InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ An Offer ( Chapter 29 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: I love you guys. No, really, I love you guys. Such nice reviews. You have no idea how hard it has been to not jump on some of the other ideas I have gotten, but just have to finish this story. And I already got one request to do Mizuki next! It is so tempting. Someone should save me from myself. What do I own? Nothing!
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`Who would have thought I would ever consider this to be home? If someone would have suggested it, or that I would fall in love with him, I would have run away from the lunatic.' Kagome was smiling at the sight of the gates to Sesshomaru's palace. `Life never comes out the way you planned.'
The gates swung open as the group approached, guards cheering at the sight of their Lord returning from a victorious battle. Kagome and Rin were included in the yelling, making both of them blush. Every member of the household was coming out to greet them.
As soon as she crossed into the familiar courtyard Kagome was looking for Kumo. She had felt out of sorts without her steady assistant, and she was eager to hear if there was any word on her pups. Her eager eyes found the youkai standing in the entrance to the palace, calmly watching over the excitement. Her eyes were sweeping the group, looking for someone.
When Kumo darted down the stairs and started to push her way through the crowd everyone got out of the way. Kumo never ran, unless she was chasing her lady. At first Kagome thought she was running towards her, but she was aiming for farther back in the group.
“Kenshin?” Kagome looked to Rin for explanation. She did not get any help, since the younger woman was giving her a look that said very clearly `You do not know who Kenshin is?'
The answer came when Kumo found her Kenshin and ran into his arms, burying her face in his chest. The guards gave their Captain a thorough razzing, which he ignored in favor of holding Kumo.
“You did not know that the Captain's name was Kenshin? Or that he and Kumo have been spending considerable time together?” Rin looked scandalized.
“Of course they spend time together, they plot against me! But I didn't know, I mean, neither of them ever did anything like that! And, for your information, that stubborn old dog would not tell me his name. He was afraid I'd give him a pet name.”
“Probably a legitimate fear. Kumo's first mate was killed in war, so she was very nervous about the Captain leaving.”
“How do you know all of this?”
“And how . . . never mind. I don't want to know how that toad knows so much.”
Kagome slipped off of Ah-Un, wobbling a bit. Kirara was a much more comfortable ride, but they had dropped Sango off at her home. The sight of Mirokou spinning his wife around still made the miko smile. The four children had piled onto their mother as soon as Mirokou put her down, knocking her over. Kagome and Rin had slipped away, leaving Sango on the bottom of a happy, giggling pile of family.
`This could get awkward. I am not supposed to walk yet, and Ah-Un cannot carry me into the palace. I hate being injured!' Rin looked around with somewhat frantic eyes. She did not care for the idea of a stranger carrying her, but she may not have a choice. Kagome was too little, Merkamou was in his own lands, and the Captain already had his arms full.
Strong arms scooped her up as though she weighed nothing. Rin bit back a squeak as Sesshomaru carried her into the palace, Kagome trotting along behind them. Somehow he always made her feel like she was five again. Habit made her relax, feeling safer then anywhere else in the world. Sesshomaru would never let anything happen to her.
Sesshomaru set her on her bed, the same one she had been sleeping in for fourteen years. “Rest.”
“Hai, Sesshomaru-sama.”
He was gone before Rin could blink, leaving her with Kagome.
“If anyone ever saw him with you or Mizuki his reputation would be ruined.”
“Nonsense, everyone knows how protective his is of his pack.” Rin gave her sling an impatient tug as it caught in her hair. “Is Nori back yet? I am going insane like this!”
“Not yet. He had some work to do at the border still. You're staying off your feet until he gets back.”
“I am already bored.”
“You could study, you know.”
“Ugh.” Rin dropped back on her bead. “I will need to be much more bored before I do that.”
“Mizuki will be back soon, and she can keep you company. I'm going to try and find some books to keep you sane.”
Rin growled at the ceiling after Kagome left. “So we meet again. I am going to get very bored of looking at you.”
Her paper and brushes were within reach, so she pulled them over. She had promised to write as soon as she got home.
As you can guess, we have made it home without incident. I have been ordered off of my feet by Kagome-chan until the healer can get back. Very cruel. It is true that my hip will not support me for long, since it does hurt quite a bit, but I can handle a little walking. She is so very protective.
