InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Second Best ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Yeah, Isamu's a jerk. He'll pay, eventually. He is about the maturity of a two year old, I swear. Of course Hideaki isn't completely clueless. His son was a mess when he walked by. He'll put it together pretty quickly.
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The figure pushed her hood back, smiling. “Kagome-sama. I am very relieved to see you.”
“It's really you. How did you get here? What are you doing here?”
Kagome turned her head to find her dinner companions running across the courtyard. She rolled her eyes before turning to face them, much to Akira's amusement. “What part of stay there did you not understand?”
Isamu's hand was on his blade, making Akira's guards tense and go for their own weapons. Kumo's hand went to her obi, finding her dagger, and moving between the two groups. Seeing the tension and the large number of weapons made Kagome wave her hands and move in front of Akira. “Stop it! Hideaki-sama, it is not a trap. Isamu, get your hand off of that hilt this instant! This is a guest of mine.”
Akira had not moved through the entire scene, but continued to watch with a collected expression. She noticed that Kagome and Kumo had moved into defensive positions, keeping the new arrivals away. It was a relief to see that her ally seemed to trust her.
“Akira-sama, this is Merkamou-sama, Lord of the South. This is Hideaki-sama, Lord of the North and his son, Isamu. On this side is Sesshomaru's ward, Lady Rin, and this is my assistant Kumo-san. Everybody, this is Akira-sama, Lady of the East.” Kagome took a deep breath and made sure that a barrier was ready to spring into place if any of the guests went for each other.
“Lady of the . . . “ Merkamou stared, his mouth hanging open. “Does Ryuutaisho know you are here?”
The beautiful lady bowed to the group. “No, my lord, he does not. I am certain that he will figure it out eventually, but it will take a few weeks until my absence is noted.”
“Why are you here?” Hideaki's hands were hidden inside of his sleeves, making the guards very tense.
“I have decided to end my partnership with Ryuutaisho. I was not able to stop his latest outrages, and I believe that the only way to stop him now is to bring about his downfall.”
The response was a row of blank stares. Kagome gave up and waved them out of her way. “Come in, Akira-sama. I'm certain that you're tired after your journey, and dinner was just served. My mate is indisposed right now, but I'll make sure he meets with you first thing in the morning.”
“Thank you for your hospitality, Kagome-sama.” Akira's guards relaxed slightly and followed her into the palace.
The Captain was standing at the doors with part of Kagome's guard. “Kagome-sama, is everything well?”
“Everything is fine, Captain. We have a few more guests that will be staying. This is Akira-sama, Lady of the East.” Kagome sighed as the Captain gave her a shocked look before bowing. “We are going to return to our meal. Kumo, can you arrange for rooms for our new guests and let Sesshomaru know?”
“Hai, Kagome-sama.” Kumo whispered something to the Captain, who shook his head. Glaring, Kumo whispered again, and got another shake of the head. A sharp poke to the Captain's arm got him moving, preceding Kumo down the hall towards the guest quarters. Kagome's guard eyeballed Akira's guard, both groups looking for a threat.
“Dinner.” Kagome pointed into the dining hall, commanding the lords to go in, sit down, and behave with that single word. Rin stayed at Kagome's side, watching the new guest. “Rin-chan, I do not need another guard. Go sit down. Akira-sama will be joining us for the remainder of the meal.”
“Hai, Kagome-chan.” The sight of another dragon taiyoukai had set Rin on edge, watching her for any sign of a threat.
“I take it that Rin-san was involved in the defeat of my son.” Akira met the young warrior's eyes, seeing the unease in the younger female's expression.
“Hai, Akira-sama. She and Merkamou-sama brought him down.” The miko avoided Akira's eyes, guilty over the death of her son. The two ladies sat next to each other as servants rushed out a meal for Akira.
Silence ruled as the guests stared at each other. Hideaki was still watching for a threat, as was Rin. Merkmaou was amused to see Rin pretending to eat but missing her plate half of the time. Next to Hideaki, Isamu was watching Akira, but not with the eyes of someone looking for a threat. He looked fascinated. The look was not lost on Rin.
`Sure, I am not worth looking at when others are around, but the taiyoukai that just walked in? Fascinating.' Rin gave Isamu a glare, which was lost on the cub completely.
