InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Competition ( Chapter 31 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: First things first. Gppr made a picture of Merkamou, and I love it! http :// robotech. neocamera. com/ fa- inu02. html without the spaces. I've been babbling and giggling for about an hour now over it. Yea! Okay, focusing now.
Mr. J Everyday, I snorted coke out my nose because of your comment. :-p Chrissy-wolf, I'm so flattered, but I'm a married woman. Not that my husband would protest, mind you. Yes, Merkamou has several sisters, and was not lucky enough to have the idiot be the male that was killed. Sorry blackXheart, I've been heavily medicated. It's hard to concentrate. That's my excuse for this chapter, anyways. And why is it that no one trusts any of my new characters anymore? Am I that predictable, or am I that unpredictable? And now I am dead set against Takashi and Sora just because everyone said so. I wanted to, but I hate being predictable!
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`Well, I'm popular today.'
Four messages were lying on Kagome's desk after lunch. Three were for her, and one was for Mizuki. “Mizuki-chan, you have a message from Cho.”
The pup eagerly took her message, settling on her usual cushion next to Rin to enjoy her letter. Kagome looked over her remaining messages. One from Akira, one from Mayu, and one from Merkamou. `This could be bad. I'll start with Akira, it's probably the most important.'
I hope that things have been well for you and your family. I have decided to accept Isamu's request to be his mate, and he is now taking the position of Lord of the East. We have sent word to all of the Lords, but I thought that I should let you know personally. I am hopeful that this relationship will be more acceptable for all involved.
I cannot thank you enough for your assistance in my time of need, and for introducing me to my new mate. I hope that you will support this partnership.
“No way!” Kagome flipped the message back and forth, shaking it. She checked the floor over, looking for a sakura blossom. “Kumo, did anything fall out of this?”
“No, Kagome-sama. Is there bad news?” Kumo looked up from the ledger she had been updating.
“Isamu and Akira eloped! No blossom, so she's telling the truth. Isamu is Lord of the East.”
“No way.” Kumo blinked twice when she realized what she had said. “I believe I have spent too much time in your presence, Kagome-sama.”
“It's good for you, Kumo. I don't know what Sesshomaru is going to think of this. He's so young!” The miko glanced at her other messages. “I can pretty much guess what Mayu is going to say.”
“Cho said the same thing. She thinks it is very funny, but she says the adults are all very angry.” Mizuki handed the first page of her letter to Rin and continued reading.
Breaking the seal on the note from Mayu, the miko braced herself for a rant.
You will never in a hundred years believe what that ungrateful lump of a son I bore has done. He has mated Akira! He is now Lord of the East, of all the preposterous things! Hideaki is furious. I would have never let him stay with that dragon, but my foolish mate will let that boy do anything he wants. And see what it has caused? All those years of waiting for a son, to have him run off and mate our sworn enemy. May that precious Katsuro-chan never give you the kind of grief that my son has given me. Hideaki does not think that Isamu could hold both the East and North, so he is naming my oldest daughter's mate as heir. And Isamu does not care! He would rather stay with Akira then take his rightful place after Hideaki! The cub has no mind.
Please send my greetings to Mizuki-san.
Tears were running down Kagome's face as she laughed at Mayu's note. “Mayu-sama says hi, Mizuki.”
“I will send my own greetings through Cho.” Mizuki handed another page to Rin and kept reading.
“I cannot imagine Isamu as the Lord of the East. How can he be a great lord when I have knocked him over so many times?” Rin skimmed over the note from Cho. “Mizuki, did you really threaten to hit Goro with a throwing knife?”
Mizuki ignored her.
“Jo-chan, I hate to tell you this, but I have seen you throw two of the great lords onto the ground. It may very well have been three if Hideaki had ever sparred with you. I don't think we can use you as a measure of how tough a taiyoukai is.” Kagome opened her next message and started to read. “According to this, Merkamou and Takashi are leaving one day after this message was sent, so they should have left yesterday. Figure they are going to be at least as fast as our messengers, so tomorrow.”