Kagome-chan also found out about Kumo and the Captain. She was quite surprised. I was even more surprised that Jaken-sama was right about something. We left Sango-chan at her home. I miss her already, but her family needs her. She has been gone so much.
As soon as I can I need to go out and check my flowers. Some of the lilies survived that dragon, and I need to see if they are blooming yet. I hope so. If they are healthy I can use them to start rebuilding the whole bed.
My nightmares have been getting better.
I will write to you again soon. I am stuck indoors, there is not much else to do. Hopefully my boredom will not cause you to be equally bored.
Your Merlin
Rin read and reread her note. She wanted to be friendly, but not too friendly. You never know who was going to find a note. She almost scratched out the nightmares comment, but she knew that the hawk was worried about those. If she said nothing he would worry even more. The only night she had not had those dreams was when she had fallen asleep with him. After . . .
A tremor went through her body at the remembered passion. `So that is what all of the fuss is about. And now I can see fussing about it. But I cannot imagine doing anything like . . .that with anyone else. I do not think I would trust them enough. It was hard enough with Merkamou, and I have known him most of my life. On the other hand, I have lost my interest in remaining unmated now.'
The note was folded up and sealed. She would have to wait for Kagome's return to have a messenger take it. With her benign incarceration she would be writing to her friend quite a bit. Hopefully the messengers would be able to handle the extra work. Youkai messengers were amazing for speed and endurance, allowing a message to reach the Southern Lands in two days. A true emergency could cut the time down even more. But somehow Rin was certain that they would not be amused to carry messages to the Southern Lands every day.
`Perhaps Merkamou's messengers and Sesshomaru-sama's messengers can take turns.'
Kagome returned with a stack of books and scrolls. “I found some defense manuscripts you haven't read, and some tactical stuff you should read because Mizuki is trying to. And this one looks like it could be funny.”
“Arigato, Kagome-chan. Can you give this to a messenger?”
“You weren't kidding about writing right away. This may even beat him to his home.” Kagome took the note, then hesitated and sat by Rin. “Are you okay, jo-chan?”
“I will be fine, Kagome-chan. Nothing has changed.”
“I know. It's just killing me to see you so unhappy.”
“It will get better. I will not be seeing him anymore, so it will get easier. It is time to find a partner for me, though. Really, Kagome-chan. Before I am so old that no one will have me.”
A heavy sigh deflated the miko. “If that is what you really want, jo-chan, I'll talk to Sesshomaru.”
“Arigato, Kagome-chan.”
Kagome left, blowing out the lamp as she did. Despite Rin's protests that she was not going to sleep, she was feeling very tired. The great battle, sleeping in a tent, and the emotional strain all caught up with her at once and sent her down into sleep.
The warrior looked up from her reading, rather relieved for the interruption. It was very dry reading, and she had been trying to read the same page for most of the morning. After four days of sitting in her room she was ready to climb the walls. She could not see Kagome, but she could hear her down the hall. “Hai, Kagome-chan?”
“I have some surprises for you.”
“Rin-neechan!” A streak of silver ran in the door and catapulted onto the bed. “Rin-neechan, I have missed you!”
“Mizuki-chan!” Rin grabbed her sister with her good arm and pulled her close. “I have missed you, too. Were you good for Mayu-sama?”
“Well, I did my best.” Mizuki ducked her head to hide behind her silver bangs.
“What did you do, pup?”
“According to Mayu-sama, our little Mizuki beat up her youngest daughter. Then the two became allies and beat up on several of the young males at court.” Kagome smiled brightly at her daughter as she walked into the room with Katsuro. “Basically, she made herself at home.”
“You did not.” Rin stared at her sister.
“Oh, yes I did, Rin-neechan. Cho started it, she was threatening Katsuro. Then Goro got us in trouble with Mayu-sama, so we had to do something about him. He was very angry, so he did something back, so we revenged ourselves. It just grew from there.” Mizuki did not look at all ashamed now.
“Unbelievable.” Rin opened her good arm for Katsuro as Kagome handed him to her. “And how are you, my favorite little brother?”
Katsuro squealed and grabbed onto some of Rin's hair that had escaped.
