to lie to me,” he growled. Kagome raised a brow.

“Don’t worry about it, its nothing Inuyasha,” Kagome said. Inuyasha growled and pinned Kagome to the wall. Kagome let out a startled yelp.

“Don’t lie to me I can smell your anger, what’s going on?” he snarled. Kagome sighed again and looked the other way.

“It was Manaru. She called to tell me Raena was scheming to make my life hell and break us up. She even went as far as to threaten to make Manaru’s life hell if she didn’t make mine hell,” she explained.

Inuyasha balled his fist up. “THAT BITCH,” he exclaimed. Kagome hugged him around the waist.

“Don’t worry, his plan won’t work because I won’t let it. That bitch is going down,” she said softly, resting her head on his chest.

Inuyasha combed her hair softly with his claws. “Yea, I hope so,” he said calmly. Kagome looked up at him and kissed him.

“I know so,” she said softly.


Sesshomaru stood in his room dialing Rin’s number. “Hello?” came a bubbly voice. “Rin, this is Sesshomaru,”

“Oh hi Sesshy, are you coming over to work on the project?” Rin asked. “Yes, I’m on my way, don’t go anywhere,” “Ok, I’ll be waiting,”

“Bye Rin,” “Bye Sess,” they hung up. Sesshomaru grabbed his keys and walked out his room, then the mansion to his garage.

Getting into his truck, he quickly cranked it up and sped off to his best friend’s (though he’d never admit it) house.


Rin made sure her room was extra clean and that her little sister was away at a friend’s. Her parents were on their second honeymoon and so she wouldn’t be seeing them for another week or so.

She changed into a oversized black tee and blue jean short-shorts, and pulled her long hair into a messy ponytail. After about 15 minutes she heard the doorbell ring.

She jumped and raced down the stairs to open the door. Sesshomaru stood there in a white muscled tank and baggy blue jeans. Rin could’ve melted. “Hi Sesshy!” Rin squealed enthusiastically.

Sesshomaru looked down at her with his usual cold stare. “Let’s get started on the project!” Rin grabbed his hand and led him up the stairs and into her room.

Her room was painted a burnt orange, with beige furniture. It wasn’t too big, but still roomy. Her bed overflowed with stuffed animals, like the typical girly room.

A picture frame on top of her dresser caught Sesshomaru’s eye. He picked it up.

It was him and Rin at their middle school prom. He was dressed in an all white silk Tuxedo with a red tie. Rin had on a pure white spaghetti strap dress. It was simple but it hugged her curves and flowed to the top of her white heels.

Her hair flowed gracefully down her back. Both were turned right, Sesshomaru had his arms wrapped around her waist and her hands rested on top of his. She smiled brightly at the camera while Sesshomaru had his signature expression.

“You still have this picture?” he asked. Rin saw the picture and smiled. “Of course,” she said turning on her computer, “it was one of the best nights of my life!”

Sesshomaru looked at the picture one last time before setting it down and walking over to her.

“Ok, since I’m good at Power points and you’re good at reports, I was thinking I do the Power point and you do the report, is that ok?” she asked. Sesshomaru nodded.

He got his notebook and book he brought along and sat at the other side of Rin’s desk and began to work on the rough draft of the report.

The two worked in silence, until Sesshomaru was done with the rough draft. “Let me know when you’re done with the slide show,” he told Rin.

“Ok,” she answered. He picked up the photo album she had on her bed and began flipping through it.

The first was of him, Rin, Kagome, Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku, Kirara, and Shippo before they went to the mall just this past weekend.

The next picture was of Sesshomaru scowling in a pink tutu. Rin was hysterical in the background.

“Hm, I should have burned this picture,” he said. Rin looked and laughed a little. “I had to hide that from you for a long time,” she said.

Sesshomaru flipped to the next picture. It was him giving her a piggyback ride in the park when they were younger.

Rin watched him flip through the album. ‘Sesshomaru has been my best friend since we were 5, but do I like him more?’ she thought.

Sesshomaru flipped to a picture of him and Rin dressed up for history. They switched clothes. Rin wore his armor while he wore her kimono.

Rin smiled big, although his clothes were too big for her. Rin got up and looked at the picture with him and started laughing.

