InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Marrying a Hanyou ❯ FIGHT!!!!!! ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Look, if I owned Inuyasha, why would I waste my time writing fanfics about him? I’d just make a sequel to the anime…..

Oh, and just a reminder, this fic will be changing scenes constantly, because everyone had their own thing going on. So I don’t want to receive any reviews complaining about it. Like I said, this fic was pre-written, and I’m just typing it up, and I’m making TONS of changes to the original, but not too many……

Marrying a Hanyou
Chapter 10: FIGHT!!!!!

Sesshomaru promptly woke up on time the next morning. He was dressed and ready to leave an hour early. But he couldn’t shake last night’s kiss out of his mind.

‘That kiss, does it mean something?’ he questioned himself. He gathered his things and suddenly remembered that he had to pick Rin up.

He made his way to Kagome’s room, and knocked on her door before entering. Inuyasha sat on her bed dressed in a cream colored sweater, baggy blue jeans and cream colored Tims. To top it off he wore a cream skull cap to match.

Kagome was still fixing her hair in her mirror, but she wore a black turtle-neck with a thick black belt around her stomach, tight blue jeans tucked into knee-high stiletto heeled boots.

She was curling her hair so that she had candy curls all over her head, and they bounced about her shoulders. They both turned and stared at Sesshomaru.

He wore a gray and white sweater, baggy black jeans, and matching Tims. He also wore a grey and white skull cap. He frowned at Inuyasha.

“I always knew you wanted to be like me brother, but you don’t have to dress like me,” he said sarcastically. “You wish. It’s cold today, so I decided to wear a sweater. You’re the one who decided to copy me,” Inuyasha snorted.

“A cold day in hell, Inuyasha,” Sesshomaru spat. “I’m leaving.”

Kagome gave him a warm smile. “Ok Sesshomaru. See you at school,” she said. Sesshomaru walked out her room and to his garage, deciding to drive his white Tahoe.

“I’m going to get something to eat,” Inuyasha announced getting up from Kagome’s bed. “Ok,” she replied shortly.

“Let me know when you are done ‘primping’” he grumbled. Kagome shot him a glare as he left. She continued on with her make-up.

‘Maybe I shouldn’t put it on, after all, today’s the day I’m going to beat the shit out of Raena,’ she thought. Shrugging the idea off, she put the final touched on her face, then preceded to gather her things.

Walking down the stairs, she decided to sneak up on Inuyasha who she noticed was standing in the living-room looking at the pictures on the wall.

She reached him and stretched out her arm to scare him when he turned and grabbed her arm. She jumped.

“You can’t surprise me Kagome, I can smell you a mile away,” he smirked. Kagome rolled her eyes and huffed. “You ruin everything,” she pouted. Inuyasha raised a brow. “Oh? Then tell me I ruin this,”

Inuyasha kissed her lips softly, then deepen the kiss, showing how much he actually cared for her. Kagome was touched, and returned the kiss with fervor. She whimpered, and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Inuyasha ended the kiss and smiled down at her expectantly. “So?” Kagome rolled her eyes once again but smiled. “No, you do just fine,” she giggled.

“You ready to go now?” he asked. Kagome nodded and followed him to the garage.


Rin sat in front of the mirror of her vanity table. She was applying some white and grey eye-shadow. When she was done she stood and looked at herself. She decided to wear a grey and white pants one-piece. It had grey and white patches all over along with glitter. She had matching boots, a purse and hat to match.

Her hair flowed down her to her mid-back and curled naturally at end. She smiled to herself and gathered her things so she would be ready when Sesshomaru arrived. She heard him pull up and rushed down the stairs and opened the door.

She looked up to see Sesshomaru already at the door and was about to knock. She blushed a bit, then noticed his outfit.

“Oh my God, we are NOT wearing the same colors,” she giggled. Sesshomaru said nothing but continued to stare at Rin.