“Mayu-sama said that Mizuki was like a little Sesshomaru, threatening Cho with death if she did not surrender.” Kagome bit her lip to keep from laughing.
“Mizuki! That is very rude! What did we say about no fighting?”
“She started it. That is what you used when you fought with Isamu.”
Kagome could not hold back her laughter anymore. “She's got you there, Rin-chan.”
“Please tell me that Katsuro behaved himself.”
“Oh, yes. I was afraid Mayu-sama wasn't going to let go of him. Her little Katsuro-chan. Before I forget, here is your next surprise.” She waved in the healer.
“Nori-sama! Please tell me I can get out of bed.”
“You are that eager to go and get hurt again? Foolish creature.” The healer pulled Rin's sling off so he could get a look at her shoulder. “This looks like it has patched up enough. You can stop wearing the sling, but no heavy work with this arm! I do not want to have to restitch it.”
A quick inspection showed that her hip was also healing well. “You can walk about a small amount each day, but no running or fighting of any kind! If this does not heal correctly you will not be able to fight again, so let it have some time.”
“Arigato.” Rin happily flung her sling across the room. “Good riddance.”
“And your last surprise.” Kagome nodded to the healer as he let himself out, then went to Rin's side holding out a message. “From Merkamou.”
Rin tried to not look too excited. “Arigato, Kagome-chan.”
“Mizuki, Katsuro, and I are going to be in my study. Do you think you can walk that far?”
“Of course, Kagome-chan. I will catch up in a few moments.”
Kagome retrieved her son and left her friend alone to read. As soon as she was alone Rin broke the seal and unfolded her letter.
I have also returned home without incident. It seems very strange to see my own court without the added chaos of preparations for war. Quite dull, actually. I am trying to adapt to it, but it is difficult. Perhaps I should invite the little miko out to liven things up. I would be most entertained to have her meet some of these nobles who insist on saying ningen as though it were a dirty word. Of course, I would keep a safe distance between myself and her at the time. No sense in unnecessary risk.
I am assuming that the rest of your family has returned to you by now. Mizuki was probably a perfect little courtier.
Rin broke down laughing and could not continue to read for several minutes.
I have no young ones around me now, and I also find this to be disconcerting. I had gotten used to Mizuki and Katsuro. Particularly Katsuro. That pup shows great potential in my eyes. I do think it is time that I had a brood of my own, since I miss Sesshomaru's offspring so much.
A very interesting conversation was had on the way back from the border. Do you remember Takashi, one of my commanders? He is also a cousin of mine, and I have known him all of his life. He asked about you. He would be interested having you as a mate. I did make a deal with you to find a mate, and since you have upheld your half of the bargain it is time for me to make good on mine. I know I promised a ningen, but would you consider a taiyoukai instead? It is an honorable offer. I expect him to make General in my forces, so he is an excellent match. His branch of the family is not involved in politics much, and since he is a younger son there would be no fall out from taking a ningen. He has a lovely home a day's travel from the palace.
Take your time and consider the offer. I am certain that Sesshomaru-sama would consider it to be an acceptable match.
I was relieved to hear that your nightmares are improving. I only wish for you to be happy.
For a long time Rin did not move. She simply stared at the letter. Several emotions warred for dominance. Jealousy that Merkamou would be raising his brood with someone else, rage that he would just stand by and let someone else have her, relief that someone wanted her, and flattered that Takashi had asked for her. Her body felt overwhelmed with the emotions and trembled. This is the condition Kagome found her in when she came looking for her friend.
“Rin-chan? You didn't come to the study, so I was worried you fell. What's wrong?”
Without a word, Rin held out the letter.
Skimming over the words, Kagome first snorted with laughter then froze. Her eyes whipped back and forth over the paper, rereading it several times. “He's serious.”
“I barely remember this Takashi.”
“I am not surprised. I talked with him for a long while. A nice temper, and quite attractive. Intelligent and polite. He had long black hair, dark eyes, and a black streak on his cheek.”
“I kind of remember him. He seemed really nice. None of my instincts kicked in to say run away or anything.” Kagome set the note down to study her friend. “What are you thinking, Rin-chan? You're not actually considering this, are you?”
“Why not?”
“Why not? Are you nuts? You don't even know him! Not really, anyways. You've met him once! How can you go and mate some guy you've only met once?”