“I had to beg you for two weeks to let me wear that,” Sesshomaru smirked a little.

“Lets finish the project,” he said putting the album down and walking to the computer. “Sesshomaru, what do you think of me now that we’re older?” Rin blurted out.

She mentally slapped her forehead when Sesshomaru looked at her. “I mean because-”

Sesshomaru cut Rin off by placing his hand on her cheek. “This Sesshomaru thinks your beautiful,” Rin gave him a smile. “Now, lets finish,” he said.

~Meanwhile at Shippo’s~

Shippo sat in his room trying to get some homework done. He and Kirara would always do their homework together, so it was hard for him to concentrate with her not there. He glanced over at the phone.

‘Should I call her?’ he thought. He shook his head and walked over to the phone and dialed the number he’d known since he was smaller. It was Kirara’s.

“May I speak to Kirara please?” Shippo asked when her mom picked up. “Oh hi Shippo, its been a while. Sorry but Kirara’s out with her friends,”

Shippo sighed in disappointment.

“Oh ok, can you tell her I called?” “Yeah. Shippo?” her mom said. “Yes ma’am?” he asked. “I’m worried about her. She doesn’t talk to me anymore and she seems depressed and angry. Can you talk to her?” she asked.

‘And it’s all my fault,’ he thought guiltily. “I’ll talk to her,” he said. Her mom thanked him and hung up. Shippo went back to his desk and took out some paper.

‘I’ll talk to her alright,’ he thought and started writing. “If she won’t listen to my spoken words then she’ll read the written words,” he said to himself.

Dear Kirara,

Before you throw this letter away- knowing you- read it. Please. You know as well as I do that I had no idea you liked me, and here you go getting mad at me as soon as I start going out with Eri. But you were right, I didn’t take the time to notice what was right in front of me and I’m sorry for hurting you.
Kirara, you’ve been my best friend forever and I’ve never took the time to realize how much I really loved you. But you got to understand the pressure I’m going through . Being a guy whose going to turn 18 in a while isn’t a walk in the park. I’m still going through puberty (lol). Well anyway, I hope you accept my apology.


Shippo finished the letter and sighed. ‘Never realized how miserable I am without her,’ he thought changing and climbing into bed.


Kirara walked in the house later that night . “Kirara, where have you been?! I’ve been worried sick about you!” her mom exclaimed.

Kirara rolled her eyes. “I can take care of myself MOTHER” she growled as she started up the stairs.

“Shippo called for you,” her mom said. Kirara stopped dead in her tracks. ‘Shippo?’ she thought. “He wanted me to tell you that,” her mom said walking off..

~Rin and Sesshomaru~

Sesshomaru and Rin were finished for the night. “Wow, we did a lot on the first day,” Rin said stretching.

Sesshomaru said nothing at first, but then turned to leave saying, “Rin I’ll see you tomorrow,” Rin sat in her chair and nothing for a few minutes.

“Wait Sesshomaru, do want to stay for dinner? I mean I can cook something if you want.” Rin said walking up to him. He started down the stairs.

Rin stood with a sad expression on her face. “Rin, yes,” he said at the bottom. Her face lit up and she practically flew down the stairs. “Ok Sesshy,” she called.

They walked into the kitchen and Rin began getting things out.

She hummed as she started to cook. Sesshomaru sat silently watched her. “Hey, how do you like your steak seasoned?” she asked him.

Sesshomaru shrugged. “Not too much salt,” he said watching the curves of her body as she jumped around.

He noticed her standing on her tiptoes to reach the salt in the high cabinet over the stove. Next thing she knew she felt two strong hands go around her waist lifting her up. Rin looked down to see Sesshomaru picking her up.

She grabbed the salt and then Sesshomaru set her down. She blushed a little.

“Um…thanks Sesshomaru,” she said quietly. Sesshomaru said nothing as he pushed a strand of hair that was hanging over her face behind her ear. He then bent down and gave Rin a slow and tender kiss.

Rin’s eyes widened in surprised, but she began to kiss him back. As he deepened the kiss her arms went around his neck and drew him closer.

Her train of thought was lost as the two stood there encased in a slow passionate kiss.


Next: FIGHT!!!!!