“Maybe Takashi can convince that hawk to travel at a normal pace.”
“I would not put money on that. Poor Takashi, having to travel with him. Kumo, can you handle . . .”
“I will do it, Mama. I have been helping Kumo-san, and I think I can handle it.” The sapphire eyes were bright with hope.
“Fine. Mizuki, can you handle the guest rooms for these two? With a little help from Kumo?” Kagome fought back a smile.
“Hai, Mama.” The last page of the note was handed to Rin, then Mizuki was zipping out the door.
“No running in the palace, Mizuki!” Kagome could hear her daughter's steps slow to a more sedate pace as they disappeared.
`They are the cutest couple.'
Rin was in the highest branches of a magnolia tree, looking out over the gardens. Out at the edge of the garden she could make out Kagome and Sesshomaru, walking together. Kagome was in high spirits, tucking flowers into her hair and spinning about. Her mate was watching her with that slightly perplexed but fascinated look he usually had when he was with her. The miko seemed to be trying to explain something to him, waving her hands and turning about.
Evidently the explanation was not working, because Kagome grabbed onto the taiyoukai, setting one of his hands at her waist and holding his other hand up in the air. Using a hand on his shoulder she was pushing him about, making him walk back and forth a few steps. Rin stared, as perplexed as Sesshomaru as she tried to figure out what Kagome was doing. There was a pattern that was repeated every three steps, but they did not seem to be going anywhere. Holding on to one hand Kagome spun away from him, only to spin back into his arms, smiling brightly.
Sesshomaru stopped moving and was still as a statue. Kagome tried to force him to move, but with no luck. She put her hands on her hips, leaning forward to lecture him about something. `Knowing her she is lecturing him about not having fun.' The index finger was out, waving at her mate. `This will not end well.'
The miko found herself over Sesshomaru's shoulder and being carried away. Now Rin could hear Kagome's yelling, just faintly across the gardens. “Put me down, you big jerk! What do you think you're doing?”
Without even glancing at his protesting bundle, Sesshomaru hauled her away and out of Rin's sight.
`Just adorable. If anyone ever knew, Sesshomaru-sama would never live it down. Actually, he would probably strike them down for that kind of knowledge. I should keep this strictly to myself.' Rin set her chin on a branch, staring into the gardens that were now empty. `I would love to have someone like that. Someone to walk in the gardens with and talk. Someone to relax with. Merkamou is right, I do push myself hard.'
Thinking about the hawk was a bad plan. `Oh, now I am going to think about him for the rest of the day. No, I will think of Takashi instead. After all, he is the one I am going to be with.'
Staring into the gardens, Rin imagined walking with Takashi like that. She would pick flowers, tending to her plants while she talked strategy and movements with the future general. That would be ideal. Perhaps they could even work through some moves in the gardens, using branches from a tree instead of swords. A game. It had been a long time since Rin had played a game instead of training.
`And a young one of my own, to play with us in the gardens. A daughter, and I could teach her sword play like the Captain taught me. Takashi could help, and we could all play together in the gardens. What would she look like?'
A little girl with dark eyes and black hair mixed with feathers formed in her mind. She would be fast, like Mizuki, but not nearly as serious. `She could wear clothing like mine, so she could run and play without a kimono getting in the way. She would be amazing.'
While she was day dreaming, she picked colors for her future daughter's clothing. `Red, bright red.'
`Wait a minute, my daughter had black hair, why does she seem to have red hair now?' In her mind Takashi's hair had also turned to red, and the eyes were a bright gold. The voice that spoke was not the dark, calm voice of her intended, but the fire of the Southern Lord.
“Ahhh!” Rin lost her balance and started to fall from the tree. She caught herself as she went, now hanging upside down as she glared at Merkamou. “What the hell are you doing here?”
