InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Revenge ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Never, ever drive from Boston to Eau Claire, WI nonstop, then repeat the feat five days later. My poor brain. The good news is that I came up with some new twists. The bad news is that I have to go to bed and sleep for a couple of days to recover. Blah.
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`May your life be interesting is a nasty, nasty curse.' Kagome looked around the table, eyeballing the various personalities. Isamu was watching Akira with something close to awe, while she would give him the occasional glance. Merkamou was watching Rin, while Rin tried to ignore him in favor of talking to Mizuki. Sesshomaru was watching Akira, while trying to discuss supply shipments with Hideaki. And Kagome? She was getting dizzy trying to follow the conversations and was now keeping her eyes on her food until the world stopped that darn spinning.
“My son and I will be departing today to return to our own lands and make preparations. Ryuutaisho has been preparing for some time now, and I would like to have my troops ready to march as soon as possible.” Hideaki smiled to Kagome, still the charmer.
“I will be sad to see you go, but we will be seeing each other again quite soon. Merkamou-sama, when are you planning to depart?” Kagome finally looked her mate's ally in the eye, breaking his attention away from Rin.
“I believe I will depart tomorrow. I have a few things that I need to finish before I can leave, but then I will need to return to my lands to organize my own forces. A messenger was sent to start preparations, but I will need to oversee the process.” Merkamou had given up on catching Rin's eye, since she was very determined to never look his way.
“It will be so quiet. Akira-sama, will you be staying with us?”
“If you would allow it, Kagome-sama. I would like to be close, so that I can offer any assistance that I can.” There was a genuine smile for Kagome, an expression that Akira only used with the miko.
“Of course, Akira-sama, you can stay as long as you like.”
After the meal, Hideaki caught up with Kagome in the corridor. “Kagome-sama, may I ask a rather personal question?”
“I suppose so, Hideaki-sama.” Kagome shifted, trying to see if this was going to be embarrassing.
“Do you intend to march east with your mate?”
“Of course, my lord.”
“And what will you be doing with your pups?”
Kagome froze. The pups could not come with them, and all of the usual caretakers would be with Sesshomaru. “I'm not sure, actually.”
“May I suggest something? I was going to offer my home to you and your pups, but since you will be with your mate, I will offer my home to your pups. My mate will be there, and she can watch over your young ones.”
“Really? Are you sure that your lady would not mind?”
“It would be an honor to watch over Sesshomaru-sama's offspring. My mate has two daughters that are still with her, and Mizuki-sama might enjoy spending time with other females with the same status as herself. My youngest is close enough in age that they will have some things in common.” Hideaki smiled. `They will be much safer in my fortress, far to the north. My mate may not wish to fight, but she can be quite vicious when protecting young ones. She will skin me alive if I do not make sure that the pups are somewhere safe.'
“I will bring it up to Sesshomaru and see what he thinks. I think that we will take you up on that offer. It is very kind, and I really appreciate it, Hideaki-sama.”
“It is the least I could do, after my son's behavior. This visit has been enlightening. I think he has become rather spoilt at my court.”
“Ya think?” Kagome clamped her hand over her mouth, blushing.
“I do. This trip has been good for him, but I am rather reluctant to return him to my own home so soon, before your family can finish his correction.”
“How about this for a plan. I will send my pups to stay at your home, and in exchange we will take Isamu.”
“Nani?” Hideaki tipped his head to the side and stared at the miko.
“Not a permanent trade. He can stay here while you are at your home taking care of preparations. Call it an apprenticeship. You can leave him under Sesshomaru's care, and that should take care of any spoilt behaviors.”
“Intriguing. It would be good for my son to be somewhere where he is not the heir, but a guest. A ward of Sesshomaru-sama, just like Rin-san. That would be very good for him, I believe. And I would hope that you would also help with this apprenticeship.”
