InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Victory ( Chapter 26 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: *blush* I'm so happy with the reactions from my latest fit of violence. Action scenes are so hard to write. That's why I stick with romance for the most part. And yes, we are back to our usually scheduled programming. Namely romantic chaos. Enjoy.
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The fire was dancing merrily, echoing the celebration going on around it. The Western camp was showing no signs of settling in for the night, especially since it seemed that every youkai in all three armies was coming to celebrate. Rin was propped up in a pile of cloaks and cushions, trying to keep the pressure off of her hip. Watching the fire, she waited for Sesshomaru to return.
Kagome came out of the command tent, looking much better after a nap. She walked over to join Rin in watching the celebration. There was a loud cheer when the youkai recognized the Lady of the West, making the miko blush. Formalities were forgotten as they clapped her on the shoulder and pushed a bottle of sake into her hands.
Dropping next to Rin, Kagome indulged in a swallow from the bottle, feeling the burn as it slid down her throat. "Wheew, that much hasn't changed. How are you doing, Rin-chan?"
"I am waiting for Sesshomaru-sama. He is looking for the Captain. I could have taken him right there, but he would not let me leave."
"Of course not, jo-chan. You're hurt pretty badly."
"I could have taken Ah-Un." Rin fidgeted while she peered into the dark, trying to see some sign of either inu-youkai. "What if something happened to him? What if Tensaiga does not work this time?"
"Be patient, Rin-chan. I'm sure the Captain will be here soon and ready to join in on the celebration."
"I hope so."
A group of guards were coming through the celebration, obviously still on duty. They were dressed in the uniforms of Akira's house, and they were escorting a small youkai.
“Shippo? What have you done?” Kagome pushed past the guards to scoop up the kit.
“Nothing! When Akira left she told her guards to watch me, and they wouldn't let me out of the cave. I've been in there this whole time, until a messenger arrived to recall her guards. Then they hauled me over to the Eastern camp. Then Akira sent them to bring me back over here. I've been so bored, Kagome! I missed the whole thing!” Shippo burrowed in Kagome's arms as the guard bowed to her and left for their own camp.
“But at least you're safe.” Kagome set her young friend down, now secure that he was uninjured. “We're celebrating! Come and say hi to Rin-chan.”
Shippo scampered over to Rin, quickly taking in her injured state. “Hi, Rin! Feeling better?”
“I have had better days.”
`These two never stop.' Kagome pulled Shippo over to listen to the stories that were being told all around them.
The soldiers were exchanging tales of the battle, usually emphasizing their own courage or cunning. Kagome was serenaded with several versions of the battle with Ryuutaisho, ranging from her raining fiery death from above to Sesshomaru calling down a bolt from the heavens to destroy the dragon. As the night went on and the sake flowed, the versions became more and more extravagant.
"And Sesshomaru-sama took flight, his amazing will allowing him to follow that bastard into the sky to continue the battle. Bolts of pink energy flashed from his eyes, slicing the dragon to pieces."
"Wow." Kagome tried to not laugh as she watched the rather drunk youkai tell his story. He did not even seem to be aware of who he was talking to at the moment. A tickle at the back of her mind sent the miko's gaze past the youkai, watching a familiar figure come out of the night.
"I do not remember it that way."
The youkai scrambled for cover from that icy voice, leaving a giggling miko behind. Even Shippo ducked for cover at his sudden appearance. Rin was rigid next to her, staring at Sesshomaru. "Sesshomaru-sama, did you . . ."
"Of course he did. Do you think Sesshomaru-sama couldn't track someone he has known his entire life, even in a battlefield?" The Captain gave Rin a glare as he stepped into the light of the campfire. "You should have more faith, Rin."
"Captain!" Rin struggled to get up, held down by Kagome. The Captain moved over to her side to help keep her from getting up, but was surprised when the ningen grabbed him in a hug. "Rin is so sorry; she will try harder next time. Rin is so happy to see you!"
"Sorry? Sorry for what?" The gruff youkai was staring with a combination of horror and pride at the ningen that was clinging to him. 'Damn females and their emotions.'
