InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ For Her ( Chapter 32 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: This chapter was hard to do, since I wanted to make it perfect. It's always hard to do a fight between two powerful characters, especially when you like both of them and you don't want either of them to lose. Of course I'm still not happy with it, but I'm worried about getting bombs in the mail if I don't post something soon. -evil grin-.
Ding ding ding, place your bets for the fight of the century. Sesshomaru vs. Merkamou. I have been wanting to do this battle since Merkamou first showed up. Place your bets and enjoy the damage.
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“He seems nice enough. Maybe a little boring, but he could be shy.”
Sesshomaru looked at the little miko that was already burrowed under the blankets. “Being called boring by you would be considered a compliment by many.” He barely moved to dodge a slipper aimed for his head.
The great taiyoukai grabbed Kagome's blanket and pulled it off of the bed.
“Give that back! It's cold in here!”
“Will you refrain from throwing things at my person?”
“I'm gonna . . . what is it?”
Sesshomaru had frozen, head tipped slightly to the side. Kagome knew he was listening to something, and whatever it was did not sit well with him.
I will not be your whore or cause the fall of the Southern Lands!
Stop yelling before you wake the entire palace, merlin.
“I will kill him.”
“Whoa! What did you hear?” The miko had her hand to her forehead, feeling as thought the fury coming off of her mate might sweep her away.
Grabbing Tokijin, the inu-youkai slid his window open. “Stay here.”
“Where are you going? Who are you killing? At least put some more clothes on!”
There was no answer as he disappeared into the night.
“Just great.” Trying to shake off the effect of his rage, Kagome hunted for a robe and a guard for Katsuro. “Now I have to go chase him down.”
`He has asked Rin to be his whore. There will not be enough pieces for even Tensaiga to bring him back.' Sesshomaru rounded the end of the palace and found his prey. The moonlight clearly showed Rin standing outside, dressed for sleep, and with a half dressed Merkamou pulling on her wrist. `How dare he lay a hand on my ward. Bastard.'
“I will kill you for this behavior, Merkamou.”
Two faces turned to look at the low growl. Rin went white at the expression on his face while the hawk tensed.
“Sesshomaru-sama, I do not know what you think is going on, but it is not worth killing over. I will assume you have overheard out conversation.”
“Disgusting proposition.”
Rin slipped her hand free of Merkamou's grip and moved down the palace. The hawk straightened, glancing at the table in his room that held his sword within his reach. He had never thought that Sesshomaru would protest his ward becoming Lady of the South. “It is not a disgusting proposition. I thought you would support it.”
The inu-youkai snarled and swung Tokijin. Merkamou grabbed his own sword and ducked for cover as the wall was destroyed.
“This is beneath her, Merkamou. She will never go with you.”
Sword in hand, Merkamou walked through the remains of the wall to face the lord. “I will not let you stand in the way.”
There was the ring of steel on steel as Sesshomaru attacked, pushing Merkamou back. “She is my ward, and your behavior has brought about your death.”
“If you think I will back down to you after facing my own court, my own sister, and even my mother, you are mistaken.” The hawk attacked in return, no longer on the defensive. “If she wishes to be with me then I will take on anyone, including you, Sesshomaru.”
“She would never wish for such dishonor.” Tokijin was pushing Merkamou back again as Sesshomaru let his youkai instincts gain control. This bastard would not have the chance to dishonor his ward.
The hawk's control snapped. “You know nothing.” A blast of wind pushed Sesshomaru away, forcing the taiyoukai to slam Tokijin into the ground as an anchor. Merkamou attacked again while his opponent was distracted, forcing him to abandon Tokijin and leap away. The poison whip flashed into existence, snapping at the hawk he was dodging. The whip wrapped around Merkamou's blade and snatched it away. Before the whip could return Merkamou was a wisp of flame, streaking off to recover his sword.
Both recovered their swords and faced off again.
“I will kill you before you touch her again.”
“And I will kill you before I give her up.”
Mizuki woke to the sound of angry voices outside of her window. Rubbing her eyes she went to investigate, sliding the window open to find her father, sister, and Merkamou outside together. Rin slipped her hand away from Merkamou and moved towards Mizuki's window.
“Rin-neechan, what is going on?”
“Stay inside, Mizuki.”
The palace shook as the wall to Merkamou's room was destroyed. Mizuki ducked with a squeak, watching debris soar past her window. “Rin-neechan!”