“Of course, Hideaki-sama. We will make a trade until the war is over, the care of my pups for apprenticing your son. Everyone will come out ahead on this one.”
“A fair deal. Shall we make a wager on how often Rin-san flattens my son while I am gone?”
“Try that one on Merkamou-sama, my lord.”
“Everybody is leaving. It's time for us to go see Bokusenou.”
“This is not a good time, Kagome.” Sesshomaru looked up from the map he had been studying.
Kagome slapped both of her hands in the middle of the map, blocking her mates view. “And it will never be a good time. We just need to go!”
Glaring, Sesshomaru pushed her hands out of the way. “This can wait.”
“No it can not! Rin can watch the pups until we get back, and then they will be off to Hideaki's home. We need to take care of this before we leave, and now is the time!” The two glared at each other, trying to force the other to look down. “How long would it take to get to Bokusenou?”
“It would take a day if I flew. We would be gone for a minimum of two days.”
“Fine, we leave tomorrow. We will be back in time to deal with your war. Information first! I am not going to go fight without knowing what the heck is going on!”
Suddenly Sesshomaru was standing directly in front of her, staring down at her. “You will not be fighting.”
“I beg your pardon? What did you say?”
“Do not pretend that you cannot hear me.”
Kagome's aura was up, snapping. “I'm going with you.”
“And you will be staying behind the lines. If it is true that our lives have the same span, I have even more reason to protect you. You will stay out of danger.”
“Like hell I will. You die, I die. I'm staying with you. I can help, you know.”
Kagome found herself in the rather familiar position of balancing on her toes while Sesshomaru held her by her haori. “I will not die, unless you are killed. You will stay behind.”
“Do you want me to throw you through a wall? One of these days you are going to learn you can't just throw me around! You can't control me!”
“I can wait until you are exhausted.” Pulling her further off of the ground, Sesshomaru growled down at her.
“Last warning. Put me down.”
Mizuki was walking towards the map room when she was nearly knocked off of her feet. Her father flew through the wall, landing in front of her. Without a word he jumped back through the wall, drawing Tokijin as he faced off with Kagome. “You will not be fighting.”
“Why don't you come over here and say that, baka!” Kagome had her barrier up, waiting for the next attack. Sesshomaru could bring her barrier down fairly quickly with Tokijin, but she could make it very painful for him in the process.
“Mama? Father?” Mizuki peered through the hole in the wall, watching as Sesshomaru took a swing at the barrier, slicing through empty air as Kagome dropped it and threw a marker from the table at him. The table was destroyed as Sesshomaru fell through it, launching back to his feet to close before Kagome could make her next attack.
“Stubborn miko.” Sesshomaru landed a hit with his hilt, sending Kagome down to the ground without a chance to burn him in return.
“Damn arrogant bastard!”
“Rin-neechan! Mama and father are going to kill each other!” Mizuki's yell and footsteps faded down the hall as she ran for help.
“Now look what you've done!” Kagome sat part way up, glaring. The second marker she had hidden in her hand hit Sesshomaru in the leg, sending his legs out from under him and flat on his back near his mate.
“No, really, they are going to kill each other! Look!” Mizuki's face appeared in the hole in the wall, with Rin's face appearing next to it.
“They are not moving, Mizkui-chan.”
Kagome hissed over to her mate. “Are we going to settle this like adults, or do we need to destroy some more walls?”
“We will stop.”
“Kagome-chan? Sesshomaru-sama? Are you all right?” Rin poked her head through the wall, not particularly willing to get close to the feuding couple.
“We're fine, Rin-chan.” Kagome dusted herself off. Sesshomaru was already on his feet and offered a hand to help her up. The miko flared for a second, making Sesshomaru's eyes widen slightly, but he did not move his hand away. Smiling, she took the offered hand and climbed to her feet.
“See, Mizuki-chan, they are fine. Come on, let them finish talking.” Footsteps were fading down the hallway as Rin walked away.