"Rin was not fast enough. She left you to deal with that dragon, and the Captain was killed! Rin is sorry."
"Stop that this instant." The Captain forced her to look at him, holding her good shoulder. "It was battle, and I am a warrior just as you are. It was not your job to protect me. I jumped into that battle, and I would do it again if I had the chance. You killed that dragon after I died, right?"
"Isamu helped."
"Somehow I think you would have managed on your own. It's good to hear that cub was able to do something useful. I don't ever want to hear you beat up on yourself for this again. I lost a fight, it happens. Sesshomaru-sama was able to bring me back so I could serve him again. That is all. From what I have heard, you put in an excellent showing. I am proud of you, Rin."
"Captain." Rin hugged her mentor tightly with her good arm, ignoring his armor and flustered expression.
"Sesshomaru-sama, how do I get her off of me?" he hissed to his lord.
"Hai, hai. I'll get her." Kagome gently untangled Rin from the embarrassed youkai. "Let the Captain breathe, Rin."
Sniffling a bit, Rin sat back and let the Captain beat a hasty retreat. "I am glad to see you again, Captain."
"And in better shape then you, it seems. Stay down there before I knock you on the head and keep you down."
"Hai, Captain."
"Here, Captain. You probably need this more than I do right now." Kagome held out the bottle of sake that someone had handed to her.
"You are a blessed creature, miko." The Captain captured the bottle for himself, taking a long drink. "I'm going to go and check on what is left of my forces. Do you think that you two can stay out of trouble that long?"
"Of course." Kagome crossed her arms and glared. "Get out of here before I knock you around."
Snorting, he disappeared back into the dark.
Rin was finally relaxing in her pile of cushions, the haunted look leaving her eyes. "Okay, Kagome-chan. Now we can celebrate."
There was a good deal of drinking and yelling in the Southern camp, and Merkamou was reveling in it. As the soldiers celebrated outrageously, he moved through them and enjoyed the camaraderie. He had already seen to the body of his sister's mate who had been killed, and now he could relax.
"Takashi, well done!" Distantly related, Merkamou had known this commander since before he could walk. It was a relief to see that he had survived the battle.
"A great victory, Merkamou-sama. Here, you should try this vintage. It is much finer than that awful poison that is going around." Takashi handed a bottle to his lord. "Do you know how the other armies fared?"
"We all know how the East did." Unable to help himself, Merkamou had a quick laugh at the loser's expense before continuing on. "I was about to check with Sesshomaru-sama to see how it went for everyone else."
A memory plucked at Takashi's mind. "Merkamou-sama, do you know anyone called the merlin?"
The hawk went very still, watching Takashi. "Hai. Why do you ask?"
"I was pulled from the battle by a female that called herself the merlin. She said I should tell you `hi'."
Shaking his head, Merkamou smiled at the image. "Now that makes sense. That is Rin-san, a member of Sesshomaru-sama's court."
"She smelled like a ningen."
"Hai, that she does because she is one."
"What was she doing in battle?"
"I do not suppose you saw a second fighter dressed in similar armor. No? Perhaps I should bring you with me to meet with Sesshomaru-sama. He has the most fascinating females in his court. The Lady of the West, Rin-san, and Sango-san should all be there, and most likely in rare form."
Takashi followed Merkamou to the Western camp where the celebration seemed to be concentrated. There were loud cheers when the Lord of the South was recognized, absolutely delighting the hawk lord. In the center of camp, outside of the command tent, they found a large fire with a group of females next to it. The inu lord was off to the side, talking with some of his officers.
"Sesshomaru-sama, I see that you are still amongst the living!" Merkamou called out to his ally, amused to see the flash of annoyance before the mask slipped back into place.
"A complete success, with a terrible nuisance removed. And I see that the lovely ladies have all weathered the storm." An extravagant bow was directed at the three ningens that were smiling at him.
"Well, you seem to be in wonderful spirits, Merkamou-sama." Kagome stood from her place next to Rin and Sango. "I take it that you came out of this with none of your feathers ruffled."
