InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ A Gift ( Chapter 33 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: AN.AN.AN., good comments across the board. Let's give Rin a chance to redeem herself. That's the problem with posting a chapter at a time, I know it's going to get tied up or explained away, but no one else does. Rin was being a bit stupid, yes, but she is getting awfully used to running around at night. It was good for her to have Takashi tell her off. And she even talked to herself about it “What kind of a lady have I become? Isamu would be downright proud of me, accosting my intended in the middle of the night.” Mr. J, Sesshy's been dealing with that racket the whole time Merkamou's been there. He's getting pretty good at ignoring it. Now the question is if he will figure out that he is now making all that noise in Rin's room. Chrissy-Wolf, quit making me blush. The husband is asking questions. :-) Nilee, so so so tempting. You have no idea.
For anyone who is curious, yes I am winding this up rapidly. Trilogy? Thinking about it. I haven't made up my mind on the matter. Choices, choices. Any opinions? I was thinking about doing Mizuki and Katsuro. Anyways, I don't own anything that is worth money.
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`Where am I?' Rin blinked as she stared at the wall. The first rays of the sun were showing over the horizon, making her room various shades of gray. `That is not the right wall. And what is behind me? Oh no.'
Cautiously, she sat up and turned to look behind her. Merkamou was still sound asleep, looking quite peaceful with his red hair pooled around his head. `Holy Kami, I thought I was dreaming!'
Slipping out of bed, Rin studied her guest. She could see the edge of a bandage from under the blanket, confirming that the previous night had not been a dream at all. `Not that I mind. It is actually quite nice to wake up with him. Last time I fell asleep with him I woke up in my own bed without him.'
Memories sent her scurrying for her clothes. `What was I thinking? He should not be in here! I am just too damn comfortable with him. And I did not want him so far away. He can sleep in, but I am going to act like nothing has happened.'
Behind a screen Rin slipped into her normal clothing and made a bee line for the door. `It will not be so scandalous if I am not here.' She rapped on Mizuki's door as she went by before remembering that her sister was not in there. The door to Merkamou's room looked perfectly normal, but inside the room was destroyed. She went through the wall, looking at the damage left from the fight. The grass had been burned away and deep gouges ran through the dirt. The wall had a hole about twenty feet across in it, and there was damage from the fire. `I am glad I could not see this in the dark.'
“Impressive, huh?”
Kagome was leaning on the remains of the wall, watching Rin.
“I was thinking frightening.”
“Perhaps you and that trouble maker will think before you piss Sesshomaru off that much again. I don't like having him with a huge hole through his middle, thank you very much.”
Rin hung her head and looked at the scorched ground. “Gomen, Kagome-chan. I never, ever wanted Sesshomaru-sama to get hurt. It just happened so fast.”
“Next time at least wait until morning. I know you don't like to stay inside, but don't go waking others. Especially single males who are in love with you. For pity's sake, what were you thinking?”
“I wanted to talk to him. I forget sometimes that he is not just a friend.”
Kagome sighed and walked over to her friend. “I know, Rin-chan. No real harm done, but let's not do anymore of this late night wandering stuff, okay? Everyone got off light this time. What if I had lost to Sesshomaru?”
A tremor went through the younger woman's body at the image of Kagome turning on Merkamou. It would have been over in the blink of an eye. “I will be good, Kagome-chan.”
“This is the first time I have had to talk to you like this in a long time. I guess you were due to misbehave. It doesn't help that you have a very protective inu-youkai running around.” Taking Rin's arm, the miko steered her back into the palace. “Everything is out in the open now, so you don't need to be sneaky. I am still tempted to smack Merkamou, starting a fight with you in the middle of the night. Let's get some breakfast and pretend like nothing has happened. Sesshomaru is still asleep, and I bet Merkamou is too.”
“How did he end up in your room?”
Rin went white. “His room was destroyed, and I had a second bed. He stayed in the second bed all night, I promise.”
Kagome gave her a look. “Of course he did, Rin-chan.”
“I will think of something to say to Sesshomaru-sama, Kagome-chan. Are you mad at me?”
“Now? No. I'm just a bit annoyed. Last night? Last night I was furious. The one I love tried to destroy his own home, attacked his closest ally, and got seriously hurt. In front of his daughter. Mizuki got to see her father get into a very nasty fight, and is rather upset by this little souvenir.” Kagome pushed her sleeve up to show a bandage. “She was not happy to see her father hurt her mother. Or her father taking a swing at her big sister.”
“I did not know. I was just fighting with Merkamou, and then Sesshomaru-sama showed up.”