“That was not talking. Mama threw father through the wall!” Mizuki glared at Rin before following her down the hall. “We should not leave them alone!”
“Trust me, Mizuki-chan. We do not want to be here.”
“We leave for Bokusenou tomorrow. No more arguments.” Glares passed between the couple. Kagome tightened her grip on his hand with a silent threat. “If you like peace and quiet, we leave tomorrow.”
“I do not respond well to threats.” Tokijin was still in Sesshomaru's hand.
Surprisingly, Kagome smiled. “I know. What else do you suggest? Bribery, perhaps?”
“You will attempt to bribe me?” Tokijin slipped back into its sheath as Sesshomaru relaxed his body.
“Sure, why not? Name your price, youkai.”
An arm snaked out and around Kagome's waist, pulling Kagome up against his body. “Perhaps we can arrange something, miko.”
The blood was singing in Kagome's veins as Sesshomaru seized her mouth, crushing her against the wall. The miko was pulling his head down to hers, trying to press even closer. Her head fell back when he shifted his attention to her throat, lifting her so she could wrap her legs around his waist. His hands were working to loosen her clothing. Kagome responded by running her hand inside of his clothing, savoring the feeling of muscles playing under her fingers.
“Can I suggest that we move to a room that is somewhat less demolished?”
`Run run run run.' A quick check showed that there was no easy way to avoid Merkamou. Rin took a deep breath and slapped on a cheerful smile. “Hai, my lord?”
“Do not start that.” Merkamou walked over to her, giving her an annoyed look. “I simply wish to speak with you before I leave.”
“Of course, my lord.”
Merkamou crossed his arms. “And who is here aside from you and me?”
“I do not think I understand.”
“My name, merlin.”
“Oh.” Rin looked down at her feet. “This is harder then I thought it would be, Merkamou. It may be a good thing that you are leaving for a time. It will give me time to adjust.”
“True. And when I see you again it will be when we are preparing for battle, and far too distracted to worry about much of anything. I feel that I should be the one to tell you that Sesshomaru is speaking to Sora's family for me.”
“I am happy for you, Merkamou.” Rin forced her eyes up to meet his. “This is for the best, for everyone.”
Merkamou touched Rin's cheek. “What about you, merlin?”
“I will be fine Merkamou. Remember, you are supposed to be finding a male for me. I am certain that you will find someone.” Rin took a step backwards, moving out of Merkamou's reach. “If you will excuse me, I have things that I need to do. I will see you soon.”
Rin moved to brush past the hawk, but he caught her, holding her arms. “And I will miss you,” he whispered, brushing a soft kiss on her cheek before releasing her and walking away.
Sucking in air, Rin slumped against the wall, holding her chest.
`Not fair, not fair, not fair.' Rin pressed her hands to her eyes, forcing herself back under control. `It is truly for the best that he is leaving. I could not take much more of this!'
“You will be staying here, with Sesshomaru-sama and Kagome-sama. I will be returning to my own lands and making preparations. Think of it as an apprenticeship.” Hideaki kept his face impassive, but it was a struggle. His son's expression was priceless.
“If this is a joke, it is a bad one. I do not want to stay here with this insane family!” Isamu threw a small vase across the room.
“And you will be working that off.”
Spinning around, Isamu found Kagome and Rin glaring at him.
“I'm certain that we can find something for you to do that will pay Sesshomaru back for that. Perhaps we could use some help in the stables. What do you think, Rin-chan?”
Rin looked Isamu up and down. “That might be more than he can handle, Kagome-chan. You might want to start with something lighter.”
“Father, please, do not leave me here with this family.” Desperation made Isamu's voice break, watching the two ningens out of the corner of his eye.
“You will stay here, as a ward of Sesshomaru-sama. Do not argue with me.” Hideaki gave his son a dark glare, ending the argument.
“Just like me.” Smiling, Rin gave Isamu an evil look.