“I am fine, Mizuki-chan.” Rin vaulted into her sister's window. “We have to find Kagome-chan.”
“What the hell is going on?” Kagome had her hand on her forehead as she ran in. “Who is he trying to kill? I can't get anything but red haze.”
“Merkamou. You have to stop him!” Rin pulled Kagome down by the wall as the wind blasted outside, ripping the screen from Mizuki's window and hurling it into the room.
“What have you done, Rin? They are really trying to kill each other this time.”
“Nothing! We were talking when Sesshomaru just showed up and said he was going to kill Merkamou.”
“He heard something before he took off. What did you say?”
“I do not know. He asked me to be with him, and I said . . . oh no, I yelled that I would not be his whore. Oh, Kagome-chan, Sesshomaru-sama thinks Merkamou wants me for a concubine, and Merkamou just asked me to be his mate!”
“He what? Oh, Rin-chan, that's wonderful! Assuming he lives through this.”
“You must stop Sesshomaru-sama!”
“I can't influence him without touching him, and even I can't get near him right now.”
“But if he stops long enough for you to get near him, then you could end this?”
“Probably, but he is so wound up that I'm getting angry myself. I'm almost ready to kill that hawk for him.”
“You must try, Kagome-chan.” Rin ran out of the door, racing for her own room. `I will stop Sesshomaru-sama myself. I will not let him kill Merkamou.'
Sparks flew as the two taiyoukai exchanged blows again. Sesshomaru was taking advantage of his height, trying to overpower the smaller youkai. Merkamou stepped out from underneath, kicking his opponent hard enough to knock him back. A hit opened a long cut down Sesshomaru's arm, staining his arm with black blood.
The inu-youkai charged again, but his leap was knocked off course by a whirlwind of Merkamou's creation. The poison whip snapped into existence, slashing the hawk across the back. Stumbling, Merkamou gritted his teeth against the searing pain. `Poison. Of course. Ouch.'
Time was short. The poison would start slowing him down soon, and Merkamou had to finish it now. As the inu-youkai landed the hawk was on him again, pressing the inu-youkai back.
Sesshomaru was surprised to find himself being pushed back. He had always seen the hawk as the weakest of the taiyoukai, but he was reevaluating this assessment as he blocked the attacks. Tokijin was knocked up and out of the way, and the Lord of the West was rather surprised to find a dagger between his ribs. Kicking Merkamou away, he pulled the dagger out. The hawk had kept the dagger hidden at his waist, and had slipped it in for a hit.
`Now I have truly made him mad.' Merkamou fell back and twisted, dodging his own dagger as it was thrown at him. The poison was starting to take effect as his opponent charged him again. Rapid blows were exchanged as each hunted for an opening. Binding up Sesshomaru's blade, the hawk punched him in the temple. While his opponent's balance was off he brought up the pommel and slammed it into his throat. The sword was snapped around and slammed through Sesshomaru's stomach, twisting as it went to open a large hole.
“Do you honestly think that will stop me?” Ignoring the sword, Sesshomaru grabbed the hawk's arm and sank his claws in. More poison was sent rushing through his opponent's blood stream.
Staggering, Merkamou broke loose and moved away. “No, but it will slow even you down.”
Sesshomaru pulled the blade from his stomach, dropping it to the ground. “This will not slow me down enough to save you.”
Unarmed and poisoned, Merkamou tried to come up with a plan. Options seemed rather thin with Sesshomaru advancing on him with Tokijin. Transforming now would be pointless, he could not fly like this. `I hate calling fire without transforming, but I do not have a choice. This will hurt.'
Sesshomaru leapt, aiming a killing blow with Tokijin at his opponent. Gritting his teeth, Merkamou sent fire blasting at him. The inu-youkai ignored the flames that burned his skin and continued his attack, slashing down to finish the hawk off. The wind and flame was pushing him back, but it would not be enough to stop the attack entirely. Merkamou braced, looking for an opening to sink his talons into his opponent as the distance closed. `If I can get that sword out of his hands, I still have a chance.'
Merkamou heard the yell and stopped the flames, unwilling to risk Rin.
Tokijin was brought to a halt by two katanas, crossed before their owner. The force of the blow sent Rin to her knees, but she kept her eyes on Sesshomaru. All three blades sparked and hissed as the youki in each of them fought for dominance.
“Rin. Move.”
The exterminator shook as she held her hero back. “No, Sesshomaru-sama.”