Both of the red and gold eyebrows went up into his hair. “Well, greetings to you as well.”
“Why do you even bother telling us when you will arrive if you have no intention of staying with that schedule?”
“I left exactly when I intended to.”
“You got here in one day? Did you fly the whole way?”
“As a matter of fact, yes.”
“Poor Takashi, did you kill him with your haste, or is he passed out somewhere?”
There was a definite scowl at Rin's concern over Takashi. “He is well. He did not feel comfortable moving about the grounds without greeting the Lord and Lady first, so he is waiting in the reception hall with Shippo. I knew I could easily find you, and that you could help me find Sesshomaru-sama and Kagome-sama.”
Rin's heart rate jumped at the mention of how easily he could find her. Realizing that she was still hanging upside down, she grabbed onto a branch and swung so that her feet were underneath her. “I suppose this means I should come down and play hostess. Sesshomaru-sama and Kagome-chan just left, and I do not believe they wish to be disturbed. Will Takashi accept a greeting from me until they return?”
“I believe he would.” Merkamou watched with barely disguised enjoyment as his merlin came down from the tree. She was a joy to watch with her elegant, controlled strength.
Landing next to the hawk, Rin ran her hands over her hair. “Do I look presentable? I do not want him to change his mind.”
“You are more than presentable, merlin.”
“Arigato, Merkamou. Let us go and rescue your cousin. He must be getting nervous in the hall with just that kit for company. Are Kagome-chan's guards watching him?”
“Oh, hai. They leave me alone because Kagome-sama insisted, but they seem to think that Takashi is a possible threat. That is the other reason he did not want to move around until he had been greeted by the family. He was concerned about the guards being overprotective.”
Falling in step beside Rin, Merkamou fought to stop grinding his teeth. Takashi had been quite philosophical about the whole situation, but had insisted on having a chance with her. The choice would be entirely Rin's, and Merkamou had agreed to let Takashi meet with her before he told her of the change in his situation. It would only be fair that she actually spend some time with his cousin before making such a decision.
Nervous hands were fluttering everywhere. `He says that my hair looks fine, but he is rather biased. Perhaps I should stop at my room, but Takashi is waiting. Kagome-chan's guards can be rather intimidating when they take it into their head to be so. I cannot believe he is here already, I was not ready. I was going to wear a kimono and greet him with Kagome. Now I am with Merkamou and I just tried to fall out of a tree. Not that I mind being with Merkamou, but he does not usually settle my nerves. Quite the opposite. Oh, I think my heart is going to pound right through me chest.'
“Breathe, merlin. You will be fine.” Merkamou had watched with some concern as Rin's breathing came faster as they got closer to the palace.
“Are you sure? I do not know if I can do this. Why am I so nervous? The last time he saw me I was in a pile of cloaks and badly injured. I cannot look worse then that. Maybe I should change, or find Kumo. She could touch my hair up. Or maybe that is the wrong message. What do I do?”
“Breathing would be an excellent start.”
Sucking in a lung full of air, Rin felt her body tingle. “I suppose I have not been breathing recently.”
“Not since we left that tree.”
“He will like me, right?”
“He already does.”
“Right. I can do this. If I pass out please carry me back to my room.”
“I will do that. Go on, the guards are probably getting bored by now.”
Taking a last deep breath, Rin let herself into the reception hall. Standing in the middle of the floor was her intended and the kit. The guard was giving the adult nasty looks from around the room, but snapped to attention when they saw Rin. Smiling, Rin waved them out. There was a moment of hesitation, as though the game had been ended early, but they obediently left.
“It is a relief to see a familiar face, Rin-san. I was beginning to feel like a criminal.” Takashi gave her a friendly smile as he turned to face her.
“Rin! You look much better.” Shippo bounced up to her, looking over her now mostly healed hip and shoulder.