"Oh, I will probably be limping for another day or two, but other then that I am in excellent condition. Kagome-sama, may I introduce Takashi, a commander in my forces. Takashi, the Lady of the West."
The smaller hawk bowed to the miko, amazement plain in his face.
Merkamou was not done with his commander yet. "I would also like to present Sango-san, a youkai exterminator, and Rin-san, who you have already met. Oh, and you already know my messenger Shippo."
“That I do, he has lost two messages for me so far.” Takashi pinned the kit with a look.
“I did not!”
Sango stood to bow, but Rin nodded from her seat. The lack of movement was not lost on Merkamou. "Merlin, are you injured?"
The bravado was gone from his voice, and Rin felt her heart skip a beat at the genuine concern. "I will be fine, Merkamou-sama. I have hurt my hip and have been ordered to stay off of it. Takashi-sama, it is a pleasure to see you again." She gave the second hawk a small glare.
"Takashi, what did you do to upset the merlin already? It usually takes more than a first glance to set her off."
"I was, perhaps, a bit short with her when we met before." Takashi looked abashed, focusing on anything except for the annoyed ningen.
"A bit short? You were down right rude. I would think that you would be more grateful to someone who was rescuing you from such overwhelming odds."
"You rescued him?" Merkamou looked delighted. "You met her when she rescued you, and you were rude to her? You are lucky she is injured."
"Hai, my lord. Rin-san, I apologize for my behavior. I was rather, stressed at the time." Takashi gave Rin a low bow, earning a smile from her.
"I suppose I can accept that explanation, and the apology as well. I am in no mood to fight anyways, even if I were not injured. I have seen enough violence. Now I wish to relax."
"A wonderful idea. Kagome-sama, you are not drinking. Here, you can have some of mine."
"Oh, no." Kagome tried to back away, bumping into Sango. "I had one drink tonight, and that is plenty."
"Oh, for heaven's sake, Kagome-chan. You can have one more drink." Sango reached past Kagome to take the offered bottle and took a long pull.
Rin clamped her hands over her ears in a vain attempt to block out the off key singing that was occurring next to her. Merkamou, Kagome, and Sango were butchering some drinking song involving a samurai and a geisha that was just shocking. Takashi did not know the words to this one, so he was silently watching as he memorized the lyrics. Shippo was sound asleep next to her, curled up in one of the cloaks. `How can he sleep through this racket? He must have gotten used to staying near Merkamou and having to sleep through his snoring.'
"The next time we need to go to war we will simply instruct those three to sing. Any would run from that racket!" Rin gave up on blocking the noise out.
"You are just jealous because you do not know the words to any of these songs." Takashi finished off the bottle he had, giving it a glare before he cast it into the fire.
Clenching her fist, Rin tried to take a swing with her good arm, but the sake she had sampled had thrown her aim off. "Hold still, youkai!"
"I am holding still." Takashi watched with amusement as Rin braced herself. He was fascinated with this female. He would not soon forget the image of her slamming into his opponents, her eyes fierce. The hand that had pulled him up onto the dragon had been rough with calluses from her sword work, and her grip had been sure. On the other hand, the waist he had gripped had been slim, and her midnight hair had whipped around him as she carried him away.
"Oh. Oops." Rin stopped trying to hit the male, settling back down in her seat. "How did you end up following Merkamou-sama over here?"
"I gave him your message, and he insisted that I meet Sesshomaru-sama's fascinating females."
"Ah, I would guess that my message amused him to no end."
"It did, actually. Why are you called the merlin?"
The ningen smiled and looked into the fire. "That is a name he gave me a long time ago when I was just a pup. It was my first fight, and he was there. This was when Kagome-chan had first become Sesshomaru-sama's mate and there were many who tried to kill her. At a party, we were caught outside by about two dozen youkai who wanted to kill Kagome-chan. I was just a little thing. Merkamou-sama says that I only came up to his sash, but I think he is exaggerating. Anyways, I ended up killing two of the youkai. Before that I was called fledgling, but he changed it to merlin.”
“And a most appropriate name, I believe.”