“Merlin, get out of here.”
“I will not leave you.”
Sesshomaru pressed down harder, pushing Rin down. “You will not go with him. Move.”
“No, Sesshomaru-sama.”
Kagome was moving up quietly from behind. Her mate knew where she was, and he was not amused. Spinning to face her, a low growl of warning rumbled from his chest as his eyes gleamed crimson. Running the last few steps, she threw herself at him. Her fingers grabbed onto his haori as she used all of her strength to calm him, to make him see that this was all a huge mistake. “Come back to me, Sesshomaru.”
One clawed hand closed around her arm, cutting into her skin and leaving small patches of red on her robe. The miko did not move, but hung on tighter as the battle of wills continued. If she lost she may very well turn on Merkamou herself. She was touching him, so he could influence her the same way she was trying to influence him. The low growl continued as he held Tokijin in a white knuckle grip with one hand and Kagome's arm with the other. Slowly, the growl faded away. The hand moved from her arm to rest on her back, pulling her into an embrace. The miko was shaking like a leaf from exhaustion and relief.
“And what is the misunderstanding, koishii?” Sesshomaru whispered so that only Kagome could hear him.
“He doesn't want her for a concubine, he wants her for a mate.”
“Nani?” Clawed fingers ran through Kagome's hair. She was still shaking, and Sesshomaru could smell her blood. He trailed gentle fingers over her arm, his jaw tightening with concern at the holes in her robe. “You should return to bed, Kagome.”
“Not until after you have talked to Merkamou and Rin. I'm not leaving you until I'm sure you aren't going to kill anyone tonight. You scared poor Mizuki half to death.”
“Very well.” Sesshomaru looked over to where Rin was kneeling next to Merkamou. She was running her fingers over the cut on his back, concern radiating off of her. His own mate was staring in horror at the hole in his stomach, blood staining her own clothing.
“We need the healer.” Kagome looked at her mate's back and shivered when she saw that the hole went all the way through.
“I will be fine. The hawk needs a healer.”
The miko was not fooled for a moment by the bravado. She could feel the strain he was under just to stay on his feet. “This is not a flesh wound. This is a hole bigger then my arm through your middle. Mizuki-chan! Go wake up the healer!”
“Everyone is already awake, Mama! Father did try to destroy the palace, and the servants are putting out the fires that Merkamou started.” Mizuki disappeared from her window and ran off to find Nori.
“She does not seem particularly frightened to me.”
“Hush.” Kagome looked over at the wing of the palace that was now on fire. The servants seemed to have everything under control, courtesy of some youkai that were able to use water to douse the flames. Her attention returned to the new couple kneeling in the grass. “Rin-chan, how is the trouble maker doing?”
“I think he will live, Kagome-chan.” Rin shook her head. “You just draw problems to yourself, Merkamou.”
“It is not my doing, merlin.” Even while he was slumped in the grass, he could bring up his infectious smile. “This is only a problem when I am here. Perhaps it is a member of this family that draws the problems.”
Sesshomaru looked at Kagome, who promptly smacked him, but gently. She ripped off part of her robe to try and stop the blood that was running from his stomach.
“Who is destroying the palace?” The healer followed Mizuki through the hole in Merkamou's wall. “Oh. I should have known.”
“Enough comments. Help me patch these two up.” Kagome helped herself to some of the bandages Nori had.
“And what about yourself?” The healer's sharp eyes had spotted the blood on Kagome's arm. Despite her protests, Kagome's sleeve was pushed up to reveal bruises and five deep punctures. “This will also need care.”
“Fine, but then I want you to take care of Merkamou.”
Kagome held still long enough for her arm to be wrapped before pushing the healer towards the hawk.
“My lord Merkamou, we meet again. And I must agree with you, Sesshomaru-sama does much more effective work then a dragon. Rin-san, you alone are not injured, what a surprise!”
“Will he be okay, Nori-sama?” Rin stayed with Merkamou as the healer checked the damage.
“Of course. Sesshomaru-sama's poison is much nastier since it burns like an acid, but it does not last long. Assuming the victim lives that long. How is your shoulder?”
“Much better, arigato.”
“It's kind of convenient that they decided to do this half dressed. Less kimonos to replace.” Kagome pulled a bandage tight around her mate. “Mizuki-chan, can you hand that wrap to me?”
