InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Goodbye ( Chapter 28 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: It's a little bit short, but that's how it goes with transitional chapters. And there is citrusy content. Really citrusy. If you don't like that kind of stuff, skip the middle. Just to be warned. Tried to not get too fluffy, but what are you going to do. Everybody, say it together now, I own nothing!
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The last of the tents were down, the last of the dead had been buried, and the armies were marching out. A large unit would stay on the border until things had settled in the East, but the rest were going home. Rin, Kagome, and Sango watched from a rise as the forces marched away.
“Now we get to go home. I get to see my pups!” Kagome hugged herself at the thought. “Can't we just go?”
Sesshomaru gave her a look, and there was no denying the surge of exasperation.
“Well, Sesshomaru-sama, it was not the trip that we had originally planned, but it was good to see you again.” Hideaki smiled at the group on the rise. “The best of luck with your heir, and thank you for the time spent on my own son.”
“It was wonderful to meet you Hideaki-sama. Isamu, I think I will actually miss you.” Kagome cocked her head to the side and gave the cub a look that was equal parts teasing and curious. “What kind of havoc are you planning once you return to the North?”
“Actually, Kagome-sama, I am staying here to help Akira-sama secure her position.” Isamu kept his eyes on the horizon, not quite meeting the miko's eyes.
`He's blushing!' “I'm sure Akira will be grateful for the help.”
“Who are you to ask about havoc when your own court seems to be a great fount of chaos?” Merkamou was smiling, but his body was tense.
“Only when you come out to visit. And I will miss you most of all.” Impulsive to a fault, Kagome gave her friend a tight hug, shocking all of the taiyoukai. A quick barrier kept her own mate's instincts in check. “Come and visit again soon.”
“Anytime you wish for my presence, Kagome-sama, you merely need to ask.” The gold eyes flicked to the two exterminators. “Sango-san, it was an honor.”
“The honor was all mine, Merkamou-sama.”
Meeting the merlin's eyes took more strength then any other battle he had ever fought. “Merlin . . .”
Rin felt her face heat up, images flashing by. “I will write as soon as we make it home.”
“Arigato.” The hawk retreated, moving to say his good byes to Hideaki.
“Akira-sama.” Kagome bowed to the silent dragon that looked decidedly out of place. “Feel free to visit. I loved getting to know you.”
“Arigato, Kagome-sama. For everything.”
She desperately wanted to hug Akira as well, but Kagome restrained herself.
The taiyoukai were parting ways, each moving towards their own lands. Isamu was escorting Akira back to the East, making Kagome giggle. “Hey Rin, want to bet on how long until those two are mated?”
“Nonsense.” Rin looked after the couple. “Akira may use him, but she will not mate someone that young.”
“Hideaki would not mind.” Sango gestured after the snow leopard that was heading North.
“I think Akira is going to take him as a mate. What do you think, Sesshomaru?”
The inu-youkai looked very bored with the whole thing, but his mind was whirling. `The East allied to the North. Not an ideal situation. I have a treaty for two hundred years with Akira, but it will take most of that for her to rebuild. After that . . . “
The miko was tapping her foot. “You know I hate it when you ignore me.”
“We are leaving.”
Grumbling about arrogant bastards and why anyone would want one as a mate, Kagome climbed onto Kirara behind Sango and started after him. Rin was still on the rise, sitting on Ah-Un and staring at something. Sango stopped Kirara as they turned back to her. “Rin-chan?”
Merkamou could see Rin on the rise, sitting on Ah-Un with her kimono blowing about her. Her eyes were locked on him. He watched her, half hoping and half fearing that she would dive that dragon down to him. `Good bye, my merlin.'
The warrior turned to see her friends waiting for her. She turned to look at the hawk again, the image of rushing down to him playing in her mind.
“Rin-chan, it's time to go home.”
Rin's head drooped as she loosened her grip on the dragon. “Hai, Kagome-chan.”
With a final glance Rin tried to burn the image of him standing there into her memory, his hair blowing in the wind and staring up at her. Ah-Un turned to follow Kirara, carrying her away as memories from the previous night assailed her.
“Sesshomaru-sama says that we are leaving tomorrow. I think Hideaki-sama will be doing the same.”
Rin and Merkamou sat on the cliff that Kagome had used as her perch. Ah-Un was below them, happily grazing and waiting for his rider to finish whatever mission she was on. The plan had been to just let Ah-Un have a little flight, now that he was healed, but Merkamou had spooked him and sent them whipping across the sky. Now they were enjoying the sunset before returning to the chaos of camp.
“I will leave either tomorrow or the next day. I am not in as much of a hurry to return to my home as Sesshomaru-sama is. He has pups that are waiting for him.” The usual cheerful expression was nowhere to be found as he watch the sun turn blood red. `How long until I see you again? Another ten years? I will be mated, and probably have a chick of my own. And what will become of you?'
“I am looking forward to seeing Mizuki and Katsuro again. I hope Mizuki is behaving herself.”
“She is almost certainly behaving as perfectly as always.”
“That is what I am afraid of.”
