InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ To the South ( Chapter 30 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: 30 chapters. Holy cow. And I just love listening to everyone beg and plead. It's so cute. Am I a sadist? Probably. Thank you for all of my well wishers. I am feeling much better, but I can really sympathize with Rin now. My ceiling is so boring! And I have so many new reviewers coming out of the wood work. How is everyone finding this story? I don't care how you got here, I love everyone! And my meds, I love my meds! Hee hee. I own zilcho.
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A single feather was in his eyes again. Merkamou blew it away as he set aside the letter from Rin. `She agreed. Then why do I feel like I just lost a battle?'
A mix of emotions followed the hawk as he paced through the halls of his palace. Courtiers and servants steered clear when they saw his dark expression. `I suppose I should tell Takashi. He will be delighted to hear that Rin has accepted his offer. If only he knew what kind of family he was joining.'
There was one creature in the palace that was not frightened away by Merkamou's expression. She marched right up to him and set her hands on her hips. “What is the problem?”
“It is none of your concern, mother.” Merkamou stepped around her, but his mother followed right after him.
“A messenger comes from the west and now you are in a dark mood. What has happened? Is there a problem with Sora?”
“No, mother. It was a personal note.”
His mother stopped, an assessing look on her face. “Personal? Are you saying that the rumors are true?”
“And what rumors are those, mother?” Merkamou turned to face his mother in the corridor.
“That you have some sort of relationship with Sesshomaru's ward.”
`Damn her and her spies.' He gave an elegant shrug. “I have known her for a long time, and she is a talented fighter.”
“Do not dare to drag this family's name through the mud over some ningen. I knew I should not have let you spend so much time with that inu-youkai and his pet ningens.”
“Let? Mother, I am Lord here. I come and go as I please.”
His mother snorted at him. “Lord? You have no control here. You are a pathetic substitute for your brother. Without me you would have never held on to your position.”
“There are other ways to rule. I do not need to assassinate any who oppose me like you do.”
“You say that because you are weak and allow others to rule you. You are nothing without me. Without my support the nobles would have taken over long ago. You will not contact that ningen again.”
Merkamou towered over his mother, glaring at her. “I am Lord here, not you. I do as I please.”
“Back away, Merkamou.”
“No. You do not control me. As soon as my mate arrives you will not be the Lady here. Your power is drifting away.”
The female's eyes were bleeding red. “Nobody will be Lady here but me, and especially not some little fool that Sesshomaru talked you into mating. Our line was cursed the day your brother was killed and you were made Lord.”
“I may never be as perfect as my brother was, but I am still Lord. Pack your things.” Merkamou turned on his heel to march away.
“What do you mean?”
“Pack your things. You are leaving. I am sending you to the Far Shores palace with guards and servants of my choosing. You will not leave that place until you die.”
“You cannot hold me there.” The wind picked up in the corridor. “I am the Lady of these lands.”
Again, Merkamou moved so that he was directly in front of his mother, challenging her. “You will leave, or I will have you chained and dragged from this palace like a common criminal.”
“You would never dare.”
“Try me.”
The two glared at each other. His mother was the first to break away. “You will regret this, Merkamou. This moment will bring about your downfall.”
Merkamou rolled his eyes. “Whatever you say, mother.” He took her by the arm and delivered her to a pair of guards. “She is to pack and prepare to leave. Do not let her out of your sight, and do not let her speak with anyone.”
Leaving his mother to the guards, the hawk took his foul mood outside. The sight of the nobles running for cover was doing nothing for his mood. He rather doubted that a garden would be soothing now, but perhaps he could work off some frustrations with the guards.
A scream ripped across the sky, sending his eyes up to find the source. A gold hawk was diving low, blood on its talons.
`In the future I must assign more than two guards to watch mother.' Merkamou glared as the hawk swung around for another pass. “This is pointless, mother!”
With another scream the gold hawk blasted a building with flame.
“Mother! I will not let you destroy the palace just because you cannot control your temper!” A red hawk rose into the air, flying straight for his mother.
Surprise was plain in the gold hawk's eyes as she blasted at her son. Merkamou climbed away from the attack, then dove down with his talons leading. He slammed into his opponent's back, trying to drive her to the ground. The female twisted and broke away, snapping her beak at his wing. Pulling out of his dive, Merkamou soared after his mother before she could cause any more damage.
With a skill that spoke of many centuries of practice, the gold hawk turned sharply and dove at her son. Merkamou rolled to evade her, but was caught across the wing with her talons. Screaming in rage, the red hawk blasted flames at the second one. The female was singed and pulled away to safety. Her son was right on her tail, closing the distance quickly. He slammed into her back, digging in his talons and bringing her to ground. They landed in a heap with Merkamou mantling over her as though he had just brought down a sparrow.