“Sesshomaru?” she questioned. Sesshomaru turned suddenly and said, “Let’s go before we’re late, Rin.” “Ok,” she smiled and followed him to his car.

-Meanwhile, at school-

Sango and Miroku sat under the big oak tree outside the school talking. Miroku couldn’t get enough of looking at Sango. He watched as the wind blew Sango’s hair in her smiling face. Sango sported a short sleeved magenta shirt with the words ‘Wanted’ printed in magenta and white plaid , dark blue jean capris with magenta and white plaid print on the bottom, and magenta and white baby doll shoes.

Her hair was let down to frame her face. Miroku wore a purple and black Coogi shirt, matching jeans, and purple and black Jordan’s.

“So you like it here so far?” she asked him. He nodded and smiled. “Yeah, I love this school already, because not only does my best friend go here, but I also got to meet a very beautiful girl,” he said.

Sango blushed, knowing he was talking about her. Before she could say anything else, they heard a female voice say, “Miroku!”

The two looked to see Koharu coming towards them. Miroku inwardly groaned, while Sango frowned. Koharu came up wearing a pink tube top, with light blue low rise jeans, and pink pumps. She had a long sleeved light blue jean jacket the stopped where her tube top began and a pink J-lo hat to match. (That’s a freakin’ cute ass outfit btw….). She had a pink Baby Phat purse at her side and her nails were done so that they were pink with white tips.

Sango snorted in disgust, but had to admit that the outfit was on point. Koharu twirled around. “What do you think of my outfit, Miroku?” she asked.

Miroku looked confused and uncomfortable. “Um…it’s fine,” he smiled nervously. “Thank you!!! You are so sweet!” Koharu exclaimed throwing her arms around his neck and sitting in his lap.

Sango’s eyes widened in rage. Koharu continued to hug him to her, his face in her cleavage. (A/N: normally, Miro would be in heaven, but in this fic, he’s not much of a perv...hehe)

“You are the finest thing on the face of the earth, you know that?” Koharu said to him, completely ignoring the fact that Sango was right beside them.

“Thanks, but can you let me go?” Miroku asked in a muffled voice. Koharu giggled and let him go.

“Sango?” Miroku said making sure she hadn’t left, as he tried to get Koharu off him. Koharu snorted and smirked in her face, saying, “Oh, this ugly thing is still here?”

That was all she had to say to make Sango snap. Sango reached over and yanked Koharu by her hair. “BITCH,” she ground out and started beating her senseless. Koharu screamed for help. “HELP SOMEONE GET HER OFFOF ME!” Sango sat there beating Koharu until Miroku got over his shock and pulled her away.

“LET ME GO!” Sango growled. Miroku took off with Sango. He didn’t stop until he found a nice quiet place at the back of the school. Sango tried to get away and go back to Koharu.

“Sango, calm down.” he said holding her face in his hands. “NO, WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS?! SHE MUST BE ON CRACK TO THINK SHE CAN TALK TO ME, ABOUT ME LIKE THAT! I’LL BEAT SOME CLOTHES ON THAT SLUT!!!” she yelled.

“It’s going to be ok,” he reassured. “Not for her it ain’t!” Sango said trying to get away once more. Miroku said nothing, but suddenly lowered his head, kissing her lips.

Sango’s eyes widened. She gasped, giving Miroku permission to deepen the kiss and dip his tongue into her mouth. Her eyes drifted close, and she relaxed into the kiss.

She had no second thoughts about kissing him, she’d wanted this for so long. He slowly ended the kiss, and smiled at her. “Forget about her,” he said. Sango blushed.

Miroku’s smile widened as he lowered his head for another kiss.


Ayame was dressed and ready to leave. “I don’t need to be late this time, I didn’t even get to talk to Kagome, Sango and Rin yesterday!” she said to herself.

She grabbed her jacket, purse, keys, and book bag. She got to the door and saw her math book on the front table. ‘I was going to forget it, stupid me,’ she thought grabbing it.