“I know. That's why I'm not mad at you now. It went out of control, and that's not your fault. But remember what you're dealing with. I never forget what Sesshomaru is, and don't for a second think that because Merkamou is friendly and charming that he is not capable of the same destruction as Sesshomaru.”
“I saw what Sesshomaru-sama did last night when you grabbed him. Were you scared?”
“I was scared that I was going to turn on Merkamou, or that he might break my arm without meaning to. I wasn't worried that he would kill me or anything. He would never do that, but it would still hurt to have my arm snapped.”
“And you are saying that Merkamou could do the same thing if he was mad enough.”
“Hai, and you will not be able to influence him the way I can with Sesshomaru.”
Rin rubbed at the bridge of her nose. “He would not kill me. Never.”
“I know.” Kagome draped her arm over Rin's shoulders while they walked. It was a bit of a stretch, since Rin was taller then her now, but she made it work. “Now, food before we have anymore serious ideas. Lots and lots of food. I miss chocolate.”
“Never mind. We can have a nice quiet breakfast while we let our two favorite taiyoukai sleep in.”
Voices were echoing down the hall, and Rin recognized one of them. “Oh, no. I forgot about Takashi!” She grabbed Kagome and hustled her into another room. “What do I do?”
“What do you mean? Last night you were talking about choosing between them.”
“I was still mad at Merkamou! He tells me that it is impossible over and over again, and then he just suddenly announces that I can be his mate. And he just assumed that I would drop Takashi. After he took so long to make up his mind to fight for this I did not want to just do as he said. I was not serious, but I could not let Merkamou know that! I do not want him to think that I will be a nice little female and just do anything he wants, he is cocky enough as it is. . .”
“Rin, stop. Kami, save me from teenagers and their form of logic.” Kagome rested her head against the wall. “What do you want to do?”
“I do not know. I cannot face him.”
“You will have to talk to him eventually, and someone needs to have breakfast with him.”
“Merkamou could do it.”
“So you want to go hide instead of having breakfast?”
“Can we?”
“We'll get Merkamou and make him get up. He caused the situation, he can deal with it. We can have breakfast in your room after we throw the hawk out.”
“Arigato, Kagome-chan.”
`After warning Takashi about this family, I should have paid attention to it for myself.' Merkamou downed another cup of strong tea and tried to ignore the burning sensation across his back. `Waking up to Rin and Kagome standing over me, and Kagome poking me with her foot, was not how I wanted to start my day.'
Kagome-sama had been in rare form. “Up. You have to go to breakfast.”
“Why?” Rubbing his eyes, Merkamou had looked up at her rather sadistic expression.
“You need to keep Takashi company. Now up.”
“As you command.” He had not been interested in having Kagome toss him about, so he had gotten up and found his kimono. The miko's expression when she noticed his state of undress had made the morning much more agreeable.
Kagome had leaned over to Rin and hissed in her ear. “Wow, Rin-chan.”
“I'm bonded, not blind.”
Merkamou's mood had improved quite a bit after over hearing their little exchange. Even having to get up bright and early to entertain Takashi was not such a horrible thought anymore.
His cousin was watching him with a slightly amused expression. Of course he had heard about last night's fight with Sesshomaru, the entire palace was a buzz with the rumors. No one was quite sure what the fight was about, but there were plenty of theories. Takashi had his own theories, but he was willing to wait and see what Merkamou had to say about it.
“I am glad that you find my injuries so amusing, Takashi.” Merkamou tried to glare, but his mood was too bright.
“Perhaps you will enlighten me as to what you did to earn yourself this kind of a beating.”
“It was a simple misunderstanding gone horribly awry.”
“A misunderstanding.” Takashi looked him up and down. “You were nearly killed over a misunderstanding.”
“I was not nearly killed, just seriously wounded.” Seeing that his cousin was not buying this, Merkamou set his tea down to concentrate on his glare. “Fine, nearly killed. Whenever the merlin is involved Sesshomaru-sama is rather intense.”
“So she was involved. That rumor is true then.”
“Technically, she caused the whole event. If she would have stayed in her room then I would not be in this condition.”
“So she visited with you as well last night?”
“Nani?” Positive that he had just misheard his cousin, Merkamou tipped his head slightly and stared. “She visited you?”
“She wanted to wish me a good night. I was quite flustered to have her at my window in the middle of the night. Rather unseemly behavior.”
Merkamou's shoulders shook as he tried to not laugh. “Unorthodox. I am sure she meant no harm, and genuinely just wanted to wish you a good night.”
“I do not know what to make of such impulsive behavior. It is unnerving.”
“That is nothing. Wait until you see some of the blows she prefers to use in battle. You have already seen her with that dragon of hers. I swear they all share one mind when they are working together.”