Rin's eyes trailed over the red hair next to her. On impulse she captured a handful and proceeded to start slowly braiding.
“Merlin, what are you doing?”
“You have such beautiful hair. I have some flowers in my garden that would look fabulous with this shade of red.”
“Nani?” The Lord of the South turned anxious eyes on her. “You are not serious.”
“Hold still or I will start pulling.”
“Now, there is no need to do something rash. I like my hair attached to my head.”
Surrendering, Merkamou allowed Rin to start braiding his hair. It was slow going with her injured arm, but she managed. She was humming as she worked, and the hawk found it to be quite soothing. Battle, politics, and intrigue seemed a million miles away as they watched the sunset and Rin braided his hair.
“I wonder what I would look like with red hair.” Rin put a hunk of his hair on top of her head. “What do you think?”
“I think red is more my color.”
Rin narrowed her eyes and gave the hair a yank.
“Ow, hey! Stop that!” Merkamou grabbed her wrist so she would stop pulling. With Rin's other arm still in a sling she had no counter. “Well, merlin? How do you intend to get out of this one?”
She kissed him. After a moment of shock, Merkamou willingly let her go in favor of wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close. The almost desperate feeling left Rin gasping for air. “Stay with me a little longer, Merkamou.”
“As you command.”
He was once again hungrily devouring her, his hands running over her kimono. While she was running her fingertips over his ears his hands had found her sash. One hand tugged while the other caught her katanas. Rin gasped, not sure if it was because he was pulling at her clothes or removing her katanas. “What are you doing?”
“I can control myself. I just wish to see you.”
Shivering, Rin felt her body respond to that husky voice. Her kimono was pushed off of one shoulder, but was caught up in her sling. Merkamou clicked his teeth once with annoyance, making Rin give a shaky laugh. “So long as we do not get into a fist fight I can take off the sling.”
“I have no intention of fighting you tonight.” With the sling out of the way it was simple to push her kimono to the ground. She was now dressed in her hakama and inner kimono. His fingers slid over the thin silk, feeling the heat from her body. With her good arm Rin was tugging at his own sash, trying to pull it away.
Chuckling, Merkamou assisted her. His own clothing was pushed off of his shoulders, leaving his chest bare to the last rays of the sun. Rin's breath hissed through her teeth at the sight, tentative fingers trailing over his skin. The feather soft touch sent Merkamou's heart rate through the ceiling, his body aching for her.
Careful, trying not to spook her, Merkamou tugged at Rin's inner kimono. The dark eyes were locked on his, fear and confusion taking turns at dominance. “I will not hurt you, merlin. You will leave tonight still a maiden.”
“I trust you, Merkamou.”
The white silk fluttered to the ground, revealing Rin's upper body to him. She crossed one arm across her front, and the other rested on her bandaged shoulder. She turned her head away, her eyes closed.
“Look at me.”
The dark eyes returned to the gold ones. “You are so perfect. How can you stand to see these?” Rin's fingers played over the scars across her side, the mark from the taiyoukai that had started this war.
Firm fingers pulled her arm away. “You are the most frustrating creature I know.”
“When will you ever figure out that you are perfect? Those are from battle, a battle you won. As are the rest of them.” Dipping his head down, the hawk kissed the scar running across her collarbone. He felt the body in front of him quiver, but the hands were on him now instead of trying to hide herself.
Rin let her eyes slide shut, savoring the feeling of his mouth on her. A gentle finger brushed against her breast, making her jump. A strong hand on her back steadied her as the finger brushed against her again, making goose bumps stand up all over her body. Her head fell back as her breath came in gasps. She tangled her hands in his hair, hanging on for dear life as that mouth lowered until it found the peak of her breast. A soft moan left her throat, a sound that she did not even recognize as her own. His tongue flicked over her, and her body shook again.
Taloned fingers trailed down her waist, finding the ties to her hakama. Rin slapped one hand over the roving fingers, stopping them. The gold eyes locked onto hers again. She was visibly fighting with herself. He was not supposed to, no one but her husband or mate was supposed to. But it felt so right!
Trust me.”
Nodding, she moved her hand away. She closed her eyes as she heard the ties come undone in a hiss of silk. The garment dropped off of her hips, with his hands trailing down her hips after it. Rin leaned forward to rest her forehead on his shoulder as she fought with herself. She still did not understand what was going on, but she did not want to stop. `Tomorrow I leave. Will I ever see him again? I will regret it for the rest of my life if I leave now. No one wants me, why am I so concerned about saving myself for a male that does not exist? He is here, and I love him. Tonight he is mine.'
Her skin felt like the purest silk as he trailed over her hips. His own breathing was ragged as he saw her beauty, the trained body of a fighter with the face and heart of an angel. His mouth found hers again as he pulled her against him. Her bare breasts pressed against his chest, spreading heat through his body. He pressed against her, guiding her back to rest on her kimonos that had been discarded. Her hands trailed over his back as he continued to kiss her, reveling in the feel of her beneath him.
A hand was trailing up Rin's thigh, and she was suspicious of its goal. She was afraid, but she would not let it show. Tonight she was his, and he could do as he wished. Strong fingers brushed across the apex of her thighs, pulling a moan from her. She did not know what she wanted, but she was certain that Merkamou could give it to her.