Rin smiled even more brightly, glancing at the young lord from the corner of her eye. He was quite attractive, with long black hair that had iridescent feathers mixed in. His eyes were a dark brown, with an intense look that seemed out of place in his young face. There was a jagged black streak on one cheek, striking against skin that was a light bronze. Rin found that she liked the effect. Realizing that she was now staring, she snapped her eyes back to the front and blushed. `I blame Akira. It must be her influence that has me wishing that I had thought to bring my fan with me.'
The singing had ended, letting Rin's ears have a chance to recover. “Merlin, do you not know any songs for us to enjoy?”
“You mean destroy, my lord.” Rin eyed the trio that was sitting across the fire from her. Sango and Merkamou were looking very happy, but Kagome was propped up between them with her head resting on Sango's shoulder. “I think that Kagome-chan has had enough celebration for one night.”
“It does look that way, doesn't it?” Sango poked at Kagome, getting the miko's attention. “Kagome-chan, I think it is time for you to go to bed.”
“I'm not done singing!”
Sango ignored the protests and wildly waving hands in favor of pulling the miko up and draping the drunken arm across her shoulders. “Off we go, Kagome-chan. We will even stop and say good night to Sesshomaru.”
“Oh, good. I like his hair. Do you like his hair, Sango-chan?”
“It is very nice, Kagome-chan. Come on.”
“There are some other parts I like even better.”
“Please, for the love of Kami, stop now Kagome-chan.”
The inebriated miko stumbled away, babbling to Sango as she was dragged towards her mate. Merkamou was watching with the eyes of a child who has had his favorite toy taken away. “Sango-san can certainly handle some sake, but Kagome-sama is a different story.”
“I do not know if this one is handling her drinks particularly well, either.” Takashi gave Rin a questioning look.
“Watch yourself, hawk. I may not be able to repay you now, but I can find you later. Merkamou-sama would probably even help me.”
“That I would, merlin. You should consider finding your own bed. With injuries like that you should be resting.” Merkamou moved over to kneel at her side.
“I know.” Rin sighed as she looked up at those eyes that she adored. “Is Sango-chan coming back? This kit will need to be taken to Kagome-chan.”
“I will take him. Sango-san may need assistance with Kagome-sama, she seemed rather combative.” Takashi picked up the sleeping Shippo and moved into the chaos to help the two ningens.
“I cannot go to my tent without Sango-chan's help. Ah-Un is resting and should not carry me. He was hurt when he fell.”
“I will carry you.”
There was an awkward silence as the two looked at each other. The last time they had spoken had ended very badly, and that argument had been over a similar problem. Rin looked away, staring at the flames again. Merkamou could hear her pulse jump, her body tensing slightly.
“Very well, Merkamou-sama. I do need to return to my tent, and you will have an easier time of it then Sango-chan.”
Strong arms lifted her up into the air, holding her close to his chest. Rin wrapped her good arm around his neck, savoring the feel of his hair and feathers against her fingers. There were some good natured jeers as Merkamou made off with Sesshomaru's ward, but the couple did not seem to notice them. He ducked inside of Rin and Sango's tent, not surprised that the exterminator was not there. Merkamou set his burden down as though she was made of glass, trying not to jar her hip or shoulder.
“Rest, merlin.”
“Hai, Merkamou. Arigato.”
“My pleasure.” A taloned finger pushed Rin's hair away from her face, leaving her eyes unobscured.
“I am glad that you are all right. I was worried about you.”
“And I am still worried about you. You push yourself so hard.”
A small hand, rough from battle, ran across Merkamou's cheek. “And it is still not enough. So many died today. How many could have been saved if I had been able to kill those dragons faster?”
“In that case I should have the same burden. I was there, remember? I was also fighting those dragons. You do not blame me for the lives lost, do you?”
“Of course not.”
“Then you should do the same for yourself. If you must blame someone, blame the dragon that sent his sons into battle. Concentrate on the lives you saved today.”
“I will try.” Rin's fingers traced over the flame shaped streak on Merkamou's cheek. “Was it worth it? Did I help?”