A paper fell out. Curious, she picked it up. It read Kouga Cox.

‘Kouga Cox?’ she thought. Then it came back. “He’s the one that helped me yesterday,” she said out loud. ‘Is this his book? How’d I get it?’ she thought.

Shrugging, she walked out the apartment she shared with her older sister. She threw her things in her light green Camry, got in, and drove off.

‘Can’t wait to see you Kouga, I got something for you,’

-Inuyasha and Kagome-

Inuyasha pulled up into the student parking lot and shut his truck off. He sat there in silence for a few minutes, and Kagome had no idea what was wrong.

He expression was unreadable. “Inu…yasha? Are you ok?” she asked turning his way and touching his arm. “So you’re really going to fight Raena?”

Kagome looked down at her hands, then back at him. “Yeah, she’s been asking for a beat down, so her wish is my command,” she said.

Inuyasha smiled a little. “Just promise me one thing,” he said. Kagome gave him a confused look. “What is it?”

“Promise me you’ll beat that bitch down,”

Meanwhile Sesshomaru and Rin walked into the school in silence. Rin thought about the kiss they shared the day before. ‘That kiss, what did it mean?’ she thought.

Her curiosity got the best of her. “Um…Sesshomaru?” she said. “What is it?” he asked.

Rin sighed before asking, “Sesshomaru, what did that kiss do between us, I mean what did it mean?” she asked. Sesshomaru cocked one eye to the side, looking at her.

“Rin, that kiss meant nothing to this Sesshomaru, our relationship remains as friends,” he stated coolly.

Rin felt as if she was punched in the stomach. She looked down at her feet. “Oh,” was all she said, trying to hide the sadness in her voice.

Sesshomaru didn’t miss it, he could smell it as soon as the word nothing left his mouth. He looked down at her. “Let’s get to class before we’re late.” he said.

Rin shook her head. “No, you go ahead, I have to meet someone,” she said walking away. Sesshomaru knew she was lying.

The minute she turned that corner she was gonna cry all the way to the girl’s room.

Rin walked to her locker willing herself not to cry. ‘How could he say that the kiss meant nothing, it had to if he done it!’ she thought. The effort became too hard and she let the tears go.

Sango walked up to her happy, only to see her best friend crying. “Rin, what’s wrong?” she asked, concerned. “Sesshomaru doesn’t want to be with me,” Rin cried. Sango held her tightly, cursing Sesshomaru mentally.

‘Sesshomaru, you idiot!’


Shippo had gotten to school a little late, but he was feeling a little bit better. He sported a blue tall tee, white Dickie shorts, and some blue and white converse. As he gathered his things from the backseat of his car, he noticed his letter to Kirara resting on top of one of his notebooks.

He sighed. ‘I can only hope this gets through to her,’ he thought. He then started his trek to his locker. First thing he noticed when he got there was Kirara at her locker.

He hurried and put some of his things away, except for the ones he’d need for first period, and walked over to her.
“Hey Kirara,” he said.

Kirara turned, rolled her eyes and spat, “What do you want?”

He gave her a small smile before retrieving the letter from his pocket and handing it to her. “ I wrote this for you,” he told her shortly, before turning and walking away.

Kirara stared after him, a bit stunned, then finally looked at it. The front read, ‘Your eyes ONLY’

Slamming her locker door close, she decided to read in her first class. (She does not share first period with Shippo).

Meanwhile Kagome stormed down the hallway in search of Raena. Inuyasha walked behind her, mesmerized by the way her hips switched as she walked.

Inuyasha shook off his trance and followed his fiancé. Kagome had a smirk on her face, but inside she was furious and ready to beat Raena down.

She spotted her standing at her locker talking to her friends. “Hey Raena,” she called. Raena took one look at Kagome and glared.

“What bitch?” she called back. Kagome stomped up to her. “So I hear you’re trying to break Inuyasha and I up,” Kagome balled her fist up.