“It happens everyday, Kagome-chan. Most of those females do not even get to meet their new mates that one time. He seemed very nice, and it is an excellent match for me. Merkamou would not have suggested it if he thought Takashi would be wrong for me.”
“And that hawk. I could strangle him, putting you in this position. I'm half tempted to go to the Southern Lands and tell him that he had better quit his whining and just take you for himself.”
“Kagome-chan! Enough! I will not risk the Southern Lands so I can have him for a mate, and that is final!”
Silence echoed through the room as Kagome stared at Rin. “You're serious about this, aren't you?”
“It is the best offer I have had. I could have a life I was happy with there. Takashi knows me as a fighter and will not expect me to be some demure lady. I met him by rescuing him in battle, remember?”
“Where is Sesshomaru-sama?”
The cobalt eyes slide half closed. “In his study, alone. Wait, no. He's got Jaken with him, but he's ignoring him. Creepy, when he ignores someone that hard it's like they aren't even there.”
“We are going.”
“Where are we going?”
“To talk to Sesshomaru-sama.” Clutching the note, Rin led the way to Sesshomaru's study. Her pace was slow after so much time off of her feet, but she made it there under her own power. She tapped on the frame, waiting for him to recognize her. He already knew that Kagome was there, and had almost certainly scented her, but it was still polite.
“Come. Jaken, out.” Sesshomaru did not glance away from the document in front of him as the toad ran into Rin's legs in his haste to escape.
“Watch out, Jaken-sama.” Rin hissed to the toad.
“You watch out, rude child.” Jaken was gone before Rin could finish the argument.
Sesshomaru looked up at Kagome, staring into her eyes. Rin had the feeling that there was a silent conversation going on, and fidgeted with her sash. The amber eyes swung to her. “Hai?”
Rin and Kagome dropped to the cushions in front of his desk. The miko took the lead for her nervous friend. “Rin-chan got an offer from Takashi of the Southern Lands. And she wants to take it.”
“An offer?” Sesshomaru kept his eyes on Rin, even though Kagome was speaking. His ward looked like she was ready to break under the tension in her body. “How did this come about?”
“I met Takashi when I rescued him during battle.” Rin kept her eyes on the desk. “I talked to him that night while we were all at the campfire. That was when Merkamou and Kagome and Sango were singing, which is why Kagome-chan does not remember him. He is a commander in Merkamou's army, and he is very nice. Merkamou said that he will make general, and that it would be an excellent match, and . . .”
“Hai, Sesshomaru-sama.”
“Kagome, what are your reservations? This sounds like an acceptable match.”
“Acceptable match? She doesn't know him! Just because she got her heart broken she is ready to take anything that comes along!”
Rin gasped as she heard Kagome's slip. The amber eyes narrowed and focused on Kagome. “Heart broken?”
“Oh, well, she had this little crush, and you know how first crushes go. He he he.” Kagome put on her best fake smile, knowing that her mate would see right through any lie she could concoct.
“Hn.” Sesshomaru's attention swung back to Rin. “And you wish to accept this match?”
“Hai, Sesshomaru-sama.”
“I will write Merkamou-sama and start discussions on the matter.”
“Nani?” Kagome glared at her mate. “She doesn't know him!”
“She wishes for the match, the male is acceptable as far as I know. I will write to Merkamou.”
“Fine.” Kagome pouted.
“Arigato, Sesshomaru-sama.”
“It will not be finalized until you both agree to it. You have the option to change your mind.” Sesshomaru's attention was back on his document, but Rin knew who the comment was intended for.
“Understood, Sesshomaru-sama.”
Rin tugged Kagome's arm to guide her out. “Can you walk me back to my room, please? I do not want to fall during the walk back and be stuck in a corridor.”
“Hai.” Making a great show of sulking, Kagome walked back to Rin's room with her. “I don't like it.”
“I know you do not, but it is for the best. Truly, it is.”
“Merkamou is going to lose it when he sees you with someone else. Has he thought about that?”
“Takashi's home is a day away from the palace, and his family is not involved in politics much. He will not see much of me. And he will have Sora.”
“I forgot about her! I completely forgot about Sora. Now that everyone is home I bet Sesshomaru will be doing negotiations for that pair as well. Between your letters and the two matches the messengers will be very busy.”