With the concealing hood removed, the lady was stunning. Her dark blue hair was neatly pulled back, a small tendril trailing loose. Her skin had a faint, golden glow with a single, thin blue line running diagonally across her face. The journey had done nothing to disarray her clothing, her presentation as perfect as though she had just come from court.
“Akira-sama, what are your plans now?” Hideaki's voice finally broke the silence, making several of the diners jump.
“I wish to see the downfall of Ryuutaisho, and I believed that this would be the location where I would do the most good. I am almost certain that Sesshomaru-sama will be marching against the East soon, and I wish to assist him in this.” Cool blue eyes with slit pupils in green focused on Hideaki. “I do know some things about his army and strategy.”
“How do you expect us to trust you?” Merkamou did not sound tense or angry, just curious.
“That would be the other reason why I chose to come here. I have had an alliance with Kagome-sama for a few years now, and I was hopeful that she would trust my intentions.”
“Of course I do, Akira-sama. You warned me about the assassin, and we have worked together many times before. I'm not surprised that you left.” The miko gave the taiyoukai lady a sympathetic smile, trying to put her at ease.
“If Kagome-sama says that you are to be trusted, then you are to be trusted.” Merkamou returned to his meal without a second thought on the matter.
Hideaki did seem to be completely sold, but he did remove his hands from his sleeves and return to his meal. The tension in the room eased, making the silence much more comfortable. After the meal was over Kagome met Kumo in the hallway. Akira's room was ready, and a servant was waiting there to assist her. The guards had been assigned space in the barracks, but two were still there to follow Akira. Kagome's guard was still glaring at them, engaging in a silent battle. The miko cleared her throat at her personal guard, making them look away sheepishly.
“Akira-sama, we have rooms ready for you so that you can rest after your journey.” Kagome was all set to lead her guest herself, but she was interrupted.
“Kagome-sama, I can show Akira-sama to her room. It would be an honor.” Isamu bowed to Akira, his eyes looking hopeful as he watched her.
Hideaki and Kagome both gave the cub questioning looks. Akira seemed to be pleased with the idea, though. “Arigato, Isamu-sama.”
With a gallant gesture, Isamu escorted Akira down the corridor towards the guest rooms. Her room was next to Hideaki's and across from Isamu's. The guards marched after them, watching the youngster.
`Jerk. Just last night he was kissing me under the stars, and now he is escorting Akira to her rooms and ignoring me completely. He certainly never acted like that around me.' Rin's hands clenched as she watched the couple disappear. “Kagome-chan, I am going to my room.”
Her heart was breaking for her adopted daughter. Kagome watched Rin stomp away, obviously upset by Isamu's behavior with Akira. Hideaki bowed to her before following after his son, concerned. That left her with Merkamou and her guards. The guards scattered when she gave them a look.
“I would have never seen that coming.” Merkamou shook his head, refocusing on the miko. “Ryuutaisho will be furious that his own mate has deserted him.”
“I know. But she wants to help. I could never turn her away. It's not like the relationship between Ryuutaisho and Sesshomaru could get any worse.”
“True. And now you have another guest. Perhaps you will reconsider joining me for a drink.”
“You have no idea how tempting that is, but not tonight. I need to see Sesshomaru. Try again tomorrow if it is half as exciting as today was.”
“I shall, Kagome. May I ask where Sesshomaru and his pup are? Are they safe?”
Sigh. Merkamou was a trusted friend of the family. Kagome glanced around to make sure that they were alone. “It's Mizuki's human night. She is human until dawn, and Sesshomaru will not leave her side until then. She gets very upset on this night.”
“Ah. Then you should be returning to them. I will see you in the morning.” Merkamou gave her a brilliant smile and a friendly clap on the shoulder before departing.