Raena looked around, her so called ‘friends’ had scattered, knowing how Kagome was when she was mad. She decided to be brave and answered rudely, “And if I am?” Kagome punched her right in the face. “Break that up!” Kagome yelled. Raena had staggered back, and stared at Kagome in disbelief. “You hit me,”

“Duh, bitch,” Kagome shot back. People had started to crowd around them. Raena snarled and charge at Kagome, who dodged with ease. Kagome grabbed the back of her head and slammed her head into the lockers. Raena fell to the floor, giving Kagome the chance to beat on her.

The crowd all chanted ‘Fight! Fight!’ and Inuyasha decided Raena had enough ass whooping for one day and pulled Kagome off her.

“Good job,” he whispered in her ear. Kagome smiled smugly and stood up. “That’ll teach her,” she said.

The bell for first period rang and the crowd dissipated, but Inuyasha and Kagome were stopped by the principal, who had been alerted about the fight.

“Ms. Higurashi, Ms. Najin, in my office. Mr. Takahashi, get to class,” he said. Inuyasha took one last look at Kagome before leaving.

‘This is just great,‘ Kagome thought, but followed the principal to his office. Raena shot daggers at her, but kept her distance.

‘That’s right bitch,’ Kagome thought. The three reached the principal’s office.

“I am very disappointed in the behavior displayed by you two today. For God’s sake you’re two of my top students!” the principal roared.

“Mr. Kiyoshi, I can explain,” Raena stated. Mr. Kiyoshi sat down in his chair and crossed his arms. “Then explain,”

“I was in the hall minding my own business when Kagome here came out of nowhere and attacked me! Clearly I shouldn’t get into troubled for using self-defense,” Raena protested.

‘Why that bit-’ Kagome calmed herself down and put on her most innocent smile.

“Mr. Kiyoshi, I won’t explain my actions today, because what’s done is done, but I can assure you that I won’t do it again,” she said in a sweet voice.

Mr. Kiyoshi sighed. “For your sake it better not. I’m giving you both a one day suspension. Get to class,” he stated.

Kagome smiled again and bowed politely before leaving with Raena. She gave Kagome a nasty look.

“You want another ass whooping?” Kagome threatened, balling her fists up for emphasis. Raena huffed and walked away.

Kagome smirked triumphantly and headed to class. She got there and took her seat next to Inuyasha.

After ten minutes she received a text from him.

Inuyasha: Wat’s the verdict?

Kagome giggled.

Kagome: Suspended for one day, Friday. Can you believe that?!

Inuyasha: What’s so wrong with that? So you get an early weekend, so wat?

Kagome: You’re missing the point, every time I miss school something good happens, like a fight or sumthin, ya know?
Inuyasha: I see your point, but I wudn’t worry about it, besides, we have a party to throw Saturday. We’re having it in the basement btw. I wudn’t want anyone breaking anything upstairs cuz if so I’m breaking their neck.

Kagome laughed softly.

Inuyasha: Oh and did you hear about Sango beating the snot out of Koharu? She did it before school.

Kagome: did she get suspended?

Inuyasha: No, she did it before school so she didn’t get caught.

Kagome: Aww come on!


Kirara was sitting in class staring at the letter Shippo handed her earlier. ‘Wonder what it says,’ she thought.

‘Only one way to find out,’ her mind told her. She opened it and read it through.

Dear Kirara,

Before you throw this letter away- knowing you- read it. Please. You know as well as I do that I had no idea you liked me, and here you go getting mad at me as soon as I start going out with Eri. But you were right, I didn’t take the time to notice what was right in front of me and I’m sorry for hurting you.
Kirara, you’ve been my best friend forever and I’ve never took the time to realize how much I really loved you. But you got to understand the pressure I’m going through . Being a guy whose going to turn 18 in a while isn’t a walk in the park. I’m still going through puberty, you know (lol). Well anyway, I hope you accept my apology.


