InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Happy Endings ( Chapter 34 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: I think I have two chapters after this one left. I don't even have an outline completed for the next story, so there will be a significant break before I start up again. I won't start until I'm sure where I'm going and that I'll be able to get there. I do keep a pretty crazy updating schedule, after all. The working title is Fire and Ice, but we'll see if that changes.
Poor Takanou, I never did manage to work him back in. I have him hiding in the background until he can be useful again. I can't get him to come out and play. *ducks down and waves a carrot* Come on out Takanou! Ah, no luck. And poor Sora never got a full character, but I have my hands full as it is. Takashi will just have to find his lovin' somewhere else. I have more then enough clichés in here as it is.
Oh, lemony content warning! I tried to keep it vague enough to keep happy, but we shall see if it gets pulled. And I own nada!
“Shou!” Mizuki grabbed the dragon before he could take off. “Stay still, or Mama will tell me to take you to the stable. You do not want that, do you?”
The little dragon wound around her arm again and settled down.
“Good, Shou.”
“I wish Ah-Un could do that.” Rin set her reading down to watch her sister and the new pet. “It would be nice to be able to take him inside.”
“One dragon in the palace is more then enough.” Kagome folded up a message and sealed it. “Where did Merkamou say they were going?”
“He said that they were going to go outside and try to burn off some excess energy.”
“Who's energy? Shippo's, Katsuro's, or Merkamou's?”
“Probably all three.”
“He better get back in time to deal with Sora's family. I can't believe they came in here looking for a fight. It's a good thing Sesshomaru is not in the mood right now.”
“Mama?” Mizuki quit playing with Shou and focused on her mother.
“Hai, Mizuki-chan?”
“Am I required to have a mate when I am an adult?”
Kagome blinked for a moment before coming up with an answer. “No, you're not required to have one. Why?”
“It seems like a bad idea. I would rather not have one.”
Rin and Kagome both stared at the pup. The miko recovered first. “That has to be Sesshomaru's blood talking, because that did not come from me.”
“Mizuki-chan, why do you think it is a bad idea?”
“Well, there was the whole fight where father tried to destroy the palace. And all of the whispering and tension. It all seems very silly.”
Kagome clamped her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing and let Rin field this one. “One day you will meet someone and it will not seem silly anymore.”
“Must I?”
“Oh, I can see that this one is not going to be a hopeless romantic.” The miko was wiping tears away from her eyes. “You know, it's always the ones who protest the most who fall the hardest.”
“Perhaps father will arrange a partnership for me. Then there will be no need for the silly part.”
The two adult women blinked at each other. This time Rin let the pup's mother try. “Wait, Mizuki-chan. You're much too young to worry about it now. When you're older it will look different.”
Mizuki turned back to her reading. “I still think I would prefer an arranged partnership.”
“She has a point, Kagome-chan.” Rin studied the ceiling. “There is a lot of silliness involved. And very stupid choices are made when the heart is in charge, and not the mind.”
“Stop that, Rin-chan. You're not supposed to be encouraging her. Do you want her to miss out on what you have? I want my daughter to fall in love. I don't want her to be shipped off to live with some stranger like a sack of rice.” Kagome waved at Mizuki to stop her protest. “Unless of course she really, really wants to be hauled away like a sack of rice.”
Rolling her eyes, Mizuki kept to her reading. “Honestly, Mama. I would not be a sack of rice. I would be much more demanding.”
Kagome snorted at the familiar tone of Mizuki's voice. “I know where that sense of humor came from, anyways.”
The sapphire eyes met the cobalt ones, and the smirk was all her father. “I do not know what you are talking about, Mama.”
“Rin-chan, would you please?”
“Of course, Kagome-chan.” Rin tackled Mizuki and put her in a headlock. “You are going outside, pup. The sun will not kill you, and your book will be waiting.”
“Rin-neechan! Let me go!” The pup squirmed and fought as her sister dragged her out. Shou scurried up onto Rin's shoulder where it was safe and watched the wrestling with great interest.
