InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Massage Parlour ❯ Got it ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

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Sesshoumaru saw his hand being placed over her core and he smirked, her womanhood was hot and moist, he could practically feel the fire inside her body. She was ready to mate. He nodded to Inuyasha and his brother moved to take care of her soft mounds.

Sesshoumaru used his thumb to put some pressure right above her nub, circling around and felt her push up against his hand. He saw Inuyasha move his hands over her ribcage and up towards her luscious mounds, cupping them. Her nipples stood erect and Inuyasha brushed his palms over the peaks.

Sango opened her mouth and let out a raspy moan when she felt fingers part her nether lips and at the same time she could feel a mouth close over her left nipple. Her hands was balled into fists as a heated wave washed through her mind and body. "I can't believe it.. I am coming already?" the thought was crushed into the rosy red haze that the hands on her body created.

Inuyasha felt her arch her back, letting him get more of her soft flesh into his mouth. He suckled her nipple until he could her low screams of passion. He could see Sesshoumaru insert a finger into her wetness and by the way his brother bit his lip Inuyasha knew that he was on the brink of taking the woman on the spot. But having an iron will had its advantages; Sesshoumaru would wait until the right moment to fulfil the mating ceremony. Inuyasha moved his mouth over to her other breast and gave it the same treatment as the left.

Sango parted her legs, exposing her throbbing womanhood for the teasing fingers. The circular motions on her Venus mound were driving her mad. She could feel another wave of heat build up inside her stomach. The first finger was soon joined with another and she let out a gasp as they moved in out of her wetness. She wanted more, she wanted to feel more. She tried telling them this by using her body, but they did not listen. "Must I beg them to take me?" She arched her back when the pool of heat exploded and she was turning inside out because of her orgasm.

Inuyasha removed his lips from her breast and kissed his way up to her face, licking her lips for entrance.

- Open up for me beautiful flower, he whispered.

Sango whimpered and opened her mouth for him. He gently pushed his tongue into her velvety depths. She opened her eyes to look at him. His amber eyes glowed and she wanted to gasp when she suddenly realized that she was tending to by two gorgeous males.

Inuyasha felt her small struggle but he took hold of her hands and tucked them gently into his own. His lips never left hers, he continued to tease her, making her respond to their ministrations.

Sesshoumaru moved his fingers from her womanhood and changed places with Inuyasha. He put his fingers to her mouth and her dark eyes widened.

- Taste it Sango, he said huskily.

Sango could not get her body to obey her mind, her lips closed over his juice-stained fingers and she could taste her bitter love. Soon she found herself sucking his finger deep into her mouth. Sesshoumaru was ready to burst when he felt her tongue play on his fingertips.

Inuyasha hoisted her up into his strong arms and lifted her down from the massage bench and carried her into the next room. He put her down on the big bed and crawled up to lay next to her, Sesshoumaru did the same and she was soon drowning in their erotic play with her body.

Both suckled her breasts as their fingers moved down her body, towards her treasure. They parted her moist folds and felt her wetness. She pushed her hips up in a desperate try to get something inside her, something that could take away her throbbing ache.

Inuyasha nodded to Sesshoumaru, making him understand that it was his right as the older brother to take this female first. Sesshoumaru blinked to show he understood the message and he let go of her pert nipple and positioned his body between her legs. He guided his tip into her silky wetness.

Sango let out a scream when he pushed through her maiden membrane. But her screams were swallowed by Inuyasha's soft lips. He kissed her gently moving his hands over her lower stomach, soothing the pain that Sesshoumaru's intrusion caused her.

Sesshoumaru held still, waiting for her to adjust to his size and length. But gods, she was tight. She engulfed his flesh like a tight fitting glove. He gritted his teeth together in a try to not give in to the lust to plunge deeper inside her warm body.

But Sango felt her pain subside and be replaced with something far greater, something that filled her mind with a red daze. She bucked her hips in order to feel more of the redness and she gasp when Sesshoumarus length brushed against something sensitive inside her tight passage. Sesshomaru smiled and tried to find that spot again once he pulled out of her warmth.