Clenching his teeth, Merkamou forced his body to obey him. He shifted so that he could have full access to her. His fingers were teasing across her, stroking her in an age old rhythm. The once confused eyes were now shut as she threw her head back, her hips moving to match him. As his merlin reached her peak he held her tightly. Her body relaxed against him, the dark eyes looking drugged as they focused on his.
Rin nuzzled against his cheek, feeling relaxed and content. “Now I am starting to see what all of the fuss is about.”
Laughter exploded out of Merkamou. “Hai, that is what all of the fuss is about.”
“Can I do the same to you?”
Choking, the laughter came to a quick stop. That innocent little question had almost pushed his body beyond his control. “It is possible, but not what I intended.”
“But what if I want to?”
`Oh, Kami, save me from this innocent female. She will be my undoing.' “I know that I could never win a fight with you.”
Pushing him off of her, Rin gave him a determined look. She wasn't sure what she was going to do, but she wanted the hawk to have that same moment that she had just experienced. He was now kneeling in front of her, dressed in only his hakama. Sitting on her own knees, Rin trailed her hands over his chest again. Merkamou had his hands on the ground, and unbeknownst to Rin had his talons dug into the rock as he tried to control himself.
Those innocent little hands were trailing down his waist, skimming over the silk. A tentative finger trailed over his length, a sharp intake of breath giving away Rin's surprise. The hawk concentrated on his breathing.
The touch was becoming bolder. Now the whole hand was running over the hard length hidden inside of the silk. Rin could see his reactions, the hitch in his breathing and the quiver of muscles. She must be doing something right. Her curiosity was getting the best of her. She tugged at the ties of his hakama, pushing the garment past his hips.
The talons dug deeper into the rock, creating deep furrows as Merkamou forced himself to remain still. A soft, feather touch was on him, and it was almost more than he could bear. She was sliding over the length of him, reveling in the way his body was reacting. There were low moans now as she encircled him with her hand, sliding over him.
“Merlin.” Rin could see his body tensing, and she knew that he was in the same state she had been in. She knelt beside him, running her hand over him as she caught his mouth in a kiss. His cry of release was lost in her embrace. She felt his body jerk, his mouth crushing hers, then he was relaxing. He broke away to rest his forehead against hers. The talons were pulled from the ground, leaving behind deep gashes.
Rin sagged against his chest, enjoying the feel of his arm around her waist. He tumbled them both onto the abandoned kimonos, letting her settle against his chest. Her breathing evened out as she dozed off. He pulled his haori over to cover them against the chilly night air that was rolling in.
`I know she cannot stay like this, but I will let her be. For a few hours.'
`And I woke up in my own tent, fully dressed, with Sango shaking me and telling me that it was time to go. I would have thought it was a dream, but there was a single red feather next to me.' Ah-Un easily caught up with Kirara. Rin and Sango were each looking at her sympathetically, making Rin blush and duck her head. “What are you two staring at?”
“Why can't you have your happy ending? Why did you have to say good bye today?” Kagome looked like she was ready to cry herself.
“Kagome-chan, this is not one of the fairy tales you told me when I was little. He has a duty, and I am not a part of it. I am only worried because I am getting so old. Very few would consider me now.”
`And in this age, she is old.' Kagome shook her head. `I can't get my head around the idea of being too old to marry at 19. Or so. We never did figure out how old she was.'
“We will find you someone, Rin-chan. You were one of the heroes of this battle. There should be some new interest.”
Rin was tired of this argument. “Of course, Sango-chan.”
“Either way, it is time that we went home. Kagome-chan's pups will be so happy to see her, and my own little ones are waiting for me. And my hentai. I can't believe you told Akira that.”
“She what?” Kagome whipped around to stare at Rin.
“She told Akira I was married to a hentai. I did not hear the end of it.” Sango tossed a glare over her shoulder.
“Rin-chan, not nice!”
“I know, Kagome-chan. But it is true.”
“You better write me, Mizuki, or I'm going to come out there and tell your parents about last night.”
“Only if you write me first and tell me how Goro reacts when he finds out what we wrote on his forehead.” Mizuki smiled at her friend.
“We'll see how my arm feels after mother finds out.” Cho rolled her eyes.
“No excuses, or I will come back to interrogate you.”
“You wench. You are going to be long gone when mother finds out, so I'm the only one being punished, and I have to write you right away?”
“Fine. But I will remember this.”
“Mizuki-san, we are ready to go.” Mayu was dressed in armor and carrying her precious Katsuro-chan.
“A final present for you, Cho.” Mizuki pulled a fan from her obi and handed it to the other girl.
“My fan! How did you get it back?”
“Do not ask. I will see you again, Cho.”
“You better. Now go before you make mother even more annoyed.”
The two ladies bowed to each other, then parted ways. Cho returned to the fortress while Mizuki joined Mayu and her guards.
“Let's get you two home.” Mayu gestured towards the gates, sending the guards on their way. Excitement caught up with Mizuki, pushing some of her sadness away.