“Hai, Mama.” Mizuki knew that her father was in no danger, but there was blood everywhere. Sesshomaru caught her eye as she stared at the long cut down his arm and the burns.
“It is fine.”
“Hai, father.”
`Total word count in that conversation: five.' Cleaning off Sesshomaru's arm, Kagome pulled another bandage into place. “You need to talk to Merkamou and Rin.”
The miko looked over to her daughter. “Mizuki-chan, back to bed. I'll come by and check on you before I go to bed.”
“Hai, Mama.” Rather then go through the blown out wall, the pup jumped through her window. A few minutes later she threw the remains of the screen back out the window, along with some debris that had blown in.
“Change of plans, Mizuki-chan. My room is in one piece still, so grab your brother from the guards and go in there.”
“Hai, Mama!”
“I am done with this one, and you have already tended to Sesshomaru-sama. I will check for other injuries.” The healer gathered up his supplies and went back through the wall.
The two couples stared at each other.
“Dining hall. Let's go, and try not to destroy anymore of the palace.” Kagome kept a hand on Sesshomaru as she steered him inside. “I'm going to suggest that both of you need more clothing.”
“Of course, Kagome-sama.” Merkamou looked around the shambles that had once been his room. “Hopefully I still have some.”
“I will help you look.” Rin pushed her way to the remains of the closet, letting the destroyed door just fall to the ground. “The damage is not that bad, actually. Other than your taste in clothing.”
“Out of there, merlin. I do not need any more abuse tonight, least of all regarding my wardrobe.” Even though he was staggering he was still able to lift Rin and move her out of his closet.
“Leave it, jo-chan.” Kagome dragged her irritated mate to his own room. “And change out of those hakama as well, they are soaked in blood.”
“We should not leave them alone.” Sesshomaru tossed the ruined clothing aside as Kagome pulled her own blood soaked robe off.
“They're fine. You can let them have it after we are all sitting down and not covered in blood.”
The two taiyoukai stared at each other from across the table. Kagome and Rin looked back and forth between them, hoping they were both too injured to attack each other again.
“Explain yourself.”
Taking a deep breath, Merkamou braced himself. “I want to take the merlin as my mate.”
“And when did you come to this conclusion.”
“A while ago, but it has only become possible recently.”
The amber eyes moved to Rin. “Then why were you yelling about being a whore?”
“That was an old argument. I misunderstood him.” Rin fussed with the sash of her robe.
“Old argument?” Sesshomaru's gaze went back to Merkamou. “This has been going on for awhile?”
“Hai. We never expected anything to come of it.” The hawk was quite sure he did not like the look in Sesshomaru's eyes.
“You are the one that broke her?”
“Oh, Kami.” Kagome rested her head on her hand as she slapped her other hand down on Sesshomaru's arm. “Could you please use some of that legendary control? Please? My head is killing me, and if I faint you're coming with me.”
“What do you want, Merkamou?”
“I have already told you what I want. I want the merlin.”
“And what of Takashi and Sora? You are both committed.”
“I will make amends with Sora's family, and Takashi already knows. The choice is up to the merlin.”
“So you intend to court her, and she will choose between you and Takashi.”
“What do you say, Rin?”
“I am all right with this, Sesshomaru-sama. I know I should not have woken him up in the middle of the night, but I needed to talk to him. I have not decided what I am going to do yet, but I would like for him to be allowed to court me.”
There was a long moment of silence as Sesshomaru looked at Rin, then turned to look at Kagome. She held his eyes with her own dark blue ones, holding what seemed to be a silent conversation. Finally, he turned back to Merkamou and the hawk would have sworn he saw a sigh. “Very well. You may court her.”
“Arigato, Sesshomaru-sama.” Rin felt like she could breathe again.
“You do realize that Sora's family will not be pleased with this.”
“I know. I will compensate them, and if they wish I will arrange another acceptable match.” Merkamou was not about to let minor details derail him from his objective. Not after everything he had been through to get this far.
“It is your problem now. Not mine.”
“If everyone is done behaving like idiots, I need my bed.” Kagome still had her head propped up with her hand, her other hand on Sesshomaru's arm. `I can't even imagine what it will be like when Mizuki is ready to find a mate of her own. The palace may not survive.'
“If these two are willing to behave in an honorable manner.”
“What are you talking about, Sesshomaru?”
“Rin should not have been alone with him at that hour.”
“Quit being a hypocrite.”
“Nani?” Sesshomaru snapped his head around to look at his mate.