Kumo watched as the struggle moved out into the corridor, then returned to her lists. “It will be very strange when Rin-sama leaves.”
“Nani?” Kagome froze in the middle of dipping a brush in ink.
“When she leaves. Unless I am very much mistaken she will be leaving for the Southern Lands soon.”
“I forgot about that.” The miko sat and stared at the blank paper in front of her.
She did not move for some time.
“What are you doing, Rin-chan?”
Kagome came up behind the exterminator, who was looking out the window with a longing expression.
“I am watching Merkamou.”
“And what is he doing?” The miko could just barely make out the silhouette of the hawk lord in the branches of a tree, looking up at the sky.
“Nothing. If I know him, he is looking for shooting stars.” Rin rested her head against the side of the window.
“Shooting stars? That's so cute. So why are you in here looking all depressed?”
“For one, I am not supposed to go wandering around at night.”
Rolled eyes. “I meant late at night when everyone else is in bed, not just after sunset.”
“I am nervous.”
Rin shifted her weight from foot to foot. “I do not know. It is just different now. This whole thing used to be impossible, and it has changed so fast.”
“If you don't go out there and grab your happy ending I am going to have a temper tantrum.”
Kagome grabbed Rin by the arm and hauled her towards the door. “Get out there and grab him. Whack him over the head, I don't care, but this is your happy ending! No fair getting cold feet now.”
“Hai. I will. I will go and get my happy ending. Kagome-chan, I get my happy ending!” Rin grabbed Kagome in a tight hug. “I get Merkamou!”
“Hai, Rin-chan. Now quit trying to break my ribs and grab him!”
“Okay.” There was a rapid staccato of foot steps as Rin ran down the rest of the corridor and out the door.
Kagome returned to the window, watching as Rin ran across the grass. “You deserve it, Rin-chan. More then anyone I know.”
The moon was over half full and hanging low in the sky. It lit Sesshomaru's grounds brilliantly to the hawk's eyes. The fireflies were out, winding through the flowers that Rin adored. `She will want to overhaul the gardens, I am sure. The groundskeeper will be thrilled.'
A bright smile appeared as Merkamou stared over the peaceful scene. The path was clear. Sora's family had been easy enough to buy off, and now all he had to do was convince Rin. Hopefully he would be able to arrange that part.
A figure ran across the grass, and he already knew who it was. No one else wore clothing cut like that, or moved like that. He watched as she came to a stop underneath him, smiling up at him.
“Would you care for some company, Merkamou?”
“Of course, merlin.”
Rin jumped up to reach the bottom branch, pulling herself up so that she could reach for the next one. Once she was close enough, Merkamou reached down to offer her a hand up. She grabbed onto his wrist and let him pull her the rest of the way up, landing in front of him on the branch. “What are you doing out here, trouble maker?”
“I was watching the stars. Not many shooting stars this time of year, but it is a brilliant night and many of my favorites are out tonight.”
Turning so that her back was pressed to his chest, Rin looked out at the night sky. “It is beautiful.” There was a long silence while Rin savored the feeling of just being with him. “How did your meeting with Sora's family go?”
“It was not a comfortable meeting, to be certain, but it is over with. Oh, and they brought this for you.” Merkamou handed Rin her dagger.
“Oh well. I was rather hoping to get a present out of this. How sad, to be jealous of my little sister.”
“I do have something for you, if you are interested.”
“Really?” Rin turned around so fast she almost fell out of the tree. “You did get me a dagger?”
`Of course she thinks I got her a dagger. Any other female would want jewels, but not her.' Merkamou laughed and set a hand on her waist to steady her. “No, not a dagger. Are you still interested?”
“Is it pretty?”
“That is something that seems to be more the domain of females, but I think it would be considered pretty.”
“Is it big?”
“Do you want me to show you or not, merlin? We can guess all night, if you would prefer.”
“Can you please show it to me, Merkamou?”
Like a magician, the hawk suddenly had something in his hand. He let it drop to hang from one finger, winking in the moonlight.
Rin stopped breathing. It was similar to Kagome's pendant, but with Merkamou's family crest and accented with rubies. The pendant was a little bit shorter then her thumb, and hung from a gold chain. `I know what that is. Sesshomaru-sama gave one to Kagome-chan, and she never takes hers off.'
There was a husky whisper. “Breathe, merlin.”
She sucked in a lungful of air. “Arigato.”
“Do you like it?”
A trembling hand reached out to touch the pendant, running a finger over the glittering stones. “It is gorgeous.”
“I had it made before the battle with Ryuutaisho, but I did not think I would ever get a chance to give it to you.”
Rin's fingers slid up the chain, savoring the smooth feel of the tiny links. “Then why did you have it made?”
“Just in case one of my wishes actually worked.”
A tear fell from Rin's cheek, startling her. Fingers brushed across her face came away damp, which confused her. `Crying? Why am I crying?'
A strong hand brushed the remains of her tear away. “Do you want your gift, merlin?”
“Of course I do.”
“Do you want me, my merlin?
“Of course I do.”
There was a faint catch to Merkamou's breathing as he slipped the necklace on, letting the weight settle against her chest. Rin trailed her fingers over it, still trying to make her brain accept the fact that this was real. Her eyes found the gold ones that were staring at her with so many emotions that it was impossible to name them all. She leaned forward those last few inches and found his lips. His arms wrapped around her as her arms slipped around his neck.
The precarious position they were in brought them out of their haze. “We should pay attention to staying on our feet, I think.”
Rin giggled, turning in his arms to press her back to him again. “You are still recovering from your last battle, the last thing you need is to fall out of a tree.”
“I do not want to think about my injuries right now. My back still feels like it is on fire.”
“I got a firm tongue lashing from Kagome-chan about that incident.”
“There is no reason to sneak around anymore. You are the Lady of the South, whether they want it or not.”
“I am not worried about Sesshomaru-sama, but I do not know about the rest. This will be worse then when Sesshomaru-sama chose Kagome-chan. She is a powerful miko, and I . . . “
“You are the Lady of the South, merlin.”
“It will be us against the rest of Japan.”
“Hai. Shall we give them a chance to surrender?”
Rin pulled his arm tighter around her. “No.”
Chuckling, Merkamou brushed his cheek against her hair. “That is what I thought you would say.”
“Now what happens?”
“I want you to come with me to the south. I want you to see my lands and my home. Have you ever watched the sun rise over the ocean? It will take your breath away.”
“I have never seen the sun rise over the ocean before. And now I will see it everyday.”
There was silence as Merkamou thought of all the amazing things he would be able to show Rin. The ocean, the mountains, a particular valley that was such a deep green that it did not seem real.
“Which ones are your favorites?”
Rin gestured up at the sky. “When I came out you said that many of your favorites were out tonight. Which ones are they?”
“This could take awhile, merlin.”
“I have nowhere else I wish to be.”
“You are spying, koishii.”
“Shh!” Kagome grabbed Sesshomaru and pushed him against the wall while she hissed at him. “They will hear you!”
“And what are they doing?”
“I think Merkamou is showing Rin constellations.”
“And this is interesting?” Sesshomaru stared at the little miko who was focused on the couple outside.
“Now, I'm not positive, but I think I saw Merkamou give Rin a necklace.”
“Hn.” Sesshomaru slipped an arm around Kagome's waist. `That is not a surprise. It is actually something of a relief after this much trouble.'
“I love happy endings.” Kagome leaned against her inu-youkai with a contented sigh.
“And she will leave with him.”
“It was going to happen eventually. At least this way she is leaving with someone she loves and who loves her back.”
Surprisingly gentle fingers trailed through her hair, making her eyes slide shut. “She would not accept less.”
“Hai.” The cobalt eyes opened, looking all the way up to find his amber ones. “I guess this means that we don't have to chaperone them anymore, huh?”
“What point would there be in chaperoning them? They have already slept in the same room.”
“You knew about that?”
“Hai. Only if she slept next to him all night could she smell that strongly of him.”
“And you didn't kill him?”
“He did nothing more then sleep beside her. Someone told me to stop being a hypocrite.”
“And you were listening?”
That earned Kagome a raised eyebrow. She turned in his arms to face him. “I think you approve of him.”
“I never said otherwise.”
“I will never, ever understand taiyoukai. No matter how long I am with you, I will never understand you.”
“The feeling is mutual, koishii. But we have many centuries to see if you are correct.”
Kagome melted into his chest, listening to his heart beat. “Hai.”
Sesshomaru leaned down to press a slow, lingering kiss against her lips. “Are you done spying?”
“Your pups are looking for you.”
“Let's go find them before Mizuki lets that dragon escape.”
“Are you sure Sesshomaru-sama is not going to come in here and kill you?”
Merkamou laughed as Rin paced around her room. “With his nose I would be surprised if he did not already know I was in here last night.”
“If you say so.” Rin continued to fidget and pace. “This is still weird.”
The hawk caught her around the waist as she went by, pulling her to rest against him. “Stop that.”
“After all this time of sneaking about you just expect me to stop being nervous?”
“Hai.” Merkamou picked her up and walked over to her bed.
“What are you doing?”
“I am going to bed, and you are coming with me.”
Rin blushed scarlet. “My bed?”
“It is larger then the other one. I think you will have an easier time sleeping if there is actually room for both of us. Not that I minded having you pressed so close to me.”
`Holy Kami.' Her brain was spinning about in circles again, trying to catch up with the last two days. Merkamou set Rin down on her bed, and settled next to her. His lips were on her again as his arms pulled her close. Shivers ran through her body and she pressed against him, feeling the heat of his body through the layers of silk.
Oxygen forced her to break away, pulling in lungs full of air as he let his mouth slip down her neck, trailing heat down to her shoulder. Strong fingers were tugging at her sash, and Rin was relieved that her katanas were already sitting on their rack. Her top kimono was pushed off of her shoulders, leaving only one thin layer of silk between her and the hawk. His fingers felt hot enough to burn as they trailed over her heated skin.
Not one to be left behind in anything, Rin tugged at his sash, pulling his kimonos open to reveal his chest. Pushing him back, she ran her own mouth over him, listening to the change in his breathing as her hands and mouth trailed over his skin. She dragged her nails down his sides, making his body tense at the unexpected sensation.
A quick move set Rin on her back with Merkamou over top of her. He pulled her second kimono open, ripping the thin silk in his haste. Hot breath fanned across her skin as the hawk trailed kisses over her stomach. When his mouth found a peak she had to clap a hand over her mouth to keep from crying out. Her body arched up of its own accord, her free hand pushing his head closer.
A ripping sound made Rin jump as her taiyoukai ripped through the top of her hakama. The remains were pushed away, leaving her completely exposed. Pushing hard on his shoulders, she pushed him off of her so that she could pull his hakama loose, sliding her hands over him as the silk slipped away. As she trailed her fingertips over him she could see a hint of red in his eyes. She slid her fingers over him faster, curious as to how far she could push him.
Not very far, it turned out. Merkamou caught her wrists, holding them in one hand as he kissed her again. Challenge blazed in Rin's eyes as she was caught, different scenarios running through her head. She could not use any of her less honorable blows, since that would ruin the plans for the night, but she had no intention of letting him push her around. She twisted her wrist in a move the Captain had taught her, getting her hands free. She slid back across the blankets, laughing at the expression on his face.
Pouncing, Merkamou tried to catch Rin but she slipped away and slammed onto his back. One of his arms was caught and pulled up behind him as she pinned him. “Do you yield?”
`How the hell did that happen?' Escape was not the first thought in Merkamou's mind as he felt his new mate's naked form pressed down on top of him. “Last time I checked we were not sparring, merlin.”
“I will take that for a no.” Giggling, Rin used her free hand to push his hair out of the way, exposing the nape of his neck. She kissed and nipped at the sensitive skin, delighting in the way his body reacted to her attentions. “Whenever you are ready to surrender please let me know.”
`Evil.' Short of tossing her off of the bed, which would probably make her mad and ruin his night, there was nothing he could do but wait for her to release him. He could feel her body sliding over his as she moved down to press kisses and nips across his shoulder blades. `Absolutely evil.'
To his complete surprise, Rin was not paying attention to holding him anymore. She was too distracted by running her free hand over him and her grip on him was loosening. A quick move freed Merkamou's hand, allowing him to roll over and face Rin. She was giggling again, straddling him and running her hands over his skin.
“I do not think you had your heart in holding me down, merlin.”
“Perhaps. Or perhaps I was distracted.”
Another move and Rin was back underneath him, still giggling. “And what is so distracting, merlin?”
“I am not sure. Perhaps you can help me to figure it out.”
Grabbing his hair, Rin pulled her mate down for another deep kiss, feeling the strong body pressed against her. She felt a new pressure against her thigh, and her heart skipped a beat. Nervousness made her hands tense, holding Merkamou tightly to her.
“Easy, merlin. It will be all right.”
Smiling a bit shakily, Rin nodded. “I trust you.”
His hands slid down her body, stroking her. Desire flared within her, and need drove any nervousness away. Arching her body against him, she strained towards that moment that she had experienced with him in the east. When his hands slid away she whimpered, pulling on his shoulders as her body ached.
Slowly he pressed inside of her, gritting his teeth to maintain control and let her adapt. Rin gasped at the new sensation and the slight pain that accompanied it, staying still as her body stretched to accommodate him. He held perfectly still, waiting for her to be comfortable again before allowing himself to move. Her breath was hot against his skin as she shifted underneath him. He moved slightly, and when he heard a small moan he pressed deeper into her. Rin's body moved with him in the primitive rhythm, seeking release. Merkamou had her hands in his, holding them down as they rocked together.
The hawk was far too distracted to do anything when Rin flipped him over again, straddling him and taking control. Pressing her hands against his chest she moved on top of him, gazing into his eyes that were clouded with lust. He tried to move, maybe even to roll her back underneath him, but Rin shoved him down by his shoulders and buried her nails in his skin. Merkamou had no interest in fighting with her as his body shook with pleasure. She had her head thrown back, her long hair loose and swinging free as she felt tension take hold. The body beneath her was also tensing, his hands gripping her hips as he drove into her in an urgent rhythm. One hand slid up to her neck, pulling her down. Her cry of release was lost in that kiss, as was Merkamou's. Breaking apart for air, Rin shivered as pleasure continued to ripple through her body. Both of them were breathing raggedly as she dropped against his chest, listening to his heart beat slow down.
Merkamou chuckled. “Arigato, merlin.”
Silence reigned for long enough that Merkamou was starting to think Rin was asleep. She shifted slightly, looking up into his eyes. “I love you, Merkamou.”
“And I love you, my merlin.”
Rin was sound asleep, curled up in his arms. Dressed in nothing but the necklace he had given her that night, Merkamou thought he had never seen something so beautiful in his entire life. He ran his fingers through her hair, enjoying the texture and the fact that he could sleep with her tonight without worrying about anyone seeing them.
The southern lands were waiting for them, and he could not wait to take her there. The idea of waking up beside her every morning still made him smile, even in the late night when he should be sleeping. His mate shifted in her sleep, pushing closer to him. He considered waking her for a moment, but decided to let her continue to sleep.
`I had always known that she had the heart of a fighter, but I did not expect that to transfer to the bedroom. In hindsight I should have known that she would react that way. Not that I particularly minded, but it was unexpected in a maiden.'
Forcing himself to close his eyes, Merkamou tried to rest. He had found his mate, and now he would return home with her and have a family of his own.