Kagome smiled after him, glad to have him around. Rash, impulsive, and sometimes violent, but loyal as they come. And very, very protective of his merlin. `I heard what he said. I bet he has feelings for Rin, and he knows that he can't act on them. What a tangled web. Wait a minute, why can't he act on them? Sesshomaru would not refuse Rin as a Lady, and I think we could get Hideaki to agree to it. Ryuutaisho is about to be destroyed, leaving Akira as the ruler. She is going to owe me this time, and I could get her to agree. Hmm. Maybe I'm reading too much into this. It's not like Merkamou to hold back. Besides, I don't want Rin to be in the same spot I am, with her children living for centuries while she only has a few decades. No, I do not want her to go through that. He may be just an overly protective uncle. I arranged a meeting between him and Lady Sora for tomorrow. I'll keep that meeting, and watch him. If he doesn't look interested, then I know he wants Rin. If he takes after Sora, then I know he's just protective. This sucks.'
Sesshomaru was sitting on the floor in Mizuki's room, leaning against the wall and watching over his pup. The usually silver hair was now black, and the fluffy ears were gone. Mizuki was sleeping fitfully on her bed, the blankets pulled up to just under her nose. Kagome sank down to sit next to her mate.
“I have heard that we have another guest.”
“Hai.” Kagome slumped against his side. “How did we end up so popular?”
“This was not a problem until you arrived.”
Raspberry blown at the great taiyoukai. “At least this guest is here to help.”
“Are you certain, Kagome?”
“I am.”
Sesshomaru ran his fingers through a lock of Kagome's hair. “It is a risk to allow her to stay.”
“I know, but she did warn us of the assassin, and has helped me other times.”
“Very well, she can stay. I will trust your judgment on this matter.”
“Arigato, jo-chan.”
The low growl that rumbled through his chest made Kagome vibrate as well. He had never accepted his pet name. She rose to check on Katsuro, curled up in a nest of blankets next to Mizuki. Both of the pups were sleeping still. Their mother moved back to her mate's side and settled next to him. Her eyes drifted shut, relaxing in his embrace.
“Akira-sama, this is my mate Sesshomaru.”
The two taiyoukai were watching each other with cold eyes. Akira had her chin up, looking Sesshomaru in the eye while he sized her up. Her appearance was perfect, with not a strand out of place. The contrast between Akira and the tiny miko next to her was spectacular. Sesshomaru gave her a sharp nod of his head, then sat at his desk. “Why are you here.”
“Ryuutaisho has become impossible to control, and he needs to be removed.”
“You wish for my help in taking his position.”
“Of course, my lord.” Akira settled on a cushion across from him, keeping the eye contact.
“And why should we give that position to you. If we defeat Ryuutaisho, then we can place whomever we choose as the new Lord.”
“The East already knows me, and would be more willing to follow me. My family is powerful, and will support my rule. And I would make a much more biddable neighbor then my mate, especially if it is your assistance that helps to gain my position.”
“Ryuutaisho has done just as many outrages in his own lands as he has yours. It would not be difficult for me to assume power, if he were removed. Who else would you place there?”
`Damn, she knows that she is the best option, since the nobles will settle much more quickly with her than anyone from another Lord.' Sesshomaru made a quick reassessment of the female in front of him. “I hope that you have more to offer then that.”
“Of course, my lord. I have been watching his preparations for war over the last six months, and have been able to have several letters regarding strategy `misplaced' into my hands. I am willing to give you all of the information that I have access to, and the support of the troops that are loyal to my family.”
“And what guarantee do I have that you will not attack my lands after you have established yourself? It is my lands that will bear the brunt of this war.”
“I will sign a treaty with you, stating that I will not attack your lands for a set amount of time, and it will include terms to renegotiate the treaty at its end.”
`I rather like this female.' Sesshomaru stared at Akira, trying to see any sign of dishonesty. “Very well, Akira-sama. If you are willing to uphold your end of the agreement, then I will place you in Ryuutaisho's position.”
“Arigato, my lord.” Akira bowed herself out, meeting with her guard in the hallway.
Kagome detached herself from the wall and took the cushion that Akira had vacated. “Well, I think she's telling the truth. What do you think?”
“I think that she is telling the truth, in that her mate has become uncontrollable and she does not agree with his decisions. She is also hungry for his position, to rule the East on her own. I will do nothing without a treaty, but she is the best choice to take over.”
“It can't be worse than Ryuutaisho.”
“Very true. She would be a vast improvement as a neighbor. I would not call her a friendly neighbor, but it may be possible to coexist with her.”