Inuyasha removed his lips from her mouth, wanting to hear her small screams of pleasure. He kissed down her throat and neck, finding it irresistible to nibble lightly with his fangs on her delicate skin. A trail of love bites was left after his mouth. But what he really wanted was to plunge his fangs into her flesh, marking her as mate, his mate. But he had to wait, that would come once he was actually mating with her. He saw Sesshoumaru move a bit faster, climbing his ladder of lust higher and higher.

Sango was not far behind; she could feel a new pool of lava bubbling inside her womb, ready to flush her body with heated beams. Her right hand grabbed a fistful of silver hair as she cried out her pleasure. She could feel something hot fill her womb and she heard a rugged howl coming from Sesshoumaru. Absently she registered that sounds like that, it was not human. But she soon forgot and she took a deep breath as she felt something burning pierce her skin in her right shoulder, but she paid no attention to it because she was still high on her adrenaline filled orgasm. After a few moments she could feel her body roll down the hill and relax a bit again.

Sesshoumaru hissed as his length was removed from her tight warmth. He looked down and saw the virgin blood stain her thighs and he frowned. But he kneeled between her legs and let his tongue lick away the blood from her skin. He wanted to howl again when he could smell her arousal grow for every stroke his tongue made.

Once Sesshoumaru had cleaned her skin he moved away to let his brother take place between her milky thighs. Inuyasha found his way into her wet flower and pushed gently inside her. He could her hear gasp as he began moving, pumping his flesh in and out of her body. He growled softly when he felt her inner walls caress the skin on his shaft, massaging it gently. He closed his eyes and let the passion take control over his body.

Sango moved with Inuyasha, her body met his every thrust. She gripped his arms, her nails digging into his flesh. She was aware of the other male, massaging her breasts and belly with soft hands, whispering words of …love in her ear. She felt his lips and tongue move over that burning place on her shoulder and she gasped in lust.

Inuyasha picked up the pace when he felt her near her peak; he wanted to spill his seed deep inside her just like his brother had done. He felt a ripple course through his body and he moved his face to her left shoulder and when he felt her contract around his shaft and buried his fangs in her flesh, drawing forth her passionate blood, marking her as his mate.

He gently pulled out from her body and saw a river of his seed follow, staining their bed. He heard her moan in disappointment and he smiled. Inuyasha lay down on her left side and began licking at the mark he had done and he saw his brother do the same. Their hands moved over her body, caressing her, calming her down.

Sesshoumaru heard a soft purring sound and he joined his brother in the purring, seeing as it seemed to lull her to sleep.

Sango heard the buzzing.. no that was not the word… purring, yes that was it, she heard them purr and she opened her eyes to look at them. They smiled lovingly and she felt more than confused. She wanted to say something but Inuyasha put a finger over her mouth and shook his white head.

- Don't speak koi, just relax and enjoy the aftermath, he whispered softly.

Sango could not form any words so she just nodded and closed her eyes again. She felt her body become heavy, her mind went blank and soon she was in deep sleep.

They continued to purr until they were sure that she was in deep sleep. Sesshoumaru looked at his brother.

- I guess it was worth the while, he said. - Going through all those females, giving them massage.

- I guess it was niisan, answered Inuyasha.

- She is perfect, just perfect.

- I agree, but I don't think she will accept it once her head is cleared form the aphrodisiac, smirked Inuyasha.

Sesshoumaru chuckled low. He was thinking the same thing. He had felt her strong aura during their massage. She had fought hard against the erotic drug.

- I fear that she will kick our butts when she found out that she is "married" to two demons, said Inuyasha with a frown.

- Most likely, but there is nothing she can do about it, we have marked her and she will not get very far from us now, said Sesshoumaru and nuzzled her neck, taking in her scent. It was now mingled with theirs.

- True, but still….

- Let that be a problem of tomorrow, for now - just enjoy her wonderful scent and warmth, said Sesshoumaru.

Inuyasha nodded and crept closer to her, laying a hand over her waist and buried his face into her neck. Sesshoumaru did the same and soon the drifted off to sleep.

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OK - I will do this story longer, but for now, let this be an ending for ya..
Hope you liked it..