“You seem perfectly delighted with her unusual ways.”
“That I am.” The gold eyes unfocused as he thought of a certain ningen throwing herself in front of Sesshomaru to save a certain taiyoukai.
“A good leader knows when a battle is lost.”
Takashi was smiling just a bit as he watched his cousin. “I consider myself to be a good leader, and I can see that this is a losing battle. The merlin may be honored to be with me, but she belongs with you. I would not know what to do with her, but you would be right at her side.”
`This makes things considerably less awkward.' “Why the sudden change of heart?”
“I have no interest in facing Sesshomaru-sama for any female.”
Merkamou's eyebrows disappeared into his bangs before his laughter filled the room. “You have an excellent point, cousin. I would rather not have to deal with that particular test ever again. And you have not had to face Kagome-sama yet.”
“Kagome-sama? She seems to be very nice. A bit odd, perhaps, but friendly.”
The laughter continued. “Honestly? Kagome-sama frightens me more then Sesshomaru-sama. I have been on the receiving end of one of her attacks, and it is not something you can truly fight against. And her temper.”
“A losing battle, for certain. Do you think that Sesshomaru-sama will be upset by my withdrawal?”
“No. Most will think that you have good sense to run while you can.”
“And yet you are happier then I have ever seen you.”
There was a goofy grin on the hawk's face as he realized that this obstacle had also been cleared away. “Hai.”
“Then I will wish you all happiness and many sons.”
The grin was not going anywhere as Merkamou thought about raising a brood of his own with Rin. “You are young yet, Takashi. We can find someone a bit more orthodox for you.”
“I am in no hurry. Rin-san is a lovely, fascinating female that would have made a powerful mate. However, a force that powerful will need a very strong anchor.”
“It will be a very exciting ride.”
“He is going to be quite the talker, Kagome-sama.” Merkamou watched as Shippo played with Katsuro, using his kitsune tricks to make things appear and disappear.
“I'm afraid of that. He's crawling all over the place, and yelling out names for people. I can only imagine what it's going to be like a year from now.” Kagome looked up from her work, watching the two boys with adoring eyes. “I've missed Shippo so much, and he's been so good with Katsuro.”
“I never had a brother, Kagome. It's kind of fun to be the big one.” Shippo made an acorn pop into existence right in front of Katsuro, making the pup giggle and clap his hands.
“It is about time you were bigger then someone.”
“Kagome, make Rin stop picking on me!”
“I'm going to throw the whole lot of you out if you don't quiet down. Rin, leave Shippo alone. I don't know why you two can't be in the same room together. Kumo and I are trying to get some work done!” Kagome scowled at the notes in front of her, trying to concentrate in the midst of the chaos. “Why is everyone hanging out in my study while I'm actually trying to get something done?”
“This is where I always work with Rin, Mama.” Mizuki looked offended. “And I am not bothering anyone.”
“I know, jo-chan. I didn't mean you.”
Rin looked up from her own reading. “I am here to help Mizuki.”
“Of course, I know you need to be in here.”
“The merlin is here, so I am here.” Merkamou was leaning against the wall, enjoying the show.
“It's probably for the best that I can keep an eye on you.”
“I'm keeping Katsuro company.” Shippo caught Katsuro before he could climb under Kagome's desk.
“And Katsuro is in here with me. Okay, okay.”
“My desk is here.” Kagome's assistant did not even glance up from her own work.
“Kumo, you don't have to explain yourself. You most definitely belong here. Fine, you can all stay in here, but keep it down!”
A servant bowed in the doorway. “There is a visitor here for you, Merkamou-sama.”
“Wonderful, it is here.” Merkamou climbed to his feet and ignored the room full of confused looks.
“What is here, Merkamou?” Rin watched the hawk closely.
“A little something I picked up a couple of weeks ago for the lovely Lady Mizuki.” He swept an extravagant bow to the silver haired pup.
“For me? What is it?” Mizuki had not said a word to Merkamou since the previous night, and had been avoiding looking at him. Even now she was looking at the desk and not him.
“Come and see.”
Merkamou led the group out to the courtyard, where a small haggle of guards were standing in a circle around someone. Grinning, he pushed his way through. “I was starting to get worried that you would not make it.”
“It was a rougher journey then planned, but we are both here and safe.”
Mizuki slid to a halt next to Merkamou, her eyes huge and her ears shaking with excitement. “Is that for me?”
“Have you lost your mind?” Kagome stopped on the other side with Katsuro and Shippo, staring at Merkamou's present.