`Breathe, before I pass out. I have faced a taiyoukai on my own, I can do this. I think. Oh, I think I am going to be sick. Merkamou is going to be carrying me out at this rate.' Thanking her stars that Akira had taught her this trick, Rin snapped open her fan to hide her nervous hands and uneven breathing. “Arigato, short one. Kagome-chan's guard was selected for their loyalty to the family, and it is a duty they take most seriously.”
“Merkamou-sama, she's not very nice to me.” Shippo retreated to his lord.
“She is lucky to have such devoted protection.” The dark haired taiyoukai moved closer to her, looking into her eyes. “It is a pleasure to see you again, Rin-san.”
“It is a pleasure to see you as well, Takashi-sama.”
There was an awkward silence as Rin wracked her brain for something to say. `Why does my mind stop working at times like this? I can think of anything during battle, but I have an attractive male smiling at me and it might as well be sawdust up there.'
“I do not believe Takashi or Shippo have been to this palace before. Perhaps we could show them around?” Merkamou knew that he could not leave Takashi and Rin without a chaperone, it would be improper. He would wait until Kagome's return to drop out of sight.
Rin was so thankful for Merkamou's help that she nearly hugged him. “A wonderful idea, my lord. Would that interest you, Takashi-sama?”
“Nothing could make me happier then walking with you, Rin-san.” Takashi fell into step beside her with Merkamou and Shippo taking up the rear.
“Then we will start in the gardens. Kagome-chan would be a much better guide for the rest of the palace, since I do not remember most of the history, but I know the gardens like my own hand.”
The tour of the gardens was pure hell for Merkamou. He was silent as Rin chatted with Takashi, showing him the different gardens and flowers that she cared for. When his cousin offered a hand to help his intended step off a bridge he was caught between jealousy and laughter. Jealousy at having someone else touching her, and laughter that his merlin would need a hand to step off of something. Of course Rin took the offered hand with a smile and thanks, as was polite.
The small group had stopped by a massive wall of honeysuckle when they picked up the voices of Sesshomaru and Kagome.
“Well, if that is what you are going to do every time I try to teach you something you think is dumb, then I will be thinking of a bunch of dumb things to teach you. Even if I'm going to have a hard time walking after . . . ”
Blushing for her friend, Rin yelled. “Kagome-chan! We have company.”
“What the . . . what are you guys doing here?” There was a pause, then footsteps on the other side of the flowers. Kagome stuck her head around the honeysuckle. “Shippo! Nobody said that you were coming. And I'm just going to have a permanent room set up for you, trouble maker. You're always early, and you always stay late. This must be Takashi. It's nice to meet you when I might remember it.”
“Kagome!” Shippo hurtled at his friend, grabbing her around the waist. “I've missed you!”
“Kagome-sama.” Takashi dipped into a low bow. “It is a pleasure to meet you again, Lady of the West.”
“Nobody calls me that.” Kagome glanced over her shoulder as her mate moved up behind her. “Did you meet Sesshomaru last time?”
“No, I did not. A true honor, Sesshomaru-sama.” There was a second low bow to the lord.
There was a slight nod, letting Takashi straighten. “Merkamou-sama.”
“Sesshomaru-sama. It seems that I see more of you then my own court these days.”
“I was taking Takashi-sama and Shippo on a tour of the gardens.” Rin fidgeted as Kagome and Sesshomaru looked Takashi over like an animal at the fair.
“Can I join you? I'm sure Sesshomaru has something really important to deal with at the palace.” Kagome glanced at her taiyoukai again.
“Hai.” Catching Kagome's thought, he glanced at Merkamou. “I have a document that requires your attention, Merkamou-sama.”
“Of course, Sesshomaru-sama. Shippo, you can stay here. I look forward to seeing you later, my ladies.” Merkamou bowed to Kagome and Rin before following Sesshomaru back to the palace.
“So, Takashi, tell me about yourself. Everything.” Kagome gave a bright smile as she began her interrogation.