“When did we ever have a chaperone? Honestly. I'd only been here for a few days before you saw me naked.”
Merkamou let out a snort as he tried to keep from laughing.
“I walked in on a bath. That is different.”
“You certainly didn't look away. As I remember it, you were taking in all the sights. Or we can talk about you insisting we hold a conversation while you were in the baths. Naked.”
Now the hawk was changing colors as he tried to stop the laughter that was building in his chest.
“We are retiring for the night.” Sesshomaru pulled his miko to her feet.
Kagome tossed a grin over her shoulder as she let Sesshomaru lead her out. “Good night, you two.”
Rin and Merkamou stared at each other in the dining hall. The hawk was choking the laughter back down as he processed the conversation. “Well, that was unexpected.”
“I do not remember any of that from when Kagome arrived. But I probably would not have recognized it if I did see it. I remember finding her in Sesshomaru-sama's bed one morning, but I thought she had woken up from a nightmare. Oh, that is embarrassing now.”
“I need to find a bed before I collapse. This has not been a restful night. Since my room is destroyed I will need to find a room in the guest wing.”
“You could stay with me.” Rin had been thinking that she still had the second bed that Mizuki used, but once it was out of her mouth she blushed.
“No one could refuse such an offer, my merlin.”
“On the second bed, Merkamou.”
“My hopes are crushed. However, it is still an offer I will accept.”
“Okay. Umm, yes, then we should go?”
“Lead on.”
Rin thought she would have a fit long before she reached her room. The fact that she arrived still breathing was rather surprising to her. Refusing to look at her guest, she lit a lamp so that she could move around. She was suddenly thankful for her large room, since it gave her a chance to keep on the other side of it and far away from the source of her anxiety. She set her katanas back on their rack, trying to look busy while Merkamou looked around.
“Some how I expected more weapons.”
“I keep those in storage. I do not want to be tripping over them in the night. Only my katanas stay in here. I do not want anyone to bump them by accident and get shocked.” Rin grabbed a blanket and tossed it on the second bed. “They reject everyone, even other ningens.”
“Interesting. Do you intend to sleep with the lamp on?”
`Tempting. Somehow this seems safer with the light on. Sure, he is on the other side of the room, but still.' Rin tugged at her sash again. “No, I will turn it out after you are settled into bed. That bed.”
Shrugging his shoulders, he moved away from her and towards the second bed. “As you wish.”
`Yes, please, stay over there. I will not be held responsible for my behavior if he comes over here.' Once Merkamou was settled, Rin blew out her lamp and slipped out of her robe. The blankets went right up to her nose, hiding everything.
“Breathe, merlin.”
Laughter helped Rin to remember to breathe. “Why is it that you must remind me of that so often, Merkamou?”
“I do not know. Am I that unsettling?”
“Your vanity knows no bounds.”
“It is not vanity when it is the truth.”
“You are supposed to be exhausted. Go to sleep.”
“Hai, merlin. I will see you in the morning.”
There was a little shiver through Rin's body at the thought of waking up and seeing him first thing in the morning. “Good night.”
“Good night.”
`I forgot about that. Ugh, if I lived with him I would never sleep again.' Rin sat up and glared at the snoring hawk. `I will smother him if he does not stop that immediately!'
Tip toeing across the room, Rin nudged Merkamou on the shoulder. “Hey, you are making enough noise to wake the ancestors. Merkamou.”
One gold eye cracked open. “What is it now, merlin?”
“You are snoring.”
“No, I am not.”
“Yes, you are. Roll over or something so I can sleep.”
“Nonsense. I like to sleep on my back.”
Glaring, Rin grabbed onto a shoulder and started to haul the hawk over. “I need to sleep even more then you do. Now stop being quarrelsome and roll over!”
Merkamou grabbed her and yanked her down next to him. “Only if you will keep me company.”
“Ack! You are in no condition to be doing anything of that sort, Merkamou!”
“I said keep me company, I did not say that you would be doing anything. And you are correct, I am in no condition for activities of that nature, so you are safe.”
The dark brown eyes found the shining gold ones in the dark. “If I stay here you will roll over so you will stop snoring?”
“We can certainly try.” Rin was pulled under the blankets and tucked up against Merkamou's stomach. One arm wrapped around her waist while his other was under his head. “Acceptable, merlin?”
`This is a bad idea.' “Acceptable, Merkamou.”