“Sugoi, Merkamou-sama! Where did you find that?” Shippo tried to dart forward, but was stopped by Kagome. “Oh, Kagome.”
“She will need a mount of her own, and this one is the perfect age to grow with her. He is just a few months old.” The hawk took the beast's lead from his servant. “I saw him and just knew where he belonged.”
“That is a dragon.” Rin stopped next to Kagome, staring at the creature.
It came to about Merkamou's waist at the head, and was a long, serpentine shape covered in deep blue scales. There were two dark blue horns, and a shaggy mane of silver hair. The eyes were a rather eerie shade of silver, rather like mother of pear, but they gave Rin the impression of an eager puppy. The dragon was trying to wind itself around Merkamou's leg and getting the taiyoukai caught up in the lead that was attached to his halter.
“He is gorgeous.” Mizuki walked right up to the creature, which was only a few inches shorter then she was. She held out her hand for inspection, and was delighted when the dragon abandoned Merkamou to look her over from head to toe. Whatever he found he liked, as he proceeded to wrap around her and rub his head on her shoulder.
“I'm not sure about this.” Kagome was not at all happy to see this dragon wrapping around her daughter, despite Mizuki's giggles. Katsuro was reaching out, giggling with his sister.
“Kagome-sama, did you really believe that all dragons just appear as fully trained adults? This is the best way to train him, when he is very young and will become attached to Mizuki.” Merkamou plucked Mizuki out of the middle of the dragon and set her next to Kagome, despite the dragon's protests.
“She is too young to have a pet dragon! I wasn't allowed to have a dog at her age, much less something that is going to get very big and hungry!” The miko grabbed onto her daughter before she could escape again, but that meant that Shippo was free.
“You should keep him, Kagome.” The kit began scratching along the dragon's back, making it twist about and make happy rumbling noises.
“He is really cute.” Rin scratched the little dragon under his chin. “You like Ah-Un, Kagome-chan.”
“Ah-Un is safe.”
“Please, Mama, at least ask father about this.”
`And why does she want me to ask Sesshomaru? Is she that sure he'll say yes?' Kagome stared at her daughter. “Fine, I'll ask him. Merkamou, you and that dragon stay here. Mizuki, no touching until I get back.”
“Hai, Mama.”
`I swear, one of these days I am going to throw him so far he is going to be limping for a week.' Growling to herself, Kagome stomped to Sesshomaru's study. The only way anyone could tell he was injured was a shorter temper then usual. Other then that there was no way to tell that the inu-youkai was regenerating a large part of his torso.
“What is it?”
Despite her mood, Kagome could not help but smile at the impulsive hawk's latest stunt. “You have got to see what Merkamou got for Mizuki.”
“Do I need to kill him?”
“I don't think so, at least not yet. Come and take a look at this.”
The circle of guards in the courtyard disappeared like magic when their lord appeared. This left the dragon in clear sight. The amber eyes narrowed as he moved in closer to examine the newcomer. “This is the gift?”
“Hai. She is too young, Sesshomaru.” Kagome gave Merkamou another glare.
“It seems tame enough.” The dragon was straining at its halter, looking at the little pup that was peeking at him from next to her sister.
“She can't train a dragon!”
“I can.” The dragon gazed back with those unusual eyes as Sesshomaru inspected him. “She does need a mount of her own, even though this one will not be large enough to ride for many years yet.”
There was a puff of smoke and the dragon was now much smaller, and loose. There was a quick scramble before the hawk caught it. “I forgot about that trick. He is not very good at it yet, but he will be able to change sizes at will when he is older.” The now tiny dragon wound itself around Merkamou's arm.
“You are all insane.” Kagome threw one hand in the air with frustration. Katsuro imitated her with a giggle, getting an exasperated look from his mother.
“Can I keep him, father?” The ears were shaking again as Mizuki stared at her father.
“Arigato, arigato, arigato!” Mizuki grabbed Sesshomaru around the middle in a hug before realizing what she was doing. Pulling herself back together, she bowed to Merkamou. “It is an amazing gift, and I am thankful beyond words.”
“Enjoy, Lady Mizuki.” Merkamou handed the dragon to Mizuki. Her new pet promptly changed sizes again and tackled his new mistress. Rin waded in to untangle the mess and try to put the halter back on, even though she knew it was pointless. With any luck the dragon would be too tired to try that trick again.
“If I did not know that this had been arranged before your arrival, I would suspect you of attempting to buy approval.” Sesshomaru stood next to Merkamou, watching as his daughter got to know her future partner.
“Your pup is happiest in the air, and when I saw that dragon I knew he was meant for her. He was so very tame, but I have no doubt that those teeth are not just for show.”