“If this was your doing, if this is your revenge, I will . . . “ Isamu advanced on Rin.
“You will what?” A hand found the hilt of a katana, the threat obvious.
Isamu mimicked her movement, smiling. “You are still too weak to fight me.”
“If you believe that, keep coming forward.”
Kagome clenched her hands inside of her sleeves, trying to let Rin deal with this herself. She watched as Isamu hesitated, then took two more steps forward. Rin did not draw her weapon. Instead she kicked him, using one of her infamous low blows to buy herself time to draw a katana while he was distracted. Eyes locked on her katanas, Isamu did not even notice the blow until it was too late. He had his blade halfway out when Rin slammed a katana into his sword arm. He let out a scream and fell back, staring in horror at his arm as Rin pulled her katana back out and slammed the hilt into the side of his head. “Shut up, you wimp. If you are going to start something, do not complain when you get hurt.”
“I do not believe Isamu has ever been stabbed before.” Hideaki watched as his son pulled his sleeves up, staring at the entry and exit wounds.
“That explains a lot.” Rin felt somewhat better after stabbing the annoying lord. “Are you done behaving like an idiot, Isamu?”
“I will get you for this.”
Rin stabbed Isamu in the leg, spinning away before he could retaliate. “Now, are you done behaving like an idiot?”
“Good.” Giving Isamu a final glare, Rin turned and walked out, trying to hide her smile.
Groaning, Isamu stared at his leg. Both of his injuries were burning fiercely, a sensation that was entirely new to him. Kagome made a sound behind him, rather like a gasp.
“Um, Isamu? I think we may need to get the healer.”
“Why?” Isamu looked to his arm, and saw the smoke that was rising from his injury. The burning sensation was spreading, and instead of closing the wound seemed to be getting bigger. “What the hell is going on?”
“I think she just accidentally poisoned you.” Kagome stuck her head into the hall and sent a servant for the healer.
“Accidentally? It is much more likely that she was trying to kill me!”
“I doubt that.” Hideaki, looked his son's arm over, not concerned. “If she was trying to kill you, you would be dead now. I do not remember Rin-san's katanas being poisonous before.”
“They weren't. It was after she left them in that taiyoukai overnight that they changed.” Kagome was pushing Isamu down to sit on a cushion. “The healer is on his way. I'm not too worried about you, but it's best to have this looked at since this is the first time Rin has used those things since Totosai repaired them.”
“This is what you are leaving me to, father?” Isamu whined like any youngster that was not getting his way.
“Hai. Kagome-sama, thank you for assistance. I will send an escort to bring your pups to my home before you march. Until then, I wish you the best of luck. Isamu, if you value your health at all you will do as you are told.” Hideaki bowed to Kagome, but did not even glance at his son as he left.
“He has left me here.” Isamu was staring at the door as though sheer willpower could force his father to return.
“Hai.” Kagome turned when she heard the healer enter, smiling at the cranky youkai just to see him frown more. “Isamu has had a run in with Rin.”
“Since when has Rin poisoned her opponents?” The healer looked the holes over, wrinkling his nose. “This smells more like the work of a dragon.”
“Sort of. Is Isamu going to be okay?”
“Oh, he'll be fine. I'm going to bandage these up, since it will take longer to heal with the poison. He will feel rather disgusting tonight, but he should be fine by tomorrow.” Nori set to work bandaging up Isamu.
Kagome fixed Isamu with a glare. “Are you going to behave yourself, or are you going to make this stay painful?”
“Kagome-sama, I have no interest in further injuries.”
“Fine, then quit being an idiot. I'm sure Sesshomaru is going to have plans for you, and you will do everything he says.”
“Hai, Kagome-sama.” The bandage around Isamu's leg was jerked into place, making him flinch. `Not like I have a choice. Here I am, surrounded by this insane family, and I must do everything they say. I have no choice. I must do as they say and survive until my father recalls me.'