“So you are going to help her?”
“If she is willing to uphold her side of the agreement, she will have Ryuutaisho's position after he is destroyed.”
Kagome started to pull apart a report, making her mate snatch it away. “And you are sure we will win?”
“I will not lose.”
“Merkamou-sama, may I introduce the Lady Sora.”
The female bowing before him was exquisite. Her long, chestnut hair was arranged in curls and loops set with gold pins. The eyes that peeked at him from underneath outrageous eyelashes were a deep green, shining with humor. There were twin stripes on each cheek in a soft green. She wore her elaborate clothing with ease, her movements polished and well practiced. The soft green and gold of her kimono complimented her features and gave the impression of a perfectly presented jewel.
`Bah. I will get you for this, Kagome.' Merkamou nodded his head to the female, allowing her to straighten.
“It is an honor, my lord.” Sora's voice was melodic, soft, and controlled.
“Perhaps you will join us for a walk?” Merkamou offered an arm to her, carefully hiding the face he made at Kagome over his shoulder.
“If it pleases you, my lord.”
Kagome followed the couple, trying to give them enough distance to actually engage in a conversation but stay close enough to play chaperone. She ignored Merkamou's faces, hopeful that this female would keep him entertained long enough to catch his affections.
“Perhaps you could tell me something of yourself, Sora-sama.” Merkamou braced himself for giggling and simpering.
“As you please, my lord. I am the daughter of a general, and cousin to Sesshomaru-sama. I am the oldest of my father's daughters. It is a large family, with six sisters and two brothers.” Sora paused to admire a flower.
“Nine? Your father is a brave general indeed.”
“Oh, hai, especially as he is outnumbered by the females eight to three. I do enjoy having a large family, even if it is difficult to find time to myself.”
`Well, at least she can hold a conversation. That is a major improvement. I probably owe Kagome an apology now.' Following Sora through the gardens, he listened to her description of her family.
“May I be permitted a question, my lord?” Sora kept her eyes down, as was expected of a proper lady.
“Hai, Sora-sama.”
“The rumor is that you are an excellent story teller, my lord. Would you consider telling a story of your family for me?”
`She wants to hear about my family? Most unusual.' Merkamou rifled through his mind for an appropriate story. “My family is not nearly as large as your own. Both of my sisters are now mated and raising families of their own. Sometimes they will descend on my home, with all of my nieces and nephews in tow to decimate everything in their path.”
Sora watched him with fascination as he told stories about his nieces and nephews. Merkamou found himself asking her questions as they walked, finding a bench to sit on under a magnolia tree. She regaled him with stories of her large, active family. Kagome was forgotten as she stayed out of sight, letting the two talk until the sun was low in the sky.
Seeing the late hour, Merkamou escorted Sora back up to the palace. “If it pleases you, Sora-sama, I would like to talk with you again.”
Blushing, Sora hid behind a fan. “It would be a great pleasure and honor, my lord.”
Merkamou watched as Sora disappeared through a door, leaving him with Kagome in the reception hall.
“Not too bad, huh?” Kagome poked him in the arm.
“No, I have been through much worse.” Rubbing his arm, Merkamou thought of the female that he had just spent several hours talking to. “Interesting, charming, and rather entertaining. She is nothing compared to you, of course.”
Kagome giggled at the extravagant bow that went with the compliment. “Stop that, trouble maker. I'm taken.”
“And you do not have a sister, so I will work with what is available. And this Sora was pleasant company. I would like to see her again. She is far less aggravating then the females I was introduced to in my own court.”
“I'll arrange it. I want you to be happy, Merkamou.”
“Arigato, Kagome. I will retire to my rooms until dinner. Until then.”
`They were so cute together. What amazingly attractive children they would have! This could work, it just might work. A cousin of Sesshomaru, beautiful and entertaining. It better work!'
`But what about Rin?'
`You! Be quiet. I know it's none of my business, but I'm not even sure Merkamou wants her. And what kind of a life would that be? I wouldn't stop him from taking her for a mate, but if he takes Sora it would be so much easier for everyone. Including Rin. I'm going to give myself a headache at this rate. I'll set up the next meeting with Sora and let him make up his own mind.'