The two lords looked at each other out of the corners of their eyes. “If you ever hurt her, Merkamou, I will kill you very slowly.”
Merkamou did not need to ask who `she' was. “Understood, Sesshomaru.”
“Very well.” Without another word, the inu-youkai went back to his study, snagging the still unhappy Kagome and his youngest as he went.
`Rin will be delighted to know he approves.' Merkamou looked back to Mizuki and his intended to find them both hopelessly tangled. Rin was still on her feet despite being twisted up, but the pup was down and giggling hysterically as the dragon playfully pounced on her. Shippo was trying to help, but only managing to get knocked over. `I may end up regretting this present when Kagome takes her annoyance at the added chaos out on me. Small price to pay for that laughter.'
“We could use some help here, Merkamou!”
“Of course, merlin.” Life was certainly looking up to the hawk. “Mizuki-sama, stop encouraging him for a moment and let me get the merlin untangled.”
As soon as Rin had the halter on the dragon, he changed back to his small size and wrapped himself about Mizuki's arm. “Oh, leave him, Rin-neechan. I do not think he is going anywhere.”
“It is completely pointless to try and keep him restrained. Good luck with that one, Mizuki-chan. I think you are going to need it.”
All eyes swung to the loud voice from the entrance to the courtyard. Kagome and Sesshomaru stopped at the door, turning back at the yell. Out of habit Rin shoved Mizuki behind her, eyeballing the small group of males that had appeared. She could hear a strange sound, and saw that the little dragon was glaring at the intruders and hissing loudly.
“Merkamou-sama, explain yourself! Everyone is saying that you fought with Sesshomaru-sama last night and that you are intending to take a ningen as a mate!” The group of males marched in to glare at the hawk.
Rin recognized their clothing now. `Sora's family. This will not go well.'
Kagome was stomping back over with Sesshomaru trailing behind her. “And what are you planning to do, coming into my home armed to the teeth?”
“We did not finish negotiations.” Merkamou stepped away from Rin and the little ones she was protecting. “I am free to change my mind. I will compensate your family for the trouble, of course. I have several male relatives that would be honored to have Sora-sama.”
“You chose a ningen over my daughter?” The lead male's hand went to his hilt. “I cannot accept that!”
Rin's hands went to her own hilts, glaring at the group. “I do not think you want to do that.”
“Truly? And who is going to stop me, ningen?”
Now it was the hawk's hand that went for a weapon. “Do you intend to fight me over this?”
Sesshomaru's hand had also gone for a weapon, and Kagome had seen enough. “I quit! I don't care what you do to this group anymore. Mizuki, Shippo, you are coming with me. If these guys want to pummel each other, I'm fine with that. If fools want to come in here waving weapons around and yelling, they deserve what they get. It is not my job to save every baka that does something stupid near my mate. I saved one fool last night, and I am done. Have fun, Sesshomaru.” She herded Mizuki and Shippo out in front of her and left the armed adults to their own devices.
`And she is serious. Interesting.' Sesshomaru spared a glance for the departing miko before refocusing on the group that had intruded.
Realizing that they were now facing, the group paled and lost their bravado. Amused, Sesshomaru drew Tokijin. Rin also drew her katanas and moved next to Merkamou, rather delighted when they flinched away from her as well. `It is about time someone recognized me as a threat.'
“Perhaps we were too hasty.” The ring leader was backing away now. “If Merkamou-sama is willing to give us fair compensation, then I can have no complaints.”
`Nothing but hot air and bluster. What a disappointment.' Rin fought the urge to sigh as the group continued to retreat.
“We will discuss details later.” Merkamou alone had not drawn a weapon, seeing no need to. As if any of them could get past Rin, and she was right next to him.
Bowing, the group backed away. A whispered comment caught the attention of both taiyoukai, setting their tempers on edge again.
“That female was the ningen whore he chose.”
Seeing the tension and listening expression, Rin put the clues together. She slipped her katanas into their sheaths to replace them with a dagger and whispered to Merkamou. “Which one?”
“Second from the left.”
There was a flash of steel, and the dagger buried itself in the chest of one of the inu-youkai. There was a stampede as they fled, trying to get out of range.
“They did not pull out my dagger! I wanted that back.” Rin glared after the retreating figures. “You owe me a new dagger, Merkamou.”
“We could just go and get yours.” The hawk smiled as he looked out the entrance the group had fled through.
“No, I think you should get a new one for me.” Smiling to herself, Rin turned and strolled towards the palace. “I do not think Mizuki should be the only one receiving gifts.”
Merkamou glanced over to Sesshomaru with a rather trapped expression.
“It was your choice.”