`Poor Takashi. I am certain that he has never been questioned like that. I wonder if he passed.' Rin glanced up from her meal to look at her intended. He was across from her, sitting next to Merkamou. This was extremely awkward for Rin, because she was trying to avoid looking at one, but trying to take extra time to look at the other. She would need to talk to Kagome about the seating arrangements dinner tomorrow. Shippo was next to her, making faces when he thought Mizuki was not looking. Rin was suspicious that the pup was seeing everything, but would bide her time. Irritated, she gave him a bump with her elbow. It did not seem to work, since the kit just started to make faces at her instead.
Sesshomaru's daughter was enthralled with having yet another military leader around. She was blatantly picking his mind and discovering all of the details from the battle to the east. When she had heard about so many lords and generals all discussing strategy she had looked crushed. She secretly hoped that the next war would be when she was old enough to come along. This hawk seemed to be perfectly happy to discuss strategy all night, and it was not until she was yawning with enough vigor to make her jaw pop that Kagome was able to pull her away for her own bed.
Escaping to her own room, Rin followed Kagome and Mizuki down the hall. The miko gave her a look that clearly said she was going to be coming over to talk. Rin nodded and continued to her room, changing into a yukata and robe. She was settled on top of her blankets with a scroll when the Kagome slipped in.
“He seems really nice.”
“Hai.” Rin set her reading aside.
“And I just know he's going to make general after listening to him with Mizuki.”
“Then why do I feel like this is a bad idea?”
“Because you are a hopeless romantic, Kagome-chan.” Rin collapsed on her bed. “You will not be happy unless I have a happily ever after with a certain red headed taiyoukai.”
“That's part of it, of course. But the other part is because I don't think your personalities match. He is pretty serious.”
“This is coming from the mate of Sesshomaru-sama?”
“I'll have you know that he has an evil sense of humor. And we're not talking about me, we're talking about you.”
“I like the fact that he takes things seriously.”
“Really?” Kagome sat next to her on the blankets. “Then why did you fall in love with someone that spooked your dragon so that it took off with you and is called trouble maker?”
“Rumor has it that you were once in love with an unmannered hanyou that would swing first and ask questions later.”
“This has nothing to do with him.” Kagome snapped her head away. “Fine, I see your point. I'll let it go. I think Sesshomaru is willing to go along with this. We'll see tomorrow what he does. We both want you to be happy.”
“I know, Kagome-chan.” Rin hugged her friend tightly. “You worry too much.”
“Of course I do. Now, go to sleep. No staying up all night to read like Mizuki. I'm going to go steal her lamp before I call it a night. Otherwise she will be trying to read instead of sleeping.”
“I will see you tomorrow.”
The single lamp was extinguished. The dark was not soothing, but instead seemed to wake up all of Rin's concerns. `What am I doing? Can I be happy with him? I certainly will not be braiding things into his hair or having him help me with my flowers. But he is very nice. I want to go outside, but going out this late leads to nothing but trouble.'
Anxiety drove her to pace around her room. She slid her window open so that the moonlight could shine in. The grounds were deserted, relieving some of her anxiety. `I swear, if I have the urge to go out and roam it means that everyone is outside just waiting for me.'
Resting her chin on her hands, she stared out over the dancing fireflies. She loved this palace, and could not imagine being anywhere else. But if things went well with Takashi she would be leaving, probably within the month. Somewhere else would be home. She would be surrounded by strangers, and mated to one. The anxiety ramped up until her back was a solid rope of tension. `What am I doing? Can I even do that with him? I do not know.'
Claustrophobia gripped her. `I do not care if every monster in Japan is out there, I cannot stay in here.' With a quick move she vaulted out the window. Her bare feet sank into the grass as she skipped towards the gardens. Alone in the moonlight she spun about like a little girl, her loose hair tossing about. Now she was free.