“You know you did, my merlin. My brave, beautiful, dangerous merlin.”
Smiling, Rin pulled his head down so that her lips could touch his. It was a soft kiss, over in an instant, but it made all of the difference to Rin. “Arigato, Merkamou.”
“Sleep. The battle is over, and now you can rest and recover. There will be another battle on another day that will need your expertise. Sesshomaru-sama will need his bravest fighter at his side.”
“Flattery. Out with you before Sango-chan finds you and beats you over the head for your improper behavior.”
“I do not wish to face Sango-san in her rage, so I will leave. I will see you tomorrow.” Merkamou brushed a kiss on Rin's cheek before ducking back out of the tent.
Her hand went up to her cheek, pressing against the spot where his lips had been. `I will miss you, my love.'
“Oh, no, Sesshomaru-sama. You mated her, now you can deal with her.” Sango handed the smiling Kagome off to her mate so that she could return to the celebration.
“This is not my fault. Sango-chan and that trouble maker wouldn't take no for an answer. I said no, but they said yes, and I said no, and they said yes, and then I said yes, and then I think there was singing.” Kagome sagged against her mate and gave him a bright smile.
“Singing. Is that what you would call that?” Sesshomaru easily lifted his mate, carrying her to her tent. Inside he found Shippo already set on Kagome's bed, snoring quietly.
“Of course that's what I would call it. What else would I call it?”
“A new and effective form of torture.”
The miko was set on unsteady feet while Sesshomaru moved Shippo to the side.
“Now, you see here you pompous jerk . . . “ Kagome lost her balance and tipped over, grabbing onto Sesshomaru while he was still off balance from moving Shippo. There was a muffled curse as they both fell over, landing on the bed roll. “Okay, this works too.”
“Miko, I will ensure that you are never given access to sake ever again.”
“Hush. You haven't slept in days, and you should come to bed with me. You were just as unconscious as me today. And I'm not taking no for an answer.”
“I have things that need my attention . . .”
Kagome grabbed onto his arm, and Sesshomaru's world suddenly became unsteady. “What are you doing, miko?”
“Not sure. I was going to try and make you tired, but I don't think you're tired now.”
Blinking against the unfamiliar sensation, Sesshomaru tried to steady himself. “No, I do not feel tired. I believe I feel drunk. You should not try to influence anything when you cannot even control yourself.”
“It was for your own good.”
“Really? Well, I believe that I will sober up when you do.” The miko was back in his arms as he made his way carefully across camp. Iron will kept him from stumbling, but his progress was slowed considerably. On the far side of camp was a stream, and it would serve his purpose.
There was a splash and a scream as the miko was dropped into the cold water. Her mate was standing on the bank, chuckling at her. “Feeling sober now, mate?”
“I'm going to kill you!” Kagome sputtered as she crawled back out of the stream. “So help me, I am going to kill you for this!”
With his senses blurred Sesshomaru was not able to dodge like he usually would, and Kagome was able to land a hit on his chest that sent him flying back into the water. “That'll teach you, you bastard!”
The next thing that Kagome knew she was flying through the air again, back into the water. “I do not believe you have sobered up enough yet.”
“Argh!” The miko jumped up out of the water to catch him in a headlock. Ineffective, since he just stood there with her hanging from his neck. “Yield, youkai!”
“Never.” Sesshomaru fell back into the water, dunking his mate again. Under the water the two scuffled as the inu-youkai broke free of her grip. They both came up and pushed their hair from their faces. The effects of the emotional influence were wearing off, and the inu-youkai's senses were settling back down. “I believe that your influence over me is fading.”
“Good, because I'm freezing. What were you thinking? We are both soaked!”
“This is your work, miko. Not mine.”
“I'll get you for this.”
Lifting her back into his arms, Sesshomaru smirked at her. “I know.”
Kagome used his hair to pull him down for a deep kiss. “Let's go back before I get pneumonia or something.”
“Maybe you can help me to warm back up.”
“You will need to relocate the fox youkai in our tent.”
“He won't even notice we moved him.”