“And I am going to write him back right now. There is no point in delaying, since Sesshomaru-sama is willing to talk to them about it. I would like to have a youngster of my own.”
“I feel so old!” Kagome clutched her hand to her heart in a melodramatic fashion. “I can remember you running around in that little yukata with your hair a mess, and now you are going to go off and get a mate of your own and a family. Where did the time go?”
Rin tugged at a tendril that had escaped and was hanging in her eyes. “I have not changed that much, Kagome-chan.”
“Very true. Get back into bed, young lady. I'll have dinner in here with you tonight. And then I can tell you a bedtime story.”
“I would love that, Kagome-chan.” Rin stared at her door long after Kagome had left. The miko was the closest thing she had ever had to a mother, and she adored her. Even when she was being very stubborn about her damn fairy tale endings.
I will regale you with Mizuki's time in the Northern Court another day. Suffice to say, she was not a perfect courtier. Evidently she is quite a bit like her father, right down to the temper and sense of vengeance. She would probably provide more entertainment for your court then even Kagome-chan if you got her riled up enough. Poor Mayu-sama, I do not think she knew what hit her.
In regards to Takashi, Sesshomaru-sama will be contacting you to begin negotiations for that partnership. It is a generous offer, and I am flattered that Takashi even remembered me. Please let him know how I feel, and that I remember him quite fondly despite our rather rocky start. Somehow I think I will be able to handle having a taiyoukai instead of a ningen. Taiyoukai are sturdier, and I do have something of a temper at times. I most definitely consider your half of the deal fulfilled.
We will need to coordinate messengers. Kagome-chan had a point. Between the two matches and our letters the messengers are going to get very tired. But I will leave that up to you and Sesshomaru-sama.
Oh, the healer is letting me walk around now. I have never been so happy to talk to that healer in my life. With Mizuki for company and some walking allowed I will not be nearly so cranky.
Thank you for looking out for me. I wish for your happiness every time I see a shooting star.
Your Merlin
“Rin-neechan, do you want to see my new strategy to use on father?” Mizuki trotted into the room with an armful of scrolls.
The note was folded and sealed while Rin fought back tears that suddenly threatened to appear. “Hai, Mizuki-chan. Show me how you intend to conquer Japan.”
“I'm worried.”
Sesshomaru tugged Kagome's arm, pulling her down so she was sitting on his lap. They had both been getting ready for bed, but his little miko was more then worried. She seemed almost distraught. “About Rin.”
“Of course. I know that arranged marriages and matings happen all of the time, but I'm not from this era. I can't imagine just living with some stranger because someone picked him for you. I want her to be happy.”
“Making the choice does not guarantee happiness. I did not choose you, if you remember.”
Kagome flinched. “I remember, and it still bothers me sometimes.”
“It does not make this any less real just because I did not choose it.”
“Are you trying to tell me that Rin could fall in love with this Takashi?”
“Stranger things have happened.” Sesshomaru pressed his lips to Kagome's temple. “I do not want Rin to be unhappy either. I was not amused to hear of a broken heart.”
“Every girl's heart gets broken at some point.”
A small surge of jealousy rippled through Sesshomaru. He knew who Kagome was thinking of. A soft growl rumbled through his chest as he kissed her possessively.
“Easy. That was definitely a part of the past.” Kagome's breath was coming in small pants after the intense kiss. “Maybe this could work out. He seemed nice enough, and Rin did enjoy talking to him.”
“And that is more then what we started with.”
“We talked. It just ended in violence almost every time.” Kagome giggled at the memory. “Are you telling me to not worry?”
“No, I am saying not to worry as much as you are. It is not hopeless.”
“I suppose. We should have him come out to visit. So we can check him out. See if he is good enough for our Rin.”
“Now that is a reasonable suggestion, koishii.”
Kagome caught his head and pulled it to hers for another kiss. While he still never said the words, there was no denying that warm feeling that would envelop her at times like this. A warm, cherished, loved feeling that was coming from her inu-youkai. Somehow it was even better then hearing the words. “She told me once that she wanted what we have. That we watch each other's backs.”
“Of course.”
“And she shouldn't settle for anything less, right?”
“Not my Rin.”