Inside the palace she could see lights moving past closed windows. She knew which room was Takashi's, and the lamps were being lit in that room. Evidently he had also decided to find his room. Feeling mischievous, she snuck up to the window and rapped on it. A pair of dark eyes appeared from behind the rice paper, with a blade in his hand.
“Easy, Takashi-sama, it is just me!”
“Rin-san? What are you doing outside, alone, at night?” Takashi tried not to notice her clothing.
“I was bored. I saw you coming to bed, so I wanted to wish you a good night.”
“Rin-san, there is no chaperone. You should not be here.”
Rin rolled her eyes. “I am not inside of your room, or even near you. I am just wishing you a good night, then I will return to my own room.”
“Arigato, Rin-san. I do not wish any harm to come to you. Anyone who saw you tonight, by my window, unsupervised would ask awkward questions. I understand that you are an innocent about these matters, but it is inappropriate.”
“Of course, Takashi-sama. I will see you tomorrow.”
She heard the window slide shut behind her as she walked away. `He certainly is honorable. Rather boring. What kind of a lady have I become? Isamu would be downright proud of me, accosting my intended in the middle of the night.' Her thoughts boiled higher and higher as she rounded the end of the palace and approached the family's wing. `Why do I feel like I am disappointed that he just turned me away? It means that he is honorable, and not at all like Isamu. But that means that Merkamou is dishonorable, and I cannot see him that way. Even if we did do some rather dishonorable things. Not that I minded. Is Takashi really that honorable, or is he just not as interested?'
Frustration led to desperate action. Rin hurled a rock at Merkamou's window, bouncing off of the frame.
“And what is your problem, merlin?” Merkamou's hair was mussed and he was bare chested as he slid his window open. “Some of us are civilized and believe in resting when it is late at night.”
“Civilized? You are not wearing a kimono, Merkamou. I cannot sleep.”
“Sleep would require you to lie down and relax.”
Rin chucked another rock, which Merkamou caught. Crossing her arms, she started to pace again. “I cannot relax.”
“I see this. Why are you so anxious?”
“I do not know what to do. I hardly know him, and yet I am agreeing to go to his home where I will know no one. And I will be his mate. He is a stranger to me, Merkamou.”
“It is not too late to change your mind, merlin.”
“And do what?”
There was a heavy silence as Merkamou tried to find the right words.
“And do what, Merkamou?”
“You could be with me.”
“We had this discussion!” Rin's pacing gained a stomp as she marched back and forth. “I will not be your whore, and I will not cause the fall of the Southern Lands!”
“Stop yelling before you wake the entire palace, merlin. The situation has changed. I told you that I had exiled my mother.”
“Yes, you did, but that will not be enough. You told me about your unruly nobles and your oldest sister's mate. I cannot believe that you have brought this up again.”
“I have taken care of these problems. I wish for you to be with me, so I have made it possible. No, it is not a perfect life. Or even an easy one, but it is possible.”
Rin froze, looking away from him. “And what of Takashi?”
“He knows. The decision is yours, and yours alone. I could not just push him aside, he is my cousin and a favorite of my sister.”
Moving closer to the window, Rin felt her body start to shake. “How were you able to fix this?”
“My sister's oldest son is now heir, so her mate is no longer a problem. And she has agreed to control the idiot. Mother is gone, and I have spent the last few weeks explaining a new set of rules to my nobles. I will fight for you, my merlin. If you want me.”
“I do not know if I want to slap you or kiss you right now.”
“I would prefer the later.” Merkamou was leaning out the window, teasing Rin with his eyes.
“Oh no. You do not get to just announce this and win. I will give Takashi a fair chance.”
Snagging Rin by the wrist, Merkamou smiled and whispered to her. “I know, but I can be very persuasive when need be.”
“Let my ward go.”
Merkamou and Rin both turned at the low growl to see Sesshomaru with Tokijin in his hand and his eyes bleeding red. “I will kill you for this behavior, Merkamou.”
Terror gripped Rin. “Kagome-chan!”