Kirara giggled. ‘I can’t stay mad at Shippo….’ she thought smiling for the first time in a long time. “Hey babe, whatcha reading?” Kirara froze.

She was so wrapped up in the letter that she didn’t notice Manten come into the room. He noticed the letter and snatched it before Kirara could stop him.

“Manten! Give that back!” she yelled. He turned around and read it. “So the punk is still at it?!” he said angrily.

Kirara looked down. Manten’s eyes flashed in anger. “You’re not seriously going to forgive him are you?!” he demanded.

“He’s my best friend Manten,” she stated. “You are MY girl and you’ll do as I say, got it?!” Manten growled grabbing Kirara arm. Kirara winced in pain.
“Manten…you’re hurting me,” she said close to tears. His grip got tighter. “You’re MINE!” he growled.

Kirara swallowed hard, taking her tears with it.


Sesshomaru got to class and took his usual seat. ‘I wonder what’s taking Rin so long,’ he thought. As soon as he did she walked in, looking a little sad.

Her eyes were red from crying and she walked right past him and sat by someone else, putting her head down.

‘What’s wrong with her?’ he thought. He took out his sidekick and texted her:

Rin, why are you over there?

Rin felt her sidekick vibrated and automatically knew it was Sesshomaru. ‘Should I answer him?’ she thought.

She decided to ignore him. ‘It shouldn’t matter if I’m sitting here anyway,’ she thought. She continued to ignore him through-out the entire class.

When the bell rang for them to leave, she was the first out of class, leaving Sesshomaru even more confused.

Sesshomaru decided to follow her and noticed her getting her things out of her locker for the next class.

“Rin, what is your problem, you didn’t return my message,” Sesshomaru stated coolly. Rin turned, gave him a dirty look, and walked away.

‘She’s pushing it,’ Sesshomaru thought angrily.

Kagura stood watching from her locker. ‘Oh, Rin’s not talking to Sesshomaru? This is my chance to get him,’ she thought closing her locker.

She walked over to him and smirked. “Hey Sesshomaru. What happened to umm…what’s her name, let me think…” Kagura stood in front of him pretending to think.

Sesshomaru gave her a bored look. “Oh yeah, her name’s Rin,” Kagura finished with a smile.

“Kagura I don’t have time to carry on a conversation with a slut,” he turned and walked away. Kagura watched him go with a smirk on her face.

‘Don’t worry Sesshomaru, you’ll have time to talk to me,’ she thought.


Shippo had rushed out of class in the hope that Kirara read his letter and had forgiven him but was instead greeted by no other than Manten.

“So, you still tryin’ to get my girl, huh?” Manten asked. Shippo frowned. “What’s it to you?” he asked.

Manten growled. “She’s mine, so you better stay away from her,” he said pushing Shippo a little.

Shippo pushed him back, harder. “I’ll talk to Kirara if I want, she don’t belong to you!” Manten caught his balance before he fell over.

He walked up to Shippo and got in his face. “You go near her again and see what happens to you,” Shippo didn’t back down.

“I guess we’ll see,” Shippo smirked a little and pushed his way past Manten. Manten stared after Shippo thinking.

‘Oh you’ll get it if you go near Kirara,’.

Meanwhile Kirara came out of the bathroom wiping tears away. ‘That jerk. Why’d I even agree to go out with him anyway?’ she thought.

‘Oh yeah, to make Shippo jealous…..I really want to go back to the way things were before I started going with Manten, and Shippo started going with Eri,’ she thought.

As she neared class, she heard a deep voice. “Kirara,”

She whipped around to see Manten looking as mad as ever. “What?” “Your so-called best friend is going down,” he growled.

“What do you mean?” Kirara asked, scared. “You know exactly what I mean,” Manten smiled evilly turning to walk away. Kirara’s eyes widened.

End Chapter

Next: Moving out