Talons flexed, drawing more blood as Merkamou fought with his instincts. He wanted to snap her spine, ending her struggles. He hissed at her, inches from her neck, but reason was returning. Slowly, reluctantly, he moved away. There was a flash of flame, then Merkamou stared at the downed hawk from his human eyes.
“You are leaving, mother. Do not challenge me again.”
The gold hawk disappeared, replaced by a bleeding female in elegant kimonos. “You should have killed me.”
“I may yet, if you do not leave. Now.”
A gesture brought a group of the guards that had been playing spectator running to escort the former Lady of the South. Limping, the female went with them without a fight.
`She will be the death of me.'
“Your courtiers have begged me to come and talk to you. Did you really attack mother today?” An elegant female let herself into Merkamou's room, ignoring his warning hiss.
“Yes, I did. Now get out, Akane.”
“They were right. You are in a foul mood. What did you fight with mother about?”
“I just exiled her to the Far Shores palace. This made her unhappy.”
“I can only imagine.” Laughing, Akane sat next to Merkamou and pushed her own red hair behind her shoulders. “What made you do that? Not that I mind. I think it was long overdue, myself.”
“One too many orders about what I will or will not do.” Merkamou jumped to his feet and started pacing. “Where do your loyalties lay, Akane?”
“With you, little brother. Just as they always have.”
“And your mate?”
“That would imply that my mate had any thought in his head more complex then threatening whatever was most annoying to him at the moment. And telling everyone that he is next in line to the Southern Lands.”
“What was father thinking?”
“That I could manage him, and that with two sons that he would not ever inherit. It is still a good alliance, and I have no trouble with managing him. It is rather cute, truth be known.”
“Hai.” Merkamou continued to pace, much to his sister's amusement.
“Tell me what is truly bothering you, little brother. If it was just mother your mood would have improved already. Why do you care where my mate's loyalties lay?”
“Have you ever wanted something so much that you would give anything for it, but it is just out of reach?”
“Impossible. We can fly, after all, my dear brother. I would find a way, and give up everything I had if need be. Who is she? I assume this is not Sora.”
“No, not Sora. Someone so unacceptable that it would cost me my position.”
“A ningen. You fell for a ningen. Is Sesshomaru contagious?”
Merkamou gave her a glare. “Hai, a ningen. And it has nothing to do with Sesshomaru, except for one little detail. She is his ward, and might as well be his daughter.”
“And you are giving up this easily?”
“The last time I asked you were Lord of the Southern Lands. You are an equal to Sesshomaru, and you answer to no one. Why are you looking for permission from creatures that are bowing before you?”
“Mother . . . “
“Is in exile. You did that today, remember?”
“Your mate . . . “
“I will manage the idiot.”
“The lords . . . “
“Are lords because you let them be. Does Sesshomaru or Hideaki ask for permission from the lords? No, they issue a command and are obeyed.”
“They will try to kill her. And hanyou heirs . . . “
“If you are this smitten she must be able to take care of herself, and there are ways around the heir problem. Why do you want her?”
“Because I can imagine no one else at my side. She would be an amazing Lady of the South.”
A soft smile appeared when Akane heard the adoration in her brother's voice. “Choose an heir. Not my mate, please never that, but someone of acceptable blood. If you take Sora, then your son would take over as heir. If you take the ningen you would still have a taiyoukai as your heir.”
“The merlin would never agree to that.”
“Or do as Sesshomaru has done. His heir is a hanyou. Make it a fashion statement. Your nobles are so feather headed that half of them will take a ningen just to imitate you. Either way, if you declare an heir it takes my mate out of the picture, as well as keeping those annoying nobles happy. I can handle my adorable idiot.”
“Why are you helping me? You have never liked ningens.”
“That is true, and I still do not. But I like seeing my little brother this miserable even less.” Akane joined Merkamou against the wall.
“What if she does not want me enough to fight? It is a very easy life she has been offered with Takashi.”
“I must meet this ningen that has made my overly confident brother question himself at every turn. Do you want her?”
“More then life.”
“Then win her, little brother. You are the Lord of the South, which you seem to forget at any opportunity. If she has the sense of an ox she will be delighted to be with you. But be fair and talk to Takashi. I have always liked him, even if he is a bit intense for my tastes.”
“What if. . . “
“No more questions! If you wish to take a ningen you must get this court of yours in shape! They should not be questioning you. I have been waiting and waiting for you to take control of this mob as you were born to do.”
Merkamou whispered, “I am not Daichi.”
Akane softened. “I know. You are Merkamou, and Daichi was always telling me how proud he was of you. That you were so brave and such a quick learner.”
“Really. Stop playing second best to your brother. He is gone, Merkamou, and these are your lands now.”
There was a heavy sigh as Merkamou let his head droop. “I never wanted this.”
A gentle arm pulled her brother over so he could lean on her. “But the fates wanted you as Lord. Now do it. You can have your chosen mate if you are willing to fight for her, or you can just give up and whimper about it and make us all insane. I do hope you choose the girl, because I will get tired of your whimpering very quickly.”
“I can win this fight, especially with you to watch my back. Akane, you are amazing.”
“And as many times as you tell me that I still never tire of it. Are you going to bring your court under control, or shall I call in the rest of our flock?”
“No! Please, do not call in our sisters. I will be good. Tomorrow there is a council meeting.”
“I think I shall attend. It should be most entertaining.”
“My lord?”
Merkamou looked up from the document in front of him and glared at the noble that had been speaking. “No.”
“Merkamou-sama, my family provided resources during that battle, and we need support until we recover.”
“I do not remember seeing you in battle. If you would like to discuss loses, you can talk to any of the widows in the court that I am now supporting. In the mean time, no.”
Akane was using her fan to hide her smile, thoroughly enjoying this meeting. Her brother glanced at her, easily reading her amusement. He rolled his eyes before returning his attention to the council.
The chastised noble was sitting again, and there was silence. No one wished to speak up with Merkamou acting so unusually.
“Perhaps I should explain something. I am tired of the whining and the begging. I am done listening to directions on how I will do things. I appreciate advice, but I am done with the commands. Your positions are mine to give or take.”
“Merkamou-sama, my family has served these lands for many centuries, and we earned this title before you even existed. How can you claim that my title is yours to give and take?” A young lord glared across the room at the hawk.
“It is very simple. Your title is now gone. I have just taken it. You may leave now.”
“You are not serious.”
“Deadly serious. Leave.”
“I will not listen to such . . . “ The noble was cut off when Merkamou snatched him off the ground by his throat.
“If you would like to lose your life along with your title, continue to talk. Otherwise, leave.”
There was a heavy silence as Merkamou dropped the annoying male, who quickly ran out the door. “Is there anymore business that requires my attention?”
“No, no my lord.”
“Then you are all dismissed.” Merkamou stood to the side and let the nobles bolt out the door, leaving him with Akane. “Well, Akane-neechan, do you think they got the message?”
“I believe so, Merkamou-chan.” Akane hated it when he called her by the name he had used when he was young. “It will take some time before they really accept this though. Many will say that it is just Sesshomaru's influence, and that you will go back to your old self if they wait.”
“Then they will be waiting for a long time.”
Rin's jaw was hanging open as she read her latest letter from Merkamou. “Kagome-chan, Merkamou exiled his mother!”
“No way.” Kagome leaned over Rin's shoulder to read the letter. “He did! I know he didn't get along with her, but what did she do to get exiled?”
“I do not know. He does not give details. He also declared his sister's oldest son as his heir. Sora will not like that.” Rin handed to the note over to Kagome so she could read the whole thing.
“It's just temporary. A lot of the lords do that when they don't have a son, just to play it safe. He certainly has been busy. It looks like he is cleaning house to me. He's probably getting ready to bring Sora out.”
The small dagger buried itself in the wood of the door frame, making Mizuki jump.
“Rin-chan, not inside. You scared poor Mizuki.” Kagome pulled the dagger from the wall and handed it back to Rin.
“Gomen, Kagome-chan. Gomen, Mizuki-chan”
“I won't talk about that female anymore, before you decide to start venting your frustrations with your katanas. Have you heard from Takashi?”
“Not yet.”
“You should hear from him soon. Sesshomaru just sent a messenger with a note for him. We want him to come up so we can meet him.”
“You mean test him.” Rin glared at the miko. “Please do not chase this one off.”
“Not unless we have to. Merkamou has to come up to deal with negotiations for Sora anyways, so they can both come up at the same time and save some time.”
“Merkamou? Coming here? He just left! We might as well assign a permanent room to that trouble maker.”
“Not right away, but he is coming. He had to come and get Sora, you know. You can avoid him to your heart's content, as long as you spend some time with Takashi. I don't want you to get into a bad situation you can't get out of.”
“Very well, Kagome-chan.” Rin climbed to her feet. “I am going out to the gardens. I will deal with whatever other